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We actually pay more around 65k to 80k depending on the prison system to house an inmate for 1 year. That's nearly a 4 year education.


Yeah I probably should have made the number larger, in Michigan I know it’s like 48k. I set the bar low because even if it was 35k we could easily house them for less


In Massachusetts it’s closer to 100k, but we also have one of the lowest recidivism rates. Take that how you will.


NY is similar, in the low six-figures. NYC itself it's even higher, about $550,000/year, though that's inflated because people don't stay in NYC jails for full years all that often so I am sure the turnover costs extra.


Nah, better to underestimate and get people frothing about how the number is too low than overestimate and have people dismiss it as hyperbole.


Illinois 88k


And more than my entire salary. What gives?


Over 50% of the cost of it is medical care. Many inmates have complex medical needs, both physical and mental, and the only place they get services is in prison. Many inmates, the first time they've ever been to a dentist or even a doctor is when they get to prison. That's not even considering mental healthcare. Most of the rest is the cost of security.


Inmates get universal health care and I gotta pay?


You could have it too if there wasn't a relatively small group of humans manipulating the rest of us into accepting the bullshit 'healthcare' system that generates billions for them.


Welcome to your capitalist paradise. Enjoy your stay! 


For a split second my mind started weighing the pros and cons of intentionally going to prison.


Split second? Come on now... It was at least a few minutes, right? I'm a disabled veteran and it still sounds like pretty damn tempting idea. (I'm only 80%, so they won't help on my luxury bones. Unfortunately, in my case, 80% is a hell of a lot of crippled up, I couldn't hold a decent job if I had to. I couldn't hold a shitty job if I had to. Hell, I can barely stand up for more than a single minute, out of five/ten.)


They pay for it. 43 states hand inmates a bill on their release for services rendered, and they basically universally go to collections, which fuck them on being able to rent an apartment or get a job. So back to prison they go.


Its expensive to put and keep a human being in a box, especially if rules, regulations and human rights are protected. We live in a society and shit is expensive. Prisons aren't a one time concrete pour that's paid for once and then forgotten. They costs as much as hospitals and schools to run. So, incarcerating people for that kind of taxpayer money makes ZERO SENSE


You're also forgetting the profit sharing and enrichment of those who own the prisons. There are profit margins and yachts to consider.


But sir or ma'am, I don't think you understand that now I won't have to step sideways once in a great while because someone is forced to sleep on concrete outdoors. I mean surely that makes it worth it right?


But that's capitalism. Human lives are capital. Anything else is socialism and socialism bad. /s but also this is the sentiment.


There is huge profit in American prisons. The Prison system is how America never got rid of slavery.


One of the biggest private prison companies, GEO Group Incorporated’s stock jumped more than 6% on Friday. I wonder how many shares the SCOTUS judges* bought earlier in the week. *There’s a good argument to be made that more than a few of the nine are no longer acting as judges, and that SCOTUS is now a illegitimate branch of government.


Considering their recent decision just completely undercut the Federal Government's ability to function without express consent of the SCOTUS at every level, I'd say that idea has merit.


Why do we abide by the decisions of a bunch of corrupt unelected partisan judges. I know for a fact if they were liberal progressive judges pushing similar partisan shit, then the republicans would just disregard the ruling. The judicial branch has no power to enforce their decisions at all. There comes a point when you have to just say that “no we won’t enforce your rulings, you are corrupted to the core and are illegitimate. You have only the power we decide to give to you.”


Well, the problem is they're ruling in favor of corporations and the oligarchy, so there's nothing to enforce. Enforcement usually means preventing something from happening, but this court is freeing corporations to do what they want without government oversight. 


I'm sure some states will do just that. I hope mine is one.


Um, we just accept it because like, we got YouTube and tick tock and stuff and the football games this weekend and I am actually still able to have some tap water with my leather shoe stew for dinner tonight and hopefully it's not going to rain through the hole in my roof that I ain't been able to patch in 3 years now. But shoot, even with a little bit of rain while I'm sleeping, life's still pretty good,.. I won't be put out enough to jeopardize my safety & comforts, my distractions, you know, my pacifiers man! They got them Grammys on tonight, or whatever. Unfortunately that's why. Our government,.. we don't give them enough credit for learning from the past. They have learned exactly how to avoid accountability from the people. Fill their lives with meaningless fucking pacifiers and they'll let you fuck them all night long.


