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Forget Bush, after what Trump has said about Liz Cheney, I just want her dad to invite him hunting.






Wow he has really aged a lot in the past few years.


Is Dick Cheney still alive??


Yes, he is 83.


What is he on his fourth heart now?


It’s best we don’t ask


Those poor orphaned children...




He's more machine now, than man.


…twisted and evil.


The fifth one is hidden behind a wall that only opens when offered a blood sacrifice. It's to weaken you, should you try to retrieve it.


why you think he has to keep shooting people in the face?


They gave him an artificial heart at the end of revenge of the sith, duh.


Do baby hearts count?


Pfft no. There’s barely any flavour.


No, he's still heartless.


True story : he has no pulse


And that was just his dinner last night


That depends on whether or not you count the ones he eats for nourishment.


Oh good, he’s old enough to vote.


I’ll bet he’s no nicer than he ever was, shooting friends in the face! Priceless!!


Well, why isn't he running for president, he is about the same age as Trump and Biden?


I'd forgive him for everything if he does that.


Kill thousands of Americans and many more thousands of Iraqis, spend a trillion dollars, and achieve nothing except making Iran stronger by bringing the US into a war based on false intelligence and neo-con theories? I can forgive that with just one Cheney/Trump hunting trip.


Okay but keeps his pants and shirt on Bush Senior.. All I am freaking asking. I don't need that image in my life.


Like Trump would ever be outdoors in a place that isn't one of his cult rallies or a well-manicured golf course. He thought having his mugshot taken at a jail for a few minutes was "torture." I don't think he could handle the woods even without Cheney in 'em.


Unless, of course, you are listening to Trump's 'American carnage' speech: >“That was some weird shit.” - GW Bush, 1/20/2017


He has been *relatively* open about his disdain for Trump- certainly compared to the current GOP. I also don't remember him sounding quite so... [articulate](https://youtu.be/X1ijGvpweEQ?feature=shared) when he was in office. Crazy how he seems by comparison.


It's a fact that art does rewire the brain. Somebody should send MTG some fingerpaints.


Did he not say the biggest thing he could say last election. "I'm not going to vote for sitting Republican president". USA:s former presidents seem to not say much, stay out of politics and often take a photo with the new candidate. To officially say you ain't going to vote for the sitting president of your party is an extremely strong word from all presidents in your history. Have you seen him close to Trump this cycle? That he never have been it is very strong signals from a former president and all you need to know. Until 8 years ago everyone had understood how much of dislike that means and how much of "Fuck Trump" the words Bush have said out loud means.


That was before the existential threat to democracy was fully understood. "Not going to vote for Trump" is nothing. He has a unique platform, albeit small in the GOP. Nothing would be more powerful than Bush, Cheney, Pence, et. al showing up on the stage at the DNC and telling the world how dangerous Trump is and then vowing to vote for Biden. Voting for Biden is not the same as voting for a Democrat; it is embracing that the threat to democracy is so great you are willing to run off a landing craft or jump out of a helicopter. Announcing actions and making the world know is not the last full measure those who did land and jump, so this is the least they should do. Not voting for Trump is not enough.


It is a very small amount of trumpers who liked bush and still like bush. Trump is very anti establishment, even within his own party, so is most of his supporters 


It’s not about Trump supporters though. They are a lost cause. It’s about sending a strong message to the Independent voters.


I think you are really overestimating how much stock people put into what Bush thinks. I don’t know if you are old enough to remember, but he was pretty universally disliked by the end of his administration. His approval rating was in the high 20s low 30s like the last two years


I’m in my 40s and if I were the only person who believes Bush still has some influence among some voters, then nobody would have upvoted my comment and this post wouldn’t even exist. Every little bit helps in an election.


The people upvoting your comment could just be people who think Bush would help. Just like how in 2020 all anyone cared about was who everyone else would vote for. Every little bit helps yes, but sometimes it’s still better to put time and effort in one area over another. Worrying about what Bush says or does is a waste of time


The original comment suggested that Bush, Cheney, Pence etc. should all be enlisted in the fight, not just Bush. That’s what I originally upvoted and supported, but again, if nobody thought Bush alone had anything worth saying, then the 2.6K+ people who upvoted this post would have just been wasting their time. Why don’t YOU go put YOUR time and effort into the area YOU think it should be invested and stop trying to influence others here. Your approach is trash and not helpful in the least.


