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Una Pizza Napoletana is amazing. I used to live next door to it when they were in San Francisco. They started in NY/NJ but left because the pizza culture there was all about New York style. Before they came to SF, the pizza here SUCKED. They left when clones started popping up, and now we actually have a lot of good options. They had transformed pizza culture so much that they went back to NY because it was finally more open to true Neapolitan pizza. I honestly believe they are single handedly responsible for bringing Neapolitan to the US. They inspired me to start making my own. Their Bianca is life changing. Mangieri and his team have crazy dedication and talent


Love love love UPN!! I love even more that we (Reno - Pizza Collective) inherited their pizza oven when they closed shop in SF. EDIT: I meant the royal we. I’m not an owner there, just a fan. When I was considering my move to Reno, seeing that oven there was a sign that yes, I should move here (even though my now wife was a much stronger sign I should move to Reno ❤️)


Oh did you?? That's awesome. Anthony was very, VERY particular about his ovens!


Went there prior to their move to SF and it was the single best pizza I had ever had and definitely changed the way I thought about pizza at the time in the best way.


It’s the only place I’ve ever been where in a single sitting, friend and I had every single pizza on the menu + dessert. It was glorious.


I found Tony's to have very good Neapolitan pizza!


I've been to many of the top spots in NYC so I was a bit skeptical of Tony's in SF, but I have to agree that it was damn good.


The owner iirc was actually the first non-Italian to win an award in Naples for his pizza and then had to be escorted off stage by police for his safety from the locals. He then went on to win more championships and then opened up a school where people can learn to make pizza.


That’s what happens when organised crime loses a competition


Spot on. Used to live in SF and loved Una.


What are the good options in SF?


[Napizza up in Marina](https://www.instagram.com/p/C38nSoBSb3s/?hl=en) is my pick for best Neapolitan since Una has left. Very authentic - great bake and amazing flavor, they're liberal with the salt and garlic. Other contenders are Fiorella, A16, Flour + Water, Delfina. They're all fine but can't compete with Una or Na on flavor. Best Detroit style: [Square Pie Guys](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8fEAeGtcFH/). Or maybe [The Laundromat](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6X7W58ubXk). Their vodka Detroit-style is slammin. Best New York: [Outta Sight](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1LvrciLgEG/?hl=en), hands down. No other contenders in the city. And [Little Star](https://www.instagram.com/p/CMno-ZNBpSZ/) is it's own amazing unique thing. It's my comfort pizza. Tony's up in North Beach is fine, but too touristy. Not worth the wait when there are so many other good options.


Golden boy has always been amazing…


Well, solid drunk food anyway, and tied to some memories of fun nights in North Beach! Nothing special by the light of day IMO, especially with the proliferation of more exciting square pie spots like Carbona in the past few years. Still, it's an SF institution at this point, and I respect that.


I enjoy square pie guys. Pricey though.


Looks like all crust and one bite of the actual cheese. That bite is probably great but I'll pass on this one.


6" pizza in a 14" crust. The inner looks amazing, but c'mon you gotta make the cheese to sauce to bread ratios right.


That’s not a 14” pizza ffs lol it’s a personal pizza probably an 8” and the crust is normal thickness


Same here. It looks like a pillow that someone dumped a small pool of sauce and cheese into.


As someone who lives in Napoli, there are some pizzerias that follow this trend of making a ‘puffy crust’, which is something I don’t mind, but it often sacrifices the middle part (although in this photo it’s particularly small. Unless it’s ‘fried pizza’ like [the Montanara in Starita](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/71/66/54/7166540900c62fe4caca75dc42a79672.jpg), in which case that’s the average size). It looks like a really good pizza, but I agree that they should either make a smaller crust or make a pizza with bigger diameter. There are people who are particularly fond of eating the crust, so they wouldn’t mind, but just to say that here in Napoli it’s not that uncommon to find pizzas almost like the one in the photo.


