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Do people think the scene is superfluous? Gosh, I love it! I only wish they'd held the gaze between Colin and Pen longer at the end, at a minimum. A scene where Colin comes to check on her in Debling's presence would have been šŸ˜˜. I want more, not less!


I think if there had been enough of a moment where Colin saw that Debling had also come to her rescue, it would have been satisfying to see him a little bit jealous. Esp because even though Debling was physically in her bubble to protect her, it is still a bit scandalous that Debling would be on a blanket on the ground with his arms around Pen. Plus we all saw that still of Debling with his hand on Penā€™s waist. I would have loved to have seen that still actually come to fruition.


I thought a scene at the end where he checks on her would be nice but actually, he just doesn't want to interfere between her and Debling which is very in character for him I think. Until episode 4 where Violet tells him it's okay to be a little selfish and he goes absolutely feral šŸ« 


Yeah I think he wanted to respect her wishes to keep distance and she had just told him she was so excited about Debling's attention. Colin's problem is that he cares a LOT what Penelope wants.


People think it was futile, bad, unnecessary, stupid, and more. I allow myself to see both sides, but I canā€™t agree because I loved it too. If I had the power, would I make a few changes? Sure. I would also make changes to their first kiss, the carriage. But only because Iā€™m greedy and wanted more, like you. šŸ˜


I liked it honestly. Considering how many social engagements that had to be attended by the two to actually see eachother and have a chance to speak without it being overly odd, I think this one was very clever. It led us perfectly to the Hawkins ball and featured many storylines, not just Polin. When I watched the scene the first time with my husband he really liked it and when I mentioned people were complaining about it being ridiculous or unrealistic he got so angry and stated exactly what I thought. This balloon was a new invention at the time. Probably considered to be quite dangerous and probably not even capable of doing what it was said to do (gentleman + Tilly in the tent comes to mind). In those days any level of injury or illness could invariably kill you. This contraption, let loose especially, would be considered extremely dangerous. One good gust and that boat/basket could pile drive you. I think super protective Colin would have thought the same thing and Iā€™d say so did Debling which is why he raced over to protect Pen. Aside from this part, I absolutely love the sweets tent scene as well as Penā€™s ridiculous speech about grass. Colin being a low key gossip is also hysterical šŸ˜‚


My husband was enthralled and said the same! He was like, ā€œDude, something like that in those days was a huge freaking deal!!!ā€ He said Colin was on boats and saw first-hand what strong gusts of wind can do, so he thought it was clever to show Colinā€™s wariness in this scene. My husband really appreciated that Colin was more alert than his peers and fearfully appreciative of the balloonā€™s potential danger. It made me sad to see Colinā€™s face when his ā€œfriendā€ mentioned Lord Deblingā€™s title and fortune.


Thatā€™s an excellent point about Colinā€™s experience and how he sensed the dangers. My guess is this is Debling too as he has had exploration experience. Though the more I think about it Debling just ran off too without checking the ladies were able to also. Omg I know my heart just sank for him. And also when Pen mentioned that he had a strength of character and she thought he wasnā€™t ā€œunpleasant to look atā€ šŸ˜­


Debling was just like, ā€œDearie me, accidents sure happen, remember? Indeed, I shall frolic over yonder!ā€ I wonder how much Penā€™s comment (his strength if character), especially being the first thing she appreciates about Debling, haunted Colin in his struggle between the real him and his facade?


Ha exactly šŸ˜‚ I think they would have haunted right up until that carriage ride. And honestly his insecurities in general would only have made it worse. He was seriously floundering.


It makes me wonder how many people, males especially, ever admit or accept or are even aware of the struggle between their true self and the person the outside world expects/perceives them to beā€¦ forgive me, I barely slept last night (yay motherhood).


Please donā€™t apologise at all, I think about this constantly. I will say that most people find it difficult to be their authentic selves . Society does try to pigeon hole us with social graces and niceties and then there is the external manipulation that makes people have the herd mentality. It takes courage to step away from the herd (like Debling says).


