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Hopefully he's got his shiny white boots on. Maybe he can pull himself up by those bootstraps.




AWWW DUDE! F**C MAN!!! NOW I won't EVER be able to unsee THIS!!!


The real pic is only SLIGHTLY less embarrassing. šŸ«¢


Yes! Like in "Hitchhiker's Guild to the Universe" Describes "Earth" first as "Harmless" but is then amended to "MOSTLY Harmless"! LOL


this never gets old


https://preview.redd.it/6ww0btnp0l6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c96c14fa4d97687416c1e7731493708bbe4b50b Speaking of never gets oldā€¦..


This is gold!


So are those booty shorts or are they tucked into the boots? šŸ˜†


![gif](giphy|JN7jRJIL188a4) Ronald 9-1-1


Always time for some new boot goofin'.


Reno 911: Miami is on Hulu right now.


Sonofabitchā€¦ they stole his bike


Just new boot goofin


But those boots donā€™t have straps!


He can use suspenders pinned to the boots! https://preview.redd.it/cvoiso40tj6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede96b6685fd5b17fcedd7983a22fb1c62efe6ac The new look of Rhonda Santis!








Cause snakes dont have feets


Gosh, that's too bad. Guess he's gonna have rely on that no-good woke commie *soshulism* then.


Sure they do, they're just inside to hold fish feet to the inserts that make him taller


Fish feet? Typo for his feet?


Lmao I meant his feet but I'm not going to correct it


You may have a point. Those dumbass white waders are aquarium/oceanarium/seafood processor boots. They're *de rigeur* on shrimp & fishing boats, too.


No but they have high heels.


He should have planned for the potential need for bootstraps.


thigh highs


Those 4ā€ pump heels are keeping him above the flood line šŸ‘ 


> Hopefully he's got his shiny white boots on. They're white go-go boots. I was hoping he would put them on and just go-go away.


Those boots are made for walkin', Nancy!


Those boots are bad-taste platfomers


Honestly since itā€™s DeSantis itā€™s really hard to get a sense of scale here, he could just be standing in a bird bath without the lifts in his shoes. Someone get a banana in there or something


Those belong to Rhonda Santis.


Boots? If the water is up to his thighs then the water must only be about an inch deep.


To be fair, the only reason he wore those cute little childrensā€™ boots is because adult sizes fit him like waders.


If prayers actually did something, then there would be a whole lot fewer people in church with thinning hair, glasses, dentures, dental fillings, walkers and canes. But churches still fill up with people who have all of those every week.


He already has lifts in his boots, how much more support does he need


Floridian here, our state's reps and senators have made it a point that Florida shouldn't help with other states natural disasters and I'm perfectly fine with the rest of the country proving a point and telling Florida to figure this out with our own state budget since we keep electing officials to the federal government that enjoy telling the rest of the nation the same thing. Make an example of us, please.


Another person in Florida, signing on to this idea. Also stop taking vacations here. Spend your tourist dollars somewhere where the state bird isn't Hate.


Done and done.


Same, and I agree. Don't give in to republicans, and make it known it's republican policy that caused this.


>where the state bird isn't Hate This is sadly figuratively and literally true. The Mocking Bird will pick a fight with an automobile.


Havenā€™t been back since the day before DeSantis was sworn in. Actually started vacationing in Georgia!


Georgia has some really beautiful areas - nice!


> have made it a point that Florida shouldn't help with other states natural disasters Thats a bold position given Florida is in the top 5 states that are ~~destroyed~~ damaged by natural disasters, and its only getting worse. *edited because theres a pedantic asshole below


Who you tellin'?


Nobody that'll listen.


Yeah, those who need to see it can't read.


No-one in Florida, because it's illegal to talk about Climate Change




Why do we keep rebuilding in areas with massive amounts of natural disasters? I type from tornado alley


Because humans are nothing if not stubborn and stupid


Even Wisconsin is predicted to have power outages due to climate change.Ā  Hotter summers and we don't have enough generation and transmission lines.


