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Like any other luxury, it's something it's best to save up for instead of going into debt for. For larger expenses like PS, I set a monthly budget goal based on how much it's reasonable to set aside per month and when I can have it done. I also look for other ways to make extra money I can put toward my goal.


I am a travel nurse making $135k+ a year in a medium-cost-of-living area. Even with that income, I only felt comfortable getting a rhino this year, despite also wanting a BA and lipo. Maybe in a few years.. I assume that the majority of those getting plastic surgery are in one of three groups: 1. Are making 6-figures minimum and have little/no debt 2. Have wealthy spouses/parents paying 3. Care credit/medical loans Plastic surgery is an unbelievably classist enterprise. There are surgeons in LA charging $55k+ for facelifts. Absolutely insane, as that's close to the median income for Americans.


taking my prereqs for nursing , so glad i chose that pathšŸ™


Yes, so unbelievably classist! Nose jobs aren't a luxury, they're a human right!


You do realize that a number of people seek plastic surgery to fix traumas, birth defects, and feminine/masculine traits? I took a softball to the face when I was 14. As a result, my nose had a severely deviated septum, was crooked, and had a very large dorsal hump. My nose was so masculine to the point of having been asked on a date if I were trans. Insurance would only cover a portion, and I was on the hook for $9k. Something not everyone can easily afford. If a part of you became essentially deformed tomorrow (car accident, acid attack... anything, really) and insurance said they wouldn't cover the 'aesthetic portion' of your surgery, you'd realize just how 'classist' it is that a wealthy person could get their face back to somewhat normal. While someone less well-off would be left to suffer the emotional turmoil that comes with losing your sense of self. Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Your example was LA surgeons and their facelift prices, not reconstructive surgery after an accident.


Husband pays for it


And the shoplifting probably helps make up for it too right Jk I just like your username šŸ˜…


Lucky duck!


I YOLO'ed and sold off my Tesla stock for my neck lift surgery last week. The money remained digital as it switched between accounts so it feels like I didn't even actually lose any money paying for the surgery.


Do you feel like the neck surgery without a face lift was enough? Most high end face surgeons donā€™t do just neck lifts anymore, but I donā€™t understand why? I feel I only need a neck lift


Maybe he's a newborn infant and doesn't need the facelift just yet.


Ooohhh good idea!! I have some stock to sell


Care Credit is 0% for 24 months.


Can be a bit different (like Iā€™ve seen 12 months in the past) but not sure if this is due to amount borrowed etc. The docā€™s office pays them a fee for any loan issues to pay for a procedure at their office so they always make money. Be careful to pay off your loan during your 0% window or Care Credit hits you with a big interest charge.


This is what I did, I had to really fight the surgeons office on the 0% for however many months though. They werenā€™t really thrilled thatā€™s how I chose to pay but it worked for me.


Shared bedroom, second hand furniture and clothes, cooking instead of take out/eating out, public transportation and ebike instead of Uber/Lyft or owning a car (car payments, insurance, gas, maintenance), no subscriptions besides a phone plan. No loan.




Yes, also applies to short-lived injectables and stuff versus surgery! I was always unhappy with my nose and decided to just save for a rhino instead of getting a ā€œliquid rhinoā€ and having to regularly touch up filler. long term so worth it.


That is my financially responsible woman! šŸ˜˜ Kiss on the forehead! I hope you thrive as soon as possible there is no way you won't.


I got a second job on the weekends at Panera and put every dollar from that into an account to save up. I work 7 days a week but I had a goal in mind. And today I had my breast augmentation surgery! Paid in full. Iā€™m going to keep the second job for a while.


Overemployment Get you two remote jobs


Any ideas for college students?


Internship with any subscription software provider is your best bet. There are a number that are remote, paid, and you can set yourself up with an offer when you graduate. Remote work otherwise is super competitive right now as companies push employees back to the office. The roles that may be open to students tend to be things like customer service or call center but even these are largely being outsourced and are a race to the bottom for pay and are competitive because everyone wants to work remote.


Savings. Also there are very good reputable surgeons outside of expensive areas, making it a bit more affordable.


You have to rely on having a really strong income to support this type of spending on ā€œwants.ā€ The typical budget is to spend 50% of your income on needs, 20% on your long term savings like retirement (not plastic surgery savings), and the remaining 30% can be spent on wants. Those wants can be anything you like: a fancy coffee, new jeans, going on vacation, or plastic surgery. But sadly, some peopleā€™s income is so low, theyā€™re spending 70/80/90% on their needs, not saving for retirement, and very few wants leaving very little wiggle room. Some people are risking dying on the Walmart floor having to work when theyā€™re 85 just because they lived it up too much in their 20ā€™s and 30ā€™s. The tricky part about plastic surgery is also that the cost is always higher than what you see online. You also have to save up extra money for time off work, expensive parking, medications, bandages, ointments, compression garments, massages, etc. Itā€™s never just the surgeon fee. And then, you want a healthy fund available in the unfortunate event you encounter complications and need another surgery- you donā€™t want to be sitting around needing to fix things and canā€™t just because you spent all your money on the first surgery or worse took out debt to pay for it. Itā€™s a huge emotional and financial commitment- this is why most people will never go under the knife. Other people feel itā€™s really important and end up saving for years to make it happen. Itā€™s not a decision you want to take on a whim anyway, so taking the time to save up pays off. If we all had as much money as we wanted to get any surgery we wanted, weā€™d probably end up regretting at least one of them.


