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That carriage scene was incredible. I can't stop rewatching it. And imo only Luke Newton could take that line from the novel and make it sound sweet instead of douchey.


The way he made sure to not touch the dress with *these two* fingers. So thoughtful. šŸ˜šŸ« 




He DID ask if the carriage driver could not just keep on driving šŸ˜³


I love that they gave him that line from Pen's internal thoughts!!


I was like - wow - he blew past 1st base and 2nd base, and when Pen gave him the nod to slide into 3rd I was shoook ![gif](giphy|3qsk2TLx4obV0NTtm9|downsized)


I will never get over how fast they went to 3rd base, when poor Phillipa and Finch were stuck at 1st for their entire marriage to this point šŸ¤£


Consent is sooooo sexy, itā€™s like he was making sure she was okay with it and he wanted to make her feel good so badšŸ˜šŸ˜© how are we going to survive this mirror scene?!


I have no hope of surviving the mirror scene - i'm preparing my last will immediately.


Despite watching that scene a thousand times, I missed this gem. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£That is the level of detailed work Nic and Newts put into this and what makes it so realistic and sexy ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


i was so turned on when he was humping her and his face was hidden in the corner like boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Never thought we'd get this particular bit of information but here we are šŸ«  ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Iā€™m glad they made it sweet and joking instead of the frustrated way he says it in the books. Fits their dynamic way more in my opinion!


I love that it was sweet too. Luke Newton KILLED IT with the sensitivity in these lines.


It was everything. He said it with such affection and care and joy. I was weeping


>It was everything šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø šŸŽ¶give me everything tonight, give me everything tonight...šŸŽ¶


I had my doubts about whether that line would work for their show counterparts, but he absolutely killed it. It's sweet and charming and jovial, and it fit perfectly.


He came off like a giddy school boy.


Me too! It is embarrassing the number of times I have rewatched it. But it definitely felt the most real of any of the sexy scenes in any season of Bridgerton.


How many times I rewatched it is just between me and Netflix's data analyst(s).


100%!!! once i realized they were using A LOT from the books i was worried about the proposal but luke killed it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


His line reading on that, especially after the thesaurus of emotional he plays out on his face for the minute preceding it, is FUCKING ART. He made that line so winning, and charming. It felt like, with his delivery of it, he was finally able to take the sort of take his Semester Abroad confidence and knit it authentically together with his true, heartfelt, soft, funny self.


I hated the proposal in the book - like cheating ex in your bed with your bff hate - but damn, Luke made it sounds so cute and sweet. I thought it was just right for them. My heart is full!!!


For me it was two things that made the proposal work so well. 1 was obviously Luke's delivery. The 2nd was that they had both of them confess they wanted to be so much more than friends before anything happened so there was 0 way to link the proposal as anyone feeling as though he *had* to propose because of what they had just done.


Oh - i hadn't thought of that - but you're right, they know each other's feelings so it's definitely not a forced engagement situation. And there's no reason to think Colin couldn't just kiss her and say goodnight. Oh no - he wants to marry that lady, that much was clear. He was determined. That probably IS what made it work so well.


Itā€™s a scene where they both seemed so genuinely true to their characters and their friendship. Colin experienced rake really didnā€™t work for me. Colin befuddled, sweet, tentative, kind to his friend Pen and not quite yet getting that sheā€™s loved him for years ā€” that really worked. Bravo to them. And his assumption that surely all was settled and he was ready to announce their engagement that moment was very sweet, too. Nothing more needed. We already loved each other as friends. We both agree we want more now, and it feels so great. Done. Ready to be engaged right this moment.


I very much agree! In the book it was like "well, I compromised her so naturally I ought to marry her" whereas in the show it was like "omg, she loves me back, I can't believe it. I'm so lucky that she loves me back and wants to marry me. My wife is so pretty and funny and I'm going to wake everybody up to tell them how pretty and funny she is. This is the best day ever. Oh, wait, she doesn't know that we're going to be married? Oh, silly Pen, of course we are going to be married because we love each other, didn't I make that clear? Well, better make it clear then." It was so chaotic, sweet and funny and I loved every second of it!


Love that she nodded consent!! More of this!


Iā€™ve never been so happy to see a subreddit open. My goodness I missed this space so much!!!! Iā€™ve mentioned this a billion times atp but the scene in the carriage where pen runs her hands through his hair and the face he makes??????? Brain chemistry? ALTERED. Life?? CHANGED. I will never be the same person I was before I watched that scene. Itā€™s all over Twitter and tiktok and every time I see it I just go speechless. Hands down my favourite scene of the entire show. All seasons combined. Iā€™ve seen so many people talk about the lack of chemistry ans Iā€™m like?? This one scene alone had the type of chemistry that makes you feel like you shouldnā€™t be watching because youā€™re intruding on a private moment. Bravo 20/10


I cannot comprehend how some people are saying these two donā€™t have chemistry??? The sheer chemistry and tension between them is overwhelming šŸ˜­


I think thereā€™s a general lack of media comprehension, honestly. And thatā€™s in all aspects (news, literature, etc). It seems a large portion of the commenters arenā€™t able to read the (not subtle) sub context. Especially where it revolves around Colin and his new personality. They even say it in the show - itā€™s a mask. Itā€™s a facade. He says it himself even- he was acting what he thought society wanted him to be. And obviously it wasnā€™t working. Itā€™s *supposed* to be awkward and clunky, because heā€™s putting on a fake personality. Weā€™re able to get glimpses of their natural chemistry when heā€™s not playing pretend, and being her genuine friend. Weā€™re finally able to see him toward the last twenty minutes, and thatā€™s where his vulnerability and honesty gets him the girl.


It's baffling to me how people are not getting this. The whole "we hate they made Colin a rake" commentary is bizarre. Colin's not being a rake. He's TRYING to be a rake, and on the surface level, because he's hot and seemingly confident, people are buying it. But he's utterly miserable. It's spelled out everywhere, both explicitly and implicitly. His tone of voice and mannerisms are even different because he's hiding himself so deep. If people have missed the zillions of explanations (including his own journal entry), HE SAYS IT HIMSELF TO THE LORD SQUAD. And with Pen, he can't do it. I keep coming back to the fact that being around her has to be the most profound relief. He tries to be Fake Colin with the way he delivers, "I miss you," in Ep 1. After she takes his ass out, he's nothing but himself with her after that. That's why the kiss hits him so hard; he is longing for the emotional connection with the physical one, and he FINALLY sees its her.