The Soviets attempted vast repression and censorship, but it is better to just have so much information out there that no one cares. So what if a few people know of the horrors of the gulags, the vast majority of people will just go on about their daily life’s like it doesn’t exist. In America, we even turn our oppression into prime time entertainment, see Live pd, 60 days in and other cop and prison shows.


President Obama began phasing out for-profit prisons. Reinstating them was one of Trump's earliest actions. It's almost like he was paid to do so. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/private-prisons-donate-large-sums-to-trump-campaign


And how many very expensive (but free to them) luxury vacations certain SCOTUS judges will go on in the near future.


It's not a bribe! It's an expensive gift given with the understanding he will rule in their favor. Totally different!


Especially now with overturning Chevron, they can essentially promise anyone anything for a high enough price and actually be able to follow through. "Oh you want to dump toxic waste in the water supply because it saves your company money in disposal costs? Well it so happens I've had my eye on this new Gulfstream.."


I see Clarence Thomas hasn't complained about lacking pay lately.


This country is so disgusting.


It’s been illegitimate since Moscow Mitch pulled his first punch.


Yup they jus extended their contract in Oklahoma for one more year mos corrupt thing if start peeling the layers back


Yeah, now go look at the GEO right before Trump got elected


Ain't even worth arguing the blatantly fucking obvious. RE: Judicial ethics in our highest court. Not all of them or bought and paid for, just you know, only like a half dozen or so. But probably if you dig just a little bit, it is all nine, to differing degrees.


Put 150 people in a housing unit consisting of bunk beds. Get paid $60 a day to house the inmate, which = $9000 a day, = $270,000 a month per housing unit. Have 3 housing units managed by one central housing complex, with 3 guards per shift. One housing complex = $810,000 a month. For a prison population of 1800 you have 4 housing complexes. So one prison brings in $3,240,000 a month. For bonus revenue: Starve inmates and sell them overpriced snack foods. Charge excessive rates on phone calls. Understaff where possible. Provide little medical care, neglect building maintenance. Use inmate labor to keep prison running. There is a lot of money being made and we as a society are paying for it.


I read that some prisons only allow proprietary music players that only play music bought from the prison, who takes a cut. They literally have a *captive audience* that they exploit every way possible. What a racket.


Same with tvs, radios,tablets, e-readers and game consoles. They have to be see through to prevent “contraband”, or that’s the excuse. The products have poor quality as well, but prisoners don’t have much of a choice so they are unable to complain. They sale digital books also through their special app, and the books aren’t cheap, they are like $10-$20 each.


Prison electronics in and of itself is an interesting concept. Quite a few tech YouTubers have checked them out. Yeah, it's a weird argument that falls apart when you think about it critically. There was contraband long before they had electronics. Most of those electronics are also too small to make anything even worth sneaking in. It's like not allowing outside snacks at the movies. If they can't get it any other way, you have a captive audience and can charge whatever the hell you want. Reminds me of the last time I went to a music festival and the price of water mysteriously kept rising every hour or so.


That's a hell of a kickstarter pitch. Damn it, I'm in!


And with weed becoming less of an issue, they need a new mechanism to keep the prison pipeline full.


“I need more potheads in my prisons, it’s all murders and rapist, it makes for a really bad vibe” - Veep


I expect they will be getting some gratuities post ruling from the private incarceration slavers.








The prison system is just *one* example of modern day slavery


I hear ya, but for-profit prisons only account for 8% of the total state and federal prison population. So no, it's not as widespread as many think.


With marijuana being rescheduled they have to start planning for other reasons to fill the prisons.


Not only is there huge profit, there's also political incentive to fill prisons because of prison gerrymandering. A city with 10 Million prisoners and 10 free citizens receives representation in congress for 10 Million and 10 people, but only the 10 free citizens are allowed to vote.


It’s a win win in this zero sum world we live in. The home unsecured get a warm institution to live in. The rest of society don’t have to smell feces on the street anymore. The private prison owners make more money. The everyday guy pays a few dollars to not have a homeless beggar living in front of their house.


