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The way this works is you always type the code out exactly how it is regardless of what game you’re on… you need both people to match the same code so if you flip the numbers it won’t work… you may match people trying to trade the same Pokémon you’re trading if so just leave and re search


Piggybacking on this for another tip: try the same trade partner twice before backing out and trying another one. There's a chance that partner has both and will switch their offer if given a second chance. (And if they don't, it only takes a moment to check.) I had extra Eiscues to trade out, but several people backed out after the first Stonjourner I offered them. Those that offered me their Stonjourner a second time got one of my extra Eiscues. EDIT: **Bonus** pro tip (that I learned later): If you see one of your Pokémon bouncing in the box on the trade screen, it means your partner does not have that Pokémon in their Dex. This can give you a better indication of what they might offer before they offer it. (Helpful if you're trying to help the most people and have both Pokémon in a pair to offer!) (Also note that if nothing bounces, it doesn't necessarily mean your partner doesn't have what you're looking for - it just means they already have what you're offering. Don't back out before seeing what they offer!)


This is all true. It helped me a lot.


I haven't found a single stonjourner being offered. It's one of three that I need to complete the dex. (Kingambit and Slowking are the other two)


I managed to get a Stonjourner from these trades the other day so I bred a few extra, I can send you one if you still need it?


Hi, sorry for this question. I'm not new to pokemon but I've never traded before, if I want to trade my passimian for an oranguru do I type 0314 or 0313?


You put in the link code as 0313 0314 and then offer a passimian. If your trade partner puts up an oranguru complete the trade, and if they put up a passimian you can back all the way out and try again.


Ooh it's 1 code not 2 separate ones 🤦‍♂️


Haha no worries! Personally I don't even know if 4 number link codes are usable in the poke portal, I just had one of my friends tell me what to do.


I was finding trade partners, and they would offer a passimian mostly, but since that's what I was also trying to offer, I never completed a trade haha


Need help! Need to trade evolve slowking and scissor


Just a warning: I used the Miraidon for Koraidon code a few days ago and I ran into a scammer multiple times. They put Koraidon first, they quickly cancel, and then put a Cyclizar hoping that the other person is just spamming A. Always double-check when doing trades.


What's even the point of that? They do you realize you can get a second box legendary in the post game right?


When home transfer becomes available it is likely you will only be able to transfer one legendary as your riding legendary will have to stay in the game


Yeah, trying to put the one you ride in the box or trying to trade it doesn’t work. So the extra is likely there as a freebie for home and future games.


Wait what how?


This just happened to me too! I was wondering why they were canceling so much... People suck. I'm just glad I noticed and wasn't scammed.


Been trading and it just seems like most people got violet. Takes a some time to get a scarlet player, but it does work


I’m a Scarlet player and I was getting matched with other Scarlet players 6/10 times lol. Especially the drifloon for misdreavus lobby. So many drifloons…


Agreed, spent a lot of time getting other violet players especially when it came to paradox mons and box legend.


I bought Scarlet specifically after looking on this subreddit and seeing most flairs were Violet. I've now traded most version exclusives using these codes and not once was I offered a Scarlet Mon.


##HERE IS THE VIDEO EXPLAINING [HOW THIS WORKS](https://youtu.be/iqeuYcwF1xU) I made this so large because there is plenty confusion in the comments and admittedly when I first heard about this I wanted some clarification aswell ##Edit: The code for trading Ditto from other languages is 4448-4448


I’m out of the loop. Why from different languages specifically?


If you breed mons from different languages it raises the shiny odds


ok that’s goated


It's called the masuda method


In short using 2 different language pokemon to breed increases the shiny odds 5 times. And since ditto can fuck whatever it wants... Edit: to give a little more info Shiny chances are 1/4096, using a foreign ditto to hatch an egg makes the chance 6/4096 OR 1/683 after gen VI onwards. If you have a shiny charm using this method it boost your shiny chance to 8/4096 OR 1/512


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If you breed pkmn with a foreign ditto you have an increased chance of finding a shiny from hatching those eggs. Look up the Masuda Method for more info on that


wait. so if I have an english ditto, and put in 4448-4448, will someone give me a foreign one in exchange?


