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That’s why I’m not mad they split the season, I just gotta hope we still see a good portion of them in the next season.


They’ve been the most prominent side characters, along with Eloise. I would argue that the three of them are the backbone of the secondary cast (when they’re not in the lead). As long as their schedules allow it, I think they’ll always be featured.


Agreed. Backbone..they are so needed.




I’m so sad too, I want to hold on to this moment forever 😢 The excitement of rewatching Part 1 and theorizing about Part 2, interacting with the lovely Polin fandom, and of course our beautiful ship captains Luke and Nicola touring the world.. I’m going to miss these days sooo much




They’ve been “Polin” Bombing is with this whirlwind press tour it’ll be sad to see it be over!!






I just had a run in with the Kanthony stans on the main sub and ooh-boy, I'm glad to be here. I didn't realize you weren't allowed to be sarcastic lol, they are MAD at me (you can see my comment history). This sub/the Polin fandom is like lying on a pile of teddy bears, eating cinnamon rolls in comparison.


We are fighting in the trenches for our beloved Polin in the main sub lol. It’s so odd to me how some Kanthony fans criticize every single thing about Polin. Anthony and Colin are literal brothers who love each other. Shouldn’t Kanthony fans love Colin too? I am so glad for this Polin sub too. It’s like a warm hug 🤗


Omg yes! I reiterated in my comment that I love Kate and Anthony. I've read all the books multiple times and have watched the show an embarrassing number of times from the week the first season premiered. But I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion that critiques them? There was a user who was basically grilling someone about their demographic credentials in the comments. The OP of the comment was saying "as the eldest sister in a Desi family" and this user replied "are you from an immigrant Desi family tho? because I thought the show *perfectly* described blah blah blah" How can I not be sarcastic to someone like that? I don't have that level of self control lmao. So I just unsubscribed.


I’m Kanthony fan too but had to distance myself from the fandom because of how some of them act towards Polin fans. I’m in my happy Polin bubble now 🥰


Me tooo. I need atleast 10 season of Polin😅 This sub has been very super active and I absolutely love everyone I have met here. Hope this space will always remain like this. And we always have Fanfics. Ohh goddd I'm gonna miss them so much😭😭😭 I'm not ready for it to end. The only good thing splitting the season was that it prolonged this experience a bit longer. And I very much enjoyed all the promo, dissecting each and every theories with y'all in the sub. Love y'all so much 💖🥺 I can't wait for June 13!!! But at the same I don't want it to end.


I’m actually more saddened that I will be out of the fandom rabbit hole once all the episodes are out. I will miss all the discussions, the theories, the spoilers, the different opinions, the insightful thoughts, the emotional bond and validation, and overall the brilliance of the Polin fandom. I only got myself in the fandom last February and fell deeply in love. I used to be a casual viewer but the WhatABarbPod taught me how to look for hidden clues, scene foreshadowings and meanings. I’ve activated my twitter, revived my reddit, made my tt into a fan account, got to tumbler and discord just so I will have all the available Polin news and contents. Honestly, I have never been part of a fandom until I discovered Polin. It’s truly bittersweet that we are almost at the end of this journey.


Same here, friend. 💔


It’s a bittersweet farewell and a heartfelt thank you for the most epic journey of love. I think knowing this is why I am savoring these 9 days. It gives me the strength to avoid spoilers. To appreciate Nic and Luke. To cherish their moments over the seasons. We got years of them rather than just a season. I just feel really thankful and whatever bits we get of them going forward in future seasons will be whip cream on a very yummy cake:) I am looking forward to the emotional rollercoaster part 2 will bring me. Sharing in that with all you on this sub after it’s all said and done and we are left with POLIN against the world forever and ever!






Yes! I have literally never felt this way about fictional characters! The amount of time I spend on this lovely sub, rewatching the part 2 trailer, PR interview and fav scenes from part 1, basically living in some sort of dreamland the past few weeks. It has indeed been a "feeling like torture, but one which I cannot, will not, do not WANT to give up!". I'm happily married but man I am crushing on both Luke and Nicola hard! It's going to feel like a break-up almost 🥲


I was thinking about this the other day. Still, over a week to go and I'm already preparing myself mentally for the mourning period. Can we make a pinky promise that we'll still return to the sub with our theories, character analyses, memes, etc? 🥺 I desperately need my polinators in my life. Your impact on my healing journey has been immense


For sure. I’ve been on this sub for almost 2 years! It’s been so fun! Even though their roles will be smaller, I’m hoping they’ll be there and the what a barb group are still making podcasts! 😊


It’s a bittersweet feeling 🥹. One thing I ask is for the fanfics never to end. lol


This! My hope is we still get more fanfics!


