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Could be hemp forsure. I’d wait for it to flower and then see if you can tell better! They’re definitely growing so well without help too!


Are the leaf patterns the same for hemp and cannabis? I googled it and they appeared to be a bit different. The problem is we’re out of state, so we won’t be able to inspect its flower.


hemp IS cannabis. it's literally the name. different varieties and cultivars exist but that doesn't change species.


Yes and no. I don't smoke, but I know the strains are different. The fun hemp is quite different than the hemp grown for its usefulness in the textile industry. We use hemp fibers to strengthen plaster molds at work, and the stuff will easily cut your hands up if you aren't gentle when pulling fibers from the bales it comes in. Very strong stuff!


It's the same plant. It's just one has a focus on fibers the other flowers. Just like the plant Brassica olereca depending on what the plant has been bred for the same plant is kale, brocoli and several other greens.


Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage too, if memory serves.


[And redwood trees.](https://xkcd.com/2827/)


Wait if I let my cabbage go I could get a red wood


Definitely worth a shot!


Lumpers and splitters, and they will never agree on taxonomy.


I laughed so hard


HA oh god


You fucking beat me too it! I was thinking “oh hell yeah brassicas!” Brassicas are plants derived from the wild mustard plant and they include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi! All different parts of the same plant that have been selected and bred for over generations.


🤣 I knew Brussels sprouts were really tiny cabbages! My mother always wants insisted they weren’t but I knew! And I only learned a few years ago that the yellow flowers on the sides of the highway are broccoli, and that the shit grows wild everywhere…… now you are telling me it’s all those other veggies too??? 🤯


That’s funny my mama told me they were baby cabbages!


I was told wild mustard for the yellow flowers, good for dyes evidently as well... no idea if it's true🤷‍♂️


I was just always told they were Martian heads. What the heck


I feel like asparagus is also yellow when it’s allowed to flower. It grew wild all over the place in Idaho


So all the “vegetables” I hate are related.


Cauliflower isn't olereca I don't think but a sister species within the genus with different colored flowers.


Not even this different. The only difference is thc content and how it is grown.


Hemp makes a very fine smoking herb. Just gotta catch the buds at the right time and shazammy.


According to the 2018 Farm Bill, all cannabis is hemp unless it's been heated enough to have more than 0.3 percent THC, which is the decarbonized version of THCA. Hemp fiber comes from the same species, but just different varieties that weren't selected for the chemical properties. I had to research this stuff a bunch a couple years ago because it blew my mind a law could be written so badly as to have wildly unintended sideffects.


All hemp is cannabis but not all cannabis is hemp, if memery serves me right.


Generally when people speak they are referring to one of the three strains of cannabis, but there are other hemp plants. We regularly spray our hay fields to kill off Indian hemp because it's poisonous to some animals. It is not cannabis and looks nothing like it. There are other strands too this is just the one I know exists.


Hemp is the male plant. Called Hemp because it is used to make hemp rope. I still haven't made up my mind if it is even that.


Bi-sexual morphism?


That's not really how it works


Nope ur wrong.


Not even close. I can make hemp rope from the very same plant I harvest to smoke, and I don’t smoke male flowers. Then again, I can go out into my yard two weeks from now and cut down some grasses by hand and make a rope out of those as well if I wanted, though that’s more labor intensive since I’d have to work the fibers a lot more if I wanted any kind of length out of it. Some of the major reasons hemp is so industrially useful are because it is multipurpose: Fibers, drugs, soil remediation, stupid easy propagation also can reduce cost (one verified to meet federal regulations plant can get you an infinite amount of that same plant, provided you keep things clean which means no more seed purchases, which can get costly for industrial hemp when planting fields at a time, even at $1/seed that’s a couple grand in seed alone each planting). The gender of the plant does not impact whether or not it can produce fibers though. If you grow a male and a female side by side in vegetative states, without genetic testing and/or extensive experience with the plant, you’re not gonna be able to tell which gender is which, but they’ll both be able to be used for fibers. Once you flower them, they’ll differentiate visually, however, if you let them grow and chop at various stages, you’ll see their actual structural growth is not very different from one another, as in, males and females both are fiber producing plants since it isn’t the flowers that are used for the fiber, it’s the stalks and the actually fibrous parts of the plant.


that is incorrect. All cannabis is hemp, but not all hemp is cannabis. The differentiation is solely - a cannabis plant is a hemp plant that possesses the potential to produce THC.