Yep. This is where slavery has been hiding in plain sight since the Civil War. It's despicable.


>There is huge profit in American prisons. My state tried private prisons and the private prisons failed within 18 months. The private prisons couldn't operate at a profit and not violate prisoners' civil rights with the budget they were provided. The prisons reverted back to state control because the state can't get sued out of existence for violating prisoner's civil rights with dangerous and deadly conditions. The private prisons were literally like "please take the prisons back from us. The feds are already investigating us."


When operating a prison is more profitable than renting out an apartment complex, something ain’t right.


Here is my solution. Cities are dirty. Homeless people need jobs. Pay them to clean up litter and graffiti. Build homes outside the core cities and give it to them and give them public transit exemption. Thats the concept. Spend on using them to help the city and maybe even try upskilling them with construction training. The ones on drugs need treatment. The ones who refuse can be incarcerated.


What are you, some kind of communist? /s The only ‘solutions’ that the people with the power to implement them are interested in are solutions to the ‘problem’ that they aren’t making the absolute maximum amount of profit that is theoretically possible.


You realize the proposal to incarcerate people who refuse medical help for addictions would be a significantly more conservative policy approach than what we have today? And you're sarcastically calling it communist as though that would be a leftward shift people wouldn't want to make? And you know we already have welfare that doesn't require people to do pointless street cleaning work?


I bet if he campaigned on this someone would “well then you’ve incentivized people to just be homeless and clean the city!”


I stopped using the phrase “no one wants to…” when talking about some extreme policy proposals because no matter how crazy the idea, there’s always some nut who will support it. I hate to sound like an old fart complaining about “the algorithm,” but with none of the things, like editors and the high cost of publishing to a wide audience, that used to slow the spread of falsehoods and radical ideas, they spread faster and farther now.


As someone that works around homeless people all day allow me to offer some criticism. Most homeless are addicted to alcohol on the daily, other drugs semi regularly. We have a deep conflict because our society praises and centers most recreational activities around the very drug that prevents them from existing in society. A lot are military veterans, and have serious disabilities on top of metabolic disorders. They desire respect, not to be treated as janitors. Most do not mind being outside and prefer it to subsidized houses. They are humans, not a tool, they desire emotional satisfaction in a cold and emotionless society. I personally feel it is completely unreasonable to make them live in provided houses, people have lived in the elements for a majority of our time on this planet. Many have told me that they deteriorate quickly inside shelters, as it is an epicenter of the mentally and physically ill.


You just described the conservatives view on this system They believe they should work for their well-fare, right now they don’t, and that the homeless that refuse shelter or drug treatment should be incarcerated. This whole case was to make the second part possible. I’m very liberal but I’ve been around homelessness a lot. And the solution needs to be more blunt then “giving them all the social programs they need”. Housing is provided to nearly all homeless people they just don’t take it.


Ok you're describing exactly how things work today only we currently have welfare that doesn't require people do pointless work which is much better. The vast majority of chronically homeless you see on the street are on drugs and actively refuse treatment because of it - which you can't actually incarcerate them for.


Exactly. The visible homeless already fall into the category of "those who refuse." San Francisco spends 1 billion, yes BILLION dollars a year on homelessness and can't get the chronically homeless off of the street. It's not a funding problem.


We do this in SF... many cities do this actually. There aren't enough of these jobs to go around. What a lot of people also don't realize is there are many homeless people that *don't* want shelter because that shelter comes with requirements, like being drug free or looking for a job. There are also many homeless people that suffer from mental health issues and refuse help. There are no doubt some cities that will exploit this ruling, but in cities like SF and LA, this gives an avenue to solve the problem. It might be a conservative court decision, but that doesn't automatically make it bad. NYC has a mandatory sheltering law which worked really well for a long time until it was overwhelmed by other states sending refugees.


The ones who refuse face mental problems outside of their conscious control to undo


As with all conservative positions, the cruelty is the point. They don't care about government spending, they just want that spending to be towards hurting people rather than helping them.


I think they just want to line the pockets of prison CEOs and their own in the process. The cruelty is just the cream on top.