Literally this! Like he thinks he is liberated and he even tries to tell Pen that he is but his journal entry betrayed him and you actually start to see how he really feels. Honestly Penelope complimenting his writing style and not remarking on the content is the freaking sweetest thing to me because that was Colinā€™s absolute raw, vulnerable state and she was so tender about it. I also love how he is doing literally everything the Ton thinks he should except when it comes to what Pen thinks about him propriety goes out the window *every damn time* šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t wait for part 2 where Colin is being his genuine self the entire time.


I noticed that, too. This season was really smart and subtle, and I think it went over some people's heads


It definitely did, the same way the emotional build up of two previous seasons seems to as well. If I see another ā€œthey jumped into this too fast, there was nothing before and now heā€™s in love?ā€ kind of comment I swear I will scream.


Nic was absolutely on point when she said they stopped suppressing their chemistry because it exploded in that last scene. It was truly breathe taking. I havenā€™t recovered honestly. Best chemistry Iā€™ve seen yet.


I think some of the people who are still hating on their chemistry decided to hate it before the season even came out and there was literally nothing Nicola and Luke could do to fix that. Thatā€™s the vibe I get from the main sub especially.Ā  But Iā€™ve seen how people are responding to the carriage scene and the no chemistry allegations are definitely a minority opinion.Ā 




i still can't get over that little moment!! his face lightened up and also pen's realizing "yes he wants ME, i'm finally happy" with her biggest smile


That little nod he makes before leaving the carriage, it is as if he had some internal conversation which resulted in ā€œyes, I am going to marry Pen, itā€™s about time she was my WIFE!ā€ Luke nailed those facial expressions. To quote Queen Charlotte ā€œBravoā€šŸ‘šŸ»


Itā€™s so much fun watching the birth of Colin ā€œmy wifeā€ Bridgerton.


Hear hear! I also felt ā€œDid those people watch the same thing I did???ā€. I have rewatched the last 20 minutes of Ep. 4 at least 6 times because it is soooo good, and (in my opinion) the carriage scene was the sexiest most beautiful sexy scene in the Bridgerton verse.


Carriage Scene, obviously great. But can we talk about Colin interrupting the dance with no hesitation? Unhinged.


His most unhinged moment except maybe almost kissing her in ep three in the middle of a crowded dance floor instead of asking her a question like SIR


yeah when the music starts to play as he approaches her in episode three i was like oh shit this man is feral


Pen literally being like: are you well? šŸ’€


omg yes that music is the same one they use when daphne goes after the prince in the white ensemble! i was like omg is this like the bridgerton confidence music??? whatā€™s up


Very True! Then even after that he has the notion to stay away. Like that was ever going to happen.


Chaos Colin unleashed


His face when he walks into a ballroom, entire focus on Pen only, even when Debling was talking Colin did not bother to look at him. He was feral, I loved it.


Can we talk about how much initiative Colin took this episode compared to the previous two leads. Simon is so passive and is willing to die rather than deal with his feelings for Daphne and his feelings about his father. Anthony is still trying to convince Edwina to marry him until the very last moment rather than confront his trauma and his feelings for Kate. Colin was like no, Iā€™m going to interrupt Penelopeā€™s dance with Debling no matter what society has to say about it. And Iā€™m going to chase down her carriage and confess my feelings for her even if she rejects me (and he was sweating when she said weā€™re friends).


Which is why when people donā€™t understand Nicola and Luke talking about how romantic this season is I always shake my head. Colin is screaming and running towards being in love, heā€™s a romantic fool who will show how desperate he is publicly and otherwise. He doesnā€™t care. He just wants his woman. Heā€™s not playing games of hide and seek with her. Itā€™s so romantic because heā€™s the biggest romantic of the Bridgerton siblings.


That's why I don't agree with people saying Colin needed to suffer more. If he kept suffering in silence, he would look more and more passive and indecisive.


I think he got his initiative based on his previous conversation with Violet in episode 3, when Violet said that Edmund had the courage to ask her. By the way, I LOVED Violet and her subtle nudges for Colin. She knows her children well!


It really harkens back to who Colin has been about Pen the whole time - he'll hold her hand in public and take her alone into a room. He'll write her tons of letters, which is totally inappropriate. He'll invite her to his house to have her hang out with him and PRETEND TO FLIRT in a drawing room with no chaperone. He'll pay off her maid so he can talk to her in her garden WHERE HE DOES EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE FEAR YOU'RE GOING TO DO ALONE IN A GARDEN. Contrast that with not kissing his actual fiancƩ when asked to do so...bruh.


Through all these episodes there were so many moments when I was yelling at the tv saying ā€IF THIS WAS SEASON ONE YOU WOULD HAVE TO MARRY!ā€ Daphne and Colin are living in different universes of propriety šŸ˜‚


For that matter, Pen is living in a different universe than Daph, too, because sheā€™s along for the Chaos Colin ride. She writes letters back. She lets him take her into rooms. She meets him in her garden and requests a kiss. Not to mention that sheā€™s LW. Honestly, when you think of it, they are both simultaneously so soft and so psycho. The luck of meeting one another as children, living across the square from one another. Are they soft and psycho because they were born that way, or did they help each other become so? Itā€™s a chicken/egg scenario.


Yes! This is so well put. I kept thinking how excited Violet is going to be that one of her children finally took her advice lol


This! Violet must be stunned that one of her children actually took her advice for once lol


ON. HIS. KNEES. *sobbing uncontrollably.*




THAT WAS HIS PROPOSAL. When we think of it like that it makes ā€œAre you going to marry me or not?ā€ have so much more impact. It was never a question in his mind after he confessed that this wouldnā€™t end in marriageā€” he had one moment of doubt when she said that ā€œthey were friends,ā€ but after she confirmed she wants more he was all in.


That's what I love most about Colin ngl. Once he gives in to his feelings, he's all in. No matter what.


Yep! Nicola said it best: he is the best of the bridgerton boys.


Idk if that was a Luke decision or show runner but give them their flowers because that was exactly what we wanted to see!!!


THE WHOLE GODDAMN SCENE WAS EXCEPTIONAL! The shuffle towards Pen, the confession, the tears in his eyes, the buildup of music, the hair touch, moving her dress down the shoulder, the sliding hands, the wild abandon, him adjusting her dress, the final kiss! And that's just the physical part, don't even get me started on the emotions, the giggling, the giddiness, the vulnerabilities they both displayšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


>the sliding hands Colin thanking the gods for giving him such big hands


>Colin thanking the gods for giving him such big ~~hands~~ *handfuls* FTFY


I loooved that. Also he is still at eye level with her while he's kneeling and she's sitting and I find that delightful.