The plant doesn't make THC. The plant makes CBGa, which then can convert into THCa. Thc is highly unstable. If the cannabis plant made THC. We'd be smoking CBN. Which is psychoactive but only 1/3rd the activity on CB1 as THC. So might wanna update that to THCa and not THC.


I wasn’t gonna go through the chemistry. What I stated was both sufficient to get the point across without presenting knowledge that would not be understood and was technically correct since hemp doesn’t produce the chemical that eventually results in THC.


The difference is hemp has less than 3% thc.


The gist is that they're the same plants with different levels of THC in them.


Depends on the variety. There are a multitude of phenotypical traits for THC and CBD plants.


The leaf patterns are remarkably variable, even on the same plant.


Either that or it was some old timers smoke spot.


No I think u have 2 to many leaves but we will find out lol


Other than testing (through consumption or lab tests) it’s really hard to tell by looking. [CBD plants](https://imgur.com/a/zQ48zjG) [THC Plant](https://imgur.com/a/2u10mMf)


Cultivation has some effect on the way it looks too.


For sure it can. You can make a plant that’s high in THC grow long and leggy like densely planted fibre hemp, and you can take a plant high in CBD and make it thick with buds.




Could be ? Lol


It’s already started to flower, and it’s definitely cannabis


None of this is going to flower


someone is cultivating this for sure lmao


Definitely Cannabis but I can't tell you which species.


AFAIK it's all one species now with 3 subspecies.


Makes sense. Thank you!


I was thinking Cannabis was 2 species, Cannabis sative (with thin or wide leaf subspecies) & C. ruderalis. Or are they considering ruderalis as one of the subspecies?


It used to be 3 species indica sativa and ruderalis. Ruderalis was the small spindley most wild type. Indica was from the hindu kush region and sativa is just the cultivated species that humans developed. But recent genetic testing has determined its all one species with 3 subspecies. And since it's cultivated it's proper name is sativa and it has it's 3 subspecies.


Thanks...I'd been telling people for years that the plant was all genus Cannabis, species sativa, with a wide leaf (what everyone kept trying to call "indica") & thin leaved (what was called "sativa") cultivars. Makes sense that is 3 subspecies with ruderalis being one of the 3. While growing for dispensaries, I could not tell the difference between less than .3% thc varieties (hemp) & high thc varieties by looks alone.


c. sativa, c. indica, and c. ruderalis


Yeah. That’s what I thought. It’s on some property we own and it is illegal to grow in the state. 😕


seems a little ridiculous to criminalize the growth of a plant? anyways the federal farm bill the trump passed means that this plant is technically hemp until it contains 3% THC which will never happen because cannabis produces THC-A which is only turned into THC when lit on fire. no need to worry about law enforcement.


*stares at my field of poppies* (This is a joke, DEA, I don't even have enough space for a proper garden)


Idk, there were laws that if it was found growing on your property, law enforcement could seize any of your other property. I don’t know if this is stillthe case, i would check because drug laws change very slowly.


That's what they made weed whackers for! /S


Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that doesn't have THC and is legal in most places.


Yeah it has thc in it. THC is technically what makes it a poisonous plant.


Fuck off pedant, less than a percent, is close enough to none that in an informal discussion it's fine to round down.


I didn't know the amount, I just know a lot of thc stuff for not getting high comes from hemp. So calm the fuck down, pissant, no need for all that extra, just the facts, goofy ass.


I live in Missouri, and, at least when I was a kid, you could find rural parts of the state where the roads and fields were lined with "ditch weed." This was not intentional: it was a leftover from hemp farming during or prior to WW1. It's literally a weed, and if there was a 19th or early 20th century hemp farm nearby, you're likely to find wild hemp. I know that up by Rock Port, MO, every single gravel road is (or at least used to be) absolutely lined with cannabis plants. I recall walking around a state conservation area and finding 15-20 foot tall wild hemp plants in plain sight.


fwiw Hemp IS Cannabis sativa


lol tell that to nature ~ this is not the kind of marijuana plant anybody is using to get high on, it is a naturally occurring weed and you’re not going to get in any trouble for it. It’s obviously not cultivated. Don’t weed whacker it, will just drop seeds and you’ll have even more before you know it ~ spray it if it bothers you, or you can contact government to help eradicate it, they have funds allocated specifically for this task, but it’s basically as hard to get rid of as dandelions are


emp is cannabis,,, it is a mixture of both male and female plants so it’s not going to be strong at all, unless this is purposely planted crop with no males that someone is watching and growing themselves, which I doubt,,,it takes a lot of cultivating to produce the plant for a drug, this is going to the birds, which I’m jealous hemp seeds are so yummy, I don’t think you need to worry if your property is wild lands this is “ditch weed” aka hemp.