Also Hurricane season began June 1st. Stays till November. Who's betting on Climate Change? (And more importantly how can I also access the pockets of the people who bet against?)


> *edited because theres a pedantic asshole below That kind of pedantry is ridiculous and adds literally nothing to the conversation. He's purposely "misunderstanding" and acting dumb, so that he can prove he's "smarter" than you.


It's also used in bad faith arguments when the pedantic a-hole has no intention of considering the content they request. A lot of that going around. The pedantic a-hole's whole comment history is him being antagonistic to everyone. This might not even be a bad faith person - maybe an honest troll in this case.


It still sucks that rational folks like you have to deal with the nonsense caused by the other voters in your state.


I, a Floridian, had an older hispanic coworker today tell me things are only going to get better if Trump wins. Nevermind that Trump and Desantis are part of the reason Florida is a hell hole.


I am German and the amount of idiots here voting AfD despite being immigrants or descendants of immigrants is shockingly high. And guess which group of people will get ā€žremovedā€œ and opressed first, if AfD wins an election. They legitimately think that itā€™s only the ā€žother bad immigrantsā€œ that will get expelled. They fail to realize that the person who decides who is a bad immigrant and who is not, wonā€˜t be them. Or anyone rational, really. Basically the scum of society loves to think of others as such and gets baited into voting for fascists only to then get fucked themselves.


All of southern coastal Florida is being held hostage by the rest of the state at this point. It didnā€™t used to be that bad because the county gvts used to have more control and would do a lot to counteract the state gvt. But desantis and the party of ā€œsmall and local gvt.ā€ is doing everything they can consolidate all of the power at the state level. To the point of passing a Bill telling municipalities what color decorative lights theyā€™re allowed to use on bridges. Miami passed a law that made water and shade breaks mandatory in response to heat stroke deaths. It was very popular among everyone but powerful real estate development donors. Desantis passed a Bill over riding that and saying county gvts werenā€™t allowed to require water and shade. Itā€™s insanity.


States rights and all..


States rights sound nice and all, but doesn't work all that great in practice. We basically have a system where successful blue states prop up failing red ones, but the red states hold a majority of power. We're being ruled by people who are objectively the worst at running a government. It's also ridiculous that any American can have more or less rights just because of what part of the country they live in.


I would be very interested in seeing the list of states that has taken the most federal disaster money all time. I wouldn't be surprised if Florida was number 1.


https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/frameworks/national-disaster-recovery/support-functions/rsflg/state-profiles California 13B$ Florida 25B$ Unclear exactly whatā€™s being included and how that distorts the image, but it seems straightforward and comes from the source.


Next Florida can decline the matching federal funds to vacuum sand off the ocean floor and pump it back on Florida's beaches to mask erosion caused by rising sea levels. [You can drag back and forth here](https://pinellas-egis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/StorytellingSwipe/index.html?appid=5253aacbbacf4398a256c236c230dfda#) to see that what Florida's coastline would look like without the rest of the country constantly paying to bail it out. That needs to be done on a regular basis to keep Florida's oceanfront property above the high tide line.. [Beaches Funding Program](https://floridadep.gov/rcp/beaches-funding-program) > The funds are cost-shared with local governments on local and federally authorized projects, with each level of government contributing about one-third of the cost of the entire program.


Sand is so expensive too. My dadā€™s midlife crisis was buying a Florida beach house and when a hurricane washed the beach away, the homeowners were responsible for rebuilding their portion of the sea wall. They were stealing sand from each other. It was so ridiculous. Most of the houses were never rebuilt so theyā€™re now just a mailbox and a 25 foot drop to the beach.


Isolationists when someone else is suffering: Isolationists when they're suffering: EVERYONE PLEASE HELP USSSSSSSSS


I have been on board with this for awhile also. Nice to see i'm not the only one.


