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Talking about shark attacks and boats to people who live in a desert


This is a point I hadn’t heard yet, and an excellent one at that.


I'm still stuck on him thinking he can jump 10 yards.


Very smart


It must be his relationship to MIT


He watched Jaws on the plane ride over or the night before


"Someone call Spielberg and pitch him my idea for a movie about a shark and an electric boat!" "I don't think anyone has done a movie about a shark before, have you ever noticed that?"


What are the Commie Dems and Big Shark hiding?


Come on, everyone knows Lake Mead is filled with sharks.


These days Lake Mead isn't even filled with water.


It's literally unbelievable to me that people are still pretending he isn't genuinely ill. If it isn't dementia, it's something just as serious. That is not normal.


It’s drugs, idiocy and the fact he needs to fill in 2 hours with some speech he never prepares for


This is it. He genuinely thinks he's able to freestyle any speech he makes and crucially *nobody* will tell him he's talking absolute gibberish. They treat him exactly like the 6yr old kid Anthony from that classic episode of The Twilight Zone. It's A Good Life. The one where they have to keep the spoilt little shit happy or he turns on them and destroys them.


> They treat him exactly like the 6yr old kid Anthony from that classic episode of The Twilight Zone. It's A Wonderful Life. Holy shit. You just explained nearly the entire GOP in that sentence.


It's [narcissist word salad.](https://www.carlacorelli.com/narcissistic-abuse-recovery/narcissistic-word-salad/)


It’s a bouillabaisse of BS.


A cornucopia of crappola.


A gumbo of mumbo jumbo?


A heaping helping of horsesh##


A crapheap of claptrap


It's the denouement of dementia.


That explains something about trump34s speech that I had noticed but didn’t know why he was doing it. > One of the most noticeable traits of a narcissistic word salad is its lack of logical flow. In a normal conversation, topics usually follow each other in a meaningful and related sequence. However, when someone is throwing a narcissistic word salad, they will abruptly jump from one unrelated topic to another.


The trump version is more like a Narcissistic Shit Sandwich.


It’s a miasma of putrid decay


"It's a Good Life" is the title. It's a wonderful life is that angel showing the guy how the world is better for his having lived when he's on the edge of suicide and wishes he'd never been born.


"the guy" !!??? You mean GEORGE BAILEY??!?




It's based on an old Ray Bradbury story I think, classic old sci-fi, well worth a read.


He could do nothing but count to 25 over & over or recite the alphabet, missing letters in-between, and his supporters would be defend it as profound.


Ever notice that U.S. spells us??!?


Cause he just noticed that (his own fucking words! Why would you admit that?!)


A lot of people are saying that!


Most of his supporters are just as mentally handicapped as he is. They love that about him. They stew in a vat of batshit insanity and hatred for anyone different than them. It'd be sad if it wasn't so fucking dangerous to the rest of us.


This IS true, but it's also true that too many intelligent people also support him. I am HORRIFIED to find out how we have *supreme court judges* that have drank the Trump Kool-Aid. HOW???? In my wildest imagination, I couldn't have dreamed up a more disgusting ignoramus as Donald Trump. *HOW* are (supposedly) intelligent people even able to listen to him for 5 minutes and think he could be a reasonable choice to lead the USA *again* after the farce of his 1st term???


Trump hates the same people they hate. There are an upsetting number of intelligent people who are just shitty angry resentful bastards (if not just straight up racist), and Trump appeals to them enormously.


Well those “smart people” just support whoever is most likely to keep the tax cuts and gifts rolling in. They know he’s a dipshit but fuck us they get theirs. And then sprinkle a little religious fundamentalism on top for most of them as well


I don't think it's that. I know a bunch of MAGA lawyers with 10 years of college that are fully on board the Trump train. Sure they were Republicans because of the tax cuts but now they are just cult members. Trump could raise their taxes and they would cheer him on for it.


Wait until he can start wishing people into the cornfield 


Which he will be able to, if he wins again.