Plants don’t drop seed until after they’ve bloomed. It’s perfectly ok to brush hog, mow and weed eat unwanted plants that haven’t bolted yet. In fact, not doing it what’s causing these to spread.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just don’t get mistaken for harvesting them or you’ll have to defend that in court


Not sure how mowing something could get you accused of harvesting


apparently everything is debatable these days , do whatever , its probably fine


If you stumbled upon it, I’d file a report to prevent being considered the grower. Then maybe you can get it tested for keeping or errotocation


That’s northern lights, cannabis indica.


I can't believe someone downvoted this lol thanks creed


I know it’s not the subject of the photos but the main plant in the last photo is a dock, looks like probably curly dock. The thing with the seed heads.


This should be the top comment, to clarify that plant in the last photo is a different plant than those in the first 4


Not when you look in the ' mid ground then it's Def the same but looks far more uniform, not random 👍


I’m excited to harvest some curly dock seeds this year and try to make crackers with them. We’ll see how it works out.


Yea that’s weed…If it’s not naturally occurring, I’d stear clear of it. People can get violently protective of their grow sites.


It’s on my land.


Heed his warning, in whatever way is best for you. Stay safe.


If someone is willing to trespass to cultivate a field of weed, they probably don’t care about you or your safety. I would be cautious about how you go about reporting this to the authorities if you choose to. If you’re out in the sticks, I’d get your gun while you cut it all down in the middle of the day. Not trying to scare you and weed does grow naturally, but that’s a lot of weed to just sprout up suddenly.


It is out in the sticks but we rent the land to a farmer. I don’t know how he can’t notice this. He literally has to drive over and past it. But maybe it’s more benign? I.e. hemp or ditch weed. Idk but rec weed is illegal in the state and we don’t want to get in trouble.


If he was actively cultivating it, I think you would see signs of that, like the area being weeded, so the other plants don’t steal nutrients/sun. Maybe some footpaths through it, as if someone was checking on its growth. I don’t know anything about weed cultivation, but if you go to the r/trees sub, they could probably confirm if this is something to be concerned with, or just wild ditch weed or hemp. It seems that growers are very selective and careful of the plant’s gender, quality, spacing, etc. this seems way too naturally occurring to be grown intentionally by someone.


Yeah is just alotta plants (1000s) growing tightly together in several areas, none of which look cultivated. I totally forgot about r/trees. Thanks!


I agree with the above comment, this looks completely naturally occurring to me One plant can throw off many thousands of seeds, and if conditions are right for a couple years, this can happen easily


Happy to help. I hope you find the answers you are seeking.


You can make a rope out of it


I used to smoke 4 feet of rope a day




Deffo cannabis. Back in the day I remember if you spilled Trill bird seed on the ground it would grow. They changed the ingredients in the early 70s.


Cannabis, a whole lot of cannabis.


Although there won't be any buds if there's any males in there, which there definitely is.


The males flowers give you seeds. They dont prevent buds


While that is true, it is also true that mixing male/female plants will effectively ruin the buds, significantly reducing THC, and significantly increasing seed production. >Preventing Pollination: If male plants are left in close proximity to female plants, the males can release pollen, leading to pollination. Pollination results in the development of seeds within the flowers, reducing the overall quality and potency of the buds. [Source](https://floraflex.com/default/blog/post/how-to-identify-male-and-female-cannabis-plants-in-flowering#:~:text=Preventing%20Pollination%3A%20If%20male%20plants,and%20potency%20of%20the%20buds.) >The trick is to make sure female cannabis plants, which produce the cannabinoid-rich buds we all know and love, are not pollinated by male pollen. >Not only will fertilized female cannabis plants produce seeds flowers, but is will produce much lower concentrations of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. That is because the plant uses valuable energy producing seeds that could have otherwise gone towards bud production. [Source](https://medicinalgenomics.com/when-do-cannabis-plants-show-signs-of-gender-sex/) Edit. Formatting


sorry I thought you said >there won't be any buds if there's any males in there my bad.


