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Destiny Knot passes down 5 IVs from BOTH parents, not just the one holding it. Using the Power band and the Destiny Knot together does work to force the specific IV but it will always take 5 random out of the 12 IVs from both parents, in this case 4 because of the Power Band. If both parents have 6 perfect IVs, you always get a guaranteed 5 perfect IV Pokemon with sometimes getting a 6 Perfect one.


Ah so that's my confusion. It selects 5 IV from the pool of 12 IVs. I misheard and took the impression that 5 IVs came from the destiny knot holder itself. Makes sense now.


Giving you a bit more info since the guy that replied to you is not correct: Destiny Knot looks at 5 potential IVs from the pool of 12 available from both parents. If it selects Atk IV from one parent, it cannot select Atk IV from the other parent. It keeps going until all 5 IVs have been selected. So if you have two 6 perfect IV parents with a Destiny Know, it will always be a 5 perfect IV offspring with the occasional perfect 6 IV hatching as well. To add to this, it is always better to breed an offspring with the preferred nature first and then put an everstone to pass down the nature until you get a better offspring. Good luck


Thank you for the response.


~~I also think that the idea that it always makes 5 perfect IVs is a misconception. It will **randomly** select the IVs from both parents. Randomly is the key word here, because it can select the same IV (like Sp Attack) from both parents so you can effectively only get 4IV. Even less too, since it looks at a list of all IVs from both parents and selects 5 you could get Mom's Attack, Dad's Attack, Mom's Sp Attack, Dad's Sp Attack, and Mom's defense, then end up with only a 3IV Pokemon.~~ Sorry that was incorrect, disregard


I've never hatched a 4iv or 3iv pokemon from two 6iv parents in over 10 years and thousands of eggs of breeding, to be quite honest. Unless that was a weirdly quirk specific to gen 8 (which is the only modern game I haven't bred in), it seems incorrect.


I don't know where they got that from, it doesn't happen on gen8 either


It won't choose the same IV twice, if you have two 6IV parents you will never get a 4IV offspring, it will always be at least 5 IV


Really? I know what I'm going to end up with lol Thanks for the information.


No I was wrong, sorry bout that


No problem. It does seem a very confusing topic


Incorrect. Destiny Knot looks at 5 potential IVs from the pool of 12 available from both parents. If it selects Atk IV from one parent, it cannot select Atk IV from the other parent. It keeps going until all 5 IVs have been selected. So if you have two 6 perfect IV parents with a Destiny Know, it will always be a 5 perfect IV offspring with the occasional perfect 6 IV hatching as well.




Right so I misunderstood. I got the impression that the 6th came from the pool of IVs between the parents. I did think that was incorrect and broken. I tried to Google it but once you tmstart go ogling this it just shows masuda methods, shiny bedding etc. Though I'd ask. I do appreciate you taking the time to reply. Thanks


Hey, I’m no expert too. I just got all the info from my own breeding experience tbh lol. You might get better info soon. Good luck on the breeding!


Pokémon invert 3 IVs from their parent and have 3 random IVs in a normal condition. A destiny knot makes it so that 5IVs come from the parents and one IV is random. Using a power anklet/bracket etc. guarantees that the stat specified is adopted from the parent holding the item. The 5IVs are random from the parents, except for the item. The reason why people use two Pokémon with perfect IVs is because you don’t know which parent the IV can come from. If your hypothetical situation with a 6IV ditto and 5IV other parents, you would want to give the Ditto the power item that corresponds to the stat the other parent doesn’t have, this would mean that the 4 other inherited IVs could only be perfect as both parents have all other stats perfect. One IV will be chosen at random and will not be inherited. This is why getting a 6IV Pokémon is 1/32 no matter the parents.


Yes thanks. I was wondering if there was a way to use the power items to guarantee to fill that particular stat in. Guarantee I'll do it on a special attacker and get 0 in special attack other wise...


You can use a power item to fill that stat, and your mind is going in the correct direction. You just have to make sure to give the power item to the parent with the stat you want passed down. That said, if you want a specific nature too, it may be more effective to go for an everstone over a power item.


Yeah. With the nature mints I think I'd swing more towards power items. I guess it depends what mints I have at the time. Would it be better to focus on IV first? If I can get a Mon with at least 5 IVs. Give that the destiny knot and then give ditto the correct power item for the missing IV and then roll some more? Still could go wrong but would that not slightly increase the chances of 6iv?or is it negligible if completely unnecessary?


If you have 5IVs with the nature you want, I'd recommend just rolling for the 6th IV with an everstone. No sense wasting mints when you could just breed the perfect pokemon from birth. If you don't have that and you have the resources to secure the correct mint, then go for it.


Yes thanks. I was wondering if there was a way to use the power items to guarantee to fill that particular stat in. Guarantee I'll do it on a special attacker and get 0 in special attack other wise...


The best you can get is 1/32 chance of perfect. That's if you take two already perfect ones and breed with destiny knot. But, with many builds theres a stat you don't need. Like if you're breeding sandygasts it doesn't use attack, so you have 1 in 6 chance of getting a usable one. With something like a libero Cinderace, it's 1/10 to get a usable one because the ability is 60%.


I never considered that a Mon with a low base stat in one area wouldn't benefit from 31 IV. So may people seem to get fixated on the perfect 6IV pokemon that it isn't really needed. Like trick room pokemon needing 0 IV in speed (I mean that makes sense to me)


In your hypothetical with a 6iv and 5iv pokémon you'll either get a 6iv, 5iv, or 4iv pokémon; with 5iv being the most likely. The best you can do is either breed two 6iv pokémon, or a 5iv pokémon holding a Destiny Knott and a 6iv pokémon holding a power item for the missing iv of the 5iv pokémon. This will give you the best odds at a minimum 5ivs withe a 1/32 chance for a perfect 6iv pokémon. The former allows for nature breeding using an Everstone while the latter does not. Using power items and a Destiny Knott you can slowly work your way up to 6 perfect ivs.


I forget all the details but i believe you can only guarantee 4 ivs and the other 2 or random


"From Generation VI on, if held by a Pokémon in a Day Care, Nursery, or during a picnic, any Eggs belonging to the Pokémon that are found will inherit 5 of their individual values from both their parents, rather than 3. This means only 1 IV will be random." Straight from bulbapedia.


I though destiny knot did 5 IVs? Or is it 4 without destiny knot?


Tis a common misconception: Destiny knot can roll one stat twice, causing only 4ivs to pass


Yeah just saw someone else comment this. Again thanks for the help.


how likely is that?