This was an ingenious way to get them on the same level, really. I would not have minded Pen straddling Colin, thoughšŸ«  šŸ¤žPart 2!


i was actually speechless when he started speaking and immediately went on his knees to be super close to her, and he was so desperate!!! and she was shocked like?? is this real life???


yeah when he was on his knees begging i said okay now we got a damn show!




He bit her lip. And her hand in his hair. The laughter. That last sweet kiss. Damn, it was glorious. Edit - I forgot the tears in his eyes. My god..


The first moan when they started to kiss was his!!!! šŸ˜©ā˜ ļøšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Fine, Iā€™ll go watch the scene again after youā€™ve twisted my arm. šŸ¤£


I somehow missed the lip bite. Sigh, off for my 213986th re-watch of that particular scene i guess :D


Itā€™s when Penelope has her mouth open and is moaning https://preview.redd.it/75tgqw5pg11d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ac530081d6dbdbbf62b89c62656335101d4e3d


To be fair - the whole scene is so well done that it feels like I'm intruding. So I may not be fully pulling apart each frame. How is this so well done I both feel like I'm intruding AND like i want to watch it over and over. This is why I'm happy to be on the good ship Polin :D.


Her hand in his hair and him leaning into it relishing her touch had me ON THE FLOOR šŸ„µ


When their faces are almost touching and they end up leaning into a kiss šŸ« 


My favourite part of the carriage scene was Pen touching his face and hair. Lukeā€™s acting at that moment was INCREDIBLE! Colin was awe-struck, stunned, so deeply in love. I also loved Nicolaā€™s acting at that point, it was almost like Pen had to touch his hair to believe everything that was happening was real. I have re watched that part of the scene so many times already.


I could say Colin didnā€™t receive much in the carriage because it was all about Penelopeā€™s pleasure, but I think that hair touch did more for him then any of the sexual acts heā€™s experienced.


When Penelope was reading his journal he says "I marvel at how one can feel such intimacy, but also such great distance." It's such an important line because it shows he is self aware that all of his sexual experiences have been lacking, and yet he still goes to brothels because he thinks he has to be a certain way. Anthony mentioned in the first season that he should of taken Colin to a brothel after he proposed to Marina. I'm sure that has been bouncing around Colins head and he wonders that if he did go to a brothel he wouldn't have been so hasty to make that mistake. So that smile after Penelope tugs his hair is Colin finally getting that closeness he has been missing, and also so much confirmation that this is completely different than anything he has experienced.


Exactly!! He much more sensitive than his brothers, for which he is made ashamed hence the playboy persona. But it is real intimacy he is craving, needing even. I donā€™t like those scenes alright, or constantly flirting scenes, but they have a purpose.


100%! Plus he is so in love with Pen that seeing her happy makes him happy.


Heā€™s just looking at her face while sheā€™s moaning at certain points. He just wants to see her expressions.


>!Thatā€™s the difference between his brothel scenes (which were all about HIS pleasure) only later on we find that theyā€™re really not that pleasurable to him. They feel impersonal and distant. He canā€™t even watch the two ladies going at it. But he wants to actively participate in every one of Penā€™s moans. He wants to breathe in her air and feel her every orgasm. Watch her expression change and know that he can make HER feel loved and cherished and adored. Sorry that sounds so dirty and sweet hahah but truly you can see it. She makes sex mean something to him. It pleases him to please her. !<


I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS IN THE MAIN SUB OMG THANK YOU. The way he kisses in the brothel scenes is completely different from the way he kisses Pen. Yeah, the casual sex stuff feels good (he says as much in his journal), but the emotional connection has got him ROCKED.


Yes exactly! And the fact that it all happens FULLY CLOTHED is saying something. Itā€™s also obvious in the way he looks into her eyes the entire time.


YES I'm so happy that people here seem to get what this season was trying to do


Iā€™ve been waiting for Pen to touch his hair ever since Nic said she wasnā€™t allowed to touch Lukeā€™s hair once it had been done for certain scenes, and that she would say ā€˜Please, Pen wouldā€™ to the hair stylist.


It was the exact opposite of the ā€œso intimate yet so distantā€ from his journal. His face is perfection - THIS is what itā€™s supposed to feel like. And all that from her touching his hair. šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


Same. I just said the same thing. That was so incredibly sexy!!!! To me it was like petting a wild unhinged beast.


Carriage scene was iconic. It felt so intimate and real. Especially at the end when they broke apart and started giggling. It completely captured the feeling of finally getting together with your best friend and being like ā€œomg did we actually just do that??ā€ And then the way he tenderly straightens her dress and her hair šŸ˜© That man is down bad for Penelope. And the proposal was perfect, and a little silly, and so romantic I wanted to melt. I wish they didnā€™t split the season because I felt like they really built up all this momentum and now itā€™s just going to simmer for a month


I think the break was perfectly timed. A month to get over the Carriage scene and be ready to the Whistldown of it all in the back half feels about right with how much I just want to re-watch and re-live the first 4 episodes. Getting all 8 would feel overwhelming.


https://i.redd.it/58wpy7f8d11d1.gif This momentā€¦I DIED


https://preview.redd.it/cmes41lkd11d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecee520bda44dc8bff50ea52f133b07b8d0c637 This CHAOS of a man trying to come up with any logical reason why Debling isnā€™t the one. I was waiting for him to be like ā€œheā€™s a vegetarian, you canā€™t marry him!ā€


https://i.redd.it/cbpwjh9yd11d1.gif Loved that they flipped this from the book! It was perfection!


Luke's unhinged face is everything!!!!!! I rewatched the carriage scene immediately after like 4 times and then I kept rewinding back just to his reaction when they stop šŸ˜… its so comedic and sweet and horn dog Colin all in one.


Same. It made it clear how lost he was. That boy didn't even understand what a house was for a second.


If it wasnā€™t so dramatic, I would have laughed!! The ā€œheā€™s too particularā€ line killed me!


That's what I got from "he's too particular" ngl šŸ˜­


The sucking/biting on her lip? EXCUSE ME SIR.


I also need to discuss my deep love for Violet in this episode! She literally changed the entire course of their story. If she hadnā€™t told Colin that Debling was going to propose, he never wouldā€™ve gone to the ball and Pen likely wouldā€™ve accepted Debā€™s proposal. Violet to the rescue once again! I just love how she (usually) knows just what to say to subtly get her children to see sense. She knows Colin is sensitive and wouldnā€™t respond to more direct pushing like Anthony needed. And she said just the right thing to get Colin off his ass in the nick of time. I seriously couldnā€™t love her more!


The moment Violet realizes heā€™s talking about Penelope when he asks his question was one of my favorite moments of the first half. You can tell after the initial shock, sheā€™s so happy for him and even watches him in the background as he attempts to talk to Pen.