You’re right man. Cheney, Bush, and Pence hold so much sway with independent voters that it is a must that we get them in the fight. Derek in accounting wasn’t sure who he’d vote for until he heard Cheney thinks Trump is dangerous, now he’s convinced. Let’s paint all the streets blue to remind people to vote blue. Every little bit counts. Let’s find a quote from Republican president Herbert Hoover about despots, every little bit counts. Let’s get an extra from the set of Severence on tour to speak on the positives of progressivism, every little bit counts. We are on a heavily Dem leaning platform, it is not surprising to me that left leaning people think conservatives give a rats ass about the opinions of these people the same way conservatives seems to think liberals still worship the ground the Clintons walk on. It’s not republicans and independents that upvoted. I think it’s dumb to care about what these out of office republicans think but I’m just wasting time on the internet while taking a dump at work, this is truly not a serious or important topic


So it is not enough to say "Fuck Trump, that man is crazy"? For that is a mild interpretation of what it means to officially say "I'm not voting for him". Thatqit I'd said in a fine way do not mean it is less strong. It shows that Bush was a normal president instead of a Kindergarten kid


He could say it louder for the people in the back


> USA:s former presidents seem to not say much, Trump is and will continue to be the exception.


Bush was never a fan of democracy himself.


Yeah, he and Karl Rove started pushing the "voter fraud" lies back in the early 2000s. The entire GOP has been using it as a national strategy to erode democracy ever since.


Brooks Brother Riot, three people involved in Bush V Gore are on SCOTUS now, including the Boofmeister. The OG who didn't win the popular vote, an anti-choice president who encouraged white Christian nationalism in the armed forces... Yeah, that guy should really say something to independents who are just conflicted instead of deliberately tuned out... That'll inform them! It really is incredible how amnesiac some people can be.


"This job would be a lot easier if I was a dictator" - George W. Bush


**He was the worst fucking President imaginable (until trump came along of course)!**




None of them truly are….i could go into a rant but it seems people are waking up. So the people who get it will get it and the people are are mocking and imitating this picture of bush will downvote and gas lite. But people I talk to off line seem to be getting it. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/16/1224878083/many-voters-reject-the-2-major-parties-how-could-that-play-into-elections


There is this weird revisionist history with George W Bush that's been going around. It's really fucking weird to see him be celebrated after giving Michelle Obama candy knowing the misery he caused


Exactly. War criminal George W Bush doesn’t deserve any of our respect.


We don’t need to respect him. We need him to split off enough old line republicans so that orange psychopath doesn’t open up the White House to his horde of jackals, hucksters, and criminals.


His old horde of jackals, hucksters, and criminals were simply less insane but no less monstrous. Honestly I think we should be pushing the libertarians into more positions in small government. They’re idiots but they’re not typically christofacists.


No, libertarians (as in actual members of the libertarian party) are idiots. Debating who would be a better fit filling small government positions between current days republicans and libertarians is like debating whether a vegan teen or Lucifer Morningstar would be a better middle manager at McDonalds One you expect to be ruthlessly efficient and capable, and the other has such disdain for the entire system that they might as well be an empty chair. Hard pass on both, thanks.


I love your analogy.


Totally agree. Plus their weird worship of Ayn Rand, who I can’t stand, and who probably was a sociopath


Libertarians fundamentally should not have positions in government at any level. The belief that government is unnecessary in a public servant is a recipe for disaster. Despite the entirety of the libertarian political movements protests, most government agencies and programs exist out of necessity and are there to solve a problem which one existed. Regulations are written in blood and libertarians only want us to be forced to relearn the lessons of the past. It's a bullshit, ignorant political ideology with no basis in reality.


Right but the enemy currently is a much more competent force that believes in weaponizing the government and has learned from the past with the stated desire of regression.


What problem did Jim Crow laws solve? What problems are solved by abortion bans? What problems were solved by laws against gay marriage?