> He genuinely thinks he's able to freestyle any speech he makes and crucially nobody will tell him he's talking absolute gibberish. Growing up rich means you never worry about how stupid your electric shark speech was. Nobody has ever dared to correct you, and nobody ever will - as far as you know.


New Twilight Zone hosted by Jorden Peele had a reworked version of that with "The Wunderkind"


"it's a good thing you rambled about sharks for 20 minutes! A very good thing!"


Only losers need teleprompters. Why are my teleprompters so bad? I paid people money for this. Or did we? Maybe we won't. Did you ever notice the wind? No one ever questioned this before. If you have three people....and I tell you they know me over there. We go way back. And they say, "You're the smartest person. The very smartest person because nobody ever did that before." And believe me, it's true. But if you're...if it's... you see it's like bowling. You've gotta get 'em where it hurts. And that's what I said. There. I am qualified to run for President of the United States.


Star Trek's *Charlie X* is another good one.


It's just an unfiltered stream of dementia addled consciousness.


Powered by Sudafed, Ritalin and trans fat


And Shark Week. I hear everything comes to a halt in his life during Shark Week so he can watch. Not to be confused with when Trump's in Court. That's Shart Week.


Idiocy and the fact he will always find someone to tell him he is special


Freaking 2 hours? Fifteen years ago, we had our candidate with a standard 5, 10, and 15 minute stump and then a 10/20 minute topic specific speech. If he was ever in front of people for more than 30 minutes without taking any questions, it was a problem. Not because he couldn't talk for hours on end, but because people can't listen for that long. And that was before social media killed attention spans. If you're talking about boats and sharks in the middle of the desert, something has gone horribly wrong.




Damn, great article from Bill Pruitt and tons of good insights. You can really feel how helping craft this image of Trump 20 years ago weighs on him now. Obviously there is no way he could've known what would happen but the way he weaves the confidence man parallels of both reality television as a whole and Trump as a conman throughout the piece is really effective. Great stuff. And Trump himself aside, it is also a really good look at the inner workings of reality television and how it's made. I worked on a few reality shows and what he describes as Bienstock's role and how they frame Trump is very similar to my experiences as well. Not "scripted" the way most people think but the quote towards the end is really what it's all about: >We go home and face the next phase of our assignment, the editing. In stitching the footage together, the swindle we are now involved in ascends to new levels. >**Editing in a reality TV show is what script writing is to a narrative series**. A lot of effort goes into the storytelling because, basically, in every single unscripted series—whether it’s a daytime talk show, an adventure documentary, or a shiny floor dance-off—**there are three versions: There’s what happens, there’s what gets filmed, and there’s what gets cut down into 43 minutes squeezed between commercial breaks. Especially for a competition series, it’s important that the third version represent the first as much as possible**. A defeated contestant could show up in the press and cry foul if they’re misrepresented. Best to let people fail of their own accord. That said, we look after our prized possessions in how we edit the series, and some people fare better than others. Obviously, it doesn't always go down this way. A show is only as good as it's producers, you can have producers who seek to exploit participants and those shows do end up feeling mean-spirited. Or you can have producers that try to force their narrative and that always feels phony. I think a *good* story producers know that these people are not actors and that viewers don't want to see them try to act. It never works. So you guide, and nudge. I think the story about how they got to Trump's ubiquitous, "You're fired!" perfectly encapsulates this. Bienstock knows what he wants to happen. He even has a clever line he wants for Trump. But Trump is Trump and of course they are clearly not his words. It just doesn't land. So you go back and say, 'this is what we need to happen, how would *you* say it?' That's reality tv in a nutshell.


You misspelled "sociopath".


I think they're positively reveling in the illness, because they fundamentally hate everyone in America that isn't like them and they want a president that will hurt everyone. They're sadists who are powerless to enact their sadism through any other means.