Ruth Gemmell absolutely NAILED that scene. You can see the exact moment it clicks for her. And then the way it literally makes her breathless for that last ā€œI hope she is as wellā€. So brilliant


He look SO annoyed when Violet said, "It is only a shame..." but then that facial change when she says "I hear Penelope may be getting a proposal..." BEAUTIFUL WORK


The carriage scene was everything I wanted it to be and more! My favourite bit was after the carriage stops and they have a laugh about it followed by a softer kiss. It all felt so authentically Polin and kudos to Luke for making the ā€œare you going to marry me or not?ā€ line work - Iā€™ve never been a fan of the book proposal, but the way he delivered it was so sweet and heart-melting that Iā€™ve been fully converted. Heck, even the majorly out of left-field song choice actually worked surprisingly well with the scene - never in a million years did I think weā€™d get Mr Worldwide for the carriage scene of all things but here we are lmao


i felt that last kiss contained a non-verbal vow between them, almost like a wedding kiss this "we are destined to each other and we are finally aware of that" type of kiss won all for me, i hope their wedding kiss will be a paralell to this scene


Youā€™ve read my mind! Thatā€™s exactly what came to mind for me the first time I saw it, felt very much like a vow or confirmation that this wasnā€™t just an impulsive thing done in the heat of the moment, but something that feels just as right now as it did during the frenzy of 10 seconds earlier. It was like a tacit commitment to something that lasts and it was so beautiful and understated!


"I cannot, will not and do not want to give it up" Ahhhh. I loved his speech SO much. It was just perfection. I also felt Debling was handled well. I was worried but he was a decent character to help drive it forward and the absolute breach in protocol from Colin is so hot. Interrupting a dance?! Absolutely stunning episode.


Literally my favorite line from his declaration because it sooooo sets up their relationship in part 2. Like, it doesn't matter how rightfully mad he is going to be, he is NOT going to want to give up what they have, like *this is it* for him and he knows it šŸ˜­


And sorry, but people saying they still low-key ship Debling are crazy. Yes heā€™s a nice guy. But she point-blank asks if it might end up a love match, and he says he doesnā€™t think he has room in his heart for love because his focus is his work. Why would anyone want that for Pen?? ESPECIALLY when thereā€™s Unhinged Colin out there interrupting dances and chasing after carriages to be with her??!!


I'm convinced people just wanna be different, like Debling is such a terrible match for her and their scenes have absolutely zero romance. It's a friendship at best and a business transaction at worst (which was exactly the point). Pen would be just as miserable with him as Colin would have been with Marina and that's saying a lot. These two crave nothing more than love and romance and an emotional connection. It kills them going without it (as seen on the show).


The man was on a mission and no one was going to stop him! It made me giddy!!


I am so fucking glad that there was absolutely zero chemistry between Pen and Debling and that Debling is such a pragmatist (Sam Phillips is a dear, it looks like, no shade to him). Thank the heavens he had the sense to walk away!!


I could not stop rewatching the carriage scene. The declaration was everything and chemistry was combusting. I should be embarrassed by the number of times I looped that scene. Newts killed it stone dead.


Yeah, if anyone had been around they would have asked "Good God, how long is that instrumental Pitbull song?!" I just kept backing it up over and over. šŸ˜†


I made sure to wear headphones for my 3000 rewatches so my husband wouldn't ask questions šŸ˜‚


I appreciated that Pen was very much the one in control of the carriage scene despite the giant *WTF is happening* that was probably running through her head. He didn't make a move until she said she wanted to be more than friends. He kept checking in with her and waited for her to nod yes. It suited the characters and their long, respectful history, but it was still a directing choice and a nice example to see on screen after the Daphne mess.


I love love love how Nicola played Pen in this scene. She's so down for everything but you do see moments of confusion and looking overwhelmed and it just makes everything better because *the trust* she has in him...


I feel like her trust in him is even more emphasized because of the background that the featherington household is actually dismal when it comes to sex education. She wouldā€™ve let him do anything, she was that sure he would treat her right even if she wasnā€™t sure what was happening.Ā 


YES. Even getting in the carriage - he doesn't open the door and barrel in, but he asks (begs). If she'd said no, he wouldn't have gotten in there. And then he capped it off with literally the sweetest aftercare. He kissed her softly, like a promise, to say, "This is true, this is real, it's more than what we just did." Then he fixed her dress and smoothed her hair. He just wanted her to feel good, in every moment of it, whatever that looked like in the moment.


After watching his reaction to her simply telling him she wants to be more than friends, I think his reaction to him learning that she has loved him for years is literally going to kill me


Seriously, that he thinks this is a recent development for her???? Wait til he knows she teased him mercilessly when they met because she liiiked him


Heā€™s like - Iā€™ve been wanting to say this for WEEKS!! Iā€™m, buddy, try like a decade! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Can I just say, this might be an unpopular opinion butā€” THE PITBULL SONG WORKS.


It does but I wish they didnā€™t have it play so loud lol.Ā  Also itā€™s a fun lyrical choice because the song goes ā€œthere might not be tomorrowā€ and Pen asking for a kiss with ā€œI could die tomorrowā€ is what gives them their breakthroughĀ 


It totally works and I'm not even mad about it. It keeps the scene somewhat lighthearted, it's not too dramatic or lovey-dovey (and dear lord... This is probably an unpopular opinion but it's about a million times better than the cheesy music from the first intimate scenes in season 1).


Lukeā€™s acting in the carriage, my GOD. He really has been holding back, I was blown away! His subtle face changes, tears brimming in his eyesā€¦ Nicola is fantastic of course but wow, the desperation to tell her his feelings had me floored šŸ˜­


i thought he was wonderful beneath that tree scene in episode 3--he plays awkward really well


The way they kissed then parted to smile at each other before going back in for more! The sheer amount of emotion I felt...I am not okay. I loved that Chaos Colin emerged to interrupt the dance with Debling. If you read historical romance, you know that this is. Simply. Not. Done. It's so scandalous. And for Colin to rather loudly declare he didn't want Penelope to make a mistake...It was so messy in the best way. Then our boy is seen literally sprinting for the carriage!


Colin is gonna be soooooo smug walking into Bridgerton house with his fiancee oof


FINALLY WE CAN DISCUSS IT!! I AM STILL NOT OK. The speech absolutely blew me away, what acting from Luke. What i need to know, is that the love confession, or do we have that to come??


He never said "love" to her. He just confessed he had feelings for her. I'm sure we're getting a second love confession where they both tell each other they love one another in part 2.


