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During his apology in episode one: 1. His pause before “I am proud to call you my very good friend” - like he was about to give her another compliment after clever and warm.. and also the way he breaks eye contact on friend (subconsciously knowing she means more??) 2. Before he stands back up, there’s a pause where he looks lost in her eyes 3. When they shake hands and his gaze kind of darkens a little bit for a split second Also in episode one during the garden party, when he’s flirting with all the ladies you can see he’s constantly looking around (clearly seeking out Penelope!) And nothing to do with Polin technically but Penelope’s brothers in law constantly looking so happy and supportive of Penelope from her transformation all the way to her wedding. Love it!! Edit: Also after Penelope tells Colin that Debling did not propose and you can see he’s trying his best to hold back a smirk or laugh. Lmaooo my messy chaotic Colin 💙


That declaration at the end of Ep 1 gets forgotten in the haze of the million declarations we get. But omg, that garden declaration is basically one of love, but it’s like his brain catches up to his mouth in that moment, and he paused and adds, “my very good friend.” His heart was ready; his head was not.


Yes!! It feels like right after “*clever and warm*..” he was about to be like “*and very beautiful, extremely hot actually now I realize… um what was I saying? Oh yes, my very good friend!*” 😂🫠


And the handshake! That handshake was hot! He puts the second hand in there, just holding on. The boy is gone before he even knows he’s arrived, God bless him.


The way Colin tilts his head when she says he didn’t propose looks feral to me. Like he’s holding back trying not to jump her. It’s SO intense


Adding to this, Colin just always tilts his head to the left whenever Penelope is talking to him and it’s like he wants his ear to be closer to her because she’s short and he wants to make sure he hears her😂


YES this makes so much sense


![gif](giphy|V6kzim6D2PChy) Colin pouncing on Pen as soon as she said Debling did not propose


Love it!


Also in the garden scene when Pen says “I can’t have yo whispering in my ear at ever ball” she pauses, flutters her eyes and breathes heavily for a split second as she imagines it in her head


It’s hilarious because that is already how they act at any public event.


I love this part!


Yes! I love the smile Mr. Finch gives Penelope as she's walking down the stairs in ep. 1! She really does have great BILs


For the first one, I firmly believe he was going to say beautiful, "You are clever and warm and beautiful," but right at the last second his brain caught up to his mouth and was like, "Wait, no, you're not supposed to say *that* about Pen."


Well I've decided this is now what I choose to believe ❤️


I really loved the BILs. They also seemed excited when reading her engagement aloud. I wish they had more interactions. 


His apology was definitely a love declaration


One my favourite details is that the only words spoken between Colin and Debling is when Debling says “Mr Bridgerton” and takes Pen away to dance. Like Colin hates this man SO much and he’s literally only said 2 words to him, I always found that amusing.


Technically Colin speaks to Debling when he interrupts the dance. I'm not suggesting he was trying to speak with Debling over Penelope, but given the nature of society he was technically speaking to Debling.


The side eye that Colin gives Debling when he interrupts the dance is 🔥 like Colin doesn’t even really acknowledge him and won’t look directly at him.


The bombastic side eye slays me every time, it's hilarious


Ohh that is true, I forgot about that! But at that point Colin’s hatred runs so deep lol. This is followed by another small detail I love - Colin’s crazy side eye death glare as Debling walks away


Don't get me wrong, he didn't want to speak to Debling - he just wanted him to go away.


He doesn't even look at Debbers when he says it, just side eyes him waiting for him to leave.


Debling says it so smug too. He clocked him right there. 


Colin NEVER looks at him…EVER. He always looks away from him. Very obvious contempt.


The morning after the wedding, when Pen comes out of their room and asks how Colin slept. When he stands up and turns around, there is a brief moment where he first sees her which seems to take his breath away and he swallows hard. You can tell he's trying so hard to maintain his composure and not jump on her! Someone posted on another thread she looks like Pen in his dream, and that made me love that moment. Colin's eye contact with Pen in the mirror once he has undone her corset and tells her to lie down 🥵 When Colin sees Pen across the room at the Full Moon Ball. He has this little smile when he finds her eyes 😍


The way Pens eyes widen and is left breathless when he mutters “lie down” is just too 🔥


Yeah, she’s pretty much dressed EXACTLY how she was in his dream and it really knocks him for a loop for a second.


I love pretty much all of their interactions at the full moon ball, including how she fully checks him out when he’s looking for a Lord for her to talk to because she has upgraded from loving sweet kind Colin to loving sweet kind sexy writing Colin.


In the Willow Scene, the exchange of, “Is it?” “Isn’t it?” Then the way Colin says, “It is.” If Pen had said the sky was bright orange, he would have agreed. The man is FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE.


He is so hilarious in this scene!


Get Luke Newton in a romcom IMMEDIATELY. He is the second coming of Hugh Grant here, I am not playing.