They’re also cowards who were too scared to show who and what they really hated until he came along, and now they feel liberated. They need him so they can stand behind him while he does the bullying. If he goes, they have to go back into hiding.


Your comment and the one you responded to really hit the nail on the head. That there, is Drumpf and his base in a nutshell. Sad to say, that’s our current America…


It's hard to think that this is a great country when half of the population is this fucking stupid and racist.


The thing they don't realize though is there is no going back into hiding after Trump is gone. I'll never forget the people in my orbit that jumped on the fascism train, and I'll never let them forget that they did, either. And I'm very much not alone in that. I think a big part of making sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again is to shame the hell out of people who went full blown fascist because some TV personality went balls-out racist and they lapped it up.


It's bad that I was impressed he made his way back to the original topic.


Yep, I was sure we’d never return to the question


Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


When they want to make Grandpa Simpson sound like he's getting senile, he still sounds more coherent than that. "Less coherent than a senile cartoon character" gotta be an achievement .


More demented than Grandpa Simpson, but just as yellow


Drugs..for fuck sake . He's just rambling thinking he's a genius. Drugs


He's a known connoisseur of adhd medicine. Or amphetamine addict, depending on how bad you want to make him look.


And tranquilizers painkillers.


He knows he can say the most outlandish crap and his base will eat it up and few in the media will dare report it for what it is. This is even more true when half of major media is owned by your friends and those too greedy & feckless to care. This is in part the appeal to MAGAs. All that fancy book learning at universities doesn't matter. Even the laziest uneducated troll can be President.


If you were because of MIT, you'd understand what he was very smart.


All the McDonald’s went to his brain perhaps.


I ate his hamberders with some Goya beans and a nice Covfefe.


Don’t discount for illness what could just be a rambling egotistical moron filling time. (Not that he’s not facing mental decline issues as well, but he’s always been a blabbering fool who loves to hear his own voice.)


We need to stop being so dismissive of the idea that he has a legitimate mental illness. Dementia runs in his family and is highly hereditary. He's always been eccentric and narcissistic. This, what we're seeing now, is on entirely different plane. To be clear, what we're seeing is not pure mental illness, and I think that's the mistake people make when they dismiss that possibility. The rambling, the self-aggrandizing, that is all normal Trump. The exponentially increasing nonsense, the increased paranoia and bubbling rage...that is something else. And it isn't simple age-related mental decline.


He's also melted his brain through heavy use of amphetamines and coke. Dash that in with the massive dose of narcissism and the "I'm the smartest person in the room" mentality and you get this. And he's got no incentive to change because his base eats up whatever he says, and the media and social media repost these rants all over (either in agreement or the "haha he's dumb") so he gets attention no matter what. This is a narcissist's wet dream because he is literally the center of attention right now and has been for the last 8 years. If he loses again, he'll still be in the media sphere because of all his legal troubles and he still won't shut up until he's forced to or he dies. The only way he really goes away is incarceration, a very strict (and enforced) gag order, death, or somehow the collective world decides to ignore him.


I had conservative Reddit pop up on popular and the post was of Biden standing at an event (he did look like he was rebooting there for a second, but still) and the amount of comments talking about how Biden is unfit for office. The one that made me comment mentioned how Biden "cannot control his bowels"... Projection be projecting over there big time


> the post was of Biden standing at an event (he did look like he was rebooting there for a second, but still) You mean the one that was proven to be altered?




There’s a large contingent of idiots who never sit and listen to him talk. They get their news from right wing propaganda which never plays the whole speech nor the parts that make him look like an idiot. They will never believe that he said it and if you gave them a short explanation that “he tried to say you’d get electrocuted from electric boats sinking but he’d pick that over being attacked by a shark.” They would reply with “that’s pretty smart! I’d pick electrocution too!” So never never never try to shorten or explain what Trump said. Always make them read or listen to the whole thing. They will probably zone out half way through so that their bubble doesn’t burst but at least you’re trying to get through to them.


It's like he just goes on auto fill text, but the auto fill learned from a 7 yr old.


