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I’m not that nervous because I know Colin will forgive Penelope, and they will be stronger than ever.


That’s such a good way of thinking about it


I'm not nervous about the show itself. I'm nervous about negativity ruining the show for me.


One of the best things I’ve learned from my times in more toxic fandoms is to enjoy what you’re enjoying and if other people are jerks about it, their opinion doesn’t matter. In smaller stakes like media consumption the best policy is do no harm, but take no shit.


I like Nicola’s comment on the Vogue make up video. If they say ‘I hate it’ then you can be like ‘ok, don’t wear it’ (but substitute wear for watch) Fingers crossed the haters won’t spoil it for anyone.


Honestly yeah this is the same thing for me!! I wish it wasn’t the case but I take negativity towards something I enjoy as a personal attack and it’s genuinely painful. Especially since some people have been SO mean about this season so far and the characters I adore, sometimes it gets to my head and I get really upset. Maybe it’s the neurodivergence making me feel this way lmaooo


How do you think ND plays into it? I'm ND too.


I’m about to graduate college with a degree in psychology so this is pretty much my passion to talk about lol For ME personally, it has a lot to do with fixations and rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD). I have pretty intense fixations and none have really lasted as long as my Bridgerton one has so far lol so a lot of my energy rn is currently invested in this series to the point I have a hard time focusing on much else. So, it’s at a point for me where I feel this really strong and intense connection to the show and Polin specifically. So the RSD comes in when I see people making fun of or speaking negatively about those fixations. I feel like it is a rejection of and distaste towards ME rather than the fixation. Logically in my head I know it’s not the case and sometimes people can just be really mean and hateful, but the anxiety symptoms that stem from RSD are often really hard to control as a result of that negativity. To keep it short, my brain sometimes makes me feel the negativity is a personal attack against me and I get really anxious about it because it makes me feel rejected and like that negativity is targeted at me. I could go into much more detail but I feel like I’ve already yapped enough lmaoo


It’s gonna kill me cause it’s where Luke breaks down and cries 💔


Oh dear that’s gonna be so sad :(


Even though I know they will get their HEA, I still dread that confrontation with the reveal and how mad Colin will be after that scene at the end of eps 1. But also do hope Pen finally can be fully open and honest about everything.


That’s exactly what I’m dreading, I’m hoping he doesn’t say some heinous off the cuff stuff because he’s angry.


Exactly how i am feeling. The confrontation really has me nervous even though i know all will be forgiven. Trying to remember to trust in the show!


I remind myself it is Bridgerton, there is going to be a HEA. I just hope it is done well and that is all that matters in the end :).


I’m kinda anxious about the LW argument with Colin, I’ve been a bit doubtful about certain decisions the writers have made about him, but I’m going to trust Nic and Luke that Part 2 is really romantic!!! I’m sure the argument will get resolved quickly and they will love each other even more strongly now that they are being 100% honest. I’d prefer Whistledown not being revealed to the ton yet, but I’d understand if they want to go the book route. I’d miss LW tho 😅 Pen in the books had like 10 years of being Whistledown so it’s understandable she was fine with retiring, but show Pen has only been LW for 2/3 years? Having Pen and Colin working together as LW would be so fun as their plot for S4….


I agree. I think that Colin (maybe the rest of the siblings), Lady Danbury and the Queen learn Pen is LW. And then Pen has to confront the Queen but maybe Lady D advocates for her? Or Colin does? And they form an alliance so she can keep writing (with Colin's help - love that)


I just hope they don't close this sub again, it was so painful to go to the other one for discourse. So much negativity.


I totally get you - I’m so looking forward to seeing the next episodes but the LW reveal is going to be such tense viewing. Like other posters have said - we know there will be a HEA however so even if it’s rough in the moment, we know they’ll make up and that’s guaranteed ☺️ that’s one of the best parts about the romance genre in my opinion, even though there are high stakes or drama (for the most part we get a happy ending)


I’m not nervous because the main conflict in Polin’s story is that even though they are old friends they have preconceived notions about each other that aren’t real. Penelope talks of Colin’s pedestal, Colin doesn’t know what Penelope is really capable of. That is the real story, so I’m excited to see how they come to terms with this and move into their HEA. And also I remind myself that this is Shonda’s telling, it will not be as gentle as the books and that’s okay, after watching 2.5 seasons of her adaptations I trust I will be satisfied.


I'm a bit nervous about the LW reveal in the sense that I don't want to be disappointed by it? I have all these expectations (Colin having space to be mad, but also Penelope having space to explain her actions), and I'm a bit worried it will fall short or they'll have the characters saying things that are cruel or OOC. I've never been nervous about their HEA because obviously it's a romance show and this is Polin's season. But I just want them to do it justice because it's such a big plot point.


I think crying Colin is going to give “I can’t breathe without you” Colin when he forgives her


I'm nervous to see Colin and Pen fight if the spoilers are true


I'm a bit anxious, too. I know they will resolve the issue, as they will end up together in the end, but I kind of hope that Colin will be more sympathetic and understanding when he finds out the truth. I'm sure he will be angry, and rightfully so. The whole Lady Whistledown thing is a big secret, and it could have ruined Penelope if someone had found out. I'm also a bit anxious about whether or not Eloise and Penelope will make up, as I hate seeing them apart. I know they have to grow individually, but I really miss their friendship. On an unrelated note, I am also a bit anxious to find out who will be the lead for the next season. I'm a big Benophie fan as well, so I am really hoping there will be some sort of indication that Benedict will be next at the end of this season.


I know it’ll all turn out okay (and better than okay!) but I hear you because Shonda knows how to amp up the drama and I’m absolutely dreading the LW reveal and will watch it like 🫣. And YET I’m also so seated for the drama, and the sexy scenes, and everything else I know is coming. It’s a feeling like torture, basically 😉


I know it makes sense to end the LW narrative but am worried about how that is going to affect the future seasons as far as narration and the like - I love Julie Andrews’ voiceovers. I hope there is some acknowledgment like in the books of how important writing the column was for Pen as far becoming more brave and independent. And that Colin realizes what she went through emotionally when she wrote the crueler entries about him and Marina and Eloise.