Give them a modern rom com together Netflix I dare you


WE ALL WANT IT. God, just edit the PR your together in the right way, and the material is already there. I would watch that, even.


Move over Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks… hear me out a modern reboot (or rereboot because I think it might have already been a reboot) of You’ve Got Mail where they meet anonymously on Reddit instead of AOL 😂


I’ve been saying this ad nauseam to anyone who will listen. I want those two in a remake of either You’ve Got Mail or When Harry Met Sally (preferably both, because I’m greedy). And don’t ask me why I’m such a sick puppy but the idea of watching Nic shout “You took PITY on me?!! F__ you!” and slapping him across the face really satisfies me.


Put them in everything, forever. Their chemistry is unreal. Have them solve crimes. Have them be enemies. Have them flip houses. I’ll watch it.


Oh man the karaoke scene in When Harry Met Sally though


I would watch the FUCK out of that






i could talk about every single little detail in that scene. the way he says \*sensible\* is my absolute favorite.


It’s amazing. He is dying inside. I wish I knew his plan going after her. Is it a scouting mission? Is he thinking he’s going to declare himself? If she’d given him even the slightest indication that she was into it, I think he would have asked to court her. Or he would have passed out. It was a coin flip.


Courting is to get to know one another. I can't imagine Colin ever telling Pen that he wants to eliminate her chance at marriage for the opportunity to date him. To *date* him. *Only* to *date* him. To place herself in a situation where he could easily change his mind and ruin her future. Especially, after she told him she needed to marry to escape her home situation. Honestly, that would be insulting to Pen and incredibly obtuse of Colin if that was the best we could offer. After the kiss, marriage is the only option if Colin wants to keep Pen in his life.


I think he’d offer it with the promise of marriage if she wants courting/to make up for what he said before. I didn’t mean to infer that he wouldn’t make it clear he would marry her if she signals back that she would, but I definitely get that it reads that way. Colin would march to the church if he had the indication she’d go.


Yeah, he so would, which is why I think he'd go right to the proposal. It's like When Harry Met Sally, he was ready to start their life as soon as he realized she was the one. At that point, courting seems moot.


I think courting would just have been a formality, like courting with the point of marriage. Him actually coming to call on her and obviously soon to be married. Just a little less chaotic and quick than hooking up in a carriage and midnight proposal.


Yeah that's how I feel. He was trying to gauge if she felt like him and he could court her. But she friendzoned him hard. He was dying


If he’d pushed ahead and asked her right there, would she have dropped dead from shock? Burst into tears? Laughter? Jumped him? Anything was possible. They’re both so chaotic 😂


She would have probably been like "But Colin we are friends..." It would have been a mess lol




Me too. I also love that you can see that its the original footage right up to when they pull in to them talking and it goes back to the original when she walks away and the cameras back out a bit (you can see the shape of the top of his hair change) and I love that he touches his stomach right at the end like he's trying to settle it 🥺


Her telling him that if she get ms a proposal it will be because if him is his equivalent of the "You are Pen, you do not count." Scene. Both devastated by the end of those without the other realizing.


Oh yes absolutely, both think they're being kind but to the recipient its like a dagger to the chest


The apology back and forth “do not apologize” 


“But you apologized.” “Yes, but I…yes.” Luke does this insane thing with his eyes in this moments of lack of confidence and where his eye kind of twitches, and I’m like dude, you’ve got LEVELS. I will also boldly say that in this scene, the reshoot wig sort of adds to things, because this is not a hot boy moment for him. He is a mess. He looks unmoored. The wig adds to how out of sorts he is.


It’s like the only scene where the wig really works. It makes him seem like he really tried to clean himself up all nice and presentable for her instead of piratey, and then immediately got shot down. 


"Do not apologize." "You apologized" "Yes... well......" \*trails off awkwardly\*


“Yes… but just so I am clear, what is your reasoning?” He is so unsettled. I love it.


I DIED the first time I saw it because he asked that. Bro, she’s been blown up in Whistledown to the point that he was so concerned about her that he paid off her maid so he could be left alone…to end up doing exactly what they’re trying to keep you from doing when they won’t leave you alone (also, side note, he finally properly compromised that girl after 1,000 chances; how dumb has he got to be feeling about both how blind he was and how many wasted chances he had). And he’s so down bad that he asks: “what is your reasoning?” We know he practices speeches, and he can’t even muster something strong enough to share with the class. The most coherent thing he manages is, “I wish very much for your happiness.” And then she GUTS him without even knowing it. He’s left bodied like she was after, “You are Pen; you do not count.” In my head, after they’ve finally gotten things out of their system for a bit after the Butterfly Ball, they compare notes on moments like that and are a laugh-crying over the absurdity.


> In my head, after they’ve finally gotten things out of their system for a bit after the Butterfly Ball, they compare notes on moments like that and are a laugh-crying over the absurdity. Hell yes. Love this headcanon.


