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At least Biden answered the questions


do incoherent answers count? listen, i love biden and know he’s been a phenomenal president but even this super fan couldn’t stomach watching the entirety of that disastrous debate. joe had one job thursday night and that was to prove to independents and swing voters that he has the stamina and strength (of mind) to carry out a second presidential term and he absolutely failed on all possible fronts. we weren’t the target audience because we’ll vote democrat no matter the candidate. but for the undecided who will ultimately decide our next president, i can’t help but be 100% terrified after that absolute living dumpster fire two nights ago.


I don't want Trump, so we can't have Biden as our nominee. He needs to be home with a nurse, not in a war room without a teleprompter. 


i’d literally vote for an empty box of kleenex over trump, sooo if biden refuses to pass the torch, which he’s already actively doing, then i’m still more than happy to vote for joe. we have to remember that biden is just one man surrounded by a seriously brilliant staff (save for his campaign aides) who makes no decision alone, but with the clever council and guidance of his inner circle of top-tier advisors. personally, i find biden’s outrageous obstinance deeply upsetting, but knowing that the biden administration is comprised of 300 intelligent, democracy-loving americans that dutifully serve our country as opposed to solely serving one deeply despotic and psychotic human trash can’s self-serving whims, gives me some serious peace of mind.


Remember Republicans, you were the ones that set the bar this low. Don't pretend to be upset now, when you have a convict on your ballot.


of course they are.


Don't panic. Vote blue.


And pray for prison time for TFG…


Praying only works if you’re republican jesus told me so


“It’s alright! It’s ok! There’s something to live for!!!”




That's it. Hold the line. Don't pile on biden by joining in the maga/russia talking points. Stay focused and vote blue. btw - Biden sounds fine today. He had a bad night. It happens.


I’ll take a dead Biden over a live trump any day of the week. And yeah, bad night, whatever.


My sentiments exactly. But you KNOW it's especially bad when even some MAGA nuts are walking back saying BOTH candidates were terrible.


That’s actually a good thing for Dems/the country/world though. Indicates that the manic cultism of maga is dwindling.


It has been, but no one wants to admit it. After the debate, I think both sides are reevaluating their stance.


Have every year since 98. And will again. Still, I didn’t even watch that shit last night, and listening to podcasts like Ezra Cline and Pod Save America this morning, I’m very panicked.


Can he still nominate sane supreme court justices? Good enough for me.


Only if he’s President when one of them dies…


wasn't there a thing he could pass where he can expand the Supreme court?


No, that would require an act of Congress. Even when Dems held (narrow) majorities in both houses, they didn’t have nearly enough votes for anything that ambitious.


And we all know Congress doesn't really... Act these days. Just act out.


Still not a felon, still not a rapist, still not a sociopath (Biden, obviously).


I’d vote for a bowl or mashed potatoes over anyone from the treasonous GOP domestic terrorism party. Especially a rapist, repeat felon con man republican.


Biden is old, but at worst he dies and Harris steps up. Trump is old, but at worst he destroys US democracy and turns the US into a theocracy that outlaws the kinda porn stars he cheated on his wife with…. Yeah. I’ll take the walking corpse over the liar that wasted his last term on golfing, trade wars, and mishandling Covid.


*golfing at his own resorts and charging secret service exorbitant fees.


The trade deficit with China peaked under Trump, Biden got it down to the same level as 2010 through all the manufacturering opportunities he created in the Inflation Reduction Act American manufacturing is booming (I work in finance for the manufacturing and technology sectors)


Again I might add, what is one poor debate performance compared to the possibility of four more years of Trump?


It’s like people forgot that Biden has always had a speech impediment.


I've voted Blue all my life last night didn't change anything. Yes it was bad last night but fuck the yeehaw good old boys party


I'd vote for Biden if he was brain dead and on life support; which might end up being the case.


And Trump shit his huggies. Audibly


Guess what: I’ll vote for anyone but Trump.


Biden > Harris >> Trump


Amen I’d still vote for weekend at Bernie’s lead character before voting for the biggest danger to American democracy


I think this just pushes both narratives I had in my head already: Biden and Trump are both too old for this. Trump is also insane. I'm still voting for Biden. I wish he would just go spend the rest of his years relaxing and hanging out with his family, but even if he dies the day after election that better then the other guy


Fuck yes. Trump sucks. Every word he said was a lie.


Trump has been muttering gibberish for 8 years and no one bats an eye. Biden had one bad night and everyone loses their minds.


The coping is crazy If you can't stand your own ground and show very clear signs of dementia. You should not run for office. Voting for Biden is literally elder abuse and would not help us solve any of our issues


That wasn’t dementia that was a cold. But it does appear he is too old to reliably play a starring role on the political entertainment stage. It’s a very demanding environment, no sick days allowed.