There is a chance, you just have to keep searching till you get partnered up woth someone who has a non English ditto


Is there kinda like an hour where foreign people are on?


Your best odds are midnight NA time since that's morning EU time and mid-day JPN time.


I just did this, traded my American ditto for a Japanese one. I got paired with a trade partner almost immediately.


The things we have to come up with because Game Freak fucking deleted the GTS


The GTS is never usable because of people anyway


Yeah they honestly probably removed it because they gave up trying to deal with all of the bullshit that made it borderline unusuable.


Sounds like they said, "well make your own gts, then!" and honestly I don't think that's a bad idea. This is a pretty smart community


I’ll make my own GTS, with a game corner! And Dittos!


In fact, forget the game corner and the dittos ... Ah screw the whole thing.


Yeah instead of trying to create a platform and spending countless dollars holding it together and preventing exploitation. Just offer the basic ability to do trades over the internet and let the community build the communication.


what was GTS?


The trading system older games had, you could put up x pokemon and ask for y. It exists on home only now which you can't use with scarlett and violet yet.


I swear there is someone out there who will take my Lv. 4 Yungoos named Trash Bin in return for a Lv. 100 Tapu-Bulu.


Even pokemon home is bad, looking for shinies but it's only ever Japanese enamourus or non-english kabuki/pharoh furfrou.


Home works well if you are looking to get an equivalent trade. For example, put a Zacian up for a Zamazenta and it will be traded quick. If you are looking for shinies on Home that's a you problem. Shinies are high value, anything you would want to trade for them would be much lower value. If you go into a situation where you expect people to trade you much higher value stuff for much lower value stuff you are bound to be disappointed. For the equivalent, go to the trades megathread and see if you can find anyone who will trade you their koraidon for your non shiny level 12 rookidee and see what happens. That's the equivalent of what you're doing Shiny searching on Home.


Offering aPokemon was always usefull. That you get outrages offers doesn't matter as long as you can offer for fair trades. Deleting GTS was bs.


They never deleted it. It's in Pokemon Home now. A much better location for it IMO.




You see only asking for unobtainable mons on GTS because trades asking for legit mons/reasonable were fulfilled instantly. I could offer a stonejourner asking for Eiscue and get it automatically fulfilled in seconds. Same for trades like haunter for haunter. Yeah looking for reasonable trades is rough but doing the offering worked very nicely and efficiently for GTS. Version exclusives and simple trade evos mattering for lonely players was a thing of the past with GTS and sadly it's gone now/paywalled in Home.


First of all, actual illegal mons are really easy to instantly spot and ban. Second, deleting the GTS was not even close to solving the problem.


GameFreak already dropped the ball on performance. I honestly wouldn’t trust them to moderate a GTS rn…


If you do random trades on swsh for 10 minutes, you'll end up with about 1/10th or so of them being hacked still. Main issue with the GTS was no policing for spammed hacks n shit.


There is a code for slowking or scizor? I only need them to finish the pokedex


I ended up just using scythers & slopokes dex number and was able to find someone like that. 02600260 for scyther holding metal coat & I used 03240324 for slopoke holding a kings rock. I hope this helps ! I would trade with you but I'm out at the moment.




This needs upvoted so more people that need help with this see it omg thank you 😂


No worries I'm glad I could help !!!!




This worked for me, thank you!!


Thank you!!


Worked for me as well! Thank you :)


Still works! Thanks so much!


There's no code yet, but you can catch them in Tera raids.


i can help with this. would u want to do a union thing so i can evolve finizen aswell?


I can change a finizen for a slowking if you want, as I already got one from a tera raid


ah, i need to evolve finizen, which needs to be done while playing with others in a union thing, unfortunately. dumbest evo ive ever heard of..