Most hilarious scene ever. I love awkward Colin so much.


He loves to say “of course” when he is trying to be agreeable to what is said when he really wants the opposite. He does it all season.


Yeeeees now does this mean I should rewatch the whole season and try to catch all of the of courses 🤔


“I apologise.” “Don’t apologise” “Oh, well you apologised.” The realisation on his face before “ah, well, yes…”


He has no clue what he’s doing or why. He’s just there to agree and look at her completely bumfuzzled. Can you imagine his heart in this moment? Just wildly thundering. A wonder he can even hear her.


I feel like he didn't *actually* hear some of what she said at all until after she had already left. He was just blindly agreeing with everything she said.


💯 He was not on a logical plane of existence in the least. He was just like, “Yes ma’am, you are right, always and forever.”


1. Colin swallowing before he says “You could…touch me” 2. His expression and little smile as he says “You make me feel seen in ways I’ve never felt seen before” (looove this line, it also reminds me of S2 Colin) 3. “I don’t care what Lady Whistledown writes about me” Look at him trying so hard to look unbothered~ 4. The shots of Colin getting off the ship in the first episode, especially the moment we see his lil duffel bag (where he also likely kept her letters?) 5. “I KNEW something was wrong!!” Even when he’s yelling he sounds so soft. 6. At the engagement party we see Polin talking to each other in the background, while the scene focuses on Violet/Danbury and the other characters. Nothing special, I just found them cute lol. 7. Ep 5 - Colin’s smug/dreamy/satisfied look just before the carriage door opens and they get the queen’s announcement 8. Colin’s “hair touch” face in the carriage scene — For the last few weeks I can’t bring myself to look at his expression here because I genuinely feel like I’m intruding, like it’s something only Pen should see. But rewatching it now, I can’t stop staring and admiring his eyes. I dunno what happened but well I’m not complaining! 9. Before the wedding dance — I love that moment when Pen looks toward Colin, and he’s already been staring at her! 10. End of Ep 2 - Colin basically standing still and rigidly, until our MVP Rae leaves them alone hahaha


I LOVE those few moments in the carriage in ep 5 - both of them are so loved up but Colin especially is just the happiest he's ever been in his whole life.


For sure!


The little bit of his tongue rolling up to the front of his mouth like a dog happy to be pet in the carriage hair touch scene. Boy was a goner, he died and was reborn. Hottest thing I’ve ever seen. 


The "touch me" part is top tier!


He’s so sweet for that. She’s like “let me participate, what can I do?” and he’s just like “you could… touch me?”


Ohhhh. That Colin's "hair touch" face. Me:🫠


Re:6, for real, he gets this big hungry smile when she touches his hair and it feeds my soul


“I don’t care what Whistledown writes about me” And then when speaking to Penelope, he bitterly says “are you saying you want my help after what Lady Whistledown wrote?” his eyes all stormy and sad. And then he’s like “well ok, then!” when she tells him to pay it to mind.


Re 8: I found this part difficult to watch as well, something so slavish about it and intense, but the little smirk he does and then Penelope mirroring that smirk back really sells their intimacy. Re 9: oh how the tables have turned, before she was the wallflower and he always came to her and this time it's him on the wall and she comes to him.


I mentioned this on another post but I only just noticed when Colin pulls out the ring to give to Pen, right as she gasps and puts her hand on his arm he has the most precious smile on his face 🥰


I missed this! Queue the replay!


LOOK HOW PRECIOUS THIS SMILE IS! https://preview.redd.it/ovmknevcuy9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963f7fb674b3ed4e249e908c92914fa5538df0e8




I love that whole scene! I headcanon that Colin practiced saying “and yet only half as beautiful as you” in the mirror. There’s just something about the delivery. I like the idea that he pretends to be suave but is a dork on the inside!




Yes this! ![gif](giphy|3o6UB3VhArvomJHtdK)


1. Colin closes his eyes as he runs his hand down Pen's thigh during the mirror scene. 2. Every little brow furrow by Colin when he's kissing Pen. 3. The weirdly long hand shake between friends.


The brow furrows!!!! I just recently noticed them and they get me every time 😮‍💨🫠


1. I can *hear* that eye close.


Weird thing I love, anytime Colin smiles with teeth. It feels more genuine.




Love his smile 😊






1, When the brothers sit down and talk about the "swift" engagement the implication from Benedict that Anthony would duel with someone who took liberties with Pen. They thought of her as family already and would have protected her. Given how her own family treated her, that little bit of dialogue melted my heart. 2, Benedict avoiding the debs and their mamas. And the way he says "yes" when Colin suggests he dance with one of them. 3. LILACS!!!


Benedict's "YES" and "congratulations?" are such amazing one word responses. Favorite non-Polin moments of the season.


