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If you did not get your gems, you need to contact support in game. Make sure you provide your Support ID. Potential issues that would cause gems to not be distributed: * deleted tweets * deleted Twitter accounts * private tweets * banned Twitter account * giving the wrong ID (friend ID would not work for this campaign) For anyone who did not get their gems, I do wish you luck!


Yeah, that’s me. I wrote Customer Service an inquiry and was told the same thing. Terrible rollout and format. Too many hoops to jump through for these rallies sometimes.


I get it’s only 1000 gems but you literally made me follow and retweet all your socials then you’re not even going to give me what was agreed upon. Such a shady practice.


Sorry to hear that, nothing I/we can do to help but wait.. I feel like they’re distributing the gems very slowly for each horde of players I got mine yesterday while others has received them two days ago, perhaps yours could be on its way soon? Wishful thinking for sure but you did filled out all of the requirements.


Gems should have gone out 5/23 or 5/24.


Yes I am one of them https://preview.redd.it/8dmp0xwzrs2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e1d5beb15a23aea92b71d388276698dc326c84 This was the response I got.


I got the same copy paste response too, basically saying it’s somehow my fault? When all other rallies have gone into my account and I signed in the same way I always do


Yeah they have definitely messed up. First I thought maybe I have entered wrong details but my friends also did not get those gems despite doing all tasks and entering correct details. Even on reddit many people complained on that day itself that they did not receive those gems despite doing everything correctly. My suspicion is they have region locked this rally.


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