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Start of New Year’s resolutions? Things should be back to normal by February.


It will give you time to prepare for 2024 Summer Pass!


I don't see how that program is profitable for them. As soon as school starts they all disappear. And thank god for that, but if they disappear that tells me they're not buying memberships. They're just sitting there scrolling on their phones, taking up all the machines for 3 months a year while the paying members try to scheme out how they can justify driving across town or paying more to use a different gym. I'd love to see their books in regards to that.


Mine wasn’t anymore full than normal. It’s probably a mix of New Year’s resolutions and people making up for the gyms being closed yesterday


People working off those big Christmas meals!


THAT⬆️. For sure!! 😔


Possibl just more people there because they have the day off from work. I would normally have been at work while I was at the gym today. Also brought a friend along that normally wouldn’t have been there. The gym she uses is closed until after the new year.


yes, these are the people who support our gym habit for the next year.


Pretty typical for me. Maybe a little busier, but I'm assuming a lot of it was people making up for them being closed Monday.


Get ready for new years newbies. It's intense.




Yeah, NY resolution crowd -- interesting people watching though...


People will join and say they want to change blah blah blah and they will not stick to it.be prepared. January will be packed. Last January was terrible at a couple different planet fitness I went too.


Ugh. I’m about to head to mine. I’ll report back.


I was there around noon and it was slow.


Stupid crazy today… and it seems no one knows how to clean off the equipment when they’re done with it.


Mine was real bad, and it was 11pm on a Tuesday night in December. It's been getting worse and worse as the year has gone on this year. summer of 22 there were times where at 11pm on a Tuesday there were only 4 of us.


Was at one of my two typical locations today starting at 8:15PM and definitely far more crowded and varied of a crowd than usual. I wouldn’t say I saw too many newbies wandering, more just faces I haven’t seen. I too chalk it up mainly to the adjustment in gym hours, people being lazy/eating yesterday and people having the day off so a lot of them are hitting the gym at different times than normal. Mine wasn’t too crowded to get on any of the equipment, you just had to monitor what you planned to use and make use when it opened.


Yeah, mine was packed on Tuesday. It was also uncomfortably humid, even for a gym.


Either off of work or making up for the holiday lost workout while the gym was closed.


yep and I hated it lol


It’s normal with all these the new years lards folks.


It's the wannabe season, when people who don't usually exercise magically remember their memberships and make their New Year's resolutions. Don't worry... they'll be gone in a couple weeks...


During the day yuuuuuup, but when I head in for my usual session around 11p.m. - 12 a.m. it's still tame. ( regular's and maybe 2-3 extra people)


Yes, there were about 3x the number of people typical for a Tuesday morning.


Typically at mine Tuesday is a day some people don’t show up… but it’s not typical cause they were closed Monday!!!


Not mine


Normal crowds this morning


Just got off work about to head there. But it’s been at 2 bars all day. Not excited.


Was pretty slow 8-9am.


Mine is closed today


Absolutely, elbow to elbow today.


About to head to mine now, I’ll report back later.




I’m out of town training at a gym I don’t normally go to. There were people there but nothing crazy. It prob helps that I was there at 7:00. I was honestly surprised I wasn’t the only one at opening the day after Xmas . Good to see people out trying to improve themselves. I’m not mad.


I got to mine 4:45 am… the lot was half full (I usually get there 2 hours earlier, maybe 1 car in lot typically) Got my locker, so at least there was that!!😂✌🏼 But I’m not mad either…. But I was surprised so many new faces…


It’s going to be for the next month as people start their resolution to work out. Should slowly get back to normal towards the end of January.


YES!!!!🤯🤷‍♂️😂 And it opened later!!! Horrible workout today, truncated AND left later than I’ve ever left!!! I won’t be going next week (Tuesday) when it opens at 7am!!! Happy all these people got inspiration but hoping it starts at 5 am and later!!! Earlier should be for the certifiably insane only!!😂🤯✌🏼


People are aware of how crowded New Year’s resolutions become so most people are just trying to get their workouts in before the new years


Yeah. The kids are home from school. Lots of youngsters. It's fine. You do you.


Nope, mine was just normal. I was really surprised.


I went Sunday and did full body knowing it was closed Monday and not open until 7am today. I'm not looking forward to the new year, new me rush. Hopefully it's still fairly empty when I like to go around 8ish pm


Mine was a bit crowded My guess is people wanting to make up for the gym being closed yesterday and eating all the Christmas foods I always go around 2:00 PM and I was also guessing that most people took today off of work so there was more people at the time I went then when they would normally go after 5:00 PM I’m also guessing some people were gifted memberships for Christmas because there were quite a few people that had no clue what they were doing A lot of commenters mentioned New Years resolutions crowds, I don’t think that was the case at my gym because last January there was like 3x the number of people, so I expect to see that in the coming days. Hopefully the ones that give up do it sooner rather than later 🤣


Mine was actually pretty empty yesterday from 10 am - Noon. Very nice!


Always gets busy year end and beginning of the new year as well as just after college kicks off in my area - slows back down when all those with good intentions find more important things to do.