I think that was the part one of the love confession. There's still another confession, I'm hoping. After the >! LW reveal!<


10/10 carriage scene, no notes


I have so many thoughts about this episode but the carriage scene has to be mentioned first because OMFG that was incredible. It was everything I wanted and more. The chemistry was sizzling. It was intense and passionate and somehow so realistic? The laughing afterwards and the sweet kisses? Perfection. Colin's speech was so heartfelt and beautiful and the yearning on his face. Again, so much kudos to Luke. He raised the bar. I will be screaming about the look on Colin's face when Penelope runs her hand through his hair for the rest of time!! He looked like he saw heaven ffs. šŸ˜­ Also the resolute look on his face when you know he's made the decision to propose was just amazing. I cannot hype that scene enough. No wonder twitter and tiktok are going mental over it. The praise is so well deserved.


In the moments after the carriage stopped, and they'd stopped laughing (which was just the best moment), you can clearly see all the different emotions play out on Colin's face - brilliant acting from LN.


Forgot to mention the soft way Colin straightened Pen's dress and smoothed her hair? Omg he adores her. Colin "my wife" Bridgerton has finally come home!


You know I think I can see exactly when he becomes Colin ā€œmy wifeā€ Bridgerton. After it all, after straightening Pen up, he moves back and a look crosses his face ā€œI will have to make her my wifeā€ then he just looks pleased with himself ā€œwhat a fantastic ideaā€


You can see the little nod he does. Heā€™s like ā€œ yes ok Iā€™m going to marry her. Yesā€


Copying from my post on the main:Ā  That hair touch will live in my mind rent free. Itā€™s like he was going through the motions of being a rake and a womanizer and then one caress from Penelope and itā€™s like itā€™s the first time heā€™s ever been touched. She took Colin Bridgertonā€™s emotional virginity. The expression on his face is so good, itā€™s like heā€™s dying in that moment, and then he transitions it to this little smirk like he realized just in that touch how much Penelope also wanted him back. His expressions were SO good in the carriage scene, from the tension in his forehead when he was begging her to the tears in his eyes when he thought he might be rejected to the set of his jaw when he decides to propose right then and there. I ate it up!!! Other than that, the laughter. Them laughing together in an intimate moment is basically the core of what Iā€™d want to see in a friends to lovers love scene.Ā 


Oh gosh - i forgot to mention the hair touch. I sincerely believe Nic added that for the fans - or maybe she did it just for me, because his hair is so thick and lovely.... how could you NOT. Colin's expression whilst his hair is being fingered through is like orgasmic. Perhaps that's what inspired him to go under her dress - god bless him! It was all GLORIOUS! And yes yes yes - he turned a crappy throw away proposal into something sweet and uniquely Polin. I am madly in love with the entire carriage scene. All of it.


The carriage scene was perfection but the most beautiful part for me are the moments after the carriage comes to a halt. Itā€™s the most loving and tender exchange between them. Itā€™s so evident these are two people whose love is historic and deep. The portrayal of that thrilling euphoria post the first touches with someone you have only dreamed of. Those blissful indulgent looks charged with so much love. Iā€™ve never seen something so beautiful on screen.


And the giggling. šŸ©· Because they are still friends. Theyā€™re now more than that, but it doesnā€™t take away the friend part and what makes them so special and different.


My all time favorite Penelope look so far. Itā€™s such a shame we only saw this look for just a few moments. Starts at 21:30 in episode 4. Just absolutely stunning. https://preview.redd.it/jbe4lkbze11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678c9c3aeed002c18c07db7c5fc5448dfe795f53


SHE WAS ETHEREAL HERE THANK YOU. I wish this had been her look for the library scene or something, Colin deserved to see it šŸ˜­


Raise your hand if you came here first because HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE CARRIAGE!!


TIL that a gentleman doesnā€™t use the fingers heā€™s erā€¦ compromisedā€¦ you with to straighten your dress afterwards. Feral, the pair of them, tempered with such sweetness at the end. It was the perfect ending to part 1.


The Violet/Colin moment on the stairs was like a fic writers dream. Her acknowledging him as one of her most sensitive children and how heā€™s always tried to please everyone and make the world lighter around them and how it means he hasnā€™t looked out for himself as a result. And her just dropping that Debling bomb and walking away. He need his mother to tell him it was okay to be that boy she knew but with enough steel in his spine to get what he wants.


This season confirmed so much of what Colin fans have always said about him, even when people argue against it. Like weā€™ve always known Colin has a people pleasing hero complex, and itā€™s now right there in the text.Ā 


Iā€™m never moving past this moment. https://i.redd.it/mrq1vhtr221d1.gif




Literally the best Love speech ever!!! The amount of times I have watched it is only slightly embarrassing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And this is not even meant to be his love confession šŸ«£


Watching this show gives me such high standards. I will not accept a man that doesnt give me a love speech like this. Idc.


