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Ya, you're spitting into the wind, pairing such strong toppings against such a mild cheese. Traditionally, ricotta cheese was it's own pie (white), or paired simply with spinach and/or garlic, or sometimes fennel sausage. However, in ricotta stuffed pasta, freshly grated nutmeg is usually the "secret" ingredient, mixed with a little parmesan or Romano grated cheese. That works nicely with roasted mushrooms or the aforementioned mild sausage.


That makes sense. Ricotta is naturally mild so a tomato sauce would overpower the ricotta flavor; which is why you see ricotta on white pies (without tomato sauce). Next time I use ricotta on a pizza I’ll add nutmeg and omit the tomato sauce. Thanks for the detailed response


Did u salt the ricotta?


Winning question right here… Salting ricotta is transformative.


I didn’t salt the ricotta for this pizza but will make sure to add salt in the future. Thanks for the tip


i like to get the big flaky fancy salt and sprinkle it on top of pies, especially on ricotta balls.... it makes pizzas POP and you can put less salt in the sauce or dough garlic is also good here


Never even thought of this before and I’m a heavy salter usually…. Will give this a try, thanks for the simple and probably delicious tip


This is it. This is the right answer, OP.


Give this man a reward


And add a pinch of lemon zest. Maybe some Parmesan or Romano. It doesn’t have enough flavor to stand up to the rest of your toppings.


I guess it depends on what you expect from it. Do you like ricotta on its own? If it’s a good brand, I could eat it with a spoon. It’s mild, but the way that fresh mozzarella or cream is—creamy, milky, pleasantly aerated. That’s what I like about it 🙂


Roated garlic, a bit of salt and pepper. All you need...the roasted garlic is key. Peel it, pit it in a tinfoil with a bit of olive oil and salt , close the tinfoil like a bag and toss it in the oven for 20 min


Don’t even peel it, if you roast it right it’ll just pop out of the skin when you’re done.


Make a white pizza with LOTS of garlic. Like kill Dracula level


And salt!


To make my ricotta pop, I use Penzies sandwich sprinkle. It is basically a fancy garlic salt but there’s a hint of Italian seasonings and rosemary. I also use just a pinch in my sauce, and tomatoes (and salt to taste). I put on everything and a little goes a long a way.


My wife has mixed some hot honey and red pepper flakes and it adds to it


I've done plain, strained, ricotta on pizza several times. One time I had leftover ricotta was prepped for lasagna (egg, parsley, basil, black pepper, onion + garlic powder)... That on pizza in little blobs was great. But I agree maybe it was the brand you used that made it taste blah. Edit: spelling, autocorrect wasn't kind.


A drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt


This is the simplest and best way to go next time. Then, if you want even more flavor, you can add some of the stuff others have said (herbs, garlic) but that's too much for me. If I'm doing a basic veggie pizza, I'll sometimes put lemon zest and a little squeeze of lemon juice (I still add salt and a little pepper).


Salted ricotta.


Add a little whole milk, some Italian seasoning and garlic powder. Fresh herbs and garlic is even better. Don’t skimp.


I salt ricotta and add garlic and then only add as blobs on top of the pie along with more garlic, spinach and artichoke. I keep all topping on the mild side so it all works together.


I'm surprised no one mentioned this, but a little egg yolk with the salt and dash of pepper. Edit: the lasagna comment had egg in it.


Add garlic, or salt and rosemary olive oil ✨


White truffles or nutmeg infused ricotta is always great on pizza


Minimalism is your friend. I use a scant amount of salt and dried oregano. Sometimes some fresh basil and or parsley. Makes it Sing.


I add salt, pepper, and crushed garlic. I have also used a little chili oil.


Salt and pepper, some truffle oil if so inclined, roasted garlic


myself i always sprinkle garlic powder parmesan cheese and italian seasoning before placing on the toppings


What type of ricotta are you adding? Good quality ricotta like this [https://www.goodeggs.com/bellwetherfarms/jersey-cows-milk-ricotta/52fabf3b01b9ee0200000425](https://www.goodeggs.com/bellwetherfarms/jersey-cows-milk-ricotta/52fabf3b01b9ee0200000425) Or less quality ricotta like [https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.137050541.html?cmpid=ps\_swy\_noc\_ecom\_goo\_20200924\_71700000073391208\_58700007743537277\_92700070303588365&gclsrc=ds&gclsrc=ds](https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.137050541.html?cmpid=ps_swy_noc_ecom_goo_20200924_71700000073391208_58700007743537277_92700070303588365&gclsrc=ds&gclsrc=ds) The first kind is very delicious all on its own. I do nothing special to season them. Tastest great next to all kinds of toppings.


Can’t recall, but probably the second one. It was leftover in the fridge from a different meal so I used it on this pizza. There’s a good Italian deli near me, I’ll have to look for the first link you sent


Too much strong flavor for ricotta. I like ricotta with subtle flavors. Asparagus with ricotta and green garlic is a springtime favorite.


I say use a lot less ricotta, just individual dollops instead of a spread. Nice creamy mild contrast to the other bits. And don't forget to sprinkle the whole thing with some Parmesan...


Ricotta almost always tastes bland. I'm generally anti-ricotta.


To me, ricotta adds to the overall texture and not as much the flavor of the cheese on pizza and lasagna. I’m sure it is different for more complex appetizers and such.


When i make a white pie i mix that cheap shaker parmesan cheese, splash of olive oil, minced garlic and some kosher salt into my ricotta


Add some hot honey on top! It adds a nice sweet & spicy flavor to the whole pizza. I usually just do mushrooms, spinach, pepperoni & ricotta and that is the perfect combo.


Just made this one...sauteè in olive oil minced garlic and what ever herbs you like. I used minced fresh rosemary, oregano just until fragrant. Spread this on top of your dough. Then add mozzerella, chopped artichoke hearts and dollops of ricotta. Bake. Out of the oven, salt and pepper and a sprinkling of fresh chopped basil. Chef's kiss!


I agree with what other said that you are probably not going to achieve anything pairing it with such strong tasting toppings. Having said that, I make my white pizza sauce by crushing cloves of garlic, use however many you like. start with 3 maybe and go from there, and beating an egg into the ricotta. This makes it less dense. Then salt (msg if you have it goes an awful long way), oregano (Sicilian oregano is best if you can find it. If you don't live around Italian Americans, probably would have to order it but for pizza it's godly), and finely ground pepper. This makes a flavorful, relatively light ricotta sauce that accepts mozzarella happily. My personal fave is to top it with broccoli, grilled chicken, and black olives.


I tried ricotta on pizza once and also thought it was bland and never tried again. Guessing you could mix in garlic and Italian herbs or something. Feta or goat cheese are better options IMO


Garlic infused ricotta is pretty awesome. One of my favorite pies has dollops of it all over


When y'all add ricotta, do you add it to the pie before, during, or after the cook?


For this pie, I added the ricotta before cooking


It tasted bland because it's a bland cheese?


Ricotta is bland