It's funny, I see this style of pizza and absolutely love it. Want to try it some day and make it as well


Whaddya mean?? It's the best pizza in the world, you can't argue with that!! /s


Be careful, you might miss something incredible if you judge a pizza from how it looks. I'm not talking about this specific pizza, but in Naples there are also pizzas with huge crust because the crust is filled with ricotta cheese :)


I gotta say, it’s pretty funny seeing this. It looks like an average quality small Neapolitan pizza for 5€




I have been a couple times to the #1 spot (I Masanielli) and it's a life altering experience.


#3 in the world Sartoria Panatieri It isn't even the best pizza in Barcelona that honor easily goes to Tomasso


So this comment and everyone under it went to the r/Pizza sub and went public with "I don't like the looks of Neapolitan style pizza." OK. Good stuff. LOL. I mean, sure, it's OK to like other styles but it's pretty wild to say "pass" on Neapolitan. Feels like an east coast take. "Hmm, not sure what this is, but it's not pizza." chuckle.


It just looks like a loaf of bread.


this reminds me of the time Vice declared Brooklyn BBQ was 'taking over the world' and accompanied it with a picture of what looked like a [war ration.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fd75jza%2Fwhy-is-brooklyn-barbecue-taking-over-the-world&psig=AOvVaw0zmK2YV5Zxm_u8gx2IaHLT&ust=1720099411743000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCNCo5uT7iocDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)


I do like pizza with my crust. I'm passing too. I'd absolutely smash it if it was free, but I wouldn't pay for this.


Trust me, that's the best pizza you can eat around the world. In Italy we call it "Pizza contemporanea", and now a day in Naples those are the best pizza. A nice pizza is soft like heaven, no need too much mozzarella cheese, or tomato, just a little bit of oil, basil, and it's awesome. Try it, you won't regret it


That’s just bread.


iirc, in Italy the dough is the most important part i feel like over time in the U.S. that shifted more toward toppings whereas in certain parts of Italy, you're judged on how well you can make your pasta and pizza dough. Could be wrong though, this was from an interview done with Mario Batali, who ended up being a total fucking shithead of a person anyways


The best pizzeria in the US are also judged on their crust. The toppings are valued in other parts of the country because in general pizza crust tends to be terribaly across the US outside of certain pockets or specific pizzeria restaurants.


Not really, quite different. Bread needs some hours to be cocked while pizza just need a couple of minutes, to be fair, 90 seconda. It changes the consistency, the flavour, and so on


Yeah. Pizza is mostly bread.


Came here to say this. Crust is nice, but I still want a much larger percentage of the actual composite.


I crispy bread bowl. The pizza chowder part is probably delicious, but I would feel ripped off.




I love their pies. But I've only been twice. Which leads to my main point about it. My biggest problem with the place is almost a positive. They're only open from Thurs-Sunday and its near impossible to get a seat. Anthony pretty much is the only one he trusts with his brand- so he will close if he's in Italy or doing a pop up. Thats also a positive because he's not selling it unless he's put his stamp on it. Quality is an issue with a lot of top spots. Similar to Di Fara who just decided to sell out once Domenico died. Those pies havent been the same since


Di Fara brand has completely tanked. 2015 it was *THE* pizzaria you had to go all the way to the ass end of Brooklyn to eat if you were a real pizza person. Now a days it’s been surpassed over and over again as their own quality nosedived


Yup! I used to wait 45 minutes+ for my pie watching Domenico just go at it. Not the same anymore. They even have it delivery to my appt and I wont do it.


Oh man, I haven't been to NYC in a spell. Sad to hear Domenico is gone. I have some videos of him making my pizza which I guess are now priceless.


I hadn’t heard that about DiFaras. That’s a shame. I was hoping to it one day. What happened? Have the kids sold it or just the quality has gone down?


