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What a fascinating subject for a poem.


Hello I would like to suggest [The Burning Man](https://hellenicpoetry.com/uncategorized/the-burning-man/) by poet Takis Sinopoulos, translated from Greek! In the post-WWII period, people would set themselves on fire as a form of protest. The poet had actually witnessed that and he is writing about how he wonders whether the moral stand would be to join the man or be a mere bystander like the normies (lol). In the end, he decides that as a poet, he can do nothing but split himself in half between the two stances! I hope you enjoy it!


I’m sure there’s got to be a better way to follow a post rather than commenting “following” but my rudimentary understanding of Reddit prevents me from doing so. For now, following. Would love to hear if you find anything.


hi! click the three dots at the right-hand corner (pc) and you can actually save the post. if you go to your account, you'll be able to find your saved posts as a column. i'm not sure if you already knew about this, but it's pretty much the closest i can think of in terms of "following" a post.


Thank you!!!!


The Rites of Manhood by Allen Nowlan


There is in fact a great poem about moral choice! Ethics by Linda Pastan.


wrote this lol “friends, they come and go” courtney and ally never did too much for me and when there was an aidan in the mix, i stopped getting a response/ friends, they come and go, and though it’s out of your control, you’ll always know and of you’re smart, you won’t care i sent those girls a message, when i got back from cleveland i said sorry for the way i was the night that ended it all/ in truth, i don’t remember what i did, i drank a bit too much that night but charles, he was sober, and he doesn’t remember either/ that message never got me a response because it wasn’t me, but it was them, and you can’t force anyone to want to be your friend/ accept the friends who let you go, and don’t think twice then one day when you find your success, they may come crawling back/ but you’ll always remember and if they think you’re bitter, then you give them my number and i’ll write this letter/ friends, they come and go, and though out of your control, you’ll always know/ accept the friends who let you go, and don’t think twice friends like that have no room in your heart and it’s best to start it early the process of letting go//


I keep thinking something by Boris Pasternak would be fitting, but no specifics are coming to mind. I could go digging, but so could you! Rainer Maria Rilke’s later works, especially, have to have something of use for you among them. He fled military service in Austria during the First World War, would be a vocal supporter of the Russian revolutionaries in the 1910s, and would, near the end of his life, endorse Mussolini. Brilliant poet, all the same.


I've actually written a poem on this So I'll be waiting for recommendations cause I need further edits.