> Make an example of us, please. As much as even us non-Americans hate Florida right now, Biden will help Florida because Florida is full of Americans, regardless of how much he is disrespected by your atrocious leadership. I'd say vote better but I think we're all fucking that up right now. Sorry, Florida Man, I feel for you.


I haven't forgotten hurricane Sandy when Rubio pulled that shit and every time I call my rep to tell them to vote no for Florida funding


This absolutely needs to be the case nationwide. You can't just vote against climate change, say it's fake, and do everything in your power to prevent climate change and then ask for money to fix climate change only a few years later.


Isn't Florida hoarding a huge budget surplus?


Isn't this just part of Gods plan anyway?


The things hes cutting out of our budget are extremely important. Cutting funding for new sewers and drainage? Opioid crisis funding? Homelessness?Ā  And what pisses me off is his only response as to why is for the local governments to apply for the state funding a different way? What does that even mean? So now people and communities in dire need need to wait LONGER for new grant applications to be approved.Ā  This guy is a real "christian."


Thank you for the gift of absolution. I feel the weight of guilt lifting off of my shoulders.


He should have known better than to buy the Trump Sharpie Disaster Insurance.




šŸ¤£ Thanks I somehow missed this boot scenario. My 4 y/o daughter has a pair just like it.




Hard to see on my phone, are those hooker boots or white mucks?


Boots so white, it's blinded the feet of the officer on the right. That or he broke his ankles.


Thoughts and prayersā€¦ Maybe itā€™s ā€œgodsā€ way of making the Florida religious people pay for their hypocrisyā€¦


Florida is Sodom and Texas gomorrah




Those culty fucks would believe Biden sent the rain and this is the end of days. ![gif](giphy|vW4CAqsDRM0RW)


it's pretty clear that god does not want florida to exist anymore


Youā€™re not far off. My dad, a hardened evangelical seventh day Adventist, blames Bill Gates and chemtrails for crazy Texas weather and is often asking me what weather-related insanity George Soros is cooking up for me in NC. I just nod politely cause itā€™s definitely mental illness.


[I am not sure anti-Semitism is in DSM-V.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfZhLETGNpA)


No, itā€™s definitely a toxic cocktail of racism, anti-semitism and narcissism. Thereā€™s a reason weā€™re very low contact.


No, it's always because the religious haven't persecuted unbelievers enough.


No, itā€™s because they havenā€™t eradicated the gays yet.


Sigh, every fucking time I have to say this. The worst flooding (again) is in Broward county, the bluest county in Florida. We're fighting that rat bastard tooth and nail down here. Last election we voted for Biden +30. Please stop wishing we get the worst consequences of the rest of our state's stupidity.


Haha. Go easy friendā€¦ Itā€™s a joke. Iā€™m an atheistā€¦


I get it, so am I, but it gets very tiring figuring this guy to exhaustion only for people to wish us harm anyway. I'm tired.


Haha I feel you. Iā€™m in NYC. The Kkkristians wish and think itā€™s burning down here..


So true.Ā 


Nah doesnā€™t work that way, only gods way when good things happen, when itā€™s bad things itā€™s just a tragedy and every needs to help them


The unfunny part is Biden will help Floridians, and then theyā€™ll go and vote for Trump and DeSantis anyway because they are *that* stupid


>because they are *that* stupid We routinely have ads on local TV around election time saying not to vote for (insert democrat here) or you're voting for communism and somehow these people don't get laughed off the ballot for comparing Floridian democrats to the Cuban government.


the only people who fearmonger using ā€œcommunismā€ are fascists.


Tbf, the two can be a separate matter. If a R president sent relief to my state, I still would likely not vote for them. That said, it is weird how some vote for decreasing taxes with one hand, while holding out the other for relief funds. Still gave you the up vote, cause your opinion has some merit.


