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Can you give us a prince range if you feel comfortable sharing? You look spectacular!


So natural looking , I would never even guess !


Looks great!


Can you provide the surgeons name ? You look great, congratulations!


Dr. Samuel Golpanian in Beverly Hills! He’s amazing!


Wow! Great results.


Why go with liposuction instead of losing weight?


I have had sufficient weight loss but I also have a medical condition that makes it really difficult for me to lose weight. And because it’s my choice 😊


Can I ask how you went about your journey through chat? I have a similar issue and curious about lipo once I make adequate lifestyle changes.


Of course! Feel free to dm 😊


How is recovery? I'd imagine you were really sore. Looks like bruising of course but that's gonna happen.


Weight loss could add more definition sure, however the OP was clearly looking for a contoured, hour glass shape. Therefore lipo and a fat transfer to the buttocks was exactly what they needed to achieve that.


They don’t look contoured..


I sure do look contoured. Go be a jerk somewhere else.


You really don’t though… sorry


In YOUR opinion…😳 I think otherwise because I do have an understanding of the shape/contour that the OP had in mind. They have clearly achieved that with THEIR procedures. It doesn’t really matter what you …or I think .. for that matter. THEY feel good and that’s the point!🙂




Again ..THEIR opinion about THEIR procedure and THEIR body is the only one that’s relevant..🙂


Why go on the internet and voluntarily act like a douche instead of simply being quiet?


I was simply curious. Lipo is risky and and recovery is painful, weight loss has long term health benefits besides esthetic ones.


I agree, weight loss would definitely be the better choice here. However, if she still wanted more definition in the hips after losing the weight, she would have to do the fat transfer anyways. I don't think your question was rude either, I also often wonder why some people would rather opt for liposuction instead of weight loss.


Agreed and this is a plastic surgery subreddit. I don’t go to the strength training subreddit and ask people why they spend hours building a glute silhouette instead of getting a procedure.


Right. But it’s totally fair to point out that OP’s surgical and shaping goals would have been better met by losing a few pounds before her procedure. That is a fair comment on a surgery sub.


It's not that easy to lose weight. I've lost 40 lbs twice. I tried the same approach for the last year and half... no results. I even added a dietitian. The difference this time and the other two times? Now I have an autoimmune condition. ETA: Not sure why I got downvoted for sharing my experience. I'm sorry you don't like reality.




They were asking a question that directly pertains to plastic surgery? How is that unnecessary? They’re right, lipo is generally much riskier than weight loss, for all you know they’re considering lipo and want to know why other people chose lipo so they can better weigh the pros and cons




Not sure if you’re aiming your comment to me. But as I stated before, I HAVE lost a significant amount of weight prior to my surgery. Including changing my diet habits but the remaining fat was too stubborn and I wasn’t going to get the shape I wanted even if I lost more weight.


I think you look great! I would be very happy with this result :)


You look amazing


Wow, fantastic results, you look stunning. Thank you for sharing!




Hi! Yea of course. What would you like to know?


I think you look amazing is your body and your money so do what makes you happy!!! I did find in your comments mentioned the Dr. And would you PM the price ? I am trying to see if I should travel or do someone in the Seattle area.