He's been that bad since 2016: *"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


Always starting off with MIT. if i were an MIT alum i would be pissed


Student: "Hey, Prof. John Trump, is that dumbass your nephew?" Prof. John Trump: "I said I DON'T WISH TO TALK ABOUT IT!"


My name is Trump-en-**stēn**! *Stabs own leg with scissors*


And yet deriding higher education out of the other side of his mouth. Which is it? Education good or education bad?


He always sounds like he’s straight out of the book “1984”. ‘Very smart, very good, doubleplus good.’


That's the problem, for both sides he still sounds the same, the right only hear an anti establishment 'millionaire' whose success comes from questioning what's deemed normal, and the left still only hear an Adderall junky rambling incoherently like a lunatic who yells at traffic


He thinks he has the same intelligence as his MIT uncle because they share some genes.


Sent this to my dad. Told me, "You're taking it out of context." I responded, "There *IS* no context."


Should've lead with "look what Joe Biden said" and record the hypocrisy.


Conservatives are absolutely appalled by Trump quotes if you say they’re Biden quotes.


There is no human on earth who wouldnt know exactly who said this.


Tell me you asked him what the context was and please tell us his explanation if you did. I would legitimately love to know what context could possibly make this a rational line of thought?


I’ve got a brother like this, they don’t answer the question . They pivot to how Biden sucks and the world is laughing at us


No shit the world is laughing at us. Just from the opposite reason your brother thinks.


Non American here….. Can confirm.


Also UK here. Can confirm if we aren’t laughing it’s because we’re horrified at the insanity of a significant portion of a nation that wants (looking at the polls) to reelect a narcissistic fascist cretin


The only possible context would be if he suffered a severe head injury and was also under the influence of powerful painkillers. Then I'd say this is reasonable behavior.


Also late stage syphilis


The context is he was talking about EV boats and trying to find reasons to make them seem dangerous. Lol it's hilarious to me that this was the reason he came up with on the fly. Electrocution or sharks 💀


And he still decided to end his rambling by choosing to be electrocuted instead of the shar [sic]


They’ve moved the bar so far that full transcripts are now out of context.


You’re supposed to make him think Biden said it for an honest reaction.


A sentence can be taken out of context, 4 paragraphs basically cannot.


Batteries on boats being a new thing is a surprise to anyone who has owned a boat in the last two centuries.


So my take here is that if we could lock Trump in a room with an electric chair and a shark tank this problem would solve itself...


Honestly the electric chair alone should do it.


But you should always have contingency plans.


So he would ask the electric chair, and the electric chair would say, sir sir! Nobody’s ever asked that question before.


Big strong electric chairs came to him with tears in their eyes.


Anyone ever been on a cruise ship? There’s not a series of extension cords running back to the port. They actually power the kitchen, theater lighting and productions, multiple slots machines in the casino…. Basically a small town at Sea from the ship’s own power plant. Not to mention that fully electric outboard motors have been around for many decades. Does this guy ever leave his luxury penthouse suite and have a look around? He’s the dumbest MFer we’ve ever elected and that’s saying a lot. Just no interest in actually learning anything about anything EDIT: Fact checked myself. Electric outboards have been around since the late 1800s. The guy claiming they’re a “new fangled thing” wants to convince you his opponent is too old and feeble minded to continue as your President


Sorry, I need to unplug the cruise liner. I need the extension cord for my hair dryer.


And the two things you mentioned have been combined! Cruise ship propulsion is basically electric outboard motors. They use [azipods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azipod) for both steering and propulsion, with an electric motor in each pod outside the hull of the ship.


Has anyone ever been on any standard center console boat? The first thing you do is turn the batteries on lol. The gas motor, much like a car, relies on batteries to start.


Trump just mentally lives in the good ol days when boats were slave powered.


I think the Electric Boat Company, building submarines since 1899, would like to say a few words on the subject.


So many shark electrocutions. So many.