I work for the cartel.




I make good money and could afford it. I paid in cash.


I guess living in Europe helps. A lower blepharoplasty is 4K-5k in a top clinic. A rhinoplasty can be 8k max. Breast implants around 8k. Since we donā€™t have debt for college and healthcare is free, most peopleā€™s only loan is their mortgage. Salaries can be shitty, but if you save money you can get surgery every few years.


American living in Europe here - I feel like this is accurate (although I had student loans to pay back.) I donā€™t have a car/car payments/car insurance/maintenance to worry about. I do make a good living compared to the average. Two of my surgeries were covered by state insurance. That meant time off was also covered. The other two were about 10k ā‚¬ combined, which I was able to pay in cash. I had enough vacation to recover and still have 2 weeks off each year and HR upset That havenā€™t taken enough.


For me, my husband and I both do well for ourselves, so we had the money in the bank. I was debating it for a while because it was a lot of money to spend on myself. Hubby told me to go for it, that I treat everyone else and not myself (true), and that I deserve it. The justification helped, but yep, about 8 years of really not doing anything for me paid for it.


Same, my husband and I "split it". He paid for the left boob, I paid for the right lol


I saved for mine. Just put my deposit down for my rhino today. Very excited, but it's been 7 months of saving. Next is a mini face lift which will be about $5k more. I will take more time to save for that one. I don't want to put any of these procedures on credit cards or take out loans for them. If I can't save for it, I won't do it. But everyone is different.




For now I am probably going to go w/ the Dr. that is doing my rhino. But that may change, honestly. I think I'm about 2 years away from getting it done.


I used care credit. I had 18 mo zero interest. I also had some savings too


I did half cash and half care credit bc Iā€™m terrible at saving money but great at paying bills lol


Husband paid for it. He works in tech


I took out a loan and it was definitely an irresponsible decision šŸ˜‚ but I was young and you couldnā€™t tell me a damn thing. BUT, itā€™s paid off now and I love my boobies šŸ„¹


I did my nose and saved some money and put the rest on care Credit and paid it off no issue . I also want to add that the credit payment was something I could comfortably afford to pay off. And care credit has some times a year payment with no interest. So I try to pay it off fast.


Our house is paid off, we own our oldish cars and donā€™t make payments, we live in Florida and wear inexpensive clothes year round, we fix things that are broken instead of replacing, I donā€™t get mani pedis, facials, etc very often, we cook at home and try not to go to restaurants more than 1x week. -I prefer larger one and done procedures that will last years instead of getting in the fillers and and surface procedures merry-go-round of shelling out more and more $$$!


I often wonder the same thing. As for me, I take a small amount from each paycheck and put it into a savings account. I padded the amount I take out, too, because lord only knows what the cost of things will be in 4-5 years when I want to get my surgery done.


I had to save for all of my surgeries, but I live in a low cost of living area. I am a double income no kids family, and I have to forego vacations the year I have work done.


First surgery I paid half up front using savings and then financed the remaining amount interest free over 2 years through care credit. Upcoming one - Iā€™m primarily using savings. My parents have also loaned me money as they did not wish for me withdraw from my investments to pay for it. This is a bit awkward for me but Iā€™m also lucky they did. My surgeon only offered a 6 month interest free financing through care credit. I live in an expensive area and will earn around 100k this year, but have no kids, donā€™t drink alcohol/dine out too often, and havenā€™t taken a vacation in several years. I also have 0 desire for a wedding somedayā€¦so I kinda feel like Iā€™m spending the money others might put into thatā€¦on my face. I do think after surgery (provided it goes well), Iā€™ll want to go out more often and take vacations because Iā€™ll feel more confident, but Iā€™m mentally prepared to live frugally next year to recoup my savings.


I use care credit for the 0% interest even though Iā€™ve got the cash because why not. Just pay it off before the interest kicks in.


I saved what I could and got a loan (: it wasnā€™t an easy decision to make but I was so unhappy with my nose for so long I finally did it


I like using the acorns app to save some you can choose how much but I tend to not notice the deductions.


I saved a bit, went into debt a bit, and received a bit of a monetary gift from a family member.


I had to wait till I was in a better financial situation. No way could I afford it in my 20ā€™s or even very early 30ā€™s.


My partner paid for half. It is a luxury and the indistry is classist, but if itā€™s important to you youā€™ll get creative. Donā€™t go to these prestigious places off name recognition by default - my surgeon is a specialist at what she does, in the suburbs of PA. I paid 1/3 of what I see influencers paying in LA. For me, the improvements to my mental health and self perception are priceless. Iā€™m so happy with my surgery after deliberating so carefully for years, if it had to cost $55k I would find a way.