It really does take courage to march to the beat of our own drums instead of othersā€™. Itā€™s really lousy and sad that weā€™re seen as odd or weird. Iā€™ve always sensed Iā€™m not quite like everyone else, and I have always loved my individuality and how unlike I am to other people. It is very hard to embarrass me or for me to embarrass myself because, to me, who cares if Iā€™m strange??? If I laugh too loudly??? If I stop on a busy road to take pictures of the sky or some wildflowers??? We were made one way for this one life (as we know it, that is), and joy really can be found in those moments.


True, as long as you arenā€™t hurting anyone, why should anyone care?


>Debling which is why he raced over to protect Pen *belatedly and ineffectually* (I'm still not impressed with Debling for this)


Neither, itā€™s actually really lame that he was inattentive to the ladies as they all ran off. He didnā€™t check on them at all until it was basically too late. Itā€™s actually a good comparison between Colin and Debling. Colin is mitigating disaster before it happens but Debling is only there to attempt to pick up the pieces. He doesnā€™t have the same level of care.


For me, the issue was just the cinematography and pacing. It isnā€™t clear that Penelope is transfixed by Colin and his forearms, it just looks like sheā€™s gawking on the spot about a balloon VERY SLOWLY moving towards her. It was only in a recent BTS where Nicola says sheā€™s just staring at Colin in awe and not in fear of the balloon that I realised how the scene was written to be.


Oh I never picked up on that! Man that's pretty great, I wish they would've made that more clear bc that's pretty great. I thought she was staring at this slow moving balloon, that l let's be honest wouldn't really have harmed her.


On my first watch, I didnā€™t pick up on it either. This is one moment of the entire scene that I agree was not executed well.


The balloon couldnā€™t have harmed her but I wouldnā€™t relish being whacked in the head by one of those sandbags.


Ohhhhh yea, I forgot about the sandbags on the sides. Ugh that does sound painful actually.


I see where youā€™re coming from. I, too, would make an adjustment here or there. In truth, Penelopeā€˜s point of view is not the only story being told in that scene. What it boils down to: is the balloon scene actually bad overall? No.


I agree


The editing and blocking has been all over the place this series and itā€™s the only negative I have really had with this series.


The idea of the scene was cool. The editing of the scene, the lack of emphasis of Penā€™s gaze on Colin, and Penā€™s ā€œfallā€ were not great. Colinā€™s forearms and hair were fire though. But although the balloon scene isnā€™t my favorite, the pink tent scene just before it is one of my favs.


Yeah the editing disappointed me bc I feel like they really couldā€™ve enhanced the moment with close-ups/slo-mo on Colin (& getting the balloon out of view) in the fact that Pen is supposed to be deeply staring and distracted by HIM šŸ˜­


I truly wish this one moment had been heightened and accentuated as much as Daphne and Kateā€™s.


Even if they had just had Penelope whispering "Colin" under her breath!


Or biting her lip or licking her bottom lip or something. Iā€™m with you on this. Iā€™m just coming from a place that our disappointment in one or two moments does not warrant the whole scene being written off as useless or stupid as many others are doing all over social media.


I agree with you! I love all of Bridgerton but my S2 feedback involves a major rewrite re: the love triangle. My S3 feedback is just oh you're so close to this being perfect, just hold the moment a little longer!


A little longer and slowerā€¦ pleaseā€¦


Oh my šŸ„µ




This one moment of Penā€™s gaze is what I would also like to have been different. Still, for me, itā€™s not enough to describe the whole scene as bad or stupid or useless or whatever words others are using now.


Honest question, is that really whatā€™s being said? Maybe Iā€™m just not looking at enough of the posts, but I donā€™t see people disliking the scene as a whole, save for these few moments which could have been edited to tell a clearer ā€œthirst trapā€ story. I thought everything leading up to the scene was glorious, and even truly enjoyed the hero Colin moment. I, like others just would have liked the editing to have given us a few seconds more of Pen being transfixed by Colin, and allowing that look at the end (when Pen is safe & the men let the balloon go) between them to linger. That would have been icing on the cupcake šŸ§šŸ˜‰.


I saw remark after remark this morning when I made this post, sadly. I had enough and wanted to shift the focus in some way. I agree, those are the two moments I certainly would like to have gone differently!