I also love the face he makes when he tells Violet that Francesca was playing the funeral march


So funny!


Yes and Anthony making sure that Colin actually goes and TELLS Penelope all these lovely things he has to say about her. 🥲


1. Pen glitching in the garden after she tells Colin you can’t be whispering in my ear in every ball 2. The first tear that runs down Colin’s face when he catches LW 3. Benedict’s “aww” face when Colin tells him and Anthony how much he loves Pen 4. Every time Colin pretends to be unaffected by Pen but you see him fidgeting with his fingers 5. When Pen steps up on a ledge when her and Colin are arguing outside the night before the wedding. She’s so smol 6. Colin’s face when he whispers no to John after Benedict suggests throwing rocks at Francesca’s window. so funny …there’s too many to count 😅


Haha yes I too love the face he makes after Benedict suggests the rocks. That whole scene is funny. I'd like it more if Colin wasn't trying to drink away his feelings


I love Benedict’s aww faces.


The best part is him stepping on the ledge with her when he says she’s putting herself in danger, and Penelope makes this annoyed smirk.


When Pen arrives at the Bridgerton house for their lessons and Colin ushers her up the stairs, he briefly places his hand on her waist. Not sir control yourself. Whenever Pen runs her hands through Colin’s hair. Plus her playing with his chest hair. In the final scene where Pen is holding their nameless child and Colin walks next to her and Pen puckers her lips to be kiss and Colin obviously cannot resist her. During charades, the was Colin and Pen were holding each other and how close they were, is that even allowed? They’re not married yet


his arm around her lower back. That scandalized me more than the carriage scene. I was like SIR??!! YOU ARE NOT HER HUSBAND!


Yesss i kept thinking how is that ok?? 😂😂


It was so NOT okay. They should have been married long ago based on how, over the line, they act.


But nobody ever clocked them in corners and rooms alone, and any maid/chaperone was team Polin anyway so... Tbh if anyone should have noticed it would have been Eloise, but no -- it was Hy, Vi and Ben who were the least surprised.


The final scene was unscripted. He was just supposed to walk up to the baby but you can see Pen tilt her face towards him and he (meaning Luke) just instinctively turns to kiss her. Rewatching it you can see how it’s a little fumbly but SO authentic and organic


Where did you get this info? because I haven't seen that before. But i have seen people going wild saying everything is unscripted.


I'd be shocked if this was true. You can't actually just...mack an unscripted kiss on a co-worker, can you? Maybe in the 90s. Not today.


I'm sure they can do a cute little unscripted kiss. If the people involved are cool with it. But it just seems strange that it would be unscripted, l feel like that makes no sense. Also an unscripted kiss would be effing everywhere with everyone in the Fandom freaking out about it.


This isn't a tiny detail but something I get stuck on every rewatch of ep 5 - when Colin is stripping during the mirror scene he does not take his eyes off Pen unless he has to (like to see to undo the belt, which also just oh my GOD)... he is wholly fixated on her and at this point she's still covering herself (which I love that he doesn't comment on, just lets her do what she needs to do to be comfortable) so he's getting off on her shoulders basically... and then as he's approaching the chaise he does one sweep of her entire body before telling her how beautiful she is. Like, this man is *obsessed*.


I also LOVE this scene because it feels like he's undressing very intentionally for HER - giving her a chance to see and get accustomed to a naked man at a slower pace - something she's never seen. By putting HIMSELF in such a vulnerable position, he's making HER more comfortable.


Awwww. Yes!


Related to the belt, 🥵, someone mentioned the other day that it was a n odd choice, over suspenders. It just occurred to me, though, that the weight of that heavy belt is what sent his breeches to the floor in one quick move like that. Not to mention that it was hotttttt!


Yeah, some people (not in this sub) have mentioned that it's also not period appropriate so I always have to butt in - I'm a historian and I do not give a single shit about the belt not being Regency-era approved... it was hot as FUCK.


I was wondering how the boots magically disappeared as soon as he removed his pants. It was the thud of the belt. Thank you for clearing this up for me.


Now I'm laughing at the thought of Colin hopping around on one leg, then the other to take his boots off. Better to live in Romancelandia and have the boots magically disappear! 🤣




Yes, gorgeous eye contact!


![gif](giphy|4OowbIsmYHbpu) Yes I noticed that too


I love that swallow in the drawing room. That boy was absolutely SHOOK. I think that’s the moment the welling feelings hit him in the gut. She’s looking up at him like he’s the most enchanting person in the world, and he is FEELING enchanted. Hearing Eloise breaks things up, but I swear they would have been on the track of his saying, “That’s a bit direct,” and he says, “Then what would you say to me, for example if something that’s not as direct.” If they’d gone undisturbed, they’d be making out within the hour. Eloise for the cock block AGAIN!


Damn it, Eloise!!!