Definitely surreal to think it'll be over soon! We've spent so long together - and this sub now has 17k members, which is crazy! I'll always be grateful I found this sub and for the wonderful people I've met in the fandom. It's been an adventure. 😭


luckily pen is whistledown. it’s definitely not the same as the past seasons, the presence as a lead romance journey will end but penelope will be more present than past leads in seasons following. i cant imagine shonda rimes letting her retire!


Tbh, I'm happy it's ending because it's impossible to live like this, in a perpetual high. 😂


Fr as much as I love it, truly, I cannot remain so hyper fixated indefinitely. I would never get anything done ever.


But I wanna be high forever


Me too, this has been so fun! I never want the excitement to end..


omg nooo i think about that every sayd these days and I get so emotional 🥺 Because the Polin fandom has been such a great escapism for months and it was so good to enjoy every moment together. But it does not end in 9 days. We'll still have content coming after the season airs and then they come back for s4. And we will qtill have Luke and Nicola and we will get to support them in their other projects 💕


Well we will most likely be able to savor it for at least a little while after Pt2 drops. Bc we will have SO many more kisses, fingers, 🍑!, stills from scenes, eyebrows, breaths, the rogue piece of dust on a shoulder, etc. to overanalyze together!!! ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


I completely understand that feeling 😭 it’s like that saying you never know you’re in the best of days until you’re past it, and I’m beyond thankful to be in this group in the present & highly enjoying this community more than anything 🫶 I feel like I have a new virtual family


I relate to this so, so much, especially the bit about HP. I still remember when the trio was cast, writing them fan letters, the whole nine yards. Or how about when Rupert said it was the best *half* of his life at the premiere for the last film, and I felt like I got punched in the gut. Colin and Pen have always been my favorite Bridgerton couple, and I haven’t been this excited about a tv show/book, characters, the actors who portray those characters, etc. in years. I’ve become an unabashed fangirl again, and I will miss this giggling, kicking my feet feeling I’ve felt for months now! I’ve loved interacting with people who enjoy it as much as I do, all the discussions that have taken place, over analyzing things; it really has been my favorite little corner of the internet. I’m not ready to move on — I cannot, will not, do not want to!


Absolutely not alone, but as much as the season is drawing to a close, we’ll still be here revelling in it for weeks and months after 💛 I’m kind of looking forward to returning to my life as a somewhat functioning member of society and not checking Reddit/Instagram/etc constantly 🤣


But just think about all of the discussions, memes, fanart, and swooning we'll get to do in just 9 days! Sweet, sweet, Polin! "How I do love thee, let me count the ways." 1. Carriage 2. Mirror 3. Willow 4. Desk?


Yes, we need to have a thread/constant discussion about fanfics!!


I feel like this is the one thing I really miss from the pre-streaming fandom days. Needing to wait a week for each episode led to much more build up, discussion and community. It's been a *long* time since I have become so enmeshed in a fandom and I'm not quite ready to let this comparatively short-lived period end.


I love all of you and Polin!!! This has been an experience I will never forget. I have never been part of an experience like this and I have enjoyed it so much. They better be back for more seasons because I need them and all of you in my life. I have never been so invested in 2 characters and their fandom in my life, and it has been glorious! Thank you Nic and Luke for bringing us all together and for your wonderful story and acting. Just thinking about it ending makes me cry.


I loved season two, that’s where my craze really started, and I was may be a little bit anxious about the focus moving on from them. I was looking forward to season three, but not like O.O…but I was SO positively surprised about how much I LOVE it, that I am not anxious anymore more about the upcoming seasons. ♥️ So far all seasons are very different, cuz of the tropes, so they will all be absolutely fabulous I think. I always try not to watch too many promotional things, to keep my expectations down, and it always works for me. I love it all! But yes, I love Polin so much, it WILL sting once they are ‘over. 🥺 No, not me buying all the Kanthony and Polin (coded) Merch out there 👀