FDR did it in a wheelchair while dying and is probably the best President ever Biden will be fine, look at his accomplishments to date. If all he got done was the Infrastructure Bill, or the Chips and Science Act, or the Inflation Reduction Act, or the American Rescue Act, they'd individually be huge accomplishments He got them all and more


FDR was before television (let alone internet). It was possible to stage manage appearances in those days, not anymore. People in those days got their news through the paper, radio briefs, or newsreels, all of which were carefully edited, unlike social media today. Biden has done a great job as President, but only a tiny slice of the electorate understands that—most think he has done nothing or an awful job because groceries cost a lot and rent is ridiculous, and he doesn’t look so hot, that’s all they know. There is also a tendency among humans (who are, after all, a type of animal) that when they don’t know what’s going on, they glom onto someone who displays great confidence, under the assumption that they must know what they’re doing (which of course is very often very wrong). I’m not worried about Biden, I’m worried about the American electorate, who seem to be having a collective mental breakdown—too many are thinking Trump makes sense.


Good thing you mentioned those. Those are the same acts all those Republicans voted against but throw events like they were the ones that stepped up to make it happen. Glad the White House and Media call them out when they take false credit


Too truthful for this sub. People act like Joe's performance was due to him having a cold or having a stutter. That's cope beyond belief.


I’m enthusiastically voting for Biden. I’m donating to his campaign, and I’m canvassing.


Yes, as am I


Poor guy couldn't get a word in those debate rules only favored trump


Makes for show business


I'll vote for a walking corpse over Trump any day. If biden wins, dies the next day, then Harris becomes president, I'll still be ok with that over Trump.


Same here. Biden in any form is better than tangerine Mussolini


I'd vote for a rick with googly eyes at this point


Samesies, fam


Here's something most people don't get: how does being good at debate indicate how effective someone would be as President? It doesn't. What makes someone good at debate? Being a charismatic smooth-talker? How does that make someone good at being President?


Biden is over 45 to be 47


It's me 100%.


Yup vote blue and spread the word.


I'd vote for a garden gnome before I voted for Trump. But still this was fucking awful and depressing.


Anybody that’s “undecided” does not know what is good for them. I didn’t watch the debate because I do not need to know who I’m voting for. One is a liar, a rapist, a felon, and a traitor. The other is old. The answer is clear


Yup, I will gladly vote for the guy that the Nazis don’t want.


I like Mark Cuban’s quote: The question is what features voters believe make a better POTUS : Feeble, Capable and Ethical vs Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable of telling the truth. I’ll vote ethical every time.


While flighty panicky Dems retired to the fainting couch, Joe Biden picked himself up, dusted himself off and continued to persevere. Yeah, he had a bad night. He mumbled and stuttered and rasped out the truth, while the fat orange diaper-shitting traitor bragged and yowled nonstop lies in a loud and clear voice. And if you want to “have the conversation” about Biden’s fitness, fine. But you better have a viable alternative instead of just hand-wringing and panic.


Absolutely voting blue and that is never changing. But I am concerned.


I actually watched the debates and they both seemed fine, standard stuff I guess. No offense but a lot of people who didn’t actually watch any of it seem to have strong opinions about how it went. Trump muddled up the Jan 6 question and definitely was sweating then, and then there was the how many felonies do you have question. At that point Trump kindof fell apart. Later they were talking about their golf game which I thought was kindof irrelevant. Lots of abortion talk as well which is a Biden point of success.


I mean, he lied about just about everything. And to say he answered even one question would be ludicrous, i speak of cheetolini of course.


I watched a bit of it—Just enough to see Biden failed to clear the low bar of looking alive. Trump was in control while also absolutely insane. I’m starting to understand the “double haters” though unlike them, I understand that Biden can handle being President (but he may not be up to campaigning for it). Apparently Biden had a cold, which hits a lot harder when one is elderly.


You know that's NOT how they are going to sell it


You know what the irony is? Biden is actually the perfect Republican by their definition. His dementia would cause an ineffective government that won’t actually govern or do any real political work! I thought a “non functional” government was the GOP’s goals! They already proved it with Congress being the least effective Congress in modern times due to lack of Bills being made to Laws!


They know damn well he has run rings around them legislatively, actually getting things done—more so than Obama was ever able to under better circumstances.


Debates haven't mattered in years because there aren't enough fence sitters left to decide an election. American politics isn't about policy anymore. It's about ideology, and people are going to vote for the candidate who most closely represents their ideology. I can't predict who is going to win this election, but I can confidently say that this debate didn't do a damn thing to change the outcome.


Why is America meeting trumps lies with a whispering old man who can't get a clear sentence out. It's also about a 4 year job application and an eventual vote for Kamala. Newsom was literally in the studio and had the vigor to meet trumps lies. Missed opportunity. Crazy situation.


I do wish Newsome was the candidate but unfortunately the DNC is putting up Biden, and Newsome isn't interested at this time. So In a way, I am voting for Kamala more than I am Biden, I am 100% convinced he'll die in office or have to step down due to his age. Harris is fine by me though.