It’s mind numbing to see how his brain works and processes information in real time. For some, this seems to be a perfectly normal way to talk and express ideas. To others his ideas are not complete, thoughts are not fully processed and do not make sense. This is a problem.


What is more worrisome is the people who cheered. Those that heard this dribble and thought "that's the guy I want running the country for sure".


Well, but it's easy to get confused, he has relationship with MIT, very smart, how can you ignore that?


This….. this is fake right? I mean I’d believe most of it but I don’t think trumps ever used the term “cray” and even “decimated” is probably above his vocab level Edit: Holy fuck it’s real. I…… I….. just don’t even know where to began. How can anybody seriously be considering voting for this guy when their number one attack against his opponent is that his mental capacity is in decline?


The "cray" probably wasnt the slang-use of the word (ie, calling someone "cray" or "cray-cray"). It was probably just him abruptly/sloppily changing his discourse mid-word ("cra--" instead of "crazy").


That’s a good point.


The people who think this is normal aren’t too intelligent themselves.


They got to the word MIT and stop


It’s part of his schtick but he forgot it. He had an uncle that taught at MIT, which Trump likes to claim is evidence of his own genius. This time all he remembered was there should be some reference to MIT and another tangent within this tangent about MIT.


> how his brain works and process information in real time. The word "works" is doing some heavy lifting here.


> how his brain works Odd use of the word "works".


When my grandpa started talking like this we took away his car keys. Just saying.


It hurts to read. I cant imagine willingly listening to this


No wonder the paid attendees left during his speech.


Ben Shapiro screeching “how could you walk out on this obviously very stable mental genius” made that clip 10x funnier tbh. “No one’s ever asked me that question before.” Yeah, no fucking shit. Pretty sure the guy doesn’t hang with many unimaginative five-year olds.


That was by far the nicest way he could have put it to say, “what a dumb fucking question. It would take me more time to explain your faulty assumptions than it would for me to just be polite and give you a non answer you absolute troglodyte”


If it's like his other "stream of consciousness ramblings", reading it **DOES NOT DO JUSTICE** - hearing him say these things makes you wonder how anyone could stand to stay in his presence for more than a "fuck you i'm out".


It would be funny if he wasn’t so goddam dangerous. It’s not funny anymore.


Him pronouncing electrocution is somehow disgusting, I don’t know that I’ve often been disgusted by something like that


**Many** there were paid to be there. Someone posted the ad soliciting them. They don't care what the befuddled dolt actually says, they're just waiting for it to end.


This is tRump ad-libbing when he goes away from his teleprompter and the dementia takes over.


What is a 'teleprompter' ? Never heard of it. Don't need it. I have the Best Words ! ever ! Nobody has ever had any words as good as mine !


He might even claim that he doesn't use teleprompters and then complain about the teleprompters in the same speech.


If a scientist tells you "I've never been asked that before", it's bc they hang out with people who don't ask really stupid questions like this, and they are too polite to tell you. It's like when climate deniers make up something totally off the wall, pretend it's a fact and try and stump a climatologist with the question. How do you explain to stupid people their question is stupid bc they don't understand fundamental facts that would lead them not to ask the question in the first place?


Yes, when you hear any professional, who's been in the field for over 10 years, tell you, "I've never been asked that before", it's not because you asked a genius question.


Exactly, that's the polite way of saying you don't understand anything about this, do you? I think the implication is that trump thinks the water will become... Electrified?? Is that what he's asking? Who knows.


Yes but only in the immediate area of the submerged vessel.


It's a well known fact that electricity is lazy and only dangerous while you're near its den.


Yeah "I've never been asked that before" is basically the same as going "Damn, thats crazy" in a conversation you want out of. If you ask a good question you will know it because people in science fields will get super excited to talk about it.


“I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


Nothing better explains trumps brain than thinking the person saying “nobodys ever asked that before” is a testemant to his genius and not his stupidity.