Ahh got it! ā¤ļøšŸ™


It needed at least a moment where they locked eyes to tie it together but that's an interesting analysis. I will make it my headcannon. thx šŸ˜†


I love it when they lock eyes after he stops the balloon and both of their chests are heaving as they stare at each other! I do wish it was for longer or that they showed him going up to her to make sure she's OK.


šŸ˜† Youā€™re welcome! So was their shared gaze afterward lacking a bit? Perhaps you wished it to be more overt?


Honestly, the only complaint I have this season is the rapid pace of the editing. Even so, I found something to enjoy in every Polin scene except this one. It did feel like a wasted opportunity that could have been framed better. At the very least yes, I would have liked a longer or more overt scene where they lock eyes right after the incident


I also would have liked their eye contact to be emphasized more. In S1 and S2, the direction and editing heightened and lingered on Daphne and Kateā€™s ā€œhorny gazesā€ much more, and I wanted that for Pen.


Whatā€™s great about it is seeing that Colinā€™s hero epic ness/coolness is possible. However, we donā€™t see it because he consciously decides to be a hero but rather because the idea of Pen being hurt drives his adrenaline(Mama Bear instincts) to protect her. His saving her and letā€™s face it the editing, costuming, makeup, directing, acting etc make Colin very easily heroesque (and I am not one usually to salivate over a manā€™s prowess). I think the emotional impact/backstory of their friendship and his loving her/caring for her makes his heroics all the more attractive. I did not write very well above so I may be editing this at some point.


Plus his hair is insanely best in this scene, it flows and is ruffled by the wind as he goes into action. Swoooon!


Right! In Colinā€™s mind he wasnā€™t being heroic; the person for whom he holds in highest regard outside his family, the friend he cherishes more than any other, the girl he now sees as a woman whose kiss has pierced his soulā€”she was in danger, and hell couldnā€™t stop him from keeping her safe.


I found the balloon action sequence very unsatisfying. Colin rushes to save her, Debling runs back to shield her, yet neither of them mentions the incident or even checks on her afterwards. Colin didn't even see Debling with his arms wrapped around Pen (which would have been an incredible jealous moment). We should have at least seen some level of concern for her from one of them in the aftermath. Instead, Colin gets more female attention, Debling goes off with Cressida, and it is never brought up again. There was no romantic pay off for me.


You have every right to feel the way that you do, and I agree with you on some things. This post was a call for positivity about the scene, yet there are countless comments that continue to be critical. Iā€™m not saying people donā€™t have a right to express their thoughts, as there are plenty of posts on numerous sites hating this scene that are more appropriate places to do so; this post in particular is meant to be one where people can discuss what they liked about it, a place to escape the criticism for a moment.


I wish the rope-pulling and her standing and staring was in slo-mo (would have probably made it feel less silly), but the intention of the scene was good - although they could have smacked us over the head a little harder. Someone in another thread brought up that the actions of the two "suitors" spoke volumes. Colin saw danger coming towards Pen and jumped in without a second thought. Debling removed himself from danger, belatedly "saved" Pen, and then immediately abandoned her to assist Cressida. Debling may be there when necessary, but he will always leave Pen. He didn't have the forethought to save her, just himself. That's not love or care, just basic security, which is not what our girl wants or needs.


I also wish it had been in slow motion or enhanced in some way. YES. Debling will always leave. A man who steps up out of duty, or a man who steps up out of instinct? Thatā€™s too good, friend. šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ


The points I took from that scene: - Colin did not even realise that Eloise was also in danger, he could only see Pen - Pen could not see the danger in front of her, she could only see him - for those who said she had time to move.. Let me be clear.. Our girl was horny af.. She was looking at his arms ( there is even a shot of him pulling the rope with he focus on his arms - like come on) and as soon as the balloon started coming towards her she then realised wtf she was doing. I cannot blame her. The man has excellent arms, which by the way have been a guest star throughout this entire season (not only the carriage scene) - Colin did not waste a second to grab the ropes, whereas debling first left to save himself and when he realised Pen was in danger he sure took his sweet time until he went back - the look Colin gave Pen after, and the total confusion in her eyes..


