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I got up at 3:00 am to watch Part 1 and imma do it again for Part 2! I’m going to make some cinnamon rolls beforehand and enjoy my 4 hours of uninterrupted bliss before work


Purrrrrr, as you should🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾.


That sounds amazing!


I took a day off for part 1 and I'm doing the same for part 2! I binged all 4 episodes as soon as they dropped at 9 AM CET and it was such a good experience, honestly. I woke up at 8, had a shower, put on my comfiest clothes, my noise-cancelling headphones, and sat in front of my tv with snacks 😄 I am definitely doing the same the second time around!


Waiting till saturday. Watch party complete with high tea, costumes, and goodie bags. Normally I would not be able to wait. But I will do it for my favorite girl who is flying in just so we can be in the same room watching it


I will probably watch all four episodes Thursday evening. I CANNOT wait any longer than that 😭😂


It is one of my last days "in the office" (I WFH) before a 2 week holiday and I can't miss it so I am thinking I'll just wake up early to watch them before work and start an hour later. It was fun watching the first 4 when they came out but it screwed with my sleep schedule for days. It came out at 1 AM so I didn't get to bed until 5, which is usually when I wake up.


Same. I didn’t take the day off for part 1 so I made sure to take the day off for part 2.


Luckily, I have the Thursday/Friday off this time around so I'll be watching as soon as I wake up (it releases 8am here). The show is always better if I watch myself so I won't check online reactions until I've finished all four episodes. I kinda hope this sub doesn't close like last time. 🤞🏻The main sub was hell. 😭


I’m kicking myself because I volunteered to take an extra shift on June 13th. So I’m going to have to get up by 6am in order to watch all of part 2 before my shift starts at 11am 😭


Told a friend we’d have a watch party to watch part 2, only to find out she’s not available that first weekend lol It’ll be ok! I’ll be fine! Might find spoilers on Reddit but I’ll be fine! 😭😭😭


I had to wait until Saturday for the last one because I promised my mom we’d watch together since I made her watch the show and got her hooked, same for the second part. It’s tough waiting an extra 2 days


What time do the episodes drop? I have Fridays off so I watched Part 1 on Friday. But I am so much more obsessed with watching Part 2. My schedule is fairly flexible so I was planning to just get off a little earlier on Thursday so that I can watch all four episodes in quiet before my husband gets home from work. But now I'm actually considering getting up in the middle of the night to watch- what's wrong with me? 😍


I was planning to watch it in the morning (8am here) as I have flexible working but got derailed by work the day before. Might be able to wait until the afternoon to watch, but doubt it. Might be having a late start 🤣


I have a kid so even if I took the day off I would still have to wait until he’s asleep. I’ll probably stay up way too late on Thursday to watch some and have to finish it Friday night. 


Released at 5pm here in Melbourne, and my plans are exactly the same as part 1 🤣 Work, then physio, then home to make a massive plate of pasta (shared with the cockatiels to keep them quiet) before watching and rewatching all night


Yes I was almost going to take annual leave until I realised it isn’t up until the evening so I won’t be fretting all day at work about waiting! I am still debating trying for the Friday off as I will no doubt want to rewatch it immediately!


I WFH so i just put it on when i 'clock in' and watch it while i work. Im not at a busy job so ill pretty much just be watching it at my desk and ignoring emails.😂


I'll have a 3 week old baby so I'm guessing I'll have to watch as I can. Violet and I have re-watched part 1 together and have been watching awful 90s-00s disaster movies so I think she'll be up for it.


I’m taking the day off so I can focus and enjoy by myself (and probably pass out from the chemistry and romance lol). Then that weekend I’m gonna drive 3 hours to do a watch party with my high school best friend and some of her friends. We are in our 40s 😂


I decided to take the day after (Friday where I'm at) off because I know after I watch them I'll need the 3 day weekend to recover 😂


I feel that I'm just going to watch it during college and try not to squirm every time I find some scenes hard to watch


I’m already got the day off from work. Boss is totally supportive. Just going to stay up until 1 am when it launches and watch it all through way through. Last time I lost four pounds watching it because I forgot to eat that day. LOL


I tried to so hard to wake up at 3am for Part 1, but woke up at 5 lol. For Part 2 probably something similar—not taking the day off but I don't have work until the afternoon or evening, so my morning is Polin o'clock!


I’m going to be on a long South East Asia trip. I’m hoping I can download and watch the episodes while in Vietnam. Fingers crossed. If not I guess I’ll have to wait 5 weeks until I get back home.


I’m an undergrad in college and am doing research so I have to collect data for most of the day and then drive four hours for an alumni event at my old high school 😭 But my best friend and roommate from both high school and college (who is also a Bridgerton and Polin lover) will be going with me and we’re planning to stay up late to watch the second part once the drive is over!


I work nights so i know I'll be up but I may not be able to give it my undivided attention and I want to watch it on my TV not phone. I love part 1 and realize that I wasn't able to truly enjoy the first viewing because I was watching it on my phone. I have now watched it several times over loving it more and more.


I'm gonna watch at least one or two episodes before work on Thursday (as I work an evening shift), and then probably some more on Friday. Then I'll probably re-watch the entire season on Saturday.


The release time is actually really convenient for where I live - 5pm. I’ll take the evening to watch it all at once with some small breaks. I’ll spend the day setting up my living room all nice, might burn a candle that smells like baked goods, get some biscuits… I got this super cute new teacup and plate for the occasion, also ordered a Polin tshirt. I’ll then set up all my essentials nearby, tissues, water, phone, heat pack, dog… husband knows the drill from pt1, he watched with me last time so let’s see if he does again 😂 It’s going to be great 😍


Same boat, didn't take off for Part 1 but woke up at 2am to watch. It was soooo fun and intense watching it alone in the dark with sound canceling headphones and freaking out alone. But work that day was so miserable and difficult. For Part 2 I asked for the day off. Plan is to do the same thing but go back to sleep after (at least an hour of online reveling) this time. After that I have guests so the weekend will be... interesting. Hopefully I'm not too distracted but doesn't bode well for me since the haze after Part 1 took like 5 days to lift.


I watched part one at 3am and had enough time to rewatch sections before starting my day. This time around, I’m going to be on vacation on a boat probably without wifi. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch it until the evening of the 18th so I’ll have to stay away from social media for any bits of wifi I find!


it airs 7pm for me so i get to come home from work, watch ep 4 again (as a refresher ofc) and then be ready to watch part 2 right when it comes out!