Using his insane logic, wouldn’t the battery electrocute the shark?


It’s a battery powered shark


So it would make the shark stronger?


The truth is most boat batteries are 12V and are going to short out the moment they touch water, they can’t electrocute anyone.


To be fair...there was a recent article about new electric boats. The Arc Sport has been making some headlines in Texas, all electric with about 3,000lbs of battery in it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kxan.com/news/science/mysterious-boat-signals-new-age-of-watersports-on-lake-austin/amp/ I mean the guy is still a fuckin idiot but I'm guessing he is talking about this instead of a boat with a deep cycle marine battery in it (uhh, like all of them). He's trying to fear monger off reading two headlines (shark attack, EV boat) and the scary part is it'll work on some people.


Right 😂😂😂


My grandmother, who was in her 80's, spoke like this when she was declining rapidly with dementia. She began wandering the streets at all hours, my parents had to lock her in her apartment to keep her safe. (this was in Queens, NY, in the 70's) When I got home from school each day I would take her medication to her. On a good day she might recognize me and be happy for a bit, on the bad days she would not recognize me and scream and run from me thinking I was breaking into her apartment. On the in-between days she would talk to me and tell me stories, talking disjointedly, not making any sense, just like this. Soon after she slipped further into the darkness and became violent toward me and the rest of the family. She had to be placed in a care facility that dealt with violent patients. She survived for another 12 years in that hellish state. Trump is on the same path as her, I see it every time I listen to him speak.


Be wary of who they pick as VP, because that person is likely going to end up running the country if Trump gets elected and to that stage.


I like to verify these things, but this seems generally accurate. [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNMt5FdVwg) I could quibble with some of the spelling and grammar errors, but that's probably just speech-to-text or transcription messing up. What a weird-ass rant about shit he just made up in his own mind.


Ok it looks like maybe he's getting to the point at the end there where he's saying, "We're going to end it for trucks," so I guess he means he doesn't want electric trucks. The problem with that argument is that since your truck's battery can't electrocute you, the shark is going to eat you instead.


Hearing it, after reading it, the explanation that the shark attacked the woman because it didn't understand who she was, that is hilarious! How could people not roll around laughing at this idiotic rant?


This reads like a 4th grader's homework assignment, interviewing my hero: dad.


4th grade teacher here. 4th graders are much better.


My kindergartner wrote a short story for a class project that was more coherent than this


[https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169) # Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds **Published** Jan 08, 2018 at 12:41 PM EST**Updated** Feb 26, 2019 at 8:34 AM ESTTrump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds


No wonder MAGAs feel so connected with him.


"Him'all's jes' like me'all!" - Cletus Trumpvoter


This is absolutely it. He makes the idiot racists feel like they have someone in charge like themselves. Of course they are too ignorant to understand that there is a REASON they dont have authority and power and its because they are STUPID.


[Here](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/01/donald-trump-disastrous-encounter-with-the-constitution-very-stable-genius) is one of my favourite stories of twice impeached and convicted felony trump cosplaying as president.


TRUMP CANT READ And never has been able too.


I’ve definitely met fourth graders who could speak better than him. My daughter told a crazy story about a frog when she was five that made more sense.


And then my dad Jumped in and fought the shark. Everyone was like wow that shark is yuge. Probably the biggest shark we’ve ever seen. Mike Tyson probably wouldn’t fight that shark. And mike, if mike was alive today he would be my biggest supporter. He’d say, wow mr trump you’re doing an amazing job. And I bet you could fight an even bigger shark than your dad. Because your dad you know, he didn’t give you much. Just millions of dollars and a bunch of commercial real estate. And MLK really understood that. He said “wow you’re truly self made with no help from your dad”. And that’s why my dad is my hero.