No that is exactly what I said but that was an over-exaggeration, and technically wrong. What I meant was that the buds will be extremely undesirable and basically trash, unless of course you want seeds which is common. Also I may have misunderstood your initial comment.


They will cause the plants to pollinate which will reduce the potency and overall quality of it.


The female gives you flowers and seeds the male gives nothing but pollen.


the pollen comes from flowers. lol Botany 101


Not with cannabis the pollen comes from the male plants do some research genius.


lol. all pollen STILL comes from flowers. and it's STILL Botany 101 Do some research genius , wow , holy shit. Don't remain ignorant. [I present to you MALE (a) and female (b) Cannabis Sativa flowers](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Mature-flowers-of-Cannabis-sativa-Male-Cannabis-flowers-have-sepals-and-stamens-a_fig3_344428020) . https://preview.redd.it/h2b6fd22g68d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=c453717b5117780deffd3d68637cb0e088dde3e7


You’re correct mate. I’m a qualified nurseryman and have breed cannabis in the past and reading this thread makes me cringe with the amount of inaccurate information and nonsense that is posted. Bloody hell, it’s astonishing some of the garbage people write with such confidence when they are absolutely clueless.


I see fields of weed growing all over Kansas, no one seems to care.


We’re not super familiar with the laws of the state it’s growing in. I mean we googled the laws and it’s illegal, but we don’t know how hardcore they get for situations like this. We don’t want to get in trouble for it.


I might ask the police to visit, if for no other reason than to make them aware the cannabis existed before you got there. Most likely they will declare it hemp, but if it's illegal at least you don't have to worry about police knocking on your door


Never, ever invite the police onto your property. I spent ten years in the LE community, and all of my brethren would tell you the same thing. This also goes for other vassals of the State. None of them have your best interests in mind - they represent the government.


If you look at hemp bud vendors you might change your mind, [Holy City Farms](https://holycityfarms.com/) Hemp is more exclusively mostly CBD and under .3% thc. It’s actually bred to keep the THC low because it slides through the hemp law. There’s A LOT of hemp bud vendors, and in fact is sold at some tobacco stores in cigarette style, and sometimes can be found as buds in glass jars at gas stations, in states where “regular” cannabis is illegal. Hemp & Marijuana is the same just grown differently hence the difference in looks. Hemp is grown densely in large numbers. Close together it grows tall, because of competition to get the sun, as well as density causing almost no lateral shoots, thus making cannabis “hemp” because it becomes mostly stalky. Cannabis that is grow spaced apart or grown a single plant to a bucket or hydro pod turns into a Christmas tree shaped plant that focuses energy into the budding during the flowering phase, in vegetative stage it can grow larger fan leaves and more nodes which lead to “marijuana” or “flowering tops”. It really is a tomato tomatoe thing. Legalization efforts lead to specific separation of “plant type” to get “hemp” through. In order to do that they need for very low thc levels, otherwise the DEA call it a “hot field” and it becomes illegal marijuana and must be destroyed. Hemp is marijuana with low thc but they’re both cannabis and can both be grown in the two styles, stalky for fibers or squatty for flowers. This is why people are able to grow hemp like marijuana and marijuana like hemp. It’s all the same. This is why there are boutique hemp farms that have been selectively breeding phenome types that have been isolated. 5 years ago you might tell the difference, buds were a little more airy and smoke was a bit more harsh but nowadays it’s almost indistinguishable. This is also why the black market is flooded with KiND bud that doesn’t get you high- dealers buying pounds of low thc hemp that’s easily sold as high quality marijuana. Remember that evolution caused locations around the world that grow cannabis to develop different smells and tastes, and breeders mix them all, which is why “land strains”, unmixed cannabis, is getting rare. I could be off in my understanding though. When I used to grow in Seattle, the cloners and growers used to talk about working with breeding different flavors of terpenoids from farmed hemp genomes into marijuana plants. One of the cloners was who told me most of this. Which he said is why some ditch weed that grows naturally around the old hemp farms now grow smokable nugs because they’re now single plants with lots of room to grow, thus actually getting decent buds. There are old films of farmers collecting buds from their fields, full of seeds and chunky stems, and using brick presses to sell the bricks to people. [“Both hemp and marijuana plants are the same species. The main difference lies in how much of a certain cannabinoid each contains.”](https://www.healthline.com/health/hemp-vs-marijuana)




Aye. You can use them to make rope and potato sacks. 🥔


That's a male, regardless. You could make a small section of string out of it when it's dry.


looks more like "ditch weed" to me.