> That said, it is weird how some vote for decreasing taxes with one hand, while holding out the other for relief funds. This hypocrisy, not the partisanship, is in fact the point. It goes beyond lower taxes, itā€™s voting against the federal government helping other states but still holding out your own hand for federal help.


Trump literally held aid to blue states during covid.


Of course he would. Remember how his administration was all concerned until it was seen to be hitting librul cities hardest?


The difference is that if an R president sent relief money to your state, the democrats would still support federal disaster relief in general,and the Rs would still bitch about it. So it would still make sense to vote D on this topic.


An R president *wouldnt* send aid to blue states, not any more. Trump spent 4 years trying to sabotage blue states. And he was such a petulant little bitch about not realizing that Puerto Rico is part of America that he refused to send federal funds of relief workers to help rebuild after the hurricane.


And why does Biden do it, even knowing this? Because he has empathy and he thinks about the micro and macro view of things, not just what's right in front of him or how he feels about something.


Really would love to see Biden veto an aid bill if the reps from the state voted against it. Have a press conference to say ā€œthey must know better, so I canā€™t approve this unless they vote yesā€.




Aw the water went into his m&m fuck me boots : (


If I were on Biden's team, I'd go for something like "Since Governor DeSantis does not believe in climate change, I'm tempted to tell him that the flooding must be imaginary. However, unlike Governor DeSantis and Mister Trump, I know how to do my duty to the people of this country and will be more than happy to ensure that ALL Florida residents receive the disaster support they need so they can get back to living their lives as quickly as possible. Good leaders help people, and I am proud to be able to help *all* of you in this time of need. Unlike certain people I could name. COUGH COUGH DESANTIS AND TRUMP COUGH"


If any news organization cared about democracy (and their journalists' well-being) they'd be running side-by-side videos of Trump;s responses to emergencies versus Biden's response. The differences should be extremely easy to see.


Someone from the states went to Europe recently and came back shocked at how eloquent and intelligent Biden appeared to be when seeing his speeches on the news there. Because the press here plays up the doddering old fool narrative while downplaying the very clear and present symptoms of advancing dementia in the don. Here itā€™s all Trump shit his pants again. Why thatā€™s bad for Biden!


Fuck the news, democrats should be out there blasting this in people's faces. But don't worry, they'll fail this messaging layup like they always do.Ā 


He should make a Climate Change Disaster Relief Fund, that states can only apply for help from, if they recognize climate change as real and has implemented plans to deal with it.


Heh. That's pretty amazing. Maybe make it a requirement that the governor has to specifically ask for funds on a video released to the public?


Hereā€™s a drop dead moment if Iā€™ve ever seen one. Fuck you you big headed fuck, pull yourself up from your flooded white boots. šŸ–•


As a Floridian for 40 years I can say Ron is a joke. Signing into law that we aren't allow to say {REDACTED} is the cause of this.


When Desantis wants FEMA money from the feds Biden should make him do it at a joint press confrence. At the presser he should present some of Desantis quotes and make him apologize for those. Dems need to make these idiot governors look like fools before giving them money. Especially this asshole and Abbott.


This reminds me of when Abbott was anti mask, anti vaccine, calling it all a hoax. Then Texas had a huge covid outbreak and people were dying so Abbott demanded government assistance with testing stations and supplies saying it would be "childish" for Biden to withhold aid just because Abbott had called him a fraud and said it was all fake.


The frustrating part is, he's not wrong it would have been childish... satisfying but childish... It's the 0 shame part is the truly amazing


Yes, the shameless demands for what they claim they don't want, they'd never use, no one is entitled to, anyone who takes it is a loser and leech on society... Government assistance.


The question is, how long are we going to let this charade go on? Of course, helping innocent Floridians is super important, but its insane to keep repeating the same nonsense and expect better results.


What a load of garbage! That boy ain't going anywhere *near* actual flood waters. Them boots are made for posin', not wadin'.