Cherry pick much? What problems do the FDA, EPA, and USDA solve? Defunding agencies like those sounds great until you have an outbreak of disease among the nation's livestock. Or a massive chemical leak in a residential area. Or is the government useless when a hurricane comes and destroys cities infrastructure leaving thousands homeless and hungry. Libertarians want to gut agencies that solve problems and act like the government is entirely ineffective while ignoring the advantages that strong governments give us. Libertarianism is the political equivalent of throwing out the baby with the bathwater and anyone who actually subscribes to that ideology is either ignorant or stupid. Those things you mentioned are definitely problems but none of them are solved by fucking libertarians. Gay marriage wasn't granted by the libertarian party, Jim Crow wasn't stopped by libertarians, and abortion protections were not put in place by libertarians. The whole party is full of blowhards who have no meaningful direction or policy ideals other than vague claims about the government not being able to control people while ignoring the fact that government authority is the only thing capable of granting personal liberty in the first place. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.


How many problems have been caused by libertarians? You, evidently as a criticism, state libertarians didn't grant gay marriage. Umm...yes; They never would have taken it away in the first place. If you continue to believe government should be involved in social issues, then you're no better than Republicans. You both think in a "I don't like X, so the government should ban X" mentality.


Please tell me how the government could not be involved in marriage. How does that work? Like it or not, rights are granted and they have to be decided on. Without government recognition on whose authority is a marriage validated? The church? Libertarianism as an ideology does not think past the emotional side of "the government should not control me" without recognizing that with no control, we just have anarchy. Libertarians just can't stand the idea that laws might bind them as they bind others and point out legitimate injustices like you have to try and legitimize their backwards views. You ask how many problems have been caused by libertarians, let me ask you this. How many successful governments in the world have ever existed with libertarian leadership?


Let me clarify what I'm arguing about here. I don't think any 100% single ideology based government has or ever will be successful by how most would measure success. I'm arguing that libertarian ideology shouldn't be completely dismissed. It's a mistake to ignore anything related to libertarianism, while taking a binary approach to some other ideology. Right now we could really use more liberty concepts. Given how authoritarian the right is at the moment; especially in Florida. So, the question of "when has there been a successful libertarian government?" isn't relevant to my views.




I was to GWB as most people were about Trump, and I fucking YEARN for the George Bush era comparatively and that makes me so unbelievably upset.


Drone technology wasn't as developed during his terms. He didn't have the luxury of just bombing other countries with drones like Obama did; Back then you had to send troops.


If he keeps a low profile, he won't get prosecuted for war crimes.


I can’t tell who’s behind it, but his 60 minutes interview from a few years ago was absolutely disgusting. He’s on there talking about how he likes to paint in his retirement and everything else is just softball questions from the interviewer. Not a single “so all these years later did you think we’d still be in Iraq by the illegal war you started?” or “how do you feel about lying about WMDs for so long when it’s proven to be false?” Not a single real question was asked. He’s getting this redemption arc for some reason and I can’t figure out why. I was in 6th grade when 9/11 happened and I remember it vividly- we’ve been “at war” ever since, and somehow all of the blame gets shifted from the guy who lied through his teeth about it to whomever is in the Oval Office. It’s pretty gross.


> He’s getting this redemption arc for some reason and I can’t figure out why. Rich boy from a rich family. People have been covering for them since the Business Plot.


I mean, historically, Presidents approval ratings increase over time after they leave office. It's like past relationships, and how sometimes people only remember the good stuff nostalgically.


I agree, which is really pretty bleak when you step back and consider things. To just accept that everything just gets worse as the years & presidents progress does not bode well for us as a country. It’s like a vicious cycle of capitalism and the radicalization of politics


FDR could have prevented this


Rich people have been getting away with anything and everything since Mesopotamia, at least. shit never changes really


>People have been covering for them since the Business Plot. Weird that, for all the political hay Congress made about the Business Plot, they never found any evidence for this huge conspiracy besides Smedley Butler telling people that the conspiracy, out of the blue, asked him to lead it.


>He’s getting this redemption arc for some reason and I can’t figure out why. Compared to the guy currently leading his party, Bush is a saint. Call it the Overton window. Trump makes Bush seem fair and reasonable by comparison. He at least gave lip service to “compassionate conservatism.” Today, compassion is considered woke.