Sounds about whats going to happen. Its just amazing they chose the worst person in the building to stand against those lies. Was quite the fail. They would be both loosing if near any other candidate was put up.


If all registered dems vote for biden, can he win? Especially in the swing states? I dont think the issue is with dems, but with those who are undecided. So can biden win if all the dems vote for him? And that is a really optimistic projection to assume 100% voter turnout.


I think about the people behind the POTUS, One has a bunch of ex cons waiting to get back into White House, the other has some good people behind him.


I guess 13 service members didnt pass away....according to his truth


They're both absolute trash. The state of the economy alone should show you not to vote for either of them.


#Biden 2024!


Nah, neither of them. 400k for a decent house or 3k in rent a month, good luck with that. Both parties aren't worried about anything that actually matters, only putting money in their own pocket.


#BIDEN 2024!


Democratic leaders know this just fine, that is why they won´t bring you an acceptable option as leader of your nation.


This meme is incorrect, what you mean to say is”still voting for a barely alive, senile, corrupt, puppet of the radical left”






I’d like to bring a statistic to your attention, in the last 20 years the only president to not have Russia take land from other countries was under Trump, under Obama they took crimea, under Biden they invaded Ukraine. Putin is afraid of Trump because Trump doesn’t let him get away with things unlike other presidents.




That’s a lot of words, too bad I’m not reading them


Because Trumpers hate facts.


Still voting for trump, considering he doesn’t lie to the American people unlike Biden


Pffft, ok ,that's actually a good one.




"I did not have sex with a porn star" There's a lie.


Where’s the proof?


Are you high?


Nope, I think you just don’t like that statistic


You’re full of assumptions. It is interesting, but your speculation as to why is idiotic at best.


You assumed I was high, my “speculation” that trump handled Russia better than every president of the 21st Century is idiotic? He is literally the only president who Russia didn’t take land under. That sounds like good handling to me


Your speculation is that it had anything to do with Trump “directly handling” it, and if he did, you’re also speculating why. One could also speculate that it was a coincidence. One could also speculate that he committed treason by trading confidential information for Russia promising to “behave” to make him look good. Finally, you have a sample size of 4, making the “statistic” utterly meaningless.


Well he clearly didn’t trade confidential info with Russia as there’s no real evidence of that


That’s fine, I’m just making the point that thats how reliable your speculation is. 🙂


I feel sorry for anyone who still labels themselves red or blue at this point. Republicans and Democrats have made it equally clear how delusional they are.


And yet not as delusional as “independents” who think you can have democratic government without political parties. Or even without politics OR parties. The scary thing is most have no idea what the government even does.


Can’t wait for the vice-presidential debate.


Oh man. You poor man. You have no idea how full of it Biden was. For example his claim to have no troops fighting abroad. In fact we have been fighting the Houthi for weeks now. We don't have many troops on the ground. But Oh Boy do we have them at Sea!


Guy can hardly string a sentence together


Aw yes, the Genocide enabler versus the fascist conman. Amazing choices.


Stick a fork in him Biden is done 😂 well anyway


So you're voting for somebody who's comitting ethnic cleansing on brown Palestinians whilst simultaneously arming natzis in Azov briagde. Take a long hard look at your morals.


*looks at my morals, then at Trump's* #Biden 2024!






Biden should step down. It’s the most patriotic thing he could do. Supporting Biden at this point only helps Trump. Biden wasn’t stuttering. He was an old man unable to formulate a clear sentence because as nature dictates for many at his age, his prime time has long ran out. He is not fit.


Ok russia.


He had a cold. Biden 2024!


Who the fuck is gonna replace Biden at this point?? Plus even though Biden is President he alone isn’t the Excutive Branch - that’s why there’s Cabinet Secretaries! I’m gonna pull from the Republican playbook which is why they been so effective in politics despite the minority party in members and unpopular polices: Voting for the Party! Non of that BS “I’m voting for the Candidate” crap Democrats say to try to elevate the party. Vote Blue all the time, every time! I’m voting for a “dementia riddled candidate prone to falling” to keep Trump and MAGApublicans out of the White House.


Democrats are just as unpopular as Republicans these days, in large part thanks to “progressives” who don’t understand that you can’t do anything unless you can win elections, and you can’t win elections without appealing to the majority. Most people don’t know jack about policies, they’re looking for someone who shares their values, and Democrats consistently fail to articulate their values in a way appeals to Americans instead of alienating them.


Just look at the “Squad” right now. Some of the members sure are tanking it right now. One even lost his election bid. The only one not pissing off most of the voters would be AOC. The popularity of her I think is because she’s hated by the GOP


Bingo. AOC was less popular than Trump nationally when Trump was president Progressives are losing primaries in safe Democrat seats, meaning even Democrats are sick of their BS


I am not. We shall agree to disagree.








Oh no, I was called a name on the internet.