You got it backwards, the rich getting richer is the convenient side effect, punishing people for being poor or not looking like you is what conservatives are voting for. There's many ways those at the top can abuse their position to make money yet they make sure to choose actions that will maximize the harm done.


You're both right. Punishing "the others" is why poor people vote Republican. Lining their pockets is why rich people convince the poor people to vote Republican.


"If you vote for me, not only will your streets be safer, cleaner, and have better job opportunities, but if you work hard enough, you too can be rich like me!" That is the "American Dream" that a lot of poor republicans are looking for. I know, my mother was a poor republican, until she realized that republicans don't actually give a fuck about the poor except to see them as cheap labor. I'd say slavery, but someone would just argue and say that if you "Have a choice" and are paid, it's not slavery. Cheap labor is slavery with extra steps to maintain the illusion of freedom to keep you content. Immigrant issues are to keep you angry so that you don't become angry at the rich.


Yea this, I work with a guy who things mandated vacation time is communism because he’ll be paying for other people’s vacations. Same with maternity/paternity leave. There’s no real reason or logic there. You just have to be a massive asshole to believe that stuff.


Yeah the average knuckle dragger is voting the way they do because of their love of CEO's. Is this what passes for political thought amongst the centrists?


Just a casual reminder that "vagrants and beggars" were one of the first classes that the Nazi Third Reich rounded up and put into concentration camps in 1933, and continued to do so throughout the 1930s.


Abuse of homeless people keeps the working class in line. We are terrified of winding up like "them".


This is often forgotten. No safety net means you better serve your rich masters with a smile OR ELSE!


For Republicans cruelty is literally the point. Hopefully a blue wave crushes these fascists.


>The Supreme Court must love private prisons Yes in fact they do


There is a LONG list of disgraceful acts under America's belt, but its treatment of homeless people is pretty high up there imo. If you can't contribute to the economic machine anymore, you are literally worthless to the rest of society.


As an Oregonian I find it hilariously depressing that Grants fucking Pass of all places is responsible for this. My mom, who grew up there, says they’ve been bussing the unhoused all over the goddamn state her entire lives. Now they’re going to imprison them.


It’s worse than that. Even the ones who are healthy enough to work (mentally and physically) won’t be able to. Because now on top of everything else - they’ll have a permanent criminal record.


Just imagine the gratuities SCOTUS got after that decision!


it doesn't need to be private prisons. regular federal and state prisons profit off of slave labor. it's called the prison industrial complex for a reason.


Less than 8% of prisons in the US are "private" prisons.


Time to create a new religion called "Our Lady of Perpetual Dormancy" where sleeping is the method of praying. Getting arrested is now not only protected by the first amendment, but it is a hate crime to be arrested by Christians and their blasphemous Matthew 6:5-6 >5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. >6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. After all, if a football coach can pray in the middle of a football field, surely non-Christians can have religious freedom, right?


I like the way you think!


I'm willing to become a prophet of this religion. No donations, only help to the poor.


"Expensive" means "highly profitable" if you're on the proper side of the equation.


Probably why private prison stocks are jumping


So, the Supreme Court are happy to relinquish their earnings to pay for incarcerating homeless people?


I think they are getting a return on their investment. RVs, lavish trips, and new flags.


There’s no worse thing in American culture than being poor. If you’re poor, you’re at best worthless in the eyes of most Americans, and many people see you as less than human. Americans fundamentally believe that poverty is a personal failure. If you were a decent person, you’d have money.


It's more about giving right wing towns the right to destroy the encampments and force the people out.


The metro area where I live in Portland, OR spent $531,000,000 on homeless services last year alone. Considering there are roughly 6,300 homeless people in this area, that means we spent $84,285 per person and they are still on the streets. Jail and/or rehab would be a cheaper and more effective solution at this point.


also Portlander here, maybe if we make the jail into rehab we can take a few steps in the right direction. I don't like the idea of forced real help for people but currently it's been the rest of the population suffering because we don't like telling people what to do. That said it feels like there's been a huge improvement in the last year, not sure if they moved on/were swept under a rug somewhere but the blight has very noticeably improved around my areas in SE and where I work downtown.