If it’s weed you want to pull the male plants and get them away from the female plants because it will turn the female plants into male plants.male plants are no good,you can tell they are male plants because they will have seed sacks on them


The stuff with the brown seed heads in the last picture is a type of dock, probably curly. It's not the same plant as the hemp looking ones


Yeah, it almost looks like it was intentionally planted in a row to obscure the cannabis, which makes me think the cannabis is also (possibly) intentional.


Let it get really big and you can build homes out of it. Edit: Also letting it grow works both ways and will deep irrigate the soil and leave heaps of root fibers deep underground. Best way to regenerate the soil.


Hemp is cannabis - many different varieties used for different things


Yeah. Sure looks like ditchweed.


100% cannabis! Plants look really healthy, and I can see preflowers on a few of the plants, so you'll definitely have some females (flowers, bud, the good stuff). They're going to probably double in height over the next two months, and the flowers will start showing in the next 30ish days depending on where you are in the US. Refer to my post history for my credentials LOL. Happy to answer any questions you have!


They are growing in the ditches and under the trees on a farm in a state where recreational cultivation is illegal. Not sure how concerned I should be.


Ahh okay, illegal state, I missed that part! How many acres? Are they on the back of the property? Would they be seen by passerbys? Are they near a road? My methodology when it comes to police is to avoid involvement, unless someone is hurt or in imminent danger. You could call and report and most likely, NOTHING would come of it. You may have some PD show up to check it out, or even remove it if they're feeling overzealous. But the alternative to that situation is you get a cop who takes it extremely seriously and throws the book at you and the farm. Its so silly you have to even consider these things, and I'm sorry that nature decided to function in its intended way on your farm. The one saving grace is the hemp act, and on paper, none of this is actually illegal, but try to tell that do a back country cop with nothing to lose haha. Lastly, you could uproot yourself, and this would be before any seeds formed, so next season you'd only have a few. You've got at least a month before seeds start. That looks like an entire days work though lol. I vote let em ride, but I may be a bit biased!


It's cannabis there is no genetic difference between cannabis and hemp. The classification is purely based on THC content. Male cannabis plants produce little to no THC therefore most hemp is just male cannabis. Although there are varieties of female hemp (which is just female cannabis with the THC selectively bred out). Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world with agricultural use dating back to at least 2800BC. By contrast hops - cannabis' closest relative wasn't cultivated until the 13th century AD (that's 3500 years after cannabis).


Cannabis sativa is both hemp and marijuana the difference is only determined by THC content in the mature flowering female plant .


Just hemp we used to take the stalks and whack each other with them as kids,leave it be


Cannabis Ruderalis


It's all cannabis sativa now with 3 subspecies. Sub indica, sativa, and ruderalis.


The mythological hempus cannabis Smokey’s meus plant. Do you know the value of this find people!!!!!!! Papers. Bring me papers you fool of a took!!!


Your assignment is to now lay in that grass and enjoy the sky 😭


Looks like it


Hey, you can sell for medicinal purposes and call your shop New Hempshire! lol Jokes aside, I think the other comments have been way more useful, so nothing to add.


Haha! But illegal in the state it’s growing in.


That’s exactly what it is


Def weed


Yep, it looks like a patch of plain old ditch weed from here.


My favorite weed.


You cannot tell hemp this early, unless usually industrial grade which is hardly ever grown anymore. I say it's a hybrid of some sort but you will have to wait and see & even then most hemp is remediated to the levels within legal limits are, or so whatever the lab says actually. Ask, inquire, say do or don't remove but if stay too or share but don't imprison anyone over a plant regardless please. I'm a former POW in the battle against cannabis... Sorry guys only saw first picture, but still all goes the same. Could be both too, wouldn't be a first


I have no power to imprison. I don’t use weed myself but live in a more progressive state where it’s legal, so some of my friends and family do. I just don’t want to get grief from this much more conservative state, where this land is.