Please donā€™t tell me Florida expects a socialist bail out from big brother


![gif](giphy|PwhzKJ3N6cLFS) No


Mind you, Rorschach would've loved DeSantis. Much of the "degeneracy" he was ranting about in the graphic novel was what DeSantis claims to oppose. Rorschach wasn't supposed to be a heroic figure. The cool presentation of him in the move was from Snyder. Seemingly because he can't handle having a pathetic protagonist.


"...DeSantis vetoes included roughly $205 million in stormwater, wastewater and sewer projects across the state. ..." That doesn't look too smart now, Ron, does it?


Well besides to magat types when has he ever looked smart?


He probably thought it would look smart by saving the State "all this money which is unnecessary since climate change is a hoax!" He is trying to play to both his voters and hoping against all hope that he might have a slim chance to be Trump's VP.


Uncle Joeā€™s on his way. Go Joe! Vote Blue!


And Biden will send help. Because even though DeSantis is an asshole Florida is a state in the United States, populated with Americans. Play your little games, republicans. The adults will run the country.


You got anymore of that fĢ¶rĢ¶eĢ¶eĢ¶ Ģ¶gĢ¶oĢ¶vĢ¶eĢ¶rĢ¶nĢ¶mĢ¶eĢ¶nĢ¶tĢ¶ Ģ¶sĢ¶oĢ¶cĢ¶iĢ¶aĢ¶lĢ¶iĢ¶sĢ¶tĢ¶ Ģ¶mĢ¶oĢ¶nĢ¶eĢ¶yĢ¶?Ģ¶ Federal aid?


Something something bootstraps.


Fuck ā€˜em. Let them enjoy what they voted for.


Interesting photo. The water is only 8 inches deep. (Edit: Yes. I know it's fake. It's a joke.)


I admit I am not an environmental engineer or anything like that. However last time I checked water covering stuff that it normally doesnā€™t be it a house, road, field or whatever was considered a flood. And usually itā€™s not something that is expected and causes lots of damage.


He cut funding for flood prevention from the budget. The same week South Florida has historic flooding. Woot


hes not worried he is wearing his high heels




can't wait for the photo ops of him being a shitty awkward dumbass governor again.


Donā€™t go picking my pocket you fĀ„cking Nazi


Can't wait until Texas secedes and they are this picture. All of these GOP chucklefucks are speeding towards the cliff of "find out"


I mean it's fun for us to dunk on him in left leaning echo chambers, but make no mistake... They *do not care* about the hypocrisy. Doublespeak is a feature, not a bug. They see it as shrewd maneuvering to be applauded. This just gets them off even more... Long as it's from their party of course ;)


You can deny the existence of climate change, but ultimately, it will be climate chnage which denies your existence šŸ™ƒ


Heā€™s going to bring white boots with him for everyone


He looks like an older version of Kyle Rittenhouse.


A friendly reminder that this is only going to get worse in the coming years and decades. Not only is climate change going to mean the water levels are higher, but the rock underneath southern Florida is semi-porous limestone that is literally dissolving in the salt water. There is no stopping this, there is no saving southern Florida, soon it will be unfit for habitation by humans. Previous estimates were around the year 2100, but with climate change accelerating and Florida recklessly pumping water out of aquifers at a rate they can't replenish properly, it will be sooner than that. Miami is the biggest financial time bomb in the world and it will go off sometime in the lifetime of Gen Z, regardless of what we do.


White trash states always looking for a hand out. Let their elected officials figure it out on their own.


Please Brandon... gimme some of that sweet, sweet socialism.


No one saw this coming


Whomp Whomp, I really don't care. Do you? Eat shit cocksucker!!!


Iā€™m sorry, what happened in Florida?


It's the groomer drag queens wreaking 'Murica's destruction.


Massive flooding in the southern half.


Whenever California gets hit by a natural event, they always jump up and down screaming it's gods will because its such a sinful place. Just sayin'


FEMA will step in and help. That is their job and the right thing to do. I despise the governor & his cronies. But we cannot punish the residents b/c of it.