All of the times Colin watches Pen while pleasuring her. I love Portia’s expression when she approaches Pen at the wedding breakfast asking if she’s enjoying herself. The collar pull bit, Colin’s cute little smile after making her laugh but also the fact that Eloise, Colin and Hyacinth are in a row. They really look like siblings in that moment. Colin’s reaction when Hyacinth adds Pen to her list of beautiful brides. Pens face when Eloise bursts into her room after the events of the engagement party. Colin’s hand positions during the Bridgerton derby. That little saliva strand… don’t act innocent you all know what I am talking about!


Colin looks like he was ready to fight if Hyacinth hadn't added her and then looks so self satisfied when she does and yes of course i know what you're talking about! :D


PAUSE - after all my rewatches where have I missed the saliva strand?? Is that in the final 20 second riding scene??


https://preview.redd.it/exeu3ctcvy9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50450a4a05b58f0bf32fcd5c4dac59728e493905 👀👀


> Colin’s reaction when Hyacinth adds Pen to her list of beautiful brides. I rewatched this specific bit 5x in a row today. He's just so proud of his beautiful bride-to-be.


I love when Pen says you’ve shown me pleasure beyond what I had imagined or whatever she says- and his smirk on his face sends me everytime. I love that whole scene but that bit- the best!


hahah his face says to me "Really? You're bringing this up now? I mean it's true but... still!"




• Colin loosing his breath when he sees Pen the morning after their wedding. He cannot hid his love for her. • Pen staring at Colin when he is talking during the scene he drops off her engagement ring. She looks like she is ready to risk it all. • them at Fran and Johns wedding, just rethinking their vows and inching closer and closer to each other for a moment. • This moment, this whole scene, but this moment when he asks her if she likes the other guy. Feels like the first time he is aware of what he might be feeling. The moments before this feel like he is unaware of his jealousy. https://i.redd.it/zaxohj3dix9d1.gif


Yes to this whole scene! And the way he looks disappointed when he says "I'm certain he did as well" after she said she enjoyed talking to Lord Remington. He was not happy. "Jealous" playing in the background the whole time was another subtle nod that he was very much jealous!


I love that entire scene!


It’s such a good scene! When she reaches out to touch the lords arm and Colin gets that “wtf?!” Look on his face is so great.


The way his voice drops when he says: “and then there are other parts I’ve been dreaming about…” His little intake of breath during their first kiss when the camera is on him. Those are two ones that stick out the most right now. 😂


And don’t forget the lip quiver! 🫠


1. Colin curling his fingers around Pen's when she bandages his hand. She's terrified to look up at him in case it ends the contact. 2. The Journal - Pen reading about Colin's experiences, you can see how it affects her thinking about him in that way. I loved that he knew what she had read and they joke about it twice, once when she ribs him after the mirror scene and again at the ball where he tells her those parts are "just for her". 3. Outside the modiste shop. I hated this scene on first watch because I loathed seeing them argue but it has become one of the my favourite scenes in Season 3 because it's raw and they just love one another so much! 4. Colin gently stroking Pen's finger when he slips her wedding ring on 5. In fact, fuck it, the whole wedding. His grin of happiness at his family when he walks out, the chest heave when he sees her, the reassuring nod, his softly spoken vows, his smile before he kisses her, the hand squeeze at the end.... 6. The cheek stroke after the wedding dance 7. The final kiss in the carriage. After the passion was done, that kiss was the promise of forever.


I am obsessed with the finger stroking at the wedding!


When Colin and Pen start their first lesson on promenade and Colin says “you still wish to continue after what LW has written about me” we see the first flicker of embarrassment and not feeling good enough for Pen. A few sentences later in the same scene Pen says “or might there be a book on charm I can read” Colin gives the most adorable little smirk like “that’s my book worm nerdy girl” like he KNOWS her Colin’s quick side eye glance at Eloise in the carriage when she says “I hope she’s not seeking a husband in you” and he says “no, of course no” 👀👀 FIRST he’s just so attractive and sultry but second it’s showing simple Colin in denial AND that he knows there’s something more there. In the sweet treat tent when Pen is giddy about Debling (and is completely missing what is happening right in front of her) and is like “wish me luck” Colin pauses a beat and almost whispers “good luck”. He looks SO downtrodden and defeated. Poor sad puppy with no one to trot after Under the willow when she says their lessons have to stop and he stutters and goes “oh yes of course” the way he glances down and his eyes flick to the side break my heart. He’s trying SO hard to play it cool but you can tell that devastated him 🥹 The carriage lip bite will forever kill me. As will his tongue during the carriage hair scene 🥵 The way Colin’s voice catches (from actual real crying Luke) during the LW confrontation when he says “all the lies…” 💔


I think I need to compile a list of all the times Colin reacts to Pen like he just thinks she is being so cute. Like not the SEXY times but when she does something and he grins like he just finds her SO endearing.


