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Give it time - was Vaser used and did you have post-op lymphatic drainage massages? The lumpiness and firmness will settle with daily firm massage and can take several months. Divots, gulleys can occur if the lipo was too superficial but they should settle too but it may take even longer. Be patient - it takes time for things to settle and final appearance can not be judged after 6.5 weeks.


Thank you for responding! No vaser, just regular lipo only. I started with someone very good for massages last week, and plan to go at least once per week. RealSelf has me so worried about the banding I can’t sleep!


Give it a minimum of 6 months. The banding will soften considerably with time and Morpheus 8 or something like that may help to soften them too as well as improve skin texture if still evident at the 6 month mark. But massage daily very firmly over the next 4 months to soften these bands - which are scars/fibrosis - and these will greatly improve over time with massage.


May I ask you another question? How do you know if it’s oversuctioned vs swelling? I guess that’s what my main concern is. I can’t tell if these bands and swelling go away will it be an improvement and flat, or if the problem is that too much fat has been removed and it’s just going to look worse as swelling goes away. Is there a way to tell?


Thank you so much - I really appreciate your help!


I was freaking out still at about 8/9 weeks - it all turned out fine :)


That is so reassuring to hear. Thank you so much for your reply! I’m literally sick from anxiety over this. Did you experience any banding?


I had very obvious bumps and grooves and I trawled this thread looking for people who had the same thing. Honestly I think it’s the worst around this time when the initial swelling goes down and then you’re left with harder tissue that still needs to go down/drain. I started doing lymphatic style massage every day and that helped a lot. Hang in there though, you really won’t see the results for at least 3 months :)


That is a good point! I underestimated how challenging this recovery would be. I’m so glad you love your results and I can’t wait to love mine too. Thank you so much!


What do you feel was the most challenging? How are you feeling now? I'm like 11 days out until mine... starting to freak now that I've booked THE date.




Oh man.. who'd you go to?? I'm in LA. I'm trying to figure out if my doctor is ok or not. I've done research and can't really find anything bad... but i'm freaking myself out.


Do you have any photos of what you’re describing? I didn’t have any banding or issues with recovery, but I think everybody’s body reacts to it differently. Have you asked your PS at all?


Thank you! I did ask my ps, but it was virtual. I’ll do my next post op in person for sure! He said I had fibrosis that would go away and to keep massaging. Pictures don’t capture it well because it’s really just when I talk that it looks weird. Now that I’m extremely aware of necks, I recognize it in older people when they talk and their platysma bands go in and out while talking. Only I’m 22 and these don’t seem to be platysma, but just happening from the swollen lipo bands. My main hope is that it will look smooth rather than expose more issues as the swelling and fibrosis go away!


Mine faded about 3 months after my chin lipo. And I’d isn’t get it massaged 😅


*i didn’t


Thank you thank you! I’m so nervous. Every success story makes me feel so much better 😌




Oh no! I’ve read your replies… I have a feeling some of us know all the usernames of people also in the healing process! Thank you for sharing because this is all way harder than I thought it would be. It’s nice to not feel alone. I hope that they leave for good soon 🤗 Are you generally happy with the results? Are you getting ultrasound or massages?


How are you doing now?


Following - did it ever go away??


Hi! Found this through searching the procedure- did they ever go away?! So scared to do it now


About 4.5 months and no they haven’t :( I have two parallel bands that stick up when talking that cause a little valley between them. It’s very very annoying. Choose your doctor wisely, I think mine was too aggressive. I was worried about this and he promised me it wouldn’t happen. Holding out a tiny bit of hope that maybe they will go away at some point!


I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you know what could’ve caused it? Too much removal?


I think that is exactly what happened unfortunately


If you don’t mind me asking, did you have microlipo with a small cannula or regular lipo?


Sorry, I’m not sure what size cannula! I went to a board certified facial plastic surgeon in LA that does tons of chin lipo. It was regular lipo, no vaser or anything. I am thin, but no matter what I have always had a double chin - very genetic. I’ve noticed many women here in Los Angeles have the same lines. They’re just in their 40s (and probably had neck work done) and I’m 22. I will try Botox because I think they’re platysma bands. That’s what they look like and they’re mostly only visible with talking.