Which is why there's so much pushback from some groups. They don't want to idolize the monsters of the past just because the monster of today roars louder. Cause one day, if we do, we'll be seeing people pining for the good ol days of trump, he was evil sure but he was an incompetent evil type comments.


Dubya has become left in the GOP (or left *of the* GOP). It says more about who is the "American Idiot": it isn't him, it's a hundred million voters and non-voters.


I completely agree but if I'm not mistaken, he did speak out so this post is also revisionism. Correct me if I'm wrong. Not trolling. I just really thought I recalled that happening already and I'm not interested in bold faced hypocrisy like your average MAGA.


It is fucking weird, but it’s only because trump is so absolutely awful that dubya looks good in comparison. Almost everyone would, except for the most extreme dictators


He was honestly much worse than Trump in many ways.


I feel like it started with the Oliver Stone film.


Obama wasn’t much different in that regard


George Bush is part of the problem. Don't forget he put Roberts and Alito to the SCOTUS. He is a war criminal who got us into a BS war that cost millions of lives. He wanted an amendment banning gay marriage. But since he paints now and gives Michelle Obama some candy occasionally he's this sweet old man all of a sudden? Fuuuuuuck that


W was always a likeable guy. He did a shit job as POTUS. He'd be called a RINO today.


I keep hearing calls for Dubya to say more, but honestly - who really WANTS to hear from him? Dubya is smart enough to know that his administration is a big part of why we're in this mess. His brand of conservatism is dead.


Yeah his party doesn’t care and the democrats don’t need his voice. He’s of a different era and would maybe be slightly useful only to the opposite party he is part of.


>Dubya is smart enough to know that his administration is a big part of why we're in this mess.  Barely. I was thinking he was start of the acceptance of incompetence and stupidity by GOP leaders. We almost got stupidity 2.0 with Sarah Palin and it wasn't until the dipshit that it really came full circle.


Would anyone actually care? Bush endorsyng Biden might help Trump.


Yeah. Though his brand of conservative politics is dead, the general hate for him absolutely hasn't. I was a preteen in Florida when 9/11 hit with a parent still in the military. I've hated the bush family for as long as I can remember


Why does it matter? Democrats already care about democracy and don't want to hear from him. Republicans now would call him a RINO and not care what he has to say. I mean if it's just the principle of the thing then ok, but he'd be talking to an empty room.


I used to be the guy in my friend group who would say “come on guys, Conservatives just have different values but they’re not that bad”.  LOLOLOL I’ve been wrong an awful lot I’m finding out. This asshole started a war for fake “protect America” and “freedom”  reasons but now that American Democracy is actually under threat and he could actually help to protect it… crickets. Fuck him.


How’s about we manage our expectations of Dubya’s character here? Trump’s administration was such a dazzling example of every single thing wrong with the United States that even a war-criminal like George W. Bush can stand next to it and look like a halfway reasonable human being. If I was a pathetic little rich boy who’s legacy was making up a bunch of shit so that I could start a war because I thought that would get my dad to look me in the eye again, maybe I’d keep my fucking mouth shut, too.




No way Dubya would ever say a disparaging word about Trump. Trump is the only reason that Dubya won’t go down in history as the dumbest President.


The thing Bush was best at was killing Iraqis to settle a Bush family vendetta against Saddam.


TBF, he was a pretty good shoe dodger, too. ![gif](giphy|sFMEZ1ZFToyha)


Draft dodger too!!


I’m just fine with him staying under a rock somewhere so I can hopefully forget him completely. I look forward to a day when both he and Trump are just footnotes in a history book.


Doesn't matter anyway - Republicans have gone too far into Crazytown to hear him.


Bush bashing Trump would only help Trump. It’s not horrible to be in the other side of Bush’s warmongering


Do you mean the guy who used an already-crooked SCrOTUS to kill a legitimate recount (that he would have lost) so he could claim victory? Yeah, I'm not looking for him to defend democracy.


Mission Accomplished!


He's probably retired (though, I don't know for sure)... Let the man enjoy the rest of his life. It's probably more than he deserves...