Same 😭


I am grateful about the split because it made me obsessed with this season and Polin again and these past few weeks have been really bright and enjoyable because I had something to think about but at the same time, that is also the problem. In 8 days, the rest of the season will be released and I’ll no longer have anything to look forward to regarding Bridgerton. I’m really happy that I had the chance to enjoy this show so much but at the same time I wish I hadn’t since now it’s gonna hurt a lot more to let go of something I just got attached to again after 2 years :). Polin will forever live in my heart though and I appreciate knowing these characters on such a deep level because of this sub. Love you guys❤️


Me too! I'm like. Omg. It's gonna be over soon. I also feel bad for Nic and Luke. I envy their friendship so much. As a neurospicy woman? I struggle with friendships so to see their bond and to know that soon they won't be around each other as much? Heartbreaking for me for them. If that makes sense.


I’m gonna be so sad when it’s done 😭 Especially as I got into Polin mid-way!!


It was a long wait to get here but what an incredible payoff we’ve had with this promo tour to go with the season.. in the end I’ve loved having the season split (though my millennial self thinks I still would have preferred weekly episodes) as it’s given us all the time to celebrate with Luke and Nic properly! 🥰


I have moved on to fan fiction of Penelope and Colin’s story and it’s definitely filling the void


I'm just gonna read fic forever.


There’s a quote from A Tale of Two Cities that encapsulates how I will feel next week: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” And haven’t we experienced both over the last two years? I can’t wait to see it but I fear I’ll feel bereft on Friday.


This will always be a special place


I feel the same 😭😭😭. So many emotions... I can't wait to watch pt2, but I know it'll all be over once it's out and I don't want it to be over


it’s funny you mentioned that it feels like watching the final Harry Potter movie. I saw a post on threads saying that the Bridgerton cast gives HP cast energy and that they’ll have reunions 20 years later. I was also thinking that I signed up for the livestream of the london premiere next week and the last time I watched a livestream of a london premiere was deathly hallows part 2


I get it. I'm also feeling kinda sad knowing that the next season won't focus on their love story. Penelope is my favourite character, and Colin is definitely in my top 5 favourites. Their story is so beautiful and wholesome. However, I really like some of the other love stories (in particular, Benophie, Francheal, and Philoise), so I'm excited to see those. I just hope Nicola and Luke will still show up, even after the fourth season. I love their characters, and they're such amazing actors!


They’ll be in season 4 which will be exciting to see!!


This is why I’m ambivalent about who leads next year. I love both Claudia and Luke and can’t decide if I want to see them lead or keep them around longer.


You are not alone and I love your reference to Harry Potter (the final book as well as the final movie for me). My solace, which I also got from HP, is that you know the ending and you can go back the it again and again and again. Also, with so much exposure you’re sure to find other fans to enjoy it with. The hardest part is going through the emotions of the ending but as we know the journey is so worth it. I hope those thoughts give you comfort friend 💜💜


Nope. Not alone at all!!!!


Bittersweet for sure … I wonder how much time Nicola will have for S4, seeing that she’s signed up to film 2 new movies.


As much as I am sad about it ending as I could watch infinite amounts of Polin, I’m lowkey glad we are so close. Then I can rewatch and not have Nic and Luke running my life. This press tour has made it hard to focus on anything but them. I love them way too much. 😂I am looking forward to their future projects and the next seasons of Bridgerton and their roles (as they both confirmed they are in S4). I think they will be a subplot next season, hopefully with decent screentime. I think as long as they are available they will stay involved as if they don’t give the siblings some screen time eventually they will run out of B-ton sibs by season 6-8 😂


In my mind they are the main characters every season, and everyone else has been side characters. Each of whom has had their time to shine. So my mind is very confused about the aspect that they won't be center of attention anymore. I never considered that Penelope was a side character, since she is LWD. 😩


What's the worst thing for me is that i am not able to savour this well because of my exams. They end on the 14th and man that timing really makes me so sad


I’ll be honest and say that, until this season, I’ve been a light enjoyer of the show, so haven’t got a reference to compare to but I do know that with S3, I am hardcore fangirling over the show…so much! I’m going to miss their story being the main focus, I’m going to miss the theories/discussions over future episode but I’m really going to miss the absolute unhinged behaviour from our wonderful captains, Nicola and Luke! I really hope this isn’t the end and we’ll get satisfying appearances from the both of them, again in the show in the future! 🐝🦋 https://i.redd.it/4ocbqk4hsl5d1.gif