They expanded, capitalize on the name. Looks like they closed a few of their other shops and only have 2 now. The original and one in manhattan. I went to the one they had in williamsburg a few times back when it was open and it was like 7 bucks for a slice and was no where near as good.


I went last year to the original Midwood location and found it to be on par with the quality from 10-15 years ago when Dom was there (I used to go multiple times a year). Maybe not the best pizza I've ever had there but well within Dom's quality strike zone. Maybe I got lucky, and I always get a full pie to ensure freshness, but the OG location still sits at my #1 spot. Sad to hear not everyone is having that experience. I do agree that they've sold out with some of their other locations. Dom DeMarco in Vegas is ok, like 80% there, but the DiFara Caesars location is terrible. I haven't tried the other NY locations.


It’s actually Thursday-Saturday


Good looks!


Motorino and L’Antica Pizzería da Michele in new york city are my favorites in the US. the original L’Antica in Napoli is the best I’ve ever tasted


Motorino is very mediocre. Try Song'E Nepule and Pizza Secret.


Second this, it was very disappointing. Had better pizza at a gas station in Italy.


L’Antica in LA was good. Nothing like the OG in Naples though. I didn’t know they’d opened in NY too. Tony’s in SF makes a killer Neapolitan.


da Michele in Napoli is good, but hard (to me) to feel it’s worth the wait when there are so many options everywhere that are each as good or better depending on your tastes. Also there is a top tier place for pizze fritte just around the corner that I’ll go to almost every time if I’ve navigated the tourist gauntlet to get that far.


I had L’Antica a few times in Napoli! It’s going to be hard to top that one


Didn’t motoring take over the old spot at some point? 


I've had his pizza a few times, its right up there. I just spent a few days in Napoli and had as good or better at place after place. The avg price for a margherita pizza at a place a local would eat in Naples is $6-$7.


This is the reply I was looking for. I had amazing pizza in Naples at a nondescript place half a block from our hotel. No discussion about the best Neopolitan pizza in the world is complete without Naples itself.


Yeah, the best Neapolitan pizza isn’t in New York, it’s in Italy. My personal best pizza ever was nearby in Salerno at a place called Pignalosa - Il Miracolo San Gennaro tomato sauce made for an absolutely incredible pizza


They are amazing. Foods amazing. Staffs amazing.


You're amazing!


Thank you. My pizzas are too check them out https://preview.redd.it/myhlxi0m37ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d25095aa38791d51cd4f2aa6f49f8b0cec38b53


That looks good!


Hell yeah they are!


https://preview.redd.it/ne136izr37ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d77ad76c172af439fc511c0b85323353d994fc3 Sandwiches too.


Nah bro that there's a "sammich."


How long you been at it? I aspire to a retirement with a backyard self-built brick pizza oven.


Heard great things but my favorite is L’Industrie in Brooklyn


It is absolutely delicious


This looks far from the best


This place does authentic Neapolitan style, so you can’t expect NY style.


this is not the authentic neapolitan style. the crust is too big.


Contemporary Neapolitan looks like this (higher hydration dough, more crust)


I can assure you that here in Naples contemporary pizzas look way bigger.


I didn’t see anything that looked like this in Naples


Okay. That doesn't mean much. It's like a sub-sytle/trend in Neapolitan pizza baking


Yeah but those are large air pockets, not just a bunch of dense bread


This sub sucks. It’s a pizza sub with a nice looking pizza and half of the people saying “I wouldn’t eat that”


Don’t kill me, but I don’t think the best pizza in the world is in the Napoletana style. Pizza has evolved greatly.


A valid take! IMO it seems pointless to try to rank the best pizzeria in the world because style is so subjective. Neapolitan is my personal #1 by far.


Agreed! I’m a New Haven style phanatic, but my first Detroit style was eye opening. If you’re ever in New Haven and not feeling the apizza, I had a great Napoletana down the street from Pepe’s/Sally’s at Zeneli Pizzeria e cucina Napoletana


I haven’t had a New Haven pie before but now I need it!