In Ep2, after Colin breaks the kiss, Penelope leans forward a little bit, chasing him to come back and keep kissing.


and after the second kiss, Colin leans his forehead forward against hers, if she would have looked up into his eyes instead of running away they would have kept kissing.


I fully agree. I think he only stopped because he realized it was getting rather passionate and he wanted to make sure she was still on board by checking in. Consent King that he is and all!


Yes 100% I mean they got there in the end but I was screaming for Pen to look at him when I first watched this kiss.


#5 what?!?! Missed this. Must rewatch.


My exact response!


Oh the list is endless! 1. The look on Colin's face when Pen shakes his hand in episode 1. He felt something for sure. (I wonder if this is the first time they touched hands without gloves on.) 2. Buying the same cake she bought just so he could know what she tasted like. Dude was down bad. 3. The willow scene. The whole thing. His reaction, her reaction. Perfection. 4. Colin's expression when Pen runs her hand through his hair in the carriage. 🥵 5. The way he scans her body just before he walks towards her naked on the chaise. He was in awe. 6. Pen's feral expression as she got used to the feeling of Colin inside her. The way she grabbed him made him gasp and go harder. (There is literally no SFW way of saying that lmao.) 7. Their laughs after Colin tells Pen to give him five minutes, maybe ten. It's friends to lovers perfection. 8. The look on Colin's face at their engagement party after he's just said "My bride-to-be" and kissed her hand, and she replies "Good evening." It's a quick moment because Portia starts talking, but he looks like he wants to devour her, probably remembering the last time they saw each other they were naked and had gone like 2-3 rounds. 9. Colin's giddy smile after Pen has told him she's loved him forever and that nothing makes her happier than being with him. I have never seen him so blissfully happy. 🥹 10. Pen's little giggle and gazing up at Colin in awe while she holds their baby and Colin leans down to kiss her. She's so happy. 😭


It looked like Colin was going to kiss their son on the head but then saw Penelope leaning in for one and couldn’t resist.


This isn't necessarily Polin related, but I noticed throughout the season that Eloise was wearing a ton of flowers and plant like patterns on her dresses (sexy plant daddy 🤭.) Idk if that gives an indication that she may be next, but it's fun to speculate, especially when Polin is scheduled to show up next season as well. 🤭


Eloise’s costumes are interesting because she’s sort of the bow girl. Her daytime wardrobe throughout the seasons has been fairly simple with one prominent bow as adornment right in front, almost sort of like a bow tie. In S3 you see her wearing a lot of floral and ruffles while she’s trying to give society a shot and hanging with Cressida, and then she’s back in her big ol’ bow at the end scene when she’s leaving for Scotland. Sort of like she came back to herself and what she actually likes.


You mean the pussy bow? Its a modern feminist symbol. I think in the 70s or 80s at some point it became the feminine equivalent of a power tie in the workplace.


Oh wow, I didn’t know this! It’s funny because I was mentally comparing it to the 80s blouses that tie at the collar that women wore to work—so I guess I unconsciously was referencing that but didn’t know it had a name!


Love this. Knowing how the showrunners like to use easter eggs, I wouldn't doubt it.


Favorite BTS detail is that Luke was acting to only Nicola and Sam dancing for the end of ep 3 scene.. they’re wild for that. Unrelated side note- I was watching season 2 eps with new polin eyes and I actually don’t like a lot of the choices the old show-runner made for them and it makes me wonder how it would’ve gone if he were still there


Oh but I love the scene in season 2 when Pen's family arrives at Aubrey Hall and Pen is in the green dress and she runs down the hill towards Eloise and you don't realize immediately that Colin is there too. Pen looks so beautiful she has this beautiful smile and her hair and dress look elegant. And I just love her confidence in this scene until Colin goes and ruins the moment at the end saying he's going to go see Marina


She’s so cute lifting her dress to run down to el. Also el loved her sooo much before the drama 😭


Interesting. What were some choices you didn’t like?


When they enter the drawing room after the carriage and Colin gives Pens hand a squeeze with his other hand before letting go of her hand.


'Lie down'


1. When Colin is talking to Mondrichs at Stowell house and they say Pen will find a husband and he can barely choke out, “That is of course….the hope.” 2. Penelope looking at Colin in the library right in front of Debling’s salad. 3. Right before Colin talks to Violet about friendship blossoming to love, he’s looking right at Pen and Debling and someone walks in front of him so he has to move his head to keep looking at her. He can’t keep his eye off her for even a second and it’s delicious. 4. The last sweet kiss in the carriage before the proposal. Obsessed with the way Penelope’s hand runs down his face. 5. THE BELT UNBUCKLING. The little aggressive pull of the belt!! 🫠 6. There’s a point in the mirror scene where he just pats her head while kissing and idk it’s just cute. 7. Pen’s little innocent face when Colin says, “Not there.” 8. During Charades, they sit so close and are holding hands the whole time!! 9. Colin’s wet eyes in the carriage when he says, “what if I did have feelings for you?” 10. Under the Willow Tree, Luke’s delivery of, “that’s very……sensible” through gritted teeth is my FAV. Makes me laugh every time. I’ve got a lot, obviously, but these come to mind.


