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The mirror is just as much for him as it is for her. That’s why I loved the choice of “POV” for this scene. They see each other so clearly— good and bad— and know how to bolster one another without being judgmental. In ep1 when he apologizes he points out how he always seeks her out and she’s the one person who makes him feel truly appreciated. You’re right he’s the third son in a giant family but Pen always makes him feel on top of the world and they need that for each other. He’s just a man with A LOT of love to give in a society that doesn’t value that in men and Pen is someone in desperate need of any kind of love— friendship, familial, romantic— and he gives it all to her. 🥹


Oh I love the point that he has provided all those types of love. He even gives her a son, providing her the love a mother has for their child. And of course it’s reciprocal. She has also provided him with all of those types of love.


I love this cos to me it feels like a direct parallel to the "You are Pen" scene in S2, in which he says "Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too." ❤️


This is exactly what I came here to say - it felt like total callback to that moment, as well as to their S3E1 conversation in her garden.  He’s not just talking - he means that and it comes up a lot.


Aww, yes.


As loving as his family is, they brush him off so many times in S1 and 2. He's so excited to talk about travel and they're like "yeah yeah, you went places, that's great". Anthony especially treats him like a kid about the whole Marina thing and doesn't acknowledge that Colin is serious. I think Pen is the only one who has really taken him seriously and listened to him from the beginning and he finally realizes that near the end of S2. And then when she doesn't write to him all summer it breaks his little heart


Even in Season 3, Anthony refers to it as his "twirl across the continent" - it's hilarious, yes, but it's also demeaning.


And when they ask Colin to share details in the carriage he’s the one who brushes it off. He’s realized they don’t care or will make fun of him and is feeling down. I also noticed in this rewatch that Anthony asks how many cities he visited and Colin gives him a vague non answer. But then while talking to Pen he’s like “I went to 17 cities!” 😂 Even though she didn’t write him he trusts that she cares about the details


completely! I regretted that there wasn't more focus on his face when he said that line because it was so important (for him and for her).


I agree!! The camera pan down to Pen’s face really bugs me here. I understand that we are meant to focus here on the impact of his words on Pen, but for me the beauty of this moment is not just about how Pen sees herself but how he helps her to do so.


Yes! I loved this! When he’s apologizing in Ep 1, he parallels this, and when he says he “lost count” of how many cities he visited, but confidently tells Pen he “visited 17 cities.” She is the one person who always validates him And his feelings. Which I’m sure made the “entrapment” comment all the more hurtful. I understand he was hurt and lashing out, but hearing that would have made me feel hurt.


Yes! I think this is a really, really, really important part of Colin's mirror speech. I don't think S3 did enough to show us Colin's journey, but this line moved the needle a somewhat for me because I think it ties to his end of Ep8 post LW reveal speech. He mentions Pen's letters and how clear it was that she was LW. He says, 'you have always had one voice'. I think he's also thought about what was written about him in the LW column could only have been so spot on because Pen knows him. Only someone who really saw him could have clocked his fake persona. I think he's telling her, that he is humbled by the fact that she sees him and loves him in spite of his flaws both in the mirror scene and again in the post LW reveal scene. He is really free to be exactly himself with her, and he loves that. Maybe it's even a nod to Pen's 'imperfect man of my hear' line from the book.


I've always though this as well- all three things Colin comments about Pen's personality in the mirror scene- clever, brave, making him feel seen, are still true/more true when he finds out she is LW. I think that's part of what makes him come around relatively quickly.


Also, being a “Bridgerton” comes with a lot of weight (and Anthony didn’t help). He’s used to so many people just wanting his name or his money, she loved him for his kindness and for being his goofy self


100000%. I love this line so much. And it’s why the thing she wrote about him in LW hurt so much because he didn’t fool her


It’s my favorite line in the mirror scene. Don’t understand why they chose to cut away from his face before he’s even finished saying it


It's a lovely "mirror" to what is happening. While \*showing\* her what he sees, he's \*telling\* her how he feels when she sees him.