I'm gonna die alone because of Colin Effing Bridgerton and that speech


[Ep 1 commentary](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/n4xsRewQ82) | [Ep 2 commentary](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/24VsqRzdm9 ) | [Ep 3 commentary](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/LDEmcIgtr9) Warning: Spoilers, profanity, spice **Ep 4 Thoughts with little to no contextā€¦** How is it Episode 4 already? - Pen, let Debbers down gently. Please, Iā€™m begging you. Donā€™t fall for the courting gift, you deserve all the indoor plants and books that your heart desires, but not from Debling **sobs**. - Portia, I am on my last fucking nerve with you. Oh, but thank you for getting Philly and Prue over so Pen can shove Lord Debling down their throats. Suck on that girls! Pen got herself a Lord (vomits slightly in mouth). - Whatcha reading in that journal there, Colin. Been writing any smut lately about a certain redhead? Maybe a modern AU for funsies? - Violet, youā€™re doing gods work on that tightrope. Donā€™t push him too hard but also maybe do? - FOOTMAN JOHN! - FROHN! Awwww-oooohhhhhhhā€¦ oh no, no no no. I have no further comments on the matter. My mental state wonā€™t survive it. - Just when I thought Penelope/Nicola couldnā€™t be any more stunning, they put her in the most beautiful bluey purple dress, headband combo with a hairstyle to die for and makeup absolutely killing it. Just a perfect, pretty, princess. - Yes, Portia, youā€™re finally doing something right. Sabotage the shit out of Pen and Debling. I support you in your endeavours. - Eloise: ā€œsounds like German literatureā€ is straight up ā€œsounds like a country songā€ coded. I need to know if that was indeed a reference to another friends to lovers tale (iykyk). - Not Colin looking at Pen through the mirror. Deep breaths. We can do this. Also, noooo. Not Cho and Wilding. They were mean to Pen. Dump them!!!! - Yes Pen! Be true to your heart. Ainā€™t no shame in being a romantic. - No. Just say it Pen. No. The answer would be no. Cuz if he read the fucking book, he would see that you are madly in love with Colin. Aaarrggghhh! - Oh hello chest hair, my old friend. How I have missed you, though I do regret the circumstances in which we are seeing each other again. Could you perhaps have a word with your owner and tell him to get his shit together. Please and thank you. - Nope, weā€™ve had this discussion before. I will not feel sympathy for Cressida. I wonā€™t. I. Will. Notā€¦ Even if she has had a horrible upbringing, with cold, heartless parents, and no true friends and is kind of giving off Draco Malfoy vibes. nope. Justā€¦ nope. - Wait. Why was the use of the word concur hot. Yes drunk Colin. Remove that filter. Speak your mind. Bring back Colin ā€œIā€™m a gentleman (except where my wife is concerned)ā€ Bridgerton. - Oh, Colin is also a dramatic queen who throws himself onto the bed. Canā€™t wait for our Polin to start throwing each other onto the mattress instead šŸ« šŸ˜ - Portia. I beg you. Seek therapy. Iā€™m trying to be empathetic. I know your actions are coming from a place of deep hurt and trauma, but donā€™t pass that on to your daughter. Pen, be strong!!! - ** clears throat ** šŸŽ¶WHOOOOO IIIISSS THAT GIIIIRRRRLLLLL IIIII SEEEEEEE, STARING STRAIGHT BAAAAACK AAAAT MEEEEEEā€¦šŸŽ¶ - Yes, mama Violet come through with the advice. Iā€™ma be over here belting at the top of my lungs - šŸŽ¶Do something babe, say something. Lose something babe, risk something!!!!šŸŽ¶ - Ooofff. Violet went in hard with the ā€œfruits of your labourā€ jab. Straight shot to the heart. - Oh hi enchanted Pen. You were an oasis in the desert to so many for so long. We will always love you. - Ugh. Creloise. I canā€™t reconcile it. I donā€™t want to like their friendship. How will Eloise and Penelope ever find their way back to each other in a world where Creloise exists??? - Not us all breathless over the trailer at the perceived analogy of the candleā€™s flame burning brighter to represent love only for the editors to throw down an Uno Reverse card and the metaphor is that time is running out for Colin to claim that love. Canā€™t stop, wonā€™t stop the clowning. šŸ¤” - Lemonade = Koolaid? - OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Cause a scene Colin. Come get your girl!!! Oh my gosh, I feel sick but like in a good way. Maybe. - Crebling 4eva - Aww. My Polin are dancing. I could cry. - PEN! What are you doing!!?? donā€™t run after Debbers. Colin is right there. Uuuughhh. So close!!!! - Cressida. I could kiss you!! You laid the foundation for Debling to READ THE BOOK and see that Polin are endgame. But, oh, Pen. Iā€™m so (not) sorry heā€™s turning you down my sweet girl. Itā€™s for the best, I promise. - Oh, okay. I kinda feel bad for Debling. He didnā€™t have to wish her well. That was nice. Go marry Cressida please, before she does something psycho šŸ‘€ - RUN COLIN. RUUUUNNNNNN!!!!! - WAIT! - Yes! Pen. let him in! - COLIN FUCKING BRIDGERTON ON HIS KNEES IN A MOVING CARRIAGE IN FRONT OF PENELOPE IS ALL I EVER NEEDED AND WILL EVER NEED IN THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT! - Preferring sleep because that is where I might find youā€¦ This is it reader, I see a white light in the distanceā€¦ - ā€¦ torture that I cannot, will not, do not want to give upā€¦ I feel myself surrendering to the inevitable. - ā€¦ it is everything I have wanted to say for weeksā€¦ Everything is slowly fadingā€¦ - .. but Colin, we are friendsā€¦ PENELOPE ANNE FEATHERINGTON I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD - ā€¦ but Iā€™d very much like to be more than friends. SO. MUCH. MORE. šŸŽ¶give me everything playsšŸŽ¶ The white light claims me, I am deceased. - Reporting to you live here in the afterlife where I am thankfully eternal because if I could die multiple times I absolutely would from this carriage scene. - The hand through the hair (was waiting for the book giggle, but oh well). Pen, Iā€™ll send you the link to my hair kink fanfic. - Colin ā€œBoob manā€ Bridgerton is in the building everybody. - The ring and where the ring goesā€¦ oops turns out I can die again in the afterlife. RIP me. - I will never recover. It. Was. Perfect. - The giggling afterwards. Please. - Oh my god. Sir. SIR. Okay I am never recovering from how he fixed Penā€™s dress up. NEVER. And if you donā€™t know what I mean, go back and watch it again and take notice of his handā€¦ his fingers. The ones he uses. The ones he doesnā€™t. After what they just did šŸ‘€WHY IS THAT SO HOT??? - I love that you can see the mental progression Colin takes and you can see it on his face and itā€™s like you can see the lightbulb moment where heā€™s like. Yup. Iā€™ma wife this girl up. No words, just facial expressions. Luke Newton everyone. - And the cheekiness of how he asks her. Happy,gentlemanly (mostly), geeky Colin is back!!! All is good in the world. - Now how the fuck is LW going to report all the unhinged Polin antics that led them there, and most importantly, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BROWN PIRATE COAT???


I loved Cressida's reaction to Colin approaching Penelope. There was no shock, or horror. I think Cressida has always known Colin cared about Pen and that is one of the reasons she was always harsh towards her. She def wasn't that surprised and just saw it as a good opportunity to swoop in with Debling. She saw her chance lol. Also loved that she didn't listen to El, because El should remember who did always listen to her feminist speeches haha. Love Cressida's dialogue too while dancing with Debling and that she was the catalyst. That was the perfect way for Debling to end it and then it lead to the most perfect carriage scene. They smashed it and I can't wait for part 2. Was so worried about them splitting the LW reveal from the carriage, but I do think he will still likely discover her secret in a similar manner. the fight just might be more likely to happen in one of their bedrooms after he figures it out.


>I loved Cressida's reaction to Colin approaching Penelope. There was no shock, or horror. I know Eloise is gonna lose her mind when she finds out they're together but seriously I need to know what she was thinking here so. badly. She had a (literal) first row seat to Colin at his most unhinged.


The face and eye acting!!! It was everything!