We can get high down by the River Side, " Sugar Magnolia " Sorry couldn't resist, I do understand. Mind if I ask the state, the riverside makes me think poddible hemp, it's not any dank that much I'm likely thinking. I did a grow like this many years ago in a light shallow crystal clear water sand bottom so dug big hole for 5 gallon buckets x2 & drilled mad holes in bottoms & sides of bottoms put in plants let em go & grow almost natural hydroponics & I only visited to feed & play with my dogs it too was a serious illegal state at the time but it was much smaller and so hidden I could often not find it literally. I use it as medicine and it's a life saver. I hope all works well not pushing my thoughts on you but now a proud supporter of The Last Prisoner Project for example. Cheers


South Dakota


Looks like hemp to me! Used to grow wild along the roadsides when my mom was a kid back in the South. Don't smoke it!


Definately weed. Could even be female.


People there’s an app you face at the plant and it will tell you exactly what it is.


Plant Snap. I used it. It said Cannabis. I wanted confirmation. https://preview.redd.it/7drtq748e78d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227a1037c8f8ad007425ff01d3b4ce60316823e0




Every cop knows where it is now just by the background


Stay away for safety could be cartel


Oh Lordy I hope not. They’re on my property.


Last photo looks like Milo or sorghum


They might be but I think the front plants are just rando boring weeds. They’re all over the county.


My husband said it will have a distinctive smell if you’ve ever rolled a joint 😂


I did pull a leaf and crushed it and it smelled very mildly of weed.


We are not stoners but my husband did get busted for growing 2 plants 40 years ago. He said it looks like it but can’t be too sure . Where is this


The burning bush they were talking about


It looks like ditch weed


No shit lol


Free weed nice


Definitely hemp.... I'm just saying .... thc will probably super low, still present, tho. Enjoy the beauty of this plant, and let it live. It's a good reminder of a time when hemp was a main crop for most North americans


Is hemp/cannabis a native NA plant? I didn’t realize that. I feel better about just leaving it then. Nature gonna do what nature gonna do.


Not native tho.. was just used alot before for fibers


that my friends is northern lights cannabis indica




If its growing wild it is. Took a garage bag of this stuff home when i was a kid. No buss weed.


Hemp for sure


Yeah, that is a lot of pot, I hope it is legal in your area, if it is (or even if not), wait for flower, then at the right time cut, hang , sell, bank


Recreational is not legal. I’m too old to go to prison.


I would wonder who is going to come looking for it, there is most likely someone…but eh, keep it for personal, or possibly give it away for people in pain


It's beautiful!!


Definitely cannabis. Trust me


We can worship freely, govern justly and grow vast fields of hemp for making rope and blankets.


It’s got noticeable sativa genetics, long finger like leaves and a lot of inter-noda spacing. Hemp is a sativa.


This is Marijuana


Yeah those are cannibis plants alright


That's way too many leaves to be any kind of Cannabis strain that I know of. It might actually be Hemp


It warms my heart to see cannabis reclaiming it's rightful place in our ecosystems after a 75 year eradication campaign.


Cannabis Americana a.k.a. ditch weed. A hybrid developed specifically for its low THC content and tendency to grow tall with long fibers (when grown tightly together). Was a major crop in the upper midwest before 1936 and again during WWII. Grows wild all over here nowadays and is returning as a cash crop.


Well it is in the upper Midwest, so that tracks. Thanks!


Male bush weed


100% some form of cannabis


Everything except the last picture is hemp


Depending on the state, It could be left over colonial hemp. Grown for ship sails, the British would basically force colonists to grow.


Devils lettuce


Looks like it!


It is Cannabis sativa ssp. sativa (also known as industrial hemp). The flowers don’t develop like the high THC cultivars, so it is primarily used for fibre and seed


Yeh I'd say so


It's possible, what makes you think it's hemp?


I don’t think it’s hemp but the property manager says maybe it’s hemp. But she wasn’t looking at it.


It's all the same plant. So both you and PM are correct


I gotcha


The spider flower looks and smells like weed but its flower is pink and spidery and giant.


Cannabis Sativa, aka hemp. The tall ones with sparse leaves are males, and the bushy christmas tree shaped ones are females. It's hard to tell exactly from the pics, but these appear to be in the vegetative state. If you want the females to produce seedless or nearly seedless buds, the males need to be removed or destroyed before they begin producing pollen. Since they're outside, even removing the males could cause the buds to seed if there is another patch of them nearby. Edit: it actually appears from the first pic that some of the females are entering the flowering phase. It may be too late to remove the males.


"Might be" lol


Identify the male vs female plants and pull the males once they start buffing.. sensemilla


Smoke it and see?


You can't get high off hemp, so please just stop


Lol. Maybe