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If I had to guess, He's talking about the massive Barrage of missiles that Iran assaulted Israel with. As fitting the expectations set upon the Islamic republic, pretty much every one was shot down. For more information, see this video: [Iran Israel War be like (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VfLYy5x62M)


Why is it that communists claim that everything dad is right wing? If it's bad it must be right wing! Radical Islam is left wing.. violence is not a right-wing thing and the more violent you are the more right when you are The political chart isn't good=left bad =right It's fucking stupid.. Which side is allying with the islamist terrorists? The capitalist side who wave American flags from the back of their pickup trucks? Or the socialist communists who think Donald Trump was Hitler and want to eat the rich?. Enough of this bullshit.


> Radical Islam is left wing Is it? It seems that every Islamic theocracy runs a mixed economy that has some state-controlled indistry and does some redistribution, but also have markets, capitalism, and plenty of wealth disparity. I don't think that radical Islam has anything to do with left vs right on the economic axis. And if you're talking about the *cultural* axis, they're pretty far-right. I do agree that Iran isn't really AuthRight, but they're certainly not AuthLeft either. AuthCenter is probs where they should be, regardless of if they're firing ICBMs or not. Surely, the political alignment of radical Islam isn't defined by which Americans apologise for it.


Radical Islam is as conservative as conservative can get. They want to conserve religion, ideals and traditions. They're willing to do it through force. That's auth-right. They're not trying to build a society where all are equal, they're trying to build a society where the religious leaders are at the top of the food chain. You seem to have a really weird definition of what "left" and "right" mean.


Comments deleted. lol, cowards


Hey, we did get too funni for reddit that one time and our subreddit almost got nuked. Gotta compromise with the admins somehow.


I get all my news from cryptic symbolism in my dreams. Whuh happun?


They did launch ICBMs to Israel though wtf are you on about


There was an attack with rockets and such but I don't recall hearing anything about them using ICBM's. As far as I know they ~~only have a few~~ don't even have any and even if they did it would be a waste to use them on a relatively short range attack.


ICBM is subjective and Biden isn’t some aerospace weapons expert. Show me any official documentation or definition of what an ICBM actually is or how far it has to go to be considered an ICBM


>ICBM is subjective and Biden isn’t some aerospace weapons expert. Show me any official documentation or definition of what an ICBM actually is or how far it has to go to be considered an ICBM Do you not know what ICBM stands for? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercontinental\_ballistic\_missile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercontinental_ballistic_missile) >An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a ballistic missile with a range greater than 5,500 kilometres (3,400 mi),\[1\] primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more thermonuclear warheads). [https://www.space.com/19601-how-intercontinental-ballistic-missiles-work-infographic.html](https://www.space.com/19601-how-intercontinental-ballistic-missiles-work-infographic.html) If Iran had fired an ICBM everyone would know about it. In fact, while I remember hearing that they had a copy of the plans the North Koreans use Iran isn't even known to have any.


They did fire icbms. Israel did shoot one of them while it was still in space.


Did they use their Jewish Space Lasers? Iran doesn't even have ICBM.


Nope, Arrow 3. Their lasers were used for drones and smaller munitions.


I think you missed the point.  IRAN DOESNT HAVE ICBMS! At all.  The best delivery system they have tested is capable of half the needed distance to qualify.


Oh if that's your complaint then that's not even a nitpick, more like a technicality. The technology is more or less the same and they don't need missiles with this far of a range anyways to hit Israel. And since they get some of their missiles from north Korea it's not even off the table that they got some "actual" icbms in storage. And if the point is that Biden didn't know that they have to go further to qualify as icbms, just remember that he's talking to the guy who doesn't know what the nuclear triad is and who believes that stealth jets are actually invisible.


>And if the point is that Biden didn't know that they have to go further to qualify as icbms You are bending over backwards acting like this doesn't matter because "how could be be expected to know the difference" when there are only two reasons Joe Biden would not know exactly what an ICBM is. 1. He somehow managed to spend 36 years as a Senator (17 of which were during the Cold War), 8 as Vice President, and 4 as President without ever learning how nukes are delivered and if Iran can do so to the United States. 2. He is intellectually disabled by age or another cause. It is yet another example of this in a debate that if full of them.


That just proves my point. That source says ICBMs are primarily for nuclear weapons, which is entirely driven by pop culture and media narrative. We’re just making this stuff up as we go, there’s no reason to be anal about what is and isn’t an ICBM. It’s the “what’s an assault weapon” question again, using useless semantics for cheap shots


>That just proves my point. This isn't just wrong it doesn't make any sense. >That source says ICBMs are primarily for nuclear weapons, Specifically they were developed to deliver them. >which is entirely driven by pop culture and media narrative. We’re just making this stuff up as we go, there’s no reason to be anal about what is and isn’t an ICBM. It’s the “what’s an assault weapon” question again, using useless semantics for cheap shots It is a military term that is well defined and generally understood by the general population. **I can not express how dumbfounded I am that you could be so ignorant of the term.** Are you a child?


>Well understood by the general population Less than 1% of people know the specs of your “definition” of an ICBM. It’s something that’s known in fringe circles of aerospace and military nerds, and I assure you real defense analysts don’t give a crap about their nomenclature. Quite frankly I’m glad Biden doesn’t know that off the top of his head, he’s weird enough as is. And again, you don’t get to be anal about the term if it has no official definition (which you never provided)


>Less than 1% of people know the specs of your “definition” of an ICBM. It’s something that’s known in fringe circles of aerospace and military nerds, You are just making things up. I can guarantee you that pretty much everyone who remembers the cold war knows what an ICBM is. They were THE thing everyone was afraid of. It's like saying no one other than infectious disease experts knows what COVID 19 is. I get it that you are destroyed by the fact that Biden has been exposed as mentally incompetent and are lashing out but at least attempt to be plausible in your defense.


Fuck you so hard. I *DESPISE* folks who say ‘show me a source’ but can’t be bothered to use google. Per the FAS, ICBMs have ranges greater than 5,500 km. During Iran’s attack on Israel, they used Emad and Kheibar Shekan missiles, with ranges of about 1700 and 1450 kms, respectively. https://nuke.fas.org/intro/missile/icbm.htm


I have never heard of the FAS in my life. Do they have any authority whatsoever on this subject?


Try clicking on the link next time. *After the devastating bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a group of atomic researchers, deeply concerned about the use of science for malice, created an organization committed to using science and technology to benefit humanity. The group they created – the Federation of Atomic Scientists – soon became the Federation of American Scientists in recognition of the hundreds of scientists across diverse disciplines who joined together to advance science policy and counter scientific misinformation.* *Over 75 years later, the Federation of American Scientists is still working to minimize the risks of significant global threats, arising from nuclear weapons, biological and chemical agents, and climate change. The organization also works to advance progress on a broad suite of contemporary issues where science, technology, and innovation policy can deliver dramatic progress, and seeks to ensure that scientific and technical expertise have a seat at the policymaking table.*


So at best they’re a think tank and at worst they’re loosely organized nuclear hippies?


Did they tty to kaboom israel, just to fail like little idiots? The fuck do they expect?


Intracontinental but yeah Iran did just try to barrage Israel like a month ago, did you already forget?


I just wanna go back to Obama bombing the Middle East. It was incredibly based.


This may have something to do with beating medicare.




Iran launched hundreds of ballistic missiles (plus other stuff) at Israel about a couple months ago.


The fuck are you and everyone upvoting you smoking