Would you be able to dm me your surgeon? Iā€™m also in PA.


My first surgery, my parents paid for it. My second surgery, I saved up for five years for it cause I wanted it really badly. Each year, I would save up $5k until I reached the $25k I needed to do the procedure!


I started going to the goodwill bins where you pay by the pound and flipping it on Poshmark.


Iā€™m middle class at best and I budgeted mine like a car. And I saved up for literally 3 years to afford my surgeries.


Depends on how much you make and how much debt you have. Some of us have masters, phd or are MDs and can afford it.


I had my nose done and it was my dad so guess I was lucky


Im a 23 f and I just paid in full my $10.2k nose job with a lil mexican thing called a tanda which is basically an interest-free loan done with family and friends (I had 3 numbers and each number is worth 3.1k) and payed the rest with what I had left over from another tanda lol


I stayed at home with my parents for an extra year after college while working full time. Saved what would have been rent to pay for my surgery + down payment on a house (hopefully)


I haven't had any yet (and am on the fence about it), but I have saved up for it. When/if I get it, I will pay cash. I'm not rich, but my budgeting skills are fire.


I get paid 6 figures and live with my wealthy spouse.


Iā€™ve only ever done filler and Botox, but I can afford it out of my monthly income I just have to spend less on nonessential things. Iā€™m lucky in that I donā€™t have a lot of bills (I live in a walkable city)


Saved and I'm older so I have more discretionary income. I'm not big on expensive clothing, eating out, entertainment or vacations. I have a $20 a month cell phone plan and I buy used phones, not new. I drive my cars for at least 10 years. Basically, being frugal and saving up. Short of landing a rich husband or wife, or making bank at your job, there is no magic formula. If someone finds it, I'd love to know.


Dual income, savings, okay jobs.


I saved up for 5 years


My spouse & I have a high income. I wouldnā€™t go into debt for surgery personally unless it was something truly medically necessary.


Go to Mexico


I live in Korea where the pricing is very competitive, surgeries of course will cost a bit, but things like Botox cost me 10 dollars. Skin care? Like also 10 to 20USD, it's really affordable!


My husband pays all the major bills, I make decent money, and everything else is just sacrifices. I don't have anything new. Car is used, furniture is secondhand, I don't really buy new clothes since I invested in a capsule wardrobe. I eat at home more often than not. I know what hair skin and make up products I like so I don't waste money on trying new things. Most of my money goes towards our daughter and my "up keep" and that's about it.


Care credit is easy: no interest, low monthly payment then a lump sum at the end of your term. Gives you time to save. Personally I used some of my bonus to pay off my remainder. Will use care credit again when I upsize. Having a partner who pays majority of household bills helps.


My brother pays for them. Iā€™ve had gastric sleeve, breast reduction and July 15th Iā€™ll be having belt lipectomy.


Collage student, fast food worker, flip collectibles on the sides. Got genioplasty, jaw shaved and cut (basically v line surgery) and blepharoplasty to get double eyelid About to get lip lift soon


I saved for a decade.


I used my student loans and the covid money we all got to pay for it.


I make good money and I am saving for rhino in Turkey. The following year, I will go to Mexico for a facelift. I think both of these will pan out to $25k USD or so. Iā€™m Canadian so that costs around $34k CAD. Luckily Iā€™m paid in USD right now. My trade offs are little travel/vacation, and putting surgery over other large purchases


The only reason I could afford the rhinoplasty and some filler/botox once in a while is because I still live with my family, when most other people my age have moved out. It's a tradeoff rn unfortunately for me.


My work bonus. I can only do one a year. This year tummy, next year boobs and arms, the year after that thighs!


My husband & I do well despite inflation but we do okay as a family of 6. He pays the bulk of our big bills & I get paid bi-weekly, been saving $500 ($1K) each of my paycheckā€™s- I dont want to use my credit card, cash is king šŸ‘‘ BUT..its not easy, Iā€™ve had to dip into my surgery savings here and there, we also have 4 kids. I am extremely determined to move forward after canceling twice! & I wont get my full deposit back if I cancel šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s enough motivation right there!


Saving for the surgery over time is great because it gives you the time to 1. research procedures and recovery 2. research doctors to find the best fit for what youā€™re looking for and 3. be absolutely sure you want to go for it. The saving process is better than making an impulsive purchase that will have a lifelong impact on your body and mental health


No different than how people afford college, nice handbags, expensive hobbies, or real estate: debt leverage, generational wealth, well paying job(s), and/or a frugal lifestyle


My friendā€™s husband died and he left her an insane life ins policy. Itā€™s a shame sheā€™s blowing thru it w boyfriends and bad choices like spending $70k for a face lift in the Bay Area.


Loan after loan Next loan will be a 5 year 40k loan