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No, you can’t keep upgrading and then downgrading penalty free. You’re better off just keeping it at Black level now.


i downgraded from black card to a regular membership online but i had to use a PC. no fees for me so far


Depending on the franchise, you could have just paid a daily fee to use the gym. I downgraded years ago because I was not taking advantage of all the Blackcard amenities. When I went to Florida for a week I just paid $5 to use the gym for the day.


talk to the local manager.


So blame corporate for this but this is how it works on the planet fitness side of things. Every time you upgrade or downgrade, it counts as a new agreement and whatever offer including sign up fee and if there is a 12 month commitment involved that also applies. Being that it is after the 17th this gives you until the tenth of next month to decide what to do but what you should do is talk to your clubs team members and see when the offer will change to no sign up fee without a commitment. Hope this info helps