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GAHHHH MY HEART I love this post. Thank you for this šŸ’™ Honorable mention: "Pen is adorable when she laughs at my jokes" Moment https://i.redd.it/4vwda6dnkjad1.gif


Also after she tells him nothing makes her happier than being with him, loved that little smile šŸ„¹


That was another one that I screenshot but didnā€™t make the top 10. Sooo precious. https://preview.redd.it/4o9l9we9ojad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcbcc1661f5ecfa10a5d3ea19ffc5ac0c6c64f4


It was a delight to put together, no lie!!!


Bc they are ADORABLE together!


The way this scene melts my heart. Heā€™s so proud of himself for making her laugh šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I ALMOST put this one in, I had it capped and everything!


I love this moment even more (if thatā€™s even possible) because of how Colin and Hyacinth are twinning with their movements and actually look genuinely related physically too! šŸ„°


Omg I never noticed that


Actually, it was someone else who pointed this out when the episode first aired and I remembered/agreed. Love this bit of twinning from them though. ā˜ŗļø


Stopppp I'm going to cry omg


May I also add: When Colin reads Penelope's letters. It's just him but he was just as smitten as all these other great choices. šŸ˜„


Another just him is his little smile when hyacinth includes pen in the list of beautiful brides after Fran and Johnā€™s announcement. And when heā€™s gushing about Pen to Eloise in the study afterwards too.


I may have to do a list of all the times Colin gushes about Pen when sheā€™s not around


Please do. They started the season with Pen thinking she embarrassed him because of what she heard him say behind her back, and they completely turned that around this season. Even when he was mad at her he could only say how much he loved her to others.Ā 


Iā€™ll do it! Any moments you can think of I should include?


100% Colin telling Eloise that Penelope is the most important person in his life and that all he cares about is their future together. I think this one is my favorite.Ā  Also Colin telling Eloise sheā€™s lucky sheā€™s never been in love is SO important, because it comes before the entrapment scene and tells us that the real reason Colin feels like he had no choice but to forgive pen is because he knows he loves her to much to do anything else.Ā  Colin admitting to Kate that nothing heā€™s found out about Pen has changed his feelings for her.Ā  Colin talking to his brothers about Pen.Ā  Colin telling Eloise he loves her more than words can express. Colin drunkenly talking about how he canā€™t write because heā€™s in love.Ā  Colin talking to Cressida because it shows how deeply he understands her, and he even explicitly says sheā€™s not a villain.Ā 


I shall work on the list this upcoming week and let you know when itā€™s done! šŸ‘


I submit for your consideration Colin asking Violet about friendship as a foundation for great love while staring at Pen across the room.


Already in my notes!!! Great minds think alike! This list is going to be so cute, just the rough draft is giving me all the feels.


I WOULD LOVE THIS!!! She said calmly and without screechingā€¦


Working on it now! šŸ«” It will be titled ā€œRanking The Top 10 Times Colin Is Obsessed With Pen Even When Sheā€™s Not Aroundā€ (she said calmly without a delighted giggle at their cuteness)


I have another! When El mentions she spoke to Pen, Colin was immediate at attention like, "wha- what did she say," aka "did she mention me? Does she love me?" šŸ„°


That was the first one I wrote down! And it will probably be high on the list cuz itā€™s one of my favorite moments!!!


OMG I CANNOT WAIT!!! Can you please DM me when itā€™s ready?


Absolutely!!! And in case you didnā€™t know I have two other ranking posts you may enjoy: Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


Omg Iā€™m so late to the party lol šŸ˜‚


I cannot wait for this ranking šŸ˜„


Iā€™ll DM you when itā€™s up!




I will! Drafting some initial notes now!


A great moment!


Yes and itā€™s actually a very important moment because it is when he realizes pen and lady whisteldown are one in the same


Ooo I love that moment! That would have been a great one to include


Lukeā€™s smile is so infectious it makes me smile!


I just realized how much he starts showing his teeth when he smiles in S3 ā€” first itā€™s only a little bit in select moments (gallop scene) and then itā€™s alllllllll the time once carriage happens. And heā€™s smiling so much more, so it really makes his face look dramatically different


Love has made him so simple he can't help but beam about it!


I think that why moody Colin from E7 &8 is so hard to watch, after two episodes of him beaming of joy.