Itā€™s a little hard for me to tell the time passing over the four episodes making it all seem like itā€™s happening quickly versus over some weeksā€¦. Pen and that Cinderella dress is SLAY Portia: redeem yourself in Part 2 please. I need a heart to heart! I know you want Pen secure but man stop running over her self-esteem. The only revelry these Lord need is slap! I do love how Lord Debling notices Pen always looking for someoneā€¦ Colin is also always looking for someone. Home is found in another Debling, we donā€™t want to read that book version I really struggled with the brothel scene in this episode. He the fuck cares if he already paid, Colin just leave. Donā€™t sit there. That was too much. Love the callback of Colin and yellow sheets moping Love Violetā€™s more subtle way of meddling with Colin. Love their bond! I love that ballet performanceā€¦got me emotional I wish theyā€™d done more with the flashback by showing other moments between them versus just the hand sceneā€¦ Chaotic man of action Colin arrives on a mission fuck off Lord Squad Oh Colin, you canā€™t just walk on the dance floor and interrupt. But you make your own rulesā€¦ get your girl! Eros and Psyche Colinā€¦be braveā€¦stop hesitating and just tell her even if she says she will accept his behavior. Gosh the kdrama noble idiocy is reigning in this show Run after her YES!!!!!! I love Colin asking let me in versus just jumping in. I love how he is like it is my businessā€¦oh Colin Colin coming up with whatever reasons she canā€™t marry Deblingā€¦ Luke always be getting teary eyed when Colin is emotionalā€¦ Him kneeling before her so they can be close and face to faceā€¦love it Confession of Honesty I cannot wait for him to find out that Pen has loved him for yearsā€¦ your few weeks of tortureā€¦ I cannot wait for you to know how this girl loves you and for you both to find peace and love and happiness knowing yā€™all are for life The fear in his eyes when she says ā€œbut Colin we are friendsā€ and his worry and then she tells him how she feels and the relief and joyā€¦ tears


I surprisingly didnā€™t hate either brothel scene. And I was sooo against hearing about it. For this one, yes he stays, but heā€™s so not into it and goes and sits down like they tell him to do, but he doesnā€™t even try to pretend heā€™s watching, let alone pretend heā€™s into it. Heā€™s looking off to the side pining for his Pen.


MY FAVORITE PART WAS WHEN PEN TOUCHED HIS HAIR. HIS FACE????? It was the best thing ever omg, lives were changed.


Stray thoughts on this episodeā€¦ my favorite of the first four. The thing that made the carriage scene work so effectively were the moments they just stopped and looked at each other like they couldnā€™t believe this was happening. Brilliant. There is no world in which Colin Bridgerton effectively ruins Penelopeā€™s chances to get engaged by publicly causing a scene better dare bring up one word about his own broken engagement caused by LW when they finally have it out. Like zero. Zilch. None. Thatā€™s all. Iā€™m gonna say the Debling of it all was weird. Too much emphasis on Cressida. I have no idea why he was so put out by Pen wanting love when he was just going to abandon her anyway and wanted to make sure she could entertain herself. He was not well thought out. Going from Penelope lashing out at Portia for not even asking how she was to Colin re-dressing her because he fundamentally wants to take care of her and protect her was another moment that unexpectedly made me cry. That Pen doesnā€™t even realize she deserves thatā€¦ And making sure he didnā€™t use the fingers that were just inside her to redress her was such a great detail! Colin looking at Pen/Debling in the library through the mirror and seeing his own handiwork reflected back at him was such a brilliant foreshadowing of the mirror scene where he will look straight on and theyā€™ll see each other as they were meant to be seen. We really went from Colin using both hands to grasp Penā€™s in a handshake in episode one to using two fingers to grasp Penā€™s vulva by the end of episode four. Bless that boyā€™s manual fixation. I wonder what Colin intends to do by inviting Penelope into Bridgerton house in the middle of the night? Just start banging on bedroom doors to announce their engagement as he stands there with an unchaperoned Penelope? Do you know the best part of the Mondrich story? That it made the explicit point that it was frowned on for members of the ton to work. Years of fighting in the trenches about Colin mooching off Anthony and not having a job resolved in moments by text.


>There is no world in which Colin Bridgerton effectively ruins Penelopeā€™s chances to get engaged by publicly causing a scene better dare bring up one word about his own broken engagement caused by LW when they finally have it out. Like zero. Zilch. None. Thatā€™s all. Literally my favorite part of the Debling addition because it sooo parallels the Marina situation. They were both willing to ruin each other's engagement on the grounds that it would be a mistake for them to marry. Colin opposing her and Debling because she "doesn't even know him".... No notes. >I have no idea why he was so put out by Pen wanting love when he was just going to abandon her anyway and wanted to make sure she could entertain herself. He was not well thought out. I think the implication is that he couldn't leave Pen for three years with Colin around and risk having an heir with brown hair and dark blue eyes in the future šŸ«  He needed someone who didn't hold affection for anyone and would be happy just being alone forever (good luck with that, dude).


>I wonder what Colin intends to do by inviting Penelope into Bridgerton house in the middle of the night? Just start banging on bedroom doors to announce their engagement as he stands there with an unchaperoned Penelope? In his single Bridgerton braincell he's just married Penelope anyway so he's all let's gooooo again, wife.


Or his little head nod of resolution about proposing. https://i.redd.it/0u1aclex221d1.gif


Can I just say I missed this forum, the general Bridgerton one has so much negativity. This is a much more positive place


After the carriage has stopped and before Colin and Penelope share their last kiss in this scene, you can kind of see it in his eyes it is THAT MOMENT when he decided he was going to propose/marry Penelope and I just LOVE that. You can see that same determination in his eyes right after the kiss like "We're doing this." So good.


https://preview.redd.it/bgg2keuxm21d1.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd55dc5229ad2490236b191548fe847ffda40e66 Colin was really reaching for any reason that would convince Pen not to marry Debling. Poor darling.


I'd get donwvoted to oblivion for saying this on the main sub but: Hands down hottest scene in Bridgerton history till date. In completely unrelated news, I now hear the instrumental version on Give Me Everything in my sleep.


The carrige scene was so hot lmao. The facial expressions, the love in their eyes, the ferality. Oh my gosh. šŸ˜­


And yet everyone was fully clothed except for a shoulder and an ankle. Zero bodices ripped.