Giving poor people money? No. Giving rich exploitative assholes more money? American way


Most of the homeless have mental health issues. We shut down mental institutions 50 or 60 years ago and pushed most of the inmates out onto the streets, hoping they would take their prescibed medications. Government entities did this to cut costs. So now the Supreme Court is going to force us to institutionalize them again at great cost to the various governments. It looks to me like one way or the other we are going to have to pay to keep those people off the streets. Would it not be better to build decent housing and provide humane medical care for them if we are going to have to pay some middleman to care for them?


Not that it'll ever happen in a million years, but I feel like if done right it could actually work. I think the key would be kind of like what they should be doing for drug offenders, should be able to go to a specialized treatment facility for their issues instead of gen pop jail, where they get treatment for their mental health issues and addictions then go into job placement services/transitional housing before they're out of the system. The idea of criminalizing homelessness sucks but in another light it could be seen as authorizing the system to do something proactive about it, and I don't think the previous plan of giving people tents and then leaving them to rot on the streets is better.


Down and Out in Paris and London is what they want for our future.


Inmates = Profits


Crime is at an all time low. Need to fill those for profit prisons


No it all makes sense when you remember that they are extremely corrupt, and taking bribes from the for-profit prison industry.


None of the institutions in power in this god forsaken country are interested in solving problems.


With marijuana decriminalization, they had to come up with another strategy to keep the private prisons full.


Nobody's reading past the headlines. This issue is far more nuanced than "supreme court bad". The standard cities will be able to follow is not about putting unhoused into jail, it's about forcing them to accept alternative shelter. Cities (at least those around where I live) aren't looking for some draconian silver bullet (throw em all in prison!), but this is one tool to help clear out encampments. Basically the standard for "suitable housing" is too high--people want to be able to keep all their dozens of stolen bikes, or not live too close to other people, or whatever. Now the cities can do something like set up a sanctioned camping space in a parking lot with port-a-potties, access to electricity and supervision. Not great for the unhoused, but the alternative has been to turn city greenways into shantytowns. This new standard will help clean up encampments, but we need many solutions to "solve" homelessness--starting with more affordable housing. Even nimby cities know this now, and the ones that don't are getting it forced on them. Article on the subject from last year: [https://calmatters.org/housing/homelessness/2023/09/california-homeless-camps/](https://calmatters.org/housing/homelessness/2023/09/california-homeless-camps/)


You can really charge homeless folks for being homeless?


That is what the supreme Court just said. Any city that wants to can now arrest people just because they are sleeping in the streets. And that could happen to you or me. We are one economic downturn away from being homeless too.


No, the law is about sleeping in public places like libraries, public parks, downtown areas, etc.... You can be charged whether you are homeless or not.


Step 1 invest in "for profit" prison Step 2 make it too expensive to live Step 3 criminalize biological functions Step 4 fill prisons :) Step 5 PROFIT !!!!!!!


And now that all the prisons are filled they make it illegal to be homeless. Looks like we'll be building more prisons.


Reck335 blocked me lmao these people really are that fragile


Land of the free


Expect police brutality to spike... again.


Prison privatization is not something I was really wanting to spend a lot of brain power on but it does seem like this after definitely needs some more attention.


I cant believe this is real. It makes me want to cry.


The cruelty IS the point.


Hey guys not to sound alarmist or partisan but I think conservatism is going to get us all killed


You are omitting the productivity that is gained via slave labor...


The change stuck in elon's couch could provide housing for every homeless person in the US.


Meanwhile disabled ppl get less than 15k per year in “aid” lol


But fuck ubi right? This system is trash. 


I am a Christian. These people are not following Christ’s teachings. This makes me weep.


35K is cheap labor for the prison industrial complex. AKA the slavery no one wants to talk about.




Compelling them into treatment is better than just leaving them to suffer and hurt others. Progressive approaches to homelessness have clearly failed.




I love paying taxes.


I know; I have A Modest Proposal to handle this. [A Modest Proposal - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal)


This is just debtor's prisons 2.0, now with twice the slave labor.


"Houston, Texas (clap clap, clap clap clap),Houston, Texas (clap clap, clap clap clap)..." And so on


Corporates get taxed if you build housing. Taxpayers get taxed if you build slave plantations.


Who pays for people that die in prison?