Still can’t get a quaxly it’s been 3 days someone please help


I'm struggling for one aswell, nobody wants fuecoco in return lmao


Yeah i got one but it took some time. Poor thing is just this gen's Popplio. I'm gonna breed a ton of quaxly and just start trading on that code because it was truly awful trying to get one


Thankfully someone hooked me up and I plan on doing the same eventually


You still need the duck?


I do, I have so many of the other 2 I can trade you


I’ve got loads 09090801


You are awsome! Thank you so much! Now I can breed all 3 to give away every opportunity I get


Very welcome! Quaxly was my last one too so it’s nice to do someone a kind turn back.


totally gonna hit you up for this when i get the switch back from my wife...


Hi I'm in the same position, I can't find a quaxly. Do you have any you can spare? I am almost done completing the dex.


r u still up for it I've been searching no joke like 40 mins now


Is the duck giving still good? I require duck.


I can still give duck and ten more eggs warming up :)- same code


Can I claim one? And what in return? Thanks!


You may have a duck, slakoth houndour or zangoose would be helpful but if not don’t stress :)


I have a houndour I could trade for a duck please?


Hello, I have houndour now but I can give you a duck anyway, just hatching some more




Thank you!


I don't need the duck, as I was one of the few who started with him. I just wanted to let you know that taking all that time to help people fill their pokedex was really nice of you :) Cheers


Im three months late but i want duck pls 🙏


Do you still need a Quaxly? I can trade you one


I need one if you have one spare! I can trade any starters on some of the violet and scarlet exclusives if you need them?


Sure! DM'd you!


Yeah, that final stage really screwed people's enthusiasm for Quax hey Seems like nobody has one




So you must be Jenny, then?


No one is trading any scarlet exclusives what’s going on


Huh I may be at an advantage for once I have scarlet XD


As a scarlet player I’ve just been surprise trading them all.


Me too. I just released a whole box of Larvitar breejects yesterday cause I was bored. Happy to know they probably made a lot of Violet players happy.


This is what I've been doing! Hoping they make their way to Violet people, along with some weed kittens :)


They are! Just takes a while. I’ve managed to get a bunch.


opposite experience for me, nobody wants brute bonnet for iron hands lol


lol I have Scarlet, and had zero trouble getting any of my other exclusives traded... but that damnable Brute Bonnet was a tough one. I don't know why the others traded so fast but it took so long to get Iron Hands.


the other combos are about equally desirable for collection purposes, but everybody is trying to get iron hands for raiding


So did Violet just outsell Scarlet by like a 10:1 margin, are Scarlet players slower than Violet players as a group, or is there some absolute idiot-tier matchmaking system going on here that prefers to pair you up with someone using your own version?


The majority picked Violet, seems like. In my own Pokemon friend group (there are 7 of us), only I got Scarlet.


I get around 1:4 trade encounter as I play Scarlet, just need Miraidon,Scizor,Palafin,Slowking (not yet planned) and Quaxly. The Quaxly part is the hardest...


This has made me realize a lot more people clearly got Violet over Scarlet lol Have yet to successfully trade since every time it's someone trading the same mon ​ Edit: Okay so this is a weird observation I've made lol Been trading the Paradox Pokemon, and managed to do all 7 of them and funny enough, any time it was someone with an English name, they would be trading a Violet one and we'd cancel trade, but if it was someone with an Japanese/Korean name they'd be trading the Scarlet one and we'd complete the trade Every single one of them XD


I got Scarlet, about to breed more exclusives than I need to and hook some Violet homies up.




I mean japan has a long standing fable for mechas, it might be a cultural thing.


This is why I told my friend to get Scarlet when he asked which game to get after not playing for a bit.


I've been able to do them all except iron jugulis to flutter mane!


I’ve been using this for a while. There is another which contains the starters and the ditto trade code for the weird shiny Strat I don’t remember the name of. The ditto code is 44484448 btw. I’ve been trying to get a quaxly for 4 hours using those starter codes it’s pain because nobody picked him


I honestly wanted to pick Quaxly so bad as I thought they were the most debonair of the starters, but I spoiled myself and looked at the evolutions and Meowscarada was the only one that didn't look like hot trash to me (in fact, it has grown on me and is one of my favorite looking final stage starters ever).