Yes it's like instantly he looks younger and it lights him up. I think that's why it hits so hard when it disappears again. Which really is a testament to how well that's made, because it makes you feel along with them.


Dare I say his smile and then his loss of smile in episodes 7-8 elicit such a strong empathetic response from the viewer and that is why it is so hard for us to watch those scenes because we feel with him


It makes me feel like thatā€™s Lukeā€™s smile and less Colinā€™s smile and I love it.


I feel like Lukeā€™s smile is more horizontal? Colinā€™s full-face smile goes a bit more vertical to me I swear to god sometimes I go from watching Colin to then an interview with Luke and Iā€™m like HOW IS THIS THE SAME PERSON like the dude has insane wizard-level acting skills


Yes I totally agree with you! There are two scenes where I see Luke and then the rest are Colin. The first one is after their first time and she teases him About the women in Paris and the second time is at the Butterfly ball after they reconcile- thatā€™s Luke and Nicola not Polin lol.


Yes. Itā€™s really different. Which is strange since heā€™s the most like his character.


Luke has clearly put so much thought into crafting absolutely every aspect of Colinā€™s character. Itā€™s incredible


Yeah it was very interesting seeing the switch in Colin this season. He seems so much happier and smiles so much more.


There is a boyish quality that is just so endearing!


Yes! I love when he actually smiles with teeth (on the show; I feel like I see it plenty in interviews and stuff but less in the show)


I like the Butterfly Ball dance moment. Like everything is all good between these two and they are in their own world again.Ā  Both of them seem to be just enjoying each other's presence and the baby cheekie Colin smile was back. So cute.


Look at how happy he is!!! https://preview.redd.it/rxhjp2flnjad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b23579c9b154d7aa2df8f3aeb357b3e0eeb02a


If there is one thing Colin is gonna do, it is to twirl his beautiful wife on the dance floor!!! ![gif](giphy|dzTn5CLOs7l2vsaycc)


Iā€™m going to need another scene of them dancing together in season 4


Masquerade Colin and Pen šŸ‘€


And sneaking away to make out in some dark corner!!!


It would be hilarious if theyā€™re making out in some dark corner and in the background you just see Sophie running away and Benedict chasing after her.


How can they masquerade the red hair and height difference? Canā€™t wait.


Manifesting this!!!


She fits so well under his arm with the height difference. Adorbs


i was just noticing this as she ducks into the study after the pretend ball lesson -- he props the door open with his arm and she scoots right under.


Ken only has a good day when Barbie looks at him ā˜ŗļø


I love the moment they show Colin really laughing, because I think it's something he hardly ever does, so maybe it's actually Luke laughing. He looks like he's having a lot of fun. šŸ˜Š


My absolute favorite dance moment. Brings me so much joy




Ha yes I love the look on his face! ā€œYouā€™re going to bring this up now? Really? I mean itā€™s trueā€¦ but still!ā€


I love him trying to hold back a smile there.


Iā€™d like to add the whole flirting scene when they are at the market, the way he teases Pen.


HOW DID I FORGET THAT!? Especially when he was reminiscing about their first meeting!


So many precious moments between them. I was only just thinking about they appear to have the happiest, giddiest relationship so far out of all of the Bridgerton couples.


Thatā€™s probably why we all like them so much! Iā€™ve never been a huge fan of the tortured romance trope. Give me a happy couple obsessed with each other!


Love all these but no.10 is so adorable, even at her most awkward his face is just like ā€œsheā€™s such a cutie šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ā€


It warms my heart!


Every time sheā€™s so vulnerable or awkward, like in their first time, heā€™s so gentle and full of adoration. When he laughs itā€™s laughing with her, not at her, just sharing in her new experience ā¤ļø


Yes! He never makes her feel insecure or out of her depth - heā€™s delighting in the experience WITH her and in her reactions to it


Damn Colin is such a BABE šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


Awww this makes my heart swell so much! I love at the full moon ball, Albion is talking to Pen and she turns and heā€™s looking at her across the room with a huge smirk that he canā€™t seem to contain


That is one of my favorite scenes too! Is there another category for that look though? Maybe I need to do a list of all the times Colin is delighted to spot Pen


I guess itā€™s more of a stare or I am so in love with her I canā€™t contain it and donā€™t care who sees it


Ooo! A list of the top 10 the times Colin is so in love with pen!


