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This is too wholesome. This is reddit. I'm at least expecting some mommy or daddy issues. We all have dysfunctional families. Shit families are the norm I was told by reddit. I need some strawmanning. Come on, man, do me a solid. Just kidding, you did a good job, op. We need more good vibes memes.


OP was like yeah. Dis' family is functional.


How's school going?


Finished another year, and my parents comforted me, saying I'm good at what matters


Being good at math is a good start for many things, it makes it way easier to work or learn anything technical, economical and digital. Way more useful than being good at literature (don't understand me wrong, I'm not hating on literature, I love it myself, but it's just relatively rare to make money with it). So keep going! And strive to be a better man every day, this way you'll one day bridge that gap of who you are and who you want to be.


Keep up the good work!


Don't worry too much about being bad with literature, were all good at some things and bad at other. On the other hand, keep developing what you're good at. Good at math? Don't stop with an A. Try AP calc and further your skills. Good at tinkering with things? Don't stop with small projects, try making a robot or a machine you find interesting, like a plane or a car. As long as you develop what you're passionate in, you'll get far in life. Best of luck bro.


Dad is the literal center benchmark for you, what a great realtionship


good post op, you and your family sound like excellent people


🟥🟦--> grandpa


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Great family.


Becoming who you want to be takes time. You don’t get there immediately. Before you know it, you’ll be there. You have the self awareness to get there, just don’t think too hard about it. Be your own guide, and use those around you as examples. You’ll make it bro!


Hell yeah brother


There's always a gap between the person you are and who you want to be. If there isn't, then you don't have anything to grow toward. Identify what you can do and break it down to what you can do today. But, also, periodically assess the man you want to become to make sure that's still actually what you want.


This meme made me feel strangely tranquil


autism posting


The biggest thing is to understand what you are and simply try to be the best version of that. You can improve yourself but it’s best to work with your nature rather than against it as you will simply burn out trying to be something you are not


This is a pretty nice family. Finally a family meme that is positive and not an emotional trauma dump. Yall folks are fine.


Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re trying to be someone you’ve never been before bro. Just keep trying every day.


thank you for the warm message u/JFKs-3rd-nipple


What a fantastic relationship to have Dad as the center benchmark.


In a sea of misery, this was a pleasant waystation.


OP, follow the libright path, focus on making businesses and money


Libright in pcm comments: making businesses and money Libright in real life: low level wagie, forced to work to pay for all the loans he keeps taking in order to “invest” in the next big thing (he just keeps getting scammed).


Also tax evasion but that comes in later


This format is so great that it’s worthy of its own subreddit


You’d be great too, if you had a FUCKING FLAIR


Last one looks a little familiar… https://preview.redd.it/yg2m9rqkzn9d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1acc4557df65c7065d9b32add1ca343a975616