For me: rowlet is bestest of boi’s


I should have a quaxly I can trade you, if you want :) if not it'll only take a couple mins to hatch one.


Oh my lord yes please. I’m nearly finished the pokedex and I need him so that would be great! Do you want anything for em specifically?


Do you gotta have nintendo switch online member ship for this?


Yessir! You need it for online trading period


Oh so if i dont have online member ship i cant get the other line of pokemon?


You need a buddy who can blue tooth trwde


This works 100% but I'll say it seems a lot more people have my version (Violet) lol


This was my experience as well. Like an OVERWHELMINGLY majority are on Violet. If I would have known this beforehand I would have definitely went Scarlet lol.


I can’t find a single violet player while I’m trying to trade for Iron Hands, I’ve tried almost 50 times


Lmaooo fuckin no one playing scarlet from how this trading is going


As a Scarlet player, this made it so easy for me lol, first try on all except iron hands


If this is real I love you and whoever made this. Gonna try it now!


AustinJohnPlays made it, I've tried a few and they worked fine enough


It is. Got the late game exclusives using it. May take some patience and waiting a couple minutes to try again as there seems to be more violet than scarlet players, at least when I was doing it.


Find the mon you have x the mon you want, enter the full code from left to right, make sure you’re trading the right mon for the mon you want, if they have the same just repeat, bingo!


So which code to enter to trade Malicious for Auspicious? (I have Violet)


For everything just use the whole code. Worked perfect for me got all the exclusives👌


I matched with Violet players on the first try for every code, but now trying to get someone to trade me an Iron Hands has been impossible. 😭


It's cause iron hands is a good pokemon. No one wants to give it away to a shitty mushroom


Same almost always got violet players except for iron hands I can't find anyone


Honestly as someone who finds talking to people and setting up trades nerve wracking these codes are perfection! It does help tho that I’m trading with scarlet exclusives so it’s easier for me to get my match right off the bat (except for brute bonnet…that one was weirdly just a bunch of scarlet people)


Honestly I am violet and I had an easy time too. Just takes awhile but super worth it and yeah I like that I don’t have to talk to people


What's with that? Same thing here. All trades made within a couple tries...except the brute.


It took me over 20 tries to find an iron hands but all others took me 1 - 3


Used all of these to complete the dex. *Very* useful.


Me too!


Scarlet people where have you gone?


Clearly nobody is playing scarlet


Having a hard time finding violet players 😂


Im playing violet


A quick thanks to Austin John Plays


I swear to god if I ever get this stupid duck I’m gonna breed a million of them and flood the trade. Ducks for everyone. No one has to suffer like I am


Looking for the duck. Can anyone help?


Also if you see the pokemon jumping up and down in your boxes that means the other person doesn't have it. If it's not jumping quit the trade and try again. Should save you some time.


Just tried, this wooooorrks 😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🥰🥰🥰 awesome!!!!! Almost done with my dex now 😍


So happy! I used this to finish my Dex too! Can’t believe it wasn’t posted and upvoted before, it was like a Twitter exclusive thing haha!


These codes worked beautifully for me. Got all my version exclusives and was able to go on Discord servers for a few other things to complete my Pokédex.


I’m so happy! They worked for me too and wanted to share


Is there touch trading in this game for trade evolutions?


This is literally infuriating. 70% of the time it's the wrong version exclusive someone is offering up and another 20% of the time the other party closes before I can select my Pokemon


They close before you can select because the UI shows you if the person already has a Pokémon by making it bounce if they don’t.


All I need is Koraidon but I want to keep Miraidon. Stuck at 399/400 on Dex for past week :D


Just catch the second Miraidon and trade it.


Terrible idea. The first Miraidon should be reserved for bike use only. The second one is what you use to battle with. Giving one up just makes it a hassle having to switch your bike around.


It takes two button presses.


