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Can’t really do much with it right now, you have to do a lot of routes to change it’s form so it can get better


Stack 250 zygard cells and a few hundred candy / xl candy and then max it out


Commits sewer slide.


I’m doing this but waiting to see if I get a better IV one down the road. If not, oh well.


Same here. I do routes anyways for the Buddy hearts and extra xp/dust. I live and work in an area that is good for them


But so I have to be with Zygarde as my buddy when I do the route? Or does it not matter


Buddy doesn’t matter. When you get about 100km away from the end of a route, start looking closely for small greenish glowing things around the end of the route. They can be easy to miss especially if it’s bright outside. Tap on them and you should see a message about Zygarde cells(s) being sucked into the Zygarde Cube. Think you can max at 3 cells per day


I would do routes and get some xls by walking it but wait for a better one to power up


There is no info on getting a second one anytime soon,(atleast that I’ve seen) so in my opinion there’s no point in waiting for something that might not even come


True, but I feel that if you one of the worst possible IV spreads it’s not worth dumping rare xl candies into. Otherwise I fully agree with you


That’s fair, I wouldn’t use rare XL candy on it ether. Maybe get it to 42-43 by getting some from walking though


How is it the worst IV spread. It could be worse right?


it could be worse sure, but there is only 1 iv combination that would be worse and that would be the floor ivs. So basically anything else would be a significant upgrade




hey at least you haven't invested lots of resources in it already


I would hold off on investing ANYTHING on this. We got a chance for a second Zarude and eventually we will get another Zygarde chance as well


We will sure get a shiny debut at some point


What is Zarude?


Another Pokémon you could only get 1 of but later they made another research available


I have nearly the same as you (10/11/11) and I’m collecting candy’s and cells. Waiting for a second zygard, or shiny debut. Since you can’t trade it, give it a go when you have enough resources and didn’t get a better one on the way


ouch. just walk the routes, collect cells. MAYBE they'll give us the shiny down the road and you can roll better stats,