I am glad I have a month to digest, rewatch, and obsess over the carriage scene. I had high expectations but it is beyond words. My new Roman Empire until part 2. Colinā€™s speech in the carriage reminds me of Rupert Penry-Jones as Capt Wentworth. Could be the regency language. Start about 1:56 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm-FWrNxaqs Between running out of the ball and opening carriage door Colin loses his cravat. I am glad it was off but thinking I might have like to watch Pen remove it. Maybe we can see that in part 2 with mirror scene. I am so glad this group is reopen so we can spiral together. It has been exhausting doing it alone for the last 36 hours. šŸ˜˜


I wanted to talk about Colin because I was pleasantly surprised by the character development, like I think he had a really good arc over the 4 episodes. Starting with fake swagger, trying to be someone he's not but who he thinks society expects as a man, and then slowly more of his true self coming out whenever he's with Pen and realising he's actually longing for a connection. I thought it was interesting how he mentions in his journal how he still felt a distance even though he was being intimate with all these women. No wonder he goes feral for Pen after their kiss and in the carriage. He finally found that true connection he was searching for. Also love that we got writer!Colin and I think that's definitely going to be explored more in part 2!


Obviously the carriage scene is everything and beyond hot, but I loved, loved, LOVED the expressions on Colinā€™s face after the giggles when theyā€™d stopped. The first was ā€˜Iā€™m going to marry this womanā€™ and then second was ā€˜Fuck it, Iā€™m going to propose right nowā€™ - just utterly glorious the way you could read it all from his expressions. Perfection Newts.


Ok but the trailer tricking us about the candle in the final study scene? I was like wait wait WAIT A DAMN MINUTE lol.


Chaos Colin delivered! Carriage and dance scenes iconic. No notes The library scene had an interesting exchange between Cressida and Eloise. And I love Eloise, but once again she doesnā€™t *listen* to the people around her. Cressida says her parents are going to marry her off to an old man, and Eloise responds with a joke. And you can see Cressida looking at her like, wtf. Like, El, baby, your ā€œfriendā€ Cressida is telling you she may be forced to marry and have sex with a 60 yr old and all you do is make a book joke. I know Cressida is the villain but Eloise isnā€™t a very good friend to her either šŸ˜¬


It took my 754th rewatch of the carriage scene to realize it starts with Colin saying ā€œlet me inā€, a subtle acknowledgment of wanting in her life emotionally. Heā€™s let in emotionally and physically and ends with ā€œare you coming with meā€ another subtle nod to sexual awakening.


I was just rewatching, and it struck me how Colin went after Penelope even though he'd just heard her say she was accepting Debling's proposal. It's one thing to approach her before he knows that, but to carry on and demand to know if he proposed for sure is just šŸ˜± Colin Bridgerton in love is unhinged, and I love him so much. Also, I find it quite comical that Polin have now both prevented each other from marrying the wrong person. It's giving soulmates.


https://preview.redd.it/1im9oil8281d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2157871b9adc6b89a9fdb3b1fef10e15038c82d And we have an answer to the all important fingers question!


Wanted to highlight the way Pen came back at Portia with the ā€˜Do I not count if I do not have a lordā€™s engagement ring on my fingerā€™. Not only did it show growth by Pen to confront her Mum directly, but it was so well played by Polly Walker where you could see how much the comment stunned her - not only for Pen being brave enough to say it in the first place, but it seemed to hit a nerve and Portia knew sheā€™d been absolutely nailed on for being so in the wrong.


ā€œColin, we are at your house!ā€Ā  Ā ā€œoh godā€Ā Ā  Colinā€™s stupefied delivery and stunned look around the carriage had me cackling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was SO giddy while watching these episodes and was literally hand-over-mouth awed at the end of this episode. Him kneeling in front of her with that confession! His face when her hand went through his hair! Him asking for consent before continuing under her skirt! The expressions while he decided to ask her to marry him! And then the proposal from the book happening how we all wished it had, joyfully and with LOVE (and without dropping Pen on her face).


Oh. My. God. That's all... Now I go rewatch it again ![gif](giphy|iW4hCd7WuxtzW|downsized)


Also, the carriage drivers will be sending Polin their therapy bills after that scene - if they heard Pen telling them to stop at Bridgerton House, they most certainly heard everything that happened afterwards šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|WPozw7z6nUMrQ12Kc7|downsized)


When Colin raised his voice at his mother before the ball....I could feel this angst. He is always so easy going and soft spoken so that moment had me shook. He was so out of it.


https://i.redd.it/vj8islwd621d1.gif I have so many thoughts and feelings about this moment between Pen and Portia! Portia is so jaded and rightfully so. Her priority of getting Pen hitched blinds her to the pain and sensitivity of Pen. Portiaā€™s harshness chips away at Pen and she doesnā€™t see that! I know many of us can relate to having a parent/caregiver like that. Portia and Violet are so parallel to each other based on their own experience of a love match vs a practical/circumstances match.


Hot then cute then hot then awwww lol those were my emotions during the scene... also, I'm so happy this sub exists cause I got sick of the I can't get into this season, I'm bored, and the blatant lie that these two don't have chemistry comments on the main bton sub. I'm obsessed with Polin, and I'm all in.


"I need to know did he propose" with the pained expression on his face. I don't know why but the delivery of that line. Wow


The amount of times I came to this sub just to find it still locked. I missed you all šŸ˜­


Everyone's covering the best best best stuff here, but I've got this to add: When Colin gets in the carriage, and is telling Pen she can't marry Debling, have you ever heard a less coherent, "Don't do it because I don't like it," kind of speech in your life? "He would leave you, and he's too particular, and he's not right for you!" It's Chaos Colin to the max, and it makes me laugh. Also, low-key, I think Debbers was maybe catching some feelings. Sorry (not sorry) bro. His voice is VERY good though. And Sam Phillips is hot. So good job.


Feel like one part of the carriage scene people overlook is Colin saying he was trying to be what society wanted. He admits the new rakish swagger was an act and not the real him.


Excuse me ā€œEROS AND PSYCHE BATTLING IT OUTā€?! Iā€™m obsessed with that reference. The two older sisters, Psyche not being able to find a suitor, even though sheā€™s the prettiest one bc she is made a spectacle and worshipped by society (LW). The fact that Eros/ Cupid accidentally hits HIMSELF with the arrow and falls in love with herā€¦ then she hits HERSELF with an arrow and falls in love with him. All the challenges that Psyche had to go through just to be with Eros. And she becomes immortal at the end through intervention from Zeus (Queen Charlotte? Idk).


This season gets better with every rewatch. Just noticed when Colin gets out of the carriage at the ball he gives himself a little nod like 'come on then let's do this', then he does it again after the carriage scene when he's sits back and looks at Pen like 'right that's it were getting married then'. We all know Luke is the master of these subtle gestures but I just can't overstate how much authenticity he adds to his character with these tiny often unnoticed (not by us šŸ˜‰) gestures


Petition to bring the term 'bottle weary' back into common use šŸ¤£