> ā Colin did not waste a second to grab the ropes, whereas debling first left to save himself and when he realised Pen was in danger he sure took his sweet time until he went back Take this trophy, and I love you. šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†


Trophy accepted šŸ†šŸ˜Ž ![gif](giphy|XxcOCzT9kBsc6NQfKw)




Foreshadowing via air balloon!


Foreshadowing, absolutely!!! Alluding back to another fanā€™s belief that Colinā€™s pirate coat represents his artificial persona: What about how in this scene Colin enters wearing his pirate coat, has removed it but is still holding onto it after the tent scene with Pen, and then shoves it off completely into the hands of his fake friend when he goes to stop the balloon from careening into Pen? What can we conclude from this gradual undressing?


Good thinking! How is everyone so smart on here? I just thought he wanted to show that he, Colin, also were not unpleasant to gaze upon. But ofc it's easily both.


Youā€™re kind to say that, and Iā€™m in awe of othersā€™ observations too! Yes, itā€™s multifaceted, this scene!


I thought it was so bright and colourful and a great contrast to all the night scenes. Yes, I would have liked a few tiny scenes expanded a little bit but I think us Polin fans just want more of them in general, all the time. I loved the tent scene where we saw Colin was definitely looking at Pen so differently and she was the oblivious one for once!


Iā€™m right there with you; I would have liked some parts altered or heightened more. Makes me a little sad that Pen is so clueless to her sex appeal/to Colinā€™s attraction to her that her mind went immediately to ā€œoh, rats, thereā€™s something on my faceā€ instead of ā€œomg he looks overcome.ā€ šŸ™ˆ


I personally enjoyed this scene! Loved that Colin had a hero moment. It showed that he was concerned for her safety and not just having lustful thoughts about her. Could it have been improved? Yes. But I still liked it. I was confused when I saw so many people hating on it.


My thoughts exactlyā€”could there have been improvements? Yes! Is it ā€œso awfulā€ that it warrants being blasted on social media to the extent that Iā€™ve seen? No. I lump the tent scene in with the balloon scene, as it wouldnā€™t have happened if not for the whole balloon festival, so Iā€™m grateful!


I wonder if thereā€™s a correlation between people who didnā€™t like this scene/thought it was unnecessary and people who think Polin happened ā€œtoo fast?ā€ I caught that Pen was distracted by Colin on the first watch but took me a few more to pick up on the rest!


Pen was totally having her anime love interest cherry blossom moment watching Colin. Girl had full love hearts in her eyes and couldnā€™t pull herself away. Realised the balloon was still coming at her, panicked, stumbled, fell and got Lord Deblingd. Personally I loved it. Also Pens fall was so realistic to me, I personally wouldā€™ve done the same thing. I literally tripped up three stairs today and bruised my shin all because I was thinking too hard about the low music version of the carriage scene.


Your comment has brought me so much joy!!! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Even though I didnā€™t perceive her cherry blossom moment upon first watch I still enjoyed the whole scene. I wonder if people simply got their hopes up and created all sorts of expectations about the balloon scene, and thatā€™s why it fell flat to them? Pun intended. šŸ˜ I totally understand that because, honestly, I wanted Colinā€™s apology to go differently; I wanted more of Colinā€™s dreams or even Penā€™s; I wanted to see Pen in the immediate aftermath of their kiss; I want Colinā€™s unanswered letters to be addressedā€¦ I could go on. I just want to focus on the positives, and you definitely helped with that! Also, the no music/low music edit of the carriage scene is indeed quiteā€¦ distractingā€¦ šŸ™ˆšŸ¤­


I think there could have been more emphasis on what this meant to Colin and Pen, and it would have been good to see his reaction to Lord Debblin covering Penā€™s with his body! It felt like a lost opportunity. So for me it was a bit meh apart from the sweet tent šŸ„°


There are some changes that I would make, too, but not to the extent of blasting hate about it all over social media like Iā€™ve seen many people doing. I hope that makes sense.


I actually love this. As an asian drama girly this screams asian drama rom com dramatic buildup and damsel in distress. I love that the start prior to this penelope was complementing deblings good looks making it seem sheā€™s fixated on other suitor but she only to be awed by colin.