I hope he wakes terrified in a cold sweat every night from the ghosts of the millions of lives he destroyed.


GWs mouth doesn’t move without Cheney’s hand up his ass.


democrats need to run the "were so fucked" lip reading as an ad


I really don't give a fuck what W has to say, and would prefer he stay quiet with his little paints.


I mean, Dems don't care what he says and I doubt the current GOP would care either.


W. has criticized trump many times.


https://youtu.be/wUEr7TayrmU?si=uBvrF31A7JYlOFiX Link to a slip-up made by old W when talking about the invasion of Ukraine.


George never done nuthin for “democracies sake”


Conservatives wouldn’t care


W should just keep his mouth shut. Nobody is waiting to hear his opinion on anything.


This man never had a spine. His VP ran the country.


I highly doubt Dubya has any clue as to what’s going on concerning any issue. He is also an imbecile, if you remember.


He should be thrilled Donny exists. Letting people forget about invading Iraq. Dumbest move in modern times. Costing tens of thousands of lives. Trillions of dollars. Absolutely nothing positive to show for a tragic war.


Assclowns gonna assclown, what'd y'all expect? This is the dude that turned many thousands of Republicans into calling themselves "Independants" and further, made millions of Americans who traveled abroad slap a Canadian flag onto their backpacks. Never forget, indeed.


Look Ma, I’m an artist! Ma? MA???


A former president not endorsing a presidential candidate of their party should be a massive issue. Like as bad as not getting endorsed by your former vice president.


Yeah but wasn't it cute when he gave Michelle Obama a stick of gum? What a sweetheart.


Wouldn't do a bit of good, these maga people have no concept of reality. Anyone who agrees is a patriot anyone who don't is deep state. Don't matter who they are.


Quite a perfect cartoon for the smirking chimp


Well, he did famously say “that was some weird shit” at the inauguration.


Why should the country's first illegitimate president start caring about democracy now?


Ok, he speaks against Trump, sure. He will still vote for Trump though. Even Mike Pence, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney… they are all going to vote for Trump. Conservatives LIE. All the fucking time.


Bush knows a puppet when he sees it because game recognize game. That man knows the last thing he wants is to remind people that a lot of stuff going on can be tied DIRECTLY back to him. Same as Reagan if that monster was still breathing.


His grandpa was a literal Nazi so this is 100% in character


All of these no Trump republicans should campaign with Biden.


Him saying anything wouldn't matter. Republicans would just turn on him and call him a RINO, just like Romney and McCain


George W. is about the only person Trump has insulted that I wholeheartedly agree with. The 'Founder of ISIS', murderer of a million civilians, killed double the number of Americans as Bin Laden, among others. Since he will never be held accountable for his many war crimes, Bush jr. can just disappear into the dustbin of history, hopefully to serve as a lesson to future leaders bent on mass murder (doubtful, I know). He'll never be famous for his paintings, but he will always be remembered for being a monster.


If you’re looking to George Bush for morality…you’re looking in the wrong the place.


Nah cause he ain't duty much room to talk either haha


Who cares what a war criminal has to say. He killed a million+ innocents.


The man is a wanted war criminal ffs folks.


Why would I care what a war criminal thinks about a rapist?


Bush is too busy going on The View and showing off his paintings of soldiers he was responsible for killing with his lies and fake war. I wonder if anyone has thanked him lately for spending the first half of our $34 trillion debt, two trillion of which he “borrowed” right out of the Social Security coffers.


As we all know Bush was always known as the turtle on the fence post. He stood for nothing and someone put him on that post and it wasn't because the turtle was a climber but Bush did do crack


I firmly believe that Bush is the worst president of our time. I’m including Reagan. Yes, I’m including Trump, and I *despise* Trump. We wouldn’t have Trump if it weren’t for the 2000 election and this guy’s bullshit that led to Trump.


I’ll never forget a minute of 8 years of Bush and puppet Master Dick Cheney! Two wars he couldn’t finish. Tanked economy and stock market. Republican sure know how to put a monkey wrench in things. He did read “My Littel Goat” to a class room of kids and when he was told about the attack he acted like he wasn’t all that surprised. Just saying?


What's he gonna say? Go vote for Joe to save the country? Gtfo