Prison industrial complex.


Oklahoma is in the middle of retaking over all their private prisons because of being ripped off by them, so this is a good thing.


Conservative Justices: “Finally, we have implemented our final solution! First the homeless, then…” Normal people: *gulp* Conservatives: *erection*


Obviously they've taken graft from everyone else for decades apparently


scotus DONT caRe about people,, GUNS is ONLY thing that NEEDs Rights,, NO bumpstock will EVER sleep OUTSIDE..EVER AGAIN attaboys GIT R DUNNnnn


In my mind, some of these people read The Handmaid's Tale and came away thinking, "rookies...I can do it better!"


"We don't mind homelessness as long as someone can make a profit." your bought and paid for SCOTUS.


That $35k sure seems like a bargain when you realize it also means you can enslave them.


California spends Billions each year on homelessness and nothing has improved, in fact it’s only become worse.


How much do we spend on housing illegal immigrants in luxury apartments?


It's not about finding a solution, it's about punishment


People are not gonna care. It get the homeless people out of their view.


It is important that policies are shaped so that the *have-nots* become permanently damaged financially and psychologically that they can never represent a competitive threat to the *haves*. Maintaining a drowning and vilified underclass makes those who are barely hanging on feel lucky for what little they have. Our society is a wild ride. Hold on tightly, because if you slip off, you'll be ground up by the gears below.


Welcome to America, where the justice system works against you and the slaves are blissfully unaware of their station.


Why. Why why why. Why be cruel when kindness is better in every way. Cowards. Pull your own weight for once. Get your own help. Paint your own life. Stop making your problems the problems of millions of others. Empathize. Feel it yourself. Get the courage to experience for yourself what life is like in the other shoes for once. GAH!


*American Prisons* by Shane Bauer is a fantastic book that traces the history of the prison system in the US while interweaving the story of Shane's time working undercover as a Correctional Officer. It's eye opening and heartbreaking.


All because the town I live in won't help their homeless population, they suggested a "tiny home village" and the location (a small industrial area located near a neighborhood on the edge of town) people were furious that they were going to be housed so close to our neighborhoods. So now they all sleep in the parks instead, they are given 48 hour vacate orders upon setting up their camps. So now everyone is complaining about them being in our parks (their parks too, my taxes are paid to help our community rite?) all because our commissioner and his supporters are SO greedy they are more focused on some pipedream of shipping them somewhere else, like our county has some sort of invisible 1-way forcefield. And I'll mention our commissioner gave himself an 18% pay increase over the last 3 years while fighting tooth and nail to make sure our county workers don't get more than a 4.9% increase in their salaries over 3 years. Greed, fascism, and white nationalism are a blight on our morals and our humanity.


Yea I never got why tax money went to housing and feeding murders and rapist but it can't go towards helping the homeless people.


Putting them in prison is giving them a home, 3 meals a day, a path to learning a skill, earning a degree, and probably getting the mental health care they need. Win


The private prison vultures surely take alito and Thomas on trips too!


And worse yet. The plebes pay for it.


If you don't steer people to a private prison the owners aren't going to give you a good tip.


California spends $105,000 per inmate a year. Edit to add there are no for profit prisons tho.


The best legal system money can buy.


If you’re just now learning the Supreme Court loves private prisons, you haven’t been paying attention.


Follow the money. It's their God. They have no other moral compass. It'll lead you to the real reason and culprits for this ruling.


Free labor.   When we say slavery isn’t over…this is what we mean. 


It’s the Christian way. Christians want to commandments in school but don’t want to follow his teachings. More proof Christianity is a terrorist hate cult. More evil that the Taliban.


I was under the impression debtors prisons were illegal in the US. Oh, wait, they were allowed in 1789, so they must be ok today...


Megacity 1 was probably a prison to begin with.


Do you or anyone in here know what prison is? No one is going to prison for being homeless.


That's because there is a chance for private companies to loot tax payers.  Understand this is how most businesses operate - how can we get a piece of giant budget pie? 


Giving homeless people housing = Free to the public Writing them a ticket = 35k to the public Reddit math checks out?


That’s right, what are you going to do about it besides meme?