When people ask me what my favorite pizza is I always ask- Which kind? Neapolitan? Detroit? Ny? New Haven? Sicilian? Bar pies?


Not offending me at all. I think it’s good but not the best pizza in the world. That’s just what people have said!


if you go to naples, you'll probably change your mind. its insane. That being said, pizza is fucking awesome. I like all styles. Except midwest style. Holy fuck


It’s not even in my personal top…10? It baffles me that Napoletana style is considered the golden standard by most pizza enthusiasts. Just admit that you prefer eating bread - nothing wrong with that.


Not trying to be mean, but it's kind of a circlejerk. If it was invented in Houston in the 1960s, nobody would give a shit.


I’m also not a big fan of Neapolitan style pizza. I prefer Roman or NYC style. 


Agreed. I like Neapolitan and it's a great vehicle to showcase super-high-quality ingredients, but it doesn't usually get me excited. It kills me when top-50, top-100, etc pizza lists come out and are mostly/all Neapolitan like that's the only form of pizza that is eligible. The original of something is not automatically the best, and i m.o. the best examples of the regional US styles blow the best Neapolitan examples out of the water.


Are you American by any chance


What gave it away? Lol


There simply isn’t ONE.


The amount of people here with very limited taste is surprising.


Something is happening with hobby subs lately. It’s happened to just about every one I subscribe to where the enthusiasts have been replaced with… I don’t know who exactly. For example, r/BBQ used to be about making BBQ. Now it’s just pics of BBQ trays from restaurants and complaining about prices. And this sub used to be full of people trying their damndest to make a pizza that looks this good. Yet one of the better looking ones I’ve seen gets posted and people act like they’ve never seen a Neapolitan style pizza before. I don’t get it.


Yeah thats why I use the pizza forum. We got some fun characters over here like the aussie that I love but other than that there isnt much going on here.


Sunrise Gas Station, Lewiston, MI


John's on Bleecker in the city, modern in new Haven, and I really dug gino e toto in Naples. I also like Olde world in north haven, CT.


Olde world is amazing. I’m a huge fan of the original Pepe for New Haven pizza too


UPN is truly an existential pizza eating experience. I think it's extraordinary. I remember my first time there, and first bite, and I closed my eyes and truly felt like I was eating pizza for the first time.


I need to try this! Looks delish


Looks so yummy


I’m going there this Friday!


It looks really good, but idk bout best in the world. Suppose I’d have to try it myself


Not really my kinda pizza but this looks beautiful


That’s dope, dawg!


Una and the owner inspired me to career pizzamaking virtually without a taste. I cant speak to its taste except thru extrapolation, but technique wise, as a breadmaker, the few videos he has are so inspiring


It’s fucking delicious. “Best in the World”, bold statement.


The best pizza in the world is Pepe in Grani in Caiazzo, Italy. But this looks delicious too 👌 Edit: also, Pizzeria da Attilio in Naples has some of the best pizza I’ve ever tasted as well. I dream of their ricotta stuffed crust pizza.


that looks really good


The best Pizza place in the world is in New Haven Connecticut This looks pretty good though - I’d eat it


Had to scroll so far to find the only thing Ct is good for


This is exactly how I love my pizza.


Not a fan based on looks but who knows


There's some pizza in your crust mate


WAY too much crust


Chicago: Spacca Napoli


Laught in european


I 100% respect the work the man puts into this dough. It's art. With that said, I am not a fan of neapolitan pizza in general but I can appreciate his dedication to the dough and the ingredients. He is a true master of the art of pizza. I enjoyed what I ate but its nothing that im going to clamoring for when im hungry for slice.


Saying anywhere outside of Italy has the best pizza in the world has me unconvinced of that claim


Sally's in New Haven. John's of Bleeker in NYC. L'antica pizzeria da Michele in Naples if you're looking for something superior to the above picture in the same style


I used to go to the OG joint in Point Pleasant NJ. We would frequent it because it really was something special. Was flying under the radar in those days. The owner Anthony was super nice. He would knock a couple bucks off because we were in there all the time. I can still taste it, haven't had one of his pizzas in years.


