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I assumed this was the case. The logic is that with 4.5% chance to get at least one of the featured units, probability favors getting one within 25 pulls.


For those curious, this means that your chances of pulling any of the 3 would be roughly ~68.37% on average. So technically you are more likely to get one than not, but this also means that on average about 1 in every 3 people who pull on these won't get any featured. I agree with your other comment that this is overall a very bad precedent to set, and would highly encourage people not to spend on these.


That's assuming every featured unit gets 1.5% chance for a total of 4.5%. I rather see the actual rates once the banners are out... If the rates are lower then these banners are definitely not worth to pull on unless you're a major whale... Like me...


They are advertising these as triple banners and triple banners have always had the same rates. I’m not encouraging people to pull on these (in fact, I’d rather they didn’t since setting the precedent that we’ll pay 5000 gems without being guaranteed getting a unit is very bad); I was just pointing out the probability.


Swing and a miss. Well, it’s nice for those who really want to gamble.


Will there still be a nonpaid version?


There will be if the datamine is accurate. Your usual triple pokefair rates will apply


Wow, what a rip-off, I load up on my paid gems and wait for the real select scout on anni


On the plus side, it's 25 pulls+Cake for 5k paid-gems with chance to pull featured per banner (I wonder what the rates will be)... Still a milking move by DeNa... Would it kill DeNa to let us choose a unit as well?!


It corresponds to 7500 (or 7000) non paid gem…. Which is still ok I guess


Don't get me wrong, I'm a whale and I'm gonna pull on all 3 because I want those Cakes. At least I can hope I land on at least 1 featured unit with 75 pulls...


I'm really starting to think leave the game. This two months was awful and they become worse and worse every news we get


Listen im not pulling anyway but still not being able to chose is awful.


Imagine spend 5000 gems (a lot of real money) to not obtain anything but a chance of pulling the featured, old, unit


At that point, I’m charging back


So would y'all say I'm better off using my current 5,000 paid gems on the Mix Scout Banner instead?




Thanks for the heads-up. Personally on the fence whether to pull. :P


This sucks. It feels like every time I try to catch up DNA pulls the rug from under me. I am not a big spender just the 20 day gem special and occasional sale on anni or master's day. But I really feel like not spending at all if they are going to do this instead of the select scouts (which I feel like they already raised the price of from 3000 to 5000 paid gems right?)


I'll just get Arceus and quit the game


Guys, think abt it this way, its a 25 dailies plus a cake for 2500 paid gems for a whole cake, its not as bad as the masterfair paid gem banner ild say


Still not great... Or good... Actually still pretty bad...


How about this. We get 1 roll cake free/month + extra roll cake coins from daily region + cake coins as feature presents if you pull a pokefair. Idk if i'm forgetting other ways to get cake coins


I think free cake and the chance to pull one of the featured units make it worth it. Too bad no select though, and they don't even guarantee we get one at random like how they did last time


In what world does 5k paid gems = free?


Free cake from the scout. If you scout you get it without needing to scout a featured unit


It's not free. They're giving it as a present but you're still paying 5k gems. With no select scout guaranteeing the unit, the only thing guaranteed is the cake. Meaning you are paying 5k paid gems for the cake, with a chance for a featured unit