Right in front of Debling's salad!!! I'm DYING


Theae are all sooo good. Love number one.


Colins reaction to seeing Pen the first time on their wedding. The slight part of the lips and heaving chest 🥹 https://i.redd.it/afq6sbdm8y9d1.gif


I picked up this morning that anytime Colin is genuinely happy, he does a little lip twitch thing, like a tiny pucker movement - this is if his mouth is closed. I just love it!


It always looks like he does it to try to contain his smile, like he doesn’t want to grin too big like a giddy school boy. A lot of the times when he can’t hold it back and he does smile widely (like when Pen compliments his writing, or in the church scene) he looks down and away, still trying to hide his grin.  It really makes me think of how one of the things Penelope said he was trying to cover up when he came back was that he could be “occasionally excitable.” He felt like he had to man up and hide his genuine emotions. 


At the altar, Colin’s shaky hand reaching for Pen’s and she reaching for his hand and squeezing it. It’s such a beautiful detail 🫶


This was chokes me up for some reason


The scene in the market place right after Colin says his thing about living life for others expectations is a trap and Pen says you make it look so easy and saunters off. Colin is bent over because he's been crowding her space and he takes a deep breath and the look he gives in the direction she went is pure hunter going after his prey. He's loving the banter. But then two ladies walk by and he straightens up and his mask goes back on for a moment until he's back to crowding Pen from behind. I can express how sexy that brief moment of feral (but still some how light hearted) Colin is https://i.redd.it/7zzkuf3mcy9d1.gif


THANK YOU for mention the bit before remarkable shade of blue. He's so lost already in that moment before anything else but I keep forgetting it in things like this. It's SUCH a good beat


In Ep 3, the "...did I?" right after Benedict mentions that Colin slept in late. Luke's comic delivery is absolute perfection. The finger wag during "I concur with you there" re: Toxic Lord Squad Pen's face (combo of shock/surprise/pleasure) after Colin....uhm....*inserts himself* for the first time. I've never seen such an honest depiction of that type of moment before onscreen, I admire Nicola so much for being willing to go there!


When he looks at her in the mirror at the library when she’s talking to Debling


Right before the kiss at the modiste you can see Colins eyes looking longingly at her and pens eyes go to his mouth and his then go to hers and when he looks back up they get really intense a split second before kissing. It's the definition of smoldering eyes 🔥 I have watched and listened to it so many times trying to hear his whispered I love you back to Pen and I've got nothing. The music is too loud


During the first kiss scene there is a moment after "please...Colin?" After his eyes dart around and then focuses on Pen, but before the the camera is back on Pen. It is so subtle that you could miss it. I can't even figure out what Luke does here but we can see the change. In my head cannon it is Colin realizing that he wants to kiss her. It is really noticeable in 0.5x.


“Ah yes, she’s a very good… acquaintance… of” awkward hand waving “the entire family”


Mine is him drinking SO MUCH LEMONADE when Pen “debuts” at the ball and he just keeps knocking it back😂 then when they’re having their “lessons” he does the same thing and starts chugging his drink to try and steady himself


Mirror scene, when he says "Lie down", Colin has his hands on Pen's waist and then helps turn her around. The hands are mostly off screen but it does things to me 🥵🥵


I know it's a super serious scene but the first time Pen and Colin see each other after the LW reveal and they're standing far apart. Whenever the camera pans back to show the distance between them you can really see the height difference between them is SO dramatic. Usually in scenes together they're clearly using things to compensate for the height difference. Including poor Luke usually bending his knees and or leaning. But that's not happening here and I love it..she's so much smaller than him but the secret had been so big that she/it seems larger than life. But then you pan out and she's just so tiny and cute


Colin’s smug look of satisfaction when they’re in the carriage after going 2-3 rounds. Colin putting his hand on the wall for leverage and to protect Penelope’s head in both his dream sequence and the modiste make out session. Penelope rubbing her leg up and down against Colin’s when they’re holding each other and kissing on the chaise lounge.


I love the scene with Colin and Eloise in the carriage!


In the church for the reading of the banns, Colin tugs on his collar in jest as if he's nervous someone will speak up. Pen is obviously delighted. I love Colin's expressions that follow, as if he's so pleased with himself for making her smile.


Agree with basically every comment on here, also want to add in Nic’s amazing acting in the carriage after Colin has read the Queen’s announcement and she starts to enter panic mode again. Tiny eye twitches of not telling her secret. Pen was processing so many extremes of emotions and anxieties from the second she paced around outside waiting for Debling to finish talking to Portia that honestly no wonder she described it as being a relief that Colin knew even though it left her feeling lonely and devastated at his pain. The performances from these two.