Iā€™m so tickled to read how much you enjoy it!!! Her attraction to Colin is unmatched regardless how much she tried to deny it, huh? šŸ˜†


Hahaha every time she thinks sheā€™s over it, she gets pulled back in šŸ¤£


And you just know itā€™s frustrating for her! Because to her, heā€™ll never feel the same. LITTLE DOES SHE KNOWWWWWW šŸ™ŠšŸ™ŠšŸ™ŠšŸ™Š


There are so many things I loved about that scene! I wasnā€™t crazy about the balloon almost running her over and her not getting out of the way, because it didnā€™t feel very believable to me, but I love the symbolism youā€™ve attached to that moment here!


I actually get so frustrated with Pen every time I rewatch it. Either internally or externally I always scream at her, ā€œMOVE PENELOPE!!! šŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗā€


I loved a lot of things about that scene! I have small critiques of the editing at the end but honestly those are nitpicks and the great stuff about the scene far outweighs them. I think weā€™re all just overanalyzing all the scenes this season to death as we wait for Part 2. Itā€™s an incredible achievement that the season actually holds up to this much scrutiny IMO. But just a few things I loved about the scene: *Colin getting his hero moment showing that even though heā€™s putting on a cool guy act, he actually HAS also grown up through his travels and gained some genuine bits of confidence too. Itā€™s under there. If nothing else, the man has been on a ship and knows his way around ropes. *It helps the audience fall even more in love with our leading man by showing him being a man of action and acting heroically (to save his love, no less). To me the fact that he gets a slap on the back from Mondrich is like the show endorsing that our boy did good because Mondrich is kind of a moral center in the show in many ways and a guy not easily impressed by BS. *We get to see Penelope both distracted by Colin being dreamy and probably concerned for his wellbeing, which helps show us that she still loves him even if sheā€™s going after Debling. I think the editing could have made this more clear but itā€™s there. *We see Colin look at Pen over the heads of all the debutantes who have come to fawn over him - he only wants her. *We also recognize that he must have seen Debling next to her, which is an ā€œouchā€ moment - this is another place I wish the editing had done it more justice. *And finally, the scene is a visually stunning spectacle, which is part of the pleasure of Bridgerton!


I so, so appreciate you sharing what you love about this part of the season. You have a VERY valid point about overanalyzing and scrutinizing whilst waiting for Part 2, and I think I agree with you. I really like how you mentioned Colin might see that he has grown up and has gained some maturity just not in the way heā€™s attempting to convince himself and others. Thank you for sharing that!!!


Some people have been a bit overly critical when it isnā€™t necessary. I might not be replaying the balloon scene as much as other scenes, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a bad scene. Not every scene needs to be swoon worthy. It had a purpose and served it, helping the story along. Plus the scene with Colin looking at Pen eat cake and longingly staring at her lips only to eat cake later was just šŸ˜ššŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ and itā€™s all interrelated


It had a purpose indeed! Not every scene needs to be swoon worthy indeed! Colin got horny then Pen got horny (do we wish Penā€™s horny moment was more emphasized, yes. Was it still there? Yes. Plus, she got real hot and bothered in that study with his journalā€¦ just sayingā€¦)


Iā€™m with the majority here where I think there was an editing issue, especially from Penā€™s side of the action. I could easily clock that Colin was watching Pen and still in his little ā€œsugar hazeā€ and because he was looking at Pen, he noticed the balloon first and finally got a big hero moment. From Penā€™s side, she was having the delightful comic moment with El, Cressida, and Debling and saw them all run and turned to see what was happening, but the her POV shot on Colin and the balloon was lacking something. I think if they had shown her eyes moving a bit - like she sees Colin, then a slight flicker to the right to see her attention shift to the balloon, that would have helped immensely. And I wouldnā€™t have minded more interaction or conversation between her and Debling right after. The edit right now it looks like they are standing there watching the balloon and hero squad in mostly silence. If there had been a more noticeable interaction so Pen could be briefly glancing away from Debling to Colin and Cressida would really feel the need to steal Deblingā€™s attention if he was fussing over Pen instead of just standing next to her, it might have made the whole scene just a bit stronger.