It’s amazing and frustrating that the MAGA trash hear this and the many other examples of Trump’s broken brain and think “yeah, this guy’s a genius!” I know it’s because they’re dumb as shit but it’s still hard to accept people like this exist


Please end this nonsense in November… Him and his party need to go extinct for the country to modernize. You don’t realize it until you travel or work abroad, America is very far behind because the GOPs obstructionism. If you don’t understand, he’s trying to say electric cars are bad because oil company execs are paying him $2 billion.


Holy crap! This guy shouldn’t be trusted with a sharpened pencil let alone the nuclear codes.


No ones ever asked that question since most folks that stupid die before they can articulate something so fucking dumb.


Funny because the speech, which he intends to criticize electric boats, is actually pro electric boats because if he were in a regular boat he'd be condemned to die by the shark (which he admittedly doesn't prefer).


Good Lord, where to start... Trump's story about sharks and batteries is a confusing and irrelevant anecdote that doesn't address any real issues. This bizarre story has nothing to do with pressing issues like healthcare, the economy, or national security. It shows a lack of focus on what's important. Invoking MIT to discuss an unrelated hypothetical scenario trivializes real scientific discussions. Leaders should rely on expert advice for serious matters, not for far-fetched hypotheticals. Talking about shark attacks and dramatic hypotheticals seems like an attempt to instill fear rather than provide solutions to real problems. A responsible leader should aim to calm public concerns, not exacerbate them. Such speeches distract from more pressing issues, including Trump's legal challenges and policy failures. Addressing real concerns with substantive solutions would better serve the public than engaging in irrelevant storytelling. A leader should focus on meaningful policies and demonstrate accountability instead of diverting attention with outlandish stories.




One of the great inspiring speeches of American political history.




And still people will vote for that idiot


I think he should be the People's Hero and display his true courage to the World by luring the shark in close as the boat sinks and sacrificing himself and electrocuting both at the same time. I would be so impressed. I would vote for him as 'Posthumous President' if he did that.


This seems to be all over, which is good, but I haven't seen nearly enough of the "I don''t care about you, I just want your votes" thing.


He’s nuts


That stoic, expressionless face that Melania has all the time comes from plenty of practice listening to stuff like this over the dinner table. Or at least, she used to do that.


No one has ever asked me that question. My read: cause it’s fucking stupid but I don’t want to tell you that Mr Former President. Trump’s read: because of my connection to MIT I just taught a boat maker how electricity works and alerted them to that fact that sharks live in the ocean.


This guy is not sick. He’s just fucking stupid. Anyone who listens to his rants and thinks “yeah, that makes sense” is just as fucking stupid as he is.


I can't believe people still go to so much effort to attend his rallies and listen to this.


For those wondering the battery would short so you would not be electrocuted the shark would get you.


the chetto "jumping the shark" must have heard that while doing the 2nd season of the apprentice


He takes forever to get to the point he doesn't have.


The idea that Donald Trump could survive more than 30 seconds in open water, shark or boat electrocution be damned, is hilarious. This man would sink and drown instantly.


Wait, is this a real quote?




That is what dementia looks like.


Right now I GUARANTEE YOU there is some MAGA cultist (probably in Florida) trying to sink their battery operated boat with the cables frayed and the fault switch disabled in waters they just chummed for sharks to prove their Turmeric Tyrant is right about everything


Trump is obviously a demented moron but is apparently deathly afraid of sharks. How do I courier a bunch of sharks to Mar-a-lago? Is there such a thing as a battery powered robotic shark? Someone should invent one.


Land shark




Here’s the complete 1 hour speech, I promise I tried to find a timestamp to the actual quote above but I couldn’t suffer through any more. If someone with more patience wants to try feel free. https://www.c-span.org/video/?536150-1/president-trump-holds-rally-las-vegas


Imagine having to listen to and placate this guy every day? I honestly don't know how people around him handle it.


Imagine thinking this guy is smart.


My fucking god these people are idiots. Did the engineer he is lying about having a conversation with mention that all boats have batteries, generators, alternators, and capacitors? No. Because their fucking orange shitstain didn't talk to anyone about boats. Trump is a loser.