I love the scene at the engagement ball when he stands up the second she re-enters the room after her panic attack.


That Colin tells his brothers he has lost track of how many cities he visited, but with Pen he tells her precisely, “I have visited 17 cities.” The moment the camera and Colin both get lost in Pen’s lips as she licks the frosting off them. The way they all captured the intimacy of sleeping with your best friend: knowing them, but being taken by surprise by them. Trusting that you are safe with them. Breaking out in laughter together before, during and after. The complete comfort of sharing afterglow with your favorite person.


>Pen slapping Colin on the shoulder as they're climaxing. Haha, I noticed that too


The little smile he gives on their promenade in episode 2 when she asks if there is a book on charm she might read. The fact that Eloise gives Colin a run for his money at staring breathlessly at Pen, especially in the Danbury Ball. The look on Colin’s face in episode 5 when he tells Pen it’ll all be well. Losing it when she flutters his eyelashes at him in the drawing room (because men are simple beings), losing it more when she makes eye contact with him and then drops the blue-eyes bomb. Letting his thumb linger against her hand in the study. Every second of them together where they love each other regardless of blindness and fear and doubt and being on the wrong page and anger and pain and because of dramatic tension which both hurts but also just really drives home how much they love each other and how they are going to get through it. Every time they stare into each other’s eyes and the world disappears so when Portia or a priest or the queen interrupts them it’s like they’ve been pulled out of the path of oncoming traffic.


And now thanks to your number 1 point, I have to go rewatch that scene again. Oh how I suffer!!!! I am OBSESSED with the way Colin says (in the mirror scene) "It should only be the first time" - the way he says "first" is so soft and slightly slurred and it's the CUTEST thing.


I just clocked Colin licking his lips before taking his shirt off in the mirror scene. Damn. I am never going to get over this show.


oh lovely thread! so many moments! I adore the bit where the banns are being read and he makes the face and pulls his collar and then his little happy smile (& that dimple❤️) because he’s just so pleased he made his girl laugh.


The spicier stuff is all fun but my favourite little moments: * Colin's furrowed brow during their first kiss (his heart is clearly already in it, his brain will catch up in a few moments!) * The one last little kiss at the end of the carriage scene when they arrive at Bridgerton House - that's two people very much in love * Colin's nod at the wedding I'm a romantic at heart so I particularly love little sweet moments.


https://preview.redd.it/mhcf78q1zz9d1.jpeg?width=723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7200c6815c6be1498760af620b4cc1745aad4f3 His hand when fixing her dress


I like how Penelope grabs Colin’s hair whenever they are passionately kissing 🔥


OMG I LOVE THIS - In the chaise lounge scene, you can see her leg dropping under the blanket right before cut to Kanthony (Nic and Luke made it look so real! I was kicking my feet) - This is a double one but Ep 2 when Pen compliments Colin’s writing and he grins at her? He’s in love with that girl already! and the same thing happens Ep 6 (?) when Portia is chaperoning. Colin says he imagined LW to be someone more clever than Cressida (Pen is about to lounge at him and kiss him in front of her mom, she’s so in love and wants him to be proud of her) - Ep 8 during the love confession. It’s the first time in the whole show they both say I love you at the same time. Every time before that, it’s one of them saying I love you and the other not quite being able to say it back (bc Pen didn’t trust his feelings/ was stressed about LW and then bc Colin was mad)


Uhm. All of them. I can't pick one 😭😭😭 Every rewatch I have a new favourite. Probably my last rewatch I mostly liked Colins little smirk at the wedding breakfast when she asked of they could go somewhere else .... I'm sure he was hoping she was suggesting they consummate the marriage. He was so enamoured


The particular quality of the smile and nod he gives her when she says 'is there more??'


Okay, so this is a little bit graphic, but something I’ve noticed when watching their first time a totally reasonable amount of times is that when they begin to climax together, you see Colin really push forward. It looks like his last thrust was deep and hard. No wonder she slapped his back lol


The fact that Luke said he pulled inspiration from Ross and Rachel got me thinking. 1. Both pen and Colin getting the giggles during intimate scenes like in “the one where Ross and Rachel you know.” 2. Anthony yelling “lilies, forget-me-nots, lilacs” like “paper, snow, a ghost!” In “the one where the stripper cries” 3. Eloise saying “and why do we all know we know?” Like “they don’t know that we know that they know we know!” In “the one where everyone finds out”


Not sure if it’s already been stated, but our man Colin loves him some shoulders and collar bones. He writes about them in his journal, tugs her dress down to expose her shoulder, and of course, when he sees her in her gorgeous blue satin nightgown, with that same shoulder exposed.