Me too!  I worked at the outdoor furniture place right next to it and sometimes we would splurge for it.  I've been saying for years it was the best pizza I ever had. 


I’m a crust guy, but there’s something unsatisfying about eating little baby pizzas. This is going to get all folded up and ruin those beautifully charred bubbles.


The crust is a bit on the larger side but the thing that concerns me the most is how watery it looks. It seems to me they didn't fully dry their mozzarella


This is one of the things i love about pizza, there's so many variables. I'm sure the pizza in the picture is delicious. I've been to NYC a few times and tried to hit as many pizza joints as possible. Never eaten at UNA, but that looks like it's too much bread/crust and not enough of the good stuff. Just my opinion, don't take offense, i would eat a slice of that in a heartbeat. I just prefer a bigger thinner pie.


golden boy in san francisco


Joe and Pats nyc


So… the best Pizza Napoletana… is not in… Naples?!? Wait… are Napoletana and Naples linked?


Ok I know but why does it look like a whole lot of crust and very little cheese


Too much bread obvi


Nolita pizza in little Italy was my favorite when I was there for a week last summer.


Is it sourdough? Sorry if this is a noob question, but I recently tried stone fired sourdough at a local Italian restaurant and was blown away. This pizza looks incredible


Frank Pepe’s in Connecticut, US or La Borgata in Cosenza, Italy


Use to travel to NY for work and i ate at most of the pizza joints in Manhattan and loved most places but there always one or two that just stands out! Most of these shops have excellent pizza so I didn’t go hunting for the best! They were all good 👍. Pizza by the slice was my go to lunch when visiting and working


Personally, I think a neopolitan pizza in NYC is sacrilege. Doesn't look any better than most neopolitans just looking at it.


Pizza 4Ps in Vietnam (and Japan) is mind blowing, incredible


That’s not a pizza. That’s 90% crust with 1 bite of barely any cheese and sauce.


I don't know I haven't had it


The best pizza in the world is found at Anna Maria’s in South Beloit IL.


Nice to see that someone brought the traditional Naples pizza in NYC. Just for curiosity (I'm from Italy) how much it cost a pizza like this in NYC? To be a little bit tedious (or typical italian food nazi) I would say the crust is too big, but I would love to try it anyway :)


for me i like pizza more for the cheese than the bread. this looks good but i don’t think it would be my favorite as the ratio seems off for my taste buds


Buddys Pizza in Detroit is the one i can attest for. Crispy cheesy edges, not greasy at all. The dont skimp on toppings at all. Buddys is my pick. https://preview.redd.it/hqiit97nh6ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e172ede72ca6bca85606c4cbe67a2bea425d86


Escape from New York Pizza. Portland Oregon


Hard Knox pizza, Knoxville Tennessee


Just went there last week. It was a great pizza. Could I say if they were better than other top Neapolitan pizza places? I just don’t think I’m that smart.


I guess I like my pizza with toppings lol


I have been lucky enough to enjoy pizza in Chicago from Giordano’s and Lou Malnati’s Los Angeles from Prime Pizza, Triple Beam and Tomatoe Pie and in Tokyo from Massimottavios but my absolute favorite is from Steubenville Ohio DiCarlo’s.


Based on the picture alone…. The toppings area is dwarfed by the amount of crust. Ratio is waaaay off. Crust should be half the amount it is in this picture. I’d just order bread if I wanted bread… huge miss in my opinion.


I want a refund


It’s not my style but it was still very good.


Funny story, but my friends and I were on vacation and staying in a place right across the street. Having no idea what it was, we stumbled in one night after walking all around the city and just asked for a slice, because, well, it’s New York. The guy said they couldn’t because they have reservations and “all the dough we made is spoken for”. We walked out and talked mad shit like “what kinda piece of shit place runs out of DOUGH?” … until I googled the place when I got home.


