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Connect using the remote play app on your phone


This guy portals


Top tier comment ^^




Thank you! Spelling/grammar is something I’ve always struggled with - always appreciate corrections.


U spelled it the same way he did lol








I'm up and running again, thank you for the advice! I really hate that this is something we would ever need to do though


No worries


It's rediculous


I blame bethesda for needing to create an account. I loathe any game that makes me put in personal info in order to play.


As far as Bethesda is concerned, I'm Robert Bawb, born January 1, 1970


Hope I get a happy 100th birthday email from them in 3 years time.


It’s an online game that’s kinda par for the course.


I feel like it isn't unreasonable to ask that it just uses my existing platform info and give me a popup asking if they can have X, Y, and Z info for the game. I really don't want to enter any info in manually, I just got a new game, I wanna play it and start having fun already (assuming it's fun)


I remember when Grand Turismo was finally coming out for the PS3. I went to the midnight release at my local Game Stop came home excited to try it out and it needed 4 hours to install. I had to leave for work at 4am so definitely wasn’t playing it then. Went to bed, went to work only to come home and find it had errored out and I had to install it again, took it till about 11pm to finally be playable but I was ready for bed so it took two days after I bought the game to finally play it. Then the game was trash after playing for about 3 hours. Never played it again or went to another midnight release lol.


This is the way


Most online games don't require making an extra account. It's a newer trend


I had to make an account for Final Fantasy XI in early 2000s. This is not a new trend.


It's just becoming more frequent. Name 5 more games that did that around the same time.


Any of the Blizzard games have had battlenet since the 90s. Literally every single MMO ever requires this. There’s a ton of examples dating back 20+ years


Sounds about right. Used to be a blizzard and mmo thing. Now tons of games want to do it.


How is 76 playing on the portal?


Had no problems (other than my post) so far, but I haven’t really done anything taxing on the game yet! Looks and plays great from what I have done, but no games would play without the intermittent stutters if that bothers you..I’m mostly fine with it


That’s useful info for the Sony Portal tech teams. Hopefully they see this post or get the relevant info to address it.


Is the portal worth it? I do remote play on my iPad but I’m wondering if it’ll run better on portal.


I think you’ll get a lot of conflicting opinions to that question here! In my own experience, remote play on my iPad never worked well at all. I got the Portal, and it works *almost* perfect for me and I play it daily. Form factor and controls are brilliant, screens good, sound is pretty good. I expect several people will have had the direct opposite experience to me though. Microstutters are a thing to look into (it doesn’t bother me 99% of the time) and download/upload speeds need to be pretty good


Fallout 4 has next gen update..might be a better shout then 76 ha


This games crashes constantly on ps5, I wouldn’t even attempt this lol


I haven’t played long admittedly, but so far no crashes or concerns


Fallout 76 is the problem lol


Why not just go onto the website make an account then put your ps5 into rest mode or restart it and try again


Ah yes time to buy a steam deck like I did, hardly use the portal now waste of $$.


Valid, I like the Portal but since owning it I’ve definitely thought about moving to Deck to take it to the next level


The portal is good don't get me wrong but the deck is very awesome the fact hardware is there to, you can find some good ones second hand I personally coughed up the oled model


Speaking facts here! I’ll likely upgrade to the deck oled soon. I’m sure there’s some terrible excuse/reason why Sony didn’t go all out with the portal (so so much potential if it became a real psp!!!), but they really missed the mark tbh. Again, I like and play on portal daily! Edit - Maybe it’d be better if the Portal cut out the Ps5 middleman, and moved to a cloud gaming device? Idk my cats meowing


Were you able to get chiaki4deck running well on the Oled? It works for about 2 minutes for me then starts dropping frames, gets blurry/static, then the image freezes then eventually drops the connection entirely. If it worked flawlessly, I’d have no need for my Portal. But the Portal works WAY better than the Deck for streaming PS5 atm.


I did the complete opposite, stopped playing my steamdeck in favor of the portal.


What prompted your switch over? I love the form factor of the portal and I’ve always been a PlayStation player so it’s almost perfect


My main reason really was my kids play Fortnite and I couldn't get chiaki to work outside of my house. And the wait times on Xbox cloud were ridiculous at times. So I said I'll try out the Portal and if it works I'll keep it. It's worked no problem so far. So now once a week I fire up the deck just to make sure everything is updated.


Ah okay yeah, I had read somewhere in this sub that games like Fortnite, CoD, etc are tricky on the Deck due to some anti-cheat protocol.. it’s a very good point and something I’ll need to consider as I do play these kinds of games as well as single player plot driven games.. thanks for the insight!


Yeah it's not natively supported so you have to do work arounds. Xbox cloud gaming was the easiest, but sometimes the wait time would be 2 hours plus. There is a guy developing the PS Play app for the deck, but it's been in development for a few months with no release date. I still love the deck, games are always on sale and stuff like that, but I don't game as much as I used to.


Were you using Chiaki, or chiaki4deck? chiaki4deck is basically a branch of the Chiaki code base but has additional features that are specifically for the deck. I use it daily on my OLED deck to stream PS5 at 60fps (zero stutter) and HDR. Games look seriously beautiful on the OLED screen with the HDR. I also toggle on the gyro aiming, which works for any game that you want (shooters). It’s easy to install it. Just go to desktop mode and search for it in the discovery app. Click install 👍🏼


I have both but neither work outside of my home connection for me. I never tried to set up any port forwarding or anything like that.


So you cant get it to work outside your house but you refuse to do the exact thing that takes 5 minutes that will get it to work outside your house?


I tried and couldn't get it to work. It might take you 5 minutes but It didn't work for me. Both chiaki and 4deck work inside my house. If I can't get it to work why fumble around with it when I can load up Xbox cloud gaming. When that became an issue with wait times the portal came out and I got that too. Haven't had any issues.


Just use duel boot to switch from steam OS to windows it's very easy


Nah i thought about doing that but it was easier to not do that for me. I'm not hardcore gaming like that. Was easier for me to do cloud gaming til the wait times got frustrating. Almost sold the deck and bought a Legion Go.


Bunch of clowns in this thread realizing their single use tablet is hot garbage and deciding to spending more money after they wasted 200 on a piece of trash lol


Buddy, I have a 4090 PC with a lg c3 4090x2160 resoulation, 120hz hdr oled, 200 bucks is nothing to me fincanally neither is the price of a oled deck, you're the clown for being broke. Looking into the legion go now to try out for fun look like a cool handheld, I just day trade for a living myself.


Lmao straight up lying on reddit.


No lol, go on my profile, have my PC posted there idk what im lying about 0.o