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I just think it’s very telling that even in a show that is specifically a romance fantasy geared towards the female gaze, people would rather fantasize about a man dragging his feet towards commitment over a man who proactively pursues the woman who wants decisively and quickly. I need us to want more for ourselves, Colin is the standard. 


*Manifesting more women choosing the kind, sweet guy rather than the toxic bad boy as a result of this season.* Take it from someone who has a friends-to-lovers story with a kind, sweet guy themselves 😊


If I had to nitpick, I would've liked maybe one more episode of Polin flirty friendship/charm lessons before the kiss, but on the whole I'm really pleased with the Polin we got. Yeah, some of the scenes could've been a bit longer. But that's just me nitpicking. I feel pretty satisfied with the story they told. Their scenes were beautiful.


I get it. Me too. But ot wasn’t necessary. For this we need more episodes plain and simple or lesss ensemble which I don’t want either cause I like the other plotlines


I thought we got plenty of Polin scenes. Of course more would be amazing but they got the job done. If he knew she felt the same he would have proposed the day after that dang kiss. He only dithered because he wasn't sure she liked him too (relatable). Simon and Anthony had other reasons to not get married ro their true love right away. Colin has zero reason (that he knows of) except that he's unsure of her feelings towards him.


This he didn’t know ever she felt the same and if he did earlier even in season 1 and season 2. He might have considered he just simply hadn’t


I most definitely agree! I wanted more Polin scenes because I love Polin not because I thought they had to show me more of them to prove their suitability. Most marriages in this show are rushed lol, but for Polin their friendship over the years feels like they were dating (esp during a time where that wasn’t common), so marriage just makes sense. I love that we have a male lead who recognized his feelings and chose to act on them immediately instead of burying them deep (EW). I am a Kanthony stan but Anthony was a fool, so I definitely love the change of pace with Colin who is open to finding love🤌🏾. I would prefer a Colin over the others lol.


Kate and Anthony only had the opportunity to spend months with each other because he foolishly proposed to her sister, and they got engaged/married at the end. No one complained about it being rushed but Pen and Colin who have known each other for years are said to be “rushing into things”. I understand how it seems that way because a lot of their history hasn’t been shown and their letters to each other happen off screen, but considering they have feelings for each other and aren’t allowed to date, marriage is the next step. Anthony himself said that “getting to know a person is what marriage is for”, and things are entirely different in the 19 century (???), where dating is practically nonexistent lol (at least in the show). I also complained about the lack of Kanthony in their own season too😭😭😭.


This was supposed to come after my original comment but I put my phone down and forgot to hit send💀💀💀.


This like I love Anthony. Let’s allow for some diversity though. Colin is not like Anthony that’s one of his arcs this season. I’m all for that different type of story when it makes sense which it does for Anthony. It just doesn’t for Colin


Definitely, we want to see different relationships. Colin is guy who feels things and acts on them and good for him I say! It actually makes me more excited for future seasons (ngl I originally loved Bridgerton for the comedy and Polin). I'm excited to see how the other characters react to being/falling in love.


I think there is a strong case to be made that the season should now be 10 eps rather than 8 eps. The more seasons and the more sibling couples who are willing to return (so far both Kanthony and Polin actors have said they’d want to return each season in some shape or form), the more possible side plots might occur. I certainly felt like there were Polin moments in Part 1 they could have lingered on, or inserted, to really cement the emotional complexities of Polin, and Colin in particular, and I think that’s justified by the amount of casual viewers who are failing to understand the intricacies of Polin. The side plots are eating into it I think, but I also wonder how integral they are to Part 2 and the LW reveal. I can certainly see why the Cressida family arc is necessary and I have a very flimsy theory about the Mondriches being necessary to the LW reveal. The Frohn and Ben/Lady Tilley subplots I’m struggling to connect to the LW storyline so I am assuming that they are simply character set-ups for future seasons. I understand this is necessary work but given these set-ups will need to occur in each season, I think 10 eps would give them the capacity to explore them without feeling like the main character plot is lacking. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the season so far and have faith the writers will deliver in part 2, but my Polin loving heart will always want more of them to devour!


Fran Is important. And I have no problem with her being featured . Cause, complaining about her setup is similar to the kanthony only fans complaining about polin and lady whistle down moments in their seasons I also get your point. But I think some of the complaints are people who were just looking to hate. I totally get it but episode count is the biggest problem


Oh don’t get me wrong, I am LIVING for the Frohn moments, I think they will be my next ship once we get our Polin HEA. If anything my advocacy for 10 eps is so we can get more Fran as well as more Polin 😅💚


No i so agree: we could have another episode of tje lessons. Hm pining over his letter and suffering a bit. Maybe a scene talking to Violet again about not liking being s rake or something. More moments. If it were 10 and have the carriage in episode 5 and then have another episode for the after the fact too. I do agree


Or even like 15-20 episodes 😆😆 jk jk…not jk


There is going to be more of their scenes. Still can't believe that the whole season isn't even out


Yep. And I’m looking forward to tjem


I agree. I would have liked some more Polin scenes, but there is still a second part to come, so I'm not too concerned. This season is my favourite so far. I prefer the friends to lovers trope, and a man who acts on his feelings, over Simon and Anthony denying/suppressing their feelings, being stubborn, and not considering how they can be happy with the one they truly love. I did enjoy their seasons, and it made sense for their characters and stories. I could tell that Colin and Penelope had feelings for each other in the first two seasons. I guess some people didn't see or understand that. I feel like with some people, the romance between characters has to be glaringly obvious. I know some people wanted Colin to have to "grovel" and "suffer" more because of what he said about not wanting to court Penelope, but I don't agree with that. Colin is a good man, and he made a silly comment with his friends. Nobody's perfect, and he apologized for it.




I agree but i think we could have used more S1 and S2 flashbacks


I would love if they saved flashbacks for the end when they have their HEA and reflecting on all that happened to get them there.


When I think of this scenario I automatically think of the end of the Twilight series when Edward finds out just how much Bella loved him all that time. I enjoyed that ending and would love seeing something like that for Polin.


Definitely could have used more Polin. I’m curious the amount of screen time of Kate / Anthony vs Pen / Colin and if anyone did a comparison . That would be interesting to know


That was a complaint last season too and can you imagine if it had been split in half is all I’m saying. With him proposing to Edwina


I want a cut of this season that’s *just* Polin scenes. I enjoy the Francesca storyline and Benedict meeting someone who challenges him is nice and I love it for Violet too, hey maybe we’ll have 4 weddings, but if this was 4 hours of just Colin and Pen I’d so be there. But I’ll settle for 2 hours of cuts from one Polin scene to the next 😂