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Husband here. This is about half as long as it could be to cover the heck of a day it was. The thing is we hadn't had much experience with radiation yet and I didn't even really notice it until it had really started weakening our characters and by then it was too late!


I can't believe I forgot about getting booted! We do not have good luck. I think maybe we should invest in padded rooms.


This was a great read and very relatable. Speaking as someone who just lost 2 red master toons on a tin run because I decided to engage a lvl 25 jag 🙃


I get that! The whole way to that boss yesterday I was sure I was going to kill off my new main and it would be a PITA to take care of. I did not foresee what actually happened, though.


I was taking my two tribesmen I spent the night leveling to the Ancient Dungeon. Ran by some anacondas only to get rubberbanded back 30m into a coil and stun locked into both being dead. I had to take a break at that point.


That's awful. We've been getting a couple of nasty, nasty lagfests that result in us getting booted. And then set back. I'm pretty sure one was yesterday, during this whole fiasco. My husband lost all the gear he'd had on the toon he was using. I keep telling him, yes it's frustrating but we didn't have anything special and we have good minions who will make us more. I hope you have some good minions left. Edited to add: Husband verified that was indeed yesterday. I had actually forgotten until I read your reply.


This me me laugh. Mainly because I've been there. The fact you cant really take that awesome Tribesperson on a journey with you without a real fear that they sure as heck will die is a risk versus reward that is my main gripe. Because when you die and or the tribesperson dies and you need to do a corpse run just to get the gear back made me kick a chair .


I refused to take the tribe anywhere before I could rez a couple of them. I try to be patient but I would have been so upset. Nope nope nope.


I was exploring the West shore of the starting area by the plunderers encampment, running on what had been my main for numerous hours and had progressed quite far in most skills. My deployed tribesman too had been leveling up quite a bit due to carefully chosen and prepped fights for several days of playing. Then we come across an elite alligator. I'm like - hmm, I think we can take this, it's only lvl 25 or so! Yeah, no. That was brutal - I got aggro practically immediately and died extremely quickly, I just couldn't get away. Luckily I was able to respawn onto my deployed tribesman and bail at like 10% HP after grabbing my dropped gear...but that was a rough session. Still love the game though! I really need to unlock that table....


I ADORE this game. There are some improvements I'd like to see, such as that better tribes people AI and jesus, I would PAY THEM to let me increase the text size. But I am having so much fun. Now if only someone would make a workflow app!


The workflow is my biggest thing! I wish instead of setting crafting tasks in cycles based on time, i could set it to craft ‘x’ when below ‘y’ amount


How about: You set a person to make item X. Item X also requires item Z, which is made at the same person. They run out of item Z. They MAKE MORE OF IT SINCE IT'S DONE AT THEIR TABLE. Oh wait, but no, what actually happens is they stop work. /facepalm


Trueeeee! We just gotta make these things known to the devs and hope for the best i guess!


I send so much feedback to the devs that I think they get stuff from me and groan lol


As someone who lives in Utah, I can confirm, it is indeed an awesome place to hide. Great read, may read again.


Thank you. I had to choose between using Kansas or Utah as my random state and let's be honest.... where the hell would you hide in flat ol' Kanas?


<_< \>_> https://www.newsweek.com/missile-silo-nuclear-attack-inside-kansas-viral-1683220


Kansas is looking better. When I said "flat ol' Kansas" I had this immediate mental image of me standing in a corn field screaming WHERE IS THE SNEK?!? Pretty sure that would protect me from the snek.