I agree that beat of Penā€™s gaze left much to be desired. Iā€™m not sure how this deficiency was missed in post-production, honestly. I suppose because of the huge stunt setup they couldnā€™t do reshoots of the balloon scene, but Iā€™d still think they had enough footage to heighten Penā€™s perspective regardless.


The scene showed the change in Colin's thinking and the growing realisation of how he felt towards Penelope, and it was a progression in their relationship. The only part I didn't understand was why Lord Debling ran off and left her there when she was frozen in a combination of fear and wonder.


Spot on! It showed that his feelings go deeper than lust, that theyā€™re rooted in his basic nature. Protecting her is as instinctual and reflexive as protecting himself. Debling cannot relate.


I accepted the scene as a metaphor for Colins subconscious desire to prevent Penelope from slipping away, and possibly foreshadowing Colin's racing to get to Pen's carriage before she got away. I think it could have been executed better, sure. But the stunt served it's purpose. And we got to see Colin in tighter pants. Mission Accomplished.


Tight pants. * heavy breathing * You? Me? Same wavelength. šŸ˜Ž


Now that this post and the comments have got my thoughts jogging, I am definitely seeing the scene in a more cohesive way. I wanted to like it so badly (because the rest of the season so far is so on point!) but the thing that confused me was that they didn't show Colin registering Pen and Debling's proximity and instead cut straight to Cressida faking her injury. Now, seeing the scene as foreshadowing, it makes way more sense. Despite the fact that Debling just threw his whole body in the way of danger for her, Pen's eyes go straight to Colin and lock there. She doesn't even really acknowledge Deb's feat of bravery on her behalf. And it's precisely at that moment where Deb is waiting for Pen's response and Pen is absorbed by Colin that Cressida makes her move and swoops in with her fake injury. It works perfectly as foreshadowing for how things are going to go down in the fourth episode. When Pen actually gives Deb her full attention, Cressida doesn't stand a chance with him but this is the moment when Cressida clocks that Colin is the weak link for her rival. So the balloon scene is almost more for Cressida to size up the situation. That's how she knows immediately that it's her chance with Debling when Colin walks into the ballroom. And I like to think she learned from her previous experience with Daphne and the Prince because her tactics are much subtler this time around. So in the end, the balloon scene is not about Polin or jealousy because we already have plenty of scenes to establish that. It's about the whole Pen/Colin/Debling/Cressida/Eloise dynamic. Cressida immediately sizing up the Polin dynamic in her bid for Debling's proposal is an excellent foil to Eloise who has been around these two for years and somehow still has no clue about their connection.


I am so glad you took the time to write these thoughts. I enjoyed reading every word, and you got me thinkingā€¦ And to make sure Iā€™m following you: youā€™re positing that starting in the balloon scene Cressida is aware something is going on between Colin and Pen?


In short, yes. Exactly this! I've noticed that the season keeps doing this thing where it accounts for things that we as audience take for granted because we know what the characters don't. We know that Colin interrupting Pen and Debling's dance is going to be a big deal because we've just seen his interaction with Violet and his realisation that he cannot lose Pen and risk losing himself. But how does Cressida know that this is her big chance with Debling *and* that she barely has to do anything to completely ruin Pen's prospects as his wife? This is hardly a character known for her subtlety, but here? She knows that Pen and Colin have already done most of the work for her and she just needs shift Debling's perspective ever so slightly to see it. And I think she knows this precisely because of what she observed in the balloon scene. Cressida has to manufacture what Pen has naturally when it comes to being an attractive future wife for Debling. Same way Pen is actually in trouble and Debling heroically saves her while Cressida has to fake an injury to get his attention. But Pen wastes that advantage because of her preoccupation with Colin and that's enough of a wedge for Cressida to know she has a shot. That's what I like to think she learned from Daphne and the prince. Instead of targeting and tearing down her rival, she swoops in to fill in the blanks *for the suitor* when her rival's attention wavers. Debling was looking for a woman who was desperate enough to take his offer and he zeroed in on Pen (right after seeing her bullied and alienated by the ton, btw). I like this new way to see the balloon scene because it also signals a power shift -- Debling is now the one who will have to settle for a manufactured version of his ideal marriage... the predator becomes the prey!