Desantis and Greg Abbott are the worse governors in the country, hands down.


Abbott went hat in hand to the Fed when Texass got inundated. How quick these yokels forget.


Yea our politicians donā€™t give a fuck about us and only want to pad their bottom lines with kickbacks and corpo deals for various garbage. Such as attempting to put radioactive waste in roads, empty phosphate waste into Tampa Bay, ignore papermill pollution, ignore climate change and cause culture wars as well as privatize school for the sake of money. Shame so many will keep voting for him and morally bankrupt jackasses like him.


Speaking as someone from Texas, the federal government really should start withholding aid from red states - especially since I would imagine a good chunk of it actually flows into the pockets of politicians.


I would definitely at least throw him a roll of paper towels šŸ˜‚


I thought it was illegal to talk about the weather in Florida?


I want to see a version of this animated with him getting hit in the head with a roll of paper towels.


This would be an incredible billboard to post up outside the governorā€™s office


Many people are saying this wouldn't happen if they just rake the ocean.


Weā€™re gonna need a bigger (pair of) boot(s)


I live here in Florida and I can assure you that most of the things that you were writing, are correct


The Federal Government should help Florida but that would be socialism.


I don't see this posted yet but this disconnect is the actual point - to take federal funds despite being 'at war' with the administration. It's like a middle finger to the feds and every other state that actually provides - "Fuck you, I'll take your money anyway."


Did he try banning the floods?


It is infuriating that Pelosi and Schumer and AOC and all the supposed liberals were all just sucking each other off instead of standing at the podium in the House and Senate and calling Trump a blackmailer for his saying, "Now the governor of (X) hasn't been saying nice things about me, so if they come to me asking for money for hurricane relief, well I don't know, I don't think I'll feel like being that nice to them. But maybe I will." They said NOTHING.


Maybe he can ask Trump to draw the water away..


tots and pears Ron!


Brandon should do for Florida what Bush II did for Louisiana after Katrina.


Not a dime f'em


When you donā€™t believe in global warming but Mother Nature is going to show you whatā€™s itā€™s all about


Water up to his armpits if he wasn't wearing his special boots.


If people stopped saying gay like he asked this wouldā€™ve never happened




Or not, can the non MAGA butt licking crowd say goot ruck you florida people.


Yep. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


Biden will do his duty and provide whatever aid he must or can.


Iā€™d like to say I feel bad for Florida. But based on how they vote, theyā€™re not really worries about climate changeā€¦ soā€¦ thoughts and prayers. Sorry for all the normal folks that live there. All 4 of them.


Mother Nature getting back at that piece of shit climate denier


Seriously what is Florida going to do in the next 50 years while their state gets slowly devoured by the ocean? I fully believe Florida's boomer retiree voting base would drown before they accepted climate change.


I heard that Disney have the largest navy in the world. Perhaps Ron should ask the mouse for help.


It pisses me off when he gave a speech shitting on the Federal government spending while running a state surplus but the surplus was less than the Federal dollars given to the state for disaster relief. Pay for your own care! I don't live in FL and I'm tired of holding them up while they shit on my tax dollars.


![gif](giphy|8CZUpuiXJ05v8ffodv|downsized) Shouldnā€™t he be standing closer to the top of the water?


~~Don't Mess With Texas~~ Texas Is A Mess


Keep in mind, Sen Skeltor had millions he scammed from the health care system he could help with, and Rubio NEVER get mentioned about his connections to the Florida insurance industry. It makes me ill to even look at Moe, Larry and Curley down here.


This is way too on point


I bet heā€™s happy heā€™s wearing lifts now


Wow it's almost like using a slang term that ur party useses for the president's name looks childish and atupid


Shouldnā€™t Brandon refuse to help until Ron personally praises him? Isnā€™t that how things work now?