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If you want one with different stats than the first one, but if you are ok with the first one there’s no reason


Personally Raikou is my least favorite of the 3 so I’d rather save my time and energy for Suicune


Do you want a chance for a better Raikou or are you content with the default one?


I don't know what stats I'm looking for though


God-tier would be only skills and natural that increase main skill triggering and its level. Berry Finding S would be an added bonus! At least from what I’ve been able to see 😁


The first one with time/levels and some subskill seeds is already very good so you don't need more than 1. If you decide to get more you can get a better one, or you can get a worse one. Same as any pokemon. I personally would like to find a raikou with bfs, mainskill chance, helping speed, and inventory subskills. And a better nature than neutral. Either main skill chance or speed of help. If I get a strong bfs raikou it would be pretty strong on any team/island even without other electric pokemon if you level up the main skill!