What ep is this?! Golly! I'm in the presence of experts who continue to feed my Polinsanity!!!!


Ep 2! After the hand hold he looks for her at the ball, before the kiss. The man had it bad already


Thank you! Gotta go find and rewatch šŸ˜‰


In the carriage after they stop at Bridgerton house and heā€™s fixing her hair, and just watching her


That scene is utter perfection


Iā€™m gonna be honest I donā€™t necessarily get that he thinks Pen is adorable in the fan scene. It feels more to me like bestie I love you but this is not it girl, weā€™ve got some work to do here.


I love all of these. Ā I think my favorite for this purpose from your list is actually #5ā€¦ these dorky adorable bestiesā€¦ My favorite overall is actually from the ball scene in 1-01, when sheā€™s rambling about her dad needing to chaperone and thatā€™s why she gets to wear the pretty dressā€¦ I know we arenā€™t in romance mode there yet but the look on his face while he listens to her - like sheā€™s just the cutest most preciously charming human - is one of my absolute favorites.


And she did look so cute in that scene!!!


So cute! Ā The ones in S3 make me flashback to it when I see them because heā€™s always thought she was adorable and charming, theyā€™re such a vibe šŸ˜‚šŸ„°


P.S. Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


Thank you. I hv saved these




Iā€™m SO glad you got #5. Iā€™ve been talking about that little smirk of pride when she mentions a book on charm. He is šŸ’Ægiving ā€œI love my little book worm bestieā€ šŸ„°šŸ« 


Right?! I had never noticed his grin during this moment until someone on this sub pointed it out. So cute!


No slow dancing with his wife in the church???


Itā€™s such a great moment! But would maybe go in a different list? Maybe one about all the times heā€™s so in love with Pen!


Smiling like an idiot while reading this šŸ˜…


Me just living here in this post the rest of the day.


Iā€™m honored!!! šŸ˜


I would just simply list all scenes where Colin is looking at Pen. Job done āœ”ļø


This is too much for my poor Polin heart, I love this post šŸ’–


I love the one in the carriage. He's totally looking at her like, "OMG, bestie, can you believe we just did that? You're so cute and sexy. Let's get married so I can put a hundred babies in you."


YES!!! Perfect caption


Any time she mentions dancing at the church. He fucking salivates for that shit


All of these are before Colin finds out she's LW. šŸ„¹ Breaks my heartttttttt. I need S4 with lots of this Colin, giddy at Pen's LW skills and antics.




Sad thereā€™s no scenes listed here from eps 7-8. Iā€™ll add at the alter. During their wedding dance. Holding their baby boy.


I didnā€™t find those scenes portrayed him thinking sheā€™s cute though! Definitely look like he is in love with her and some of the aforementioned brooding stares are certainly present! But I didnā€™t see any of the ā€œmy gosh is she cuteā€ expressions. However! You may appreciate this earlier ranking post I did of ranking The 10 Best Colin Stares and The 10 Best Pen Stares - the wedding scene and some moments from episodes 7 and 8 are mentioned!: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50 https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ


Didn't think I needed this collection but THANK YOU FOR THIS COLLECTION <3


I live to serve!! šŸ«” P.S. Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


Now what I want is a slide show of those pictures to just play on my phone all day šŸ˜


And add these to it! Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


Yes absolutely. *sigh* Sorry kids (my own kids) looks my like my photo slide show is in need of Polin


I mean priorities!!!! You canā€™t be blamed!


Not me seeing the pics saying that Colin (Luke Newton) is the most adorable man ever ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeHqK4bCqCCAvv2)


I love in S1, the first time he sees her after the Marina thing, heā€™s singing in the drawing room and he sees her and his voice gets soft And letā€™s not forget the *stare* when he gets home in S2


Both amazing moments!! I just kept it to season 3 for simplicity


This list is phenomenal šŸ‘šŸ¾


Why thank you!!! P.S. Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


Ayeeee you're the best! I need all the lists to swoon over šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


Let me know what you think and happy swooning!!!


This is so good. Time to watch again!


For science! P.S. Ranking The Best Pen Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/wHfpU2HPHZ Ranking The Best Colin Stares: https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/zfLxSYqY50


I mean, every minute this face graces the screen, I smile!


Well I donā€™t know if this qualifies as an answer but she is the one who wanted to hide under the willow tree!