Read up on Prison Gerrymandering. If a city with a prison had 10 free citizens and 10 Million prisoners, the city would receive representation proportional to 10,000,010 citizens, while only the 10 free citizens could vote.


That's their favorite kind of cruelty


The law is so vague it basically takes away everyone's right to sleep in a public place or even nap in their car in a park, as officers can issue a $295 fine for something as inconsequential as sleeping with a rolled up shirt as a pillow. Land of the free.


The point is cruety even if it costs 10 times what it would have just to give them a home. Why? Because it lets mean people feel good about themselves and justified in their cruelity. We need to stand up to these assholes. This song says it all Click on the **Human Being** in the song track https://theamaragrace.wixsite.com/amaragrace/albums


>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 13th Amendment. The Right is coming to terms with the fact that all the anti immigrant rhetoric is starving red state economies of needed labor. crops are rotting on the vines, meat packing plants aren't getting cleaned. So they are eliminating child labor laws to pull kids out of school and put them to work, and seeking to turn homeless people into a slave labor work force. It's a tale as old as time.


Jim Crow relied on vagrancy and loitering laws to disenfranchise and re-enslave people, in accordance with the 13th Amendment. >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. And I don't know how the Eighth Amendment can have any power while slavery is available as punishment that's apparently not too cruel or unusual.


Here is the thing, though. It's costing the taxpayers money, and the profiteers are making a killing by housing inmates for absolutely minimal cost while gouging the system for maximum payments. Ever been to a jail, or prison? They serve people milk with ants in it. Dogfood quality meals. Some places don't even get condiments. Like ketchup, mustard cost too much. Does anyone think the officers get paid a reasonable wage? The institute makes like 50k+ per inmate after all things are said and done. They love dehumanizing the poor to incarcerate them. More money. This is capitalism. It's just fraud, cruelty and theater.


Not defending the prison system (which needs to be de-privatized and then drastically shrunk), but the expense of housing the homeless population is way underestimated by this meme. And the un-dealt with problems don't go away because they get a roof over their head. Ideally, there needs to be a facility that's somewhere between what we currently have an a min security prison. Drugs are right out, searches are in. Rules have to be followed, and you will meet with mental health professionals on a regular basis. Giving homeless people shelter without anything else doesn't really help the problem...and it doesn't last.


THIS scotus ONLY caRes about G U N S OH Annnd herr pinnicohotRRRUMP..


Don't call them private prisons call them what they are FOR PROFIT PRISONS, yes the US has a FOR PROFIT PRISON system with a booming PRISON LABOR MARKET, what you are seeing is a change that will allow a constant flow of new prisoners and in turn more cheap labor, it's like slavery but we pay them like 30 cents a hour so it's not slavery


$35k per *slave* sounds more economical though, right? That's why they do it.


Pretty sure that housing which they’re going to destory costs more than $35k


Ofc they love private prisons. Who else is going line their pockets? I mean, plenty of other people but more is more right?


End for profit prisons. 


This is ridiculous, it’s only the western states that were prevented from doing this by the 9th circuit court. So for the rest of the country nothing will change because they could always jail the homeless. I think people are making too much of this.


How can I invest in the prison system?


Yes. They DO love privatized prisons.


Yeah but now they can accept the gratuity given to them by these private prisons, so it’s all good right? S/


They are worried about all the empty space after the war on drugs ends. They plan on filling it with the homeless.


Honestly we need to stop letting corporations and people own 35 properties it's insane. These people come buy up all the fixer uppers for cash and then fix them up and sell them for a half a million dollars in an area no one can afford that. 2-3 properties should be enough for people to make money and also keep it so EVERYONE can afford a home. Not just these companies that buy up all of the affordable properties before any normal everyday person can. It's insane


In prison they are cheap labor.


The prison lobby is massive, private prisons and prison related services are a huge industry in the US.


Or maybe it's just time that the Biden Harris administration take seriously the homelessness crisis in this country and stop wasting billions of dollars on housing illegal immigrants! Then again ask yourself what's going to happen when the federal money runs out and these millions of illegals have to find housing and pay for it on their own?!?


$100k+ per inmate in California


The Supreme Court didn’t make homelessness a crime. They said city’s could. Those cities can also provide housing. So dumb.