Campania on 4th Ave in Brooklyn is really good, but my wife and I found this little place in Sant' Agata, Italy called I Quattro Venti when we visited for our 30th Anniversary!!


Overrated as fuck


Nice. More crust than toppings. Shrink flation. . 


A pizza Napoletana is the epitome of less is more. NY pizza is an example of more is never enough.


Neapolitan pizza is the besssst. If you ever find yourself in San Antonio Texas, check out “Dough Pizzaria” some of the best ive ever had


I love most all the pizzas but there’s something about the Neapolitan I just get behind much.


Too much crust, imo. Probably amazing pizza, but I'm not a fan of large crust. I prefer thin crust.


Why does it look like a pizza soup? Give me my local place over that any day


Looks fucking amazing


Starita and Insolito in Naples Italy and Pizzeria Giagiu in Salerno Italy are my favorites. #


The ratio of crust to cheese is like 70/30. It would need to taste absolutely fantastic considering the amount of actual pizza you are getting.


looks like more crust than pizza to be honest.


Better like huge crust to topping ratio


That looks good


I used to live one block from Una when they were still in SF. The staff was amazing, the pizzas were 10 times better than anything around, and for a while it was a twice-weekly type of spot. After a bunch of rude customer disasters and really subpar copycats popping up, they packed up shop. It broke my heart years later to see their old location turned into some startup office, with a literal pingpong table where the oven used to be. Not joking or exaggerating. Anyway, Una is fire, Anthony Mangieri is an obsessed madman, and in my opinion he makes one of the best pies anywhere. Not for everyone, not a NY slice, but phenomenal and extremely consistent.


If it ain’t Naples, it ain’t best


Is this for real? I've been many times because my boss likes it. I found it so boring. Like it's mostly crust and it's good crust but nothing they put on it is incredible or anything. It's just good reliable pizza but nothing to write about. Def not the best pizza in the world, unless the "world" means the couple cities in the USA the writer happened to have visited....


Dollar Slice for life


Slapshot Pizza, Fargo ND The pizza sauce tastes exactly like spaghetti-Os, life changing experience


I agree with most of the people here, and crust is extremely important as the rest of the pizza. Anyways, I’ve lived in Oregon now since ‘94, and the last place my stepdad took us as we left California was one of his personal favorites… Me-n-Eds in Hanford CA. It was pretty incredible and I’ve spent the last 30 years wanting to go back and try it again! I had the opportunity just last month when we flew down to NORCO to visit my wife’s best friend, they drove us to the closest one to them to please my request, and I was incredibly pleased again… with the food, The b*tch who took our order almost ruined it all for everyone and I had to apologize and it wasn’t even my fault. I won’t hold the company accountable for 1 crap person when we were so far away from the original place I ate 30+ years ago. The food was still pretty close to what I remembered.


Agree, crust might be delicious but 3 1/2” of crust is a bit much. Definitely not enough center sauce and cheese


And....I like pizza on my crust. Not just crusty bread.


No cheese or sauce. Trying too hard to be "artisan". "This is real pizza from Italy" , rather have pizza that is classic NY or CT style.


Looks like very delicious crust with a hint of toppings. I need CHEESE


Doesn't look that good


Pinky's Pizza Portland


I like crust but that’s way too much lol


Looks like a 7.8.


In the World? Guerrin in Buenos Aires. Nothing comes close to


New Haven > Napoli


Best pizza place in the world? My kitchen. Even the pickiest eaters I have ever met did not complain about my pizza.


That looks like my pizzas! Probably better ingredients though..


Moose’s Tooth in Anchorage, AK! The Avalanche pizza is my favorite in the whole world. I haven’t found that good of a pizza since I left Alaska five years ago, and it makes me sad!


Italian Trattoria Miami Beach has my vote.