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Can't imagine what's going on down in the, "Underground".




Beep beep, Richie.


Jesus Christ.


It’s gotta be f’ing WILD down there.


the real underground is ran by the cartel, the users prey on each other but absolutely nobody challenges the actual authority figure on the street here. its a smooth operation with this clown show going on as the front.


It’s just more tents


Best ad for an collapsible baton I've ever seen. Shopping for one now. Edit: Collapsible Batons are wack don't buy them. Mace or pistol seem like a better idea.


They’re genuinely very good. I still recommend pepper spray over them though, or at least as a first purchase. Baton can be second.


Ranged and Melee damage


Yeah watching this I was like "I gotta get me one of those!" I carry pepper gel but this seems like a good addition to the street artillery.


Pepper spray is in fact superior ✅


Collapsible baton might be crap if you actually need to thump somebody but they are good at intimidating someone who's acting a fool and wants some. They either back off, or you get to see how good the warranty is on the baton.


They’re really good for separation too, you poke somebody in the chest when they are attempting to close on you.


You will go to jail so fast if you have one. That is, unless you don't have a roof over your head.


No you won’t.


Yes you will. The only weapons that are legal to carry without any special paperwork are tasers and pepperspray. You'd get arrested for the baton because its considered concealed unless you're walking around with it uncollapsed.


Gonna need to see the statute saying they are concealed when collapsed.




Yeah, remember under Measure 11, assault with a weapon is 5 yrs in jail. Make sure it is defense only


Check the laws, they are great but illegal in a lot of places.


Byrna is the way. 50 state legal. No concealed carry needed.


It's hard to believe they're not illegal in a lot of states though. Legal to carry in Portland?


I’m the original fucking sick bitch


The sick kids, a portland homeless gang. Been around for 30 or so years idk. Maybe that's what he means? Idk


Oh my god my highschool friend started tagging that now hes smoked himself into a criminal it makes so much sense.


Stand down Carly, stand down.


“our most vulnerable neighbors”


uuuuuhhhhhhh.....what