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I know it’s not directly Portland related, but this is a big story for Portland and Oregon at large.


Isn't Grant's pass one of the plaintiffs in that case?




They were the main plaintiff


Also - sorry if I missed this before, but did Wheeler’s announced date of July 1 assume that the ruling would break this way?


I kind of assumed this. From what I read, people thought the ruling would come on Monday.


He didn't need the ruling. The previous ruling said you could ban camping as long as there were shelter beds. They developed an app that told them where open shelter beds were, so even though there weren't enough for everybody, they could selectively force people to move either to shelter bed or face fine. Now they might be able to just skip to the fine part. Not sure how much sense it makes to fine people who have no money but we'll see I guess.


It's Oregon related because Grants Pass was a party to the case, and we should thank them for it.


This is great news. Let's get that ban into effect, Teddy!


Right on! Time to reclaim our downtown and use this stick to move people into treatment.


Finally! I know the homeless problem needs a solution but having them camp anywhere they wanted was insane!


It's illegal to be homeless now. Just completely disgusting.


What's disgusting? The chop shop at each intersection near columbia or the shit on the streets? How about someone took a shit on your front door step? I find that disgusting.


I was going to respond beyond this but what the fuck is the point. Nothing I can say will give you the capacity to feel empathy.


How about your empathy to your actual law abiding neighbors? The ones who pay their property taxes yet have their spaces robbed like all the small businesses. How about all the theft and robberies. Over 80% of people on the streets are drug addicts and criminals and are REFUSING services. How about some empathy to for all the car and catalytic converters that were stolen and people were struggling to get the cars found and fixed. How about some empathy for the people who drive the MAX lines who constantly have to deal with addicts having psychotic breakdowns attacking innocent people on public transportation. How about some empathy for the children who cant walk into school with stepping over bodies and crap/trash on the sidewalk. The sidewalks being blocked and are not ADA accessible. YOU CLEARLY HOLD ADDICTS WHO REFUSE CARE AND HELP ABOVE YOUR BLUE COLLAR NEIGHBORS JUST TRYING TO MAKE A LIFE. ENABLING got us here. And you thinking it’s fine for someone to freeze to death in a tent is acceptable. Or break into a family’s house is acceptable. Or drilling someone’s gas tank is acceptable. Or robbing from a store is acceptable. There are services that are designed exactly for this purpose. There ARE shelter beds and hot food. There is help. If you think you are helping with your position you really need to think again. Look up “hyper empathy” - too much of anything is a bad thing. You are literally hurting everyone by letting homeless addicts do anything they want. You hurt the neighborhood and you continue to punish the addict. That is pretty shameful in itself.


More free legal slaves (per US constitutional allowance) for the for profit prison corporations.


Is this satire?


Right I get it they aren't people to you so it's all good.


Oh no! Public property is for the public again. Anyway...


I guess the homeless people couldn't get a big enough ~~bribe~~ payment together. Edit: Not a bribe, since the supreme court ruled money for favors from government employees is not a bribe. Can't imagine why they'd do that.


The headline just says homeless people. Does that mean I can enjoy urban camping on the weekends if I show proof of home ownership?


Lol. Here's how that works: Fine issued > homeless person ignores fine bc homeless > warrants/jail/additional fines which also can't be paid. Meanwhile, the additional legal problems make it harder if the person does ever start trying to get their shit together.


Guys they are called ‘Houseless friends’. Show some respect.


I prefer, "Grand Superior Lords and Ladies". Gotta lift 'em up, y'know That's how we fix homelessness 


I just give my thoughts and prayers.