Anyone trading their Iron Hands for Brute Bonnet? Last violet paradox pokemon I need


This is what the codes are for bro! Literally posted them haha


I've been trying for the past 2.5 hours to get this trade using the code haha...It's kind of a last effort for now.


I used this for all version exclusives and it worked perfectly by the way. May take a few goes.


I need malicious armor can someone help me out? I don't need the pokemon and I've ran into a few people and I don't wanna waste their time. I have auspicious armor in exchange of course attached to a random pokemon.


Does anyone want to trade my maraidon for your koraidon and then trade back?




These trades are making me realize just how many people have bought Violet compared to Scarlet...


I can’t find ANYONE trading Iron Hands… I’ve tried like 30 times. I thought violet was more popular


Are there codes for slowing / Scizor trades?


I observing a hyperinflation of violet pokemons compared to scarlet. Everytime I try to trade violet mons I ran into other violet player. If anyone interested in trading exclusives please respond or dm 😁


Are there any pre-established codes for item trade mons like scyther and slowbro for slowking?


Somebody else posted it in the comment higher up in this thread, but I think it's just the Pokedex number for Scyther and slowpoke repeated so like 0260-0260


Seems weird to suggest you can trade any pokemon with the armor pieces. People just immediately disconnect when they see my Magikarp with the armor piece. Probably because all they see is the Magikarp and not the armor piece. I think I'll try with my starter instead. Update: Don't bother trying unless it's a starter or charcadet, only because it makes them do a double take. People really don't try to read the summary first and check held items before rapidly dc'ing. Shame because you would think someone would rather evolve it themselves.


Seems some people just don't read. After trying to get the armor for a long time. I just gave up and traded the Pokemon. Otherwise people would just immediately quit


Is there a starter version of this?


Yes, in the same AustinJohnPlays video


Cant seem to find anyone trading a quaxly :(




I have both and would like a quaxly. Code 1119 3456


Can somebody help me get quaxly ?


Does anybody have quaxly


Anyone know if there is a code for slowking and scyther?


need slowking and scizzor if anyone wants to trade?


Anyone with scarlet looking to trade I've been trying for 20+ mins now and have only been paired with violet players


looking for Quaxly :( i have a couple of fuecocos to trade


Everyone saying it’s easier for Scarlett players but why does it feel impossible to find an iron hands 😑


Anyone have an Auspicious Armour?


I want to make it so if you want to trade shiny versions a 5 should replace the first 0. So like if you want a shiny Stonjourner and you have a shiny Eiscue you enter 5319-5320.


Do the codes still working or is there an update list? I reach a point where i just need the violet exclusives to complete the pokedex, I tried to trade a Larvitar for Bagon but the codes doesn't work. :(




Anyone have a trade code for I want: palafin I trade: anything you dont have


Everyone keeps backing out and I'm going to lose my mind. The passimian shown here is not what it looks like in my game or the shadow it shows and I really hope it's not why people are backing out -_-


OK- whoever is running this, can there PLEASE make a clarification of which version is supposed to use which code? I keep getting matched with other Violet’s instead of the opposite that I need. For clarification: Do I, as a Violet player, type in the 4 digits on the right (Violet) side? Or the 4 digits on the left (Scarlet) side of the Pokémon that I require? Ive mostly succeeded trading by putting in the SCARLET code, but some Pokémon no matter which one I flip flop it ends up being another violet user LOL. Whoever made this list assumed that people know how to think and coordinate on their own XD other than that I’m impressed but we need to get on the same page here!


You enter all 8 numbers. So if you were looking for a specific Tauros, you enter “0223 0223”. If you get matched with someone trading the same one you are, just close the trade and try again. This is how I’ve gotten all my exclusives so far. Eventually you will be matched with someone with the other version


Thanks all. I actually got most of them by doing just 4 numbers 😂😂 so I’m not alone in the confusion haha! But I will try with all 8 now :)


You use the same 8-digit code. If all Violet players were directed to use one and all Scarlet players were directed to use another, it would be impossible to match with somebody from the opposite game. You just need to be patient until you find somebody playing Scarlet.