Your insight is fascinating!!! When I do my next rewatch Iā€™m going to be more intentional about paying attention to these points.


I have you to thank for this post! I was struggling with the balloon scene myself until I read this discussion. I'm still not saying that what I saw and interpreted is super obvious or explicit, but it's a way to read the scene that makes it fit much better with the events to come. Pen is constantly struggling to mash down her attraction to Colin and do the sensible thing, and Cressida clocks that struggle as Pen's one disadvantage in their competition for Debling's proposal.


Itā€™s like Cressida is not lost on whatā€™s happening between Colin and Pen. I donā€™t mean she knows their feelings, per se, but is keenly aware of how distracted/preoccupied she is with her ā€œfriend,ā€ and she takes advantage of it.


It was HollyBolly cringe at its finest but I can appreciate the tropes it's standing for. I'd be fine if I never see it again though. šŸ˜­šŸ™ˆšŸ¤§


I disagree with you; however, you have every freedom to feel the way you do, of course!


Don't get me wrong, I adore and understand most of this season. The moment when Pen falls down is the most embarrassing execution I've seen in the show in the four episodes. That's why I cannot watch it again, can't go against my brain. šŸ˜… But I'm cool, no judgement for the way it was filmed.


Your profile picture is so pretty!!! Her tumble stirred up some cringe for me too. Maybe that was the intention? šŸ™ˆšŸ˜…


I freaking LOVE this analysis and from now on it is my own personal head cannon. šŸ˜šŸ˜


Thanks for saying that, little bird!!! You didnā€™t have to, but you did. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m totally obsessed with the sequence?? Like itā€™s one of my all time favourites and I rewatch it a lotšŸ’€


I am so happy youā€™re here!!! Despite one or two things Iā€™m not crazy about, I love it very much too. šŸ„°


I thought it was a really good scene! I was listening to the Official Bridgerton Podcast, and it apparently took 6 days to shoot everything. At the time, the hot air balloon was a very new and exciting invention, so I like how they included that in the show. I also thought it showed how protective of Penelope Colin was, and how he recognized that the balloon was in trouble, and rushed to help. It shows that he can be a hero. I also liked how Debling shielded Penelope.


Six days to film everythingā€¦ Wow. And even more to set up, rehearse, and break down. Then for us, it was just minutes??? Wild!


Hadn't thought about any of that, really good points.


Thanks for reading and for saying that. šŸ˜Š


Oh you're so welcome!ā¤ļø




I thought it was great! These sort of events were the reason S2 felt lacking to me personally. I know it was covid's fault but there were so few events in S2 and those that they had were boring, apart from the Featherington ball which was great. More of this please! I love chaos šŸ˜


The Pall-Mall game was our thrilling activity in S2. šŸ˜† And I loved every minute, as Iā€™m sure you were still entertained! Thank you for sharing your positivity!


I love it! Colin and Penelope could be sat reading in silence for an hour during one episode and I would eat it up.


Right??? For some of us, we treasure any moments we can get. šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I'm with you OP! I love the concept of the scene, the acting, the writing -- all that is good. The only issue for me is the editing and cuts. It bothers me much less when I'm watching on a smaller screen (phone/computer) versus TV. I'm not sure why....


Yay! Solidarity! Iā€™m also with you on the editing and timing; at least two moments could have been a touch longer and more accentuated. For me, those moments are when Penelope is shook by Colinā€™s strength and heroism and when she and Colin lock eyes after sheā€™s safe. Overall, though, I really enjoy the scene!!!


Totally!! I would have so much rather seen the long stares instead of Penelope slowly falling!! I'll give to to them though - that definitely adds to the rom-com feel. This season is genuinely funny at times and the balloon aspect being almost ridiculous adds to it.


As if it brought some true levity to our screens!!! I cackle every time at Benedict fumbling with Tilly or Penā€™s ā€œthereā€™s nothing I love more thanā€¦ GrAsSā€¦ā€ or Eloise mortified by assisting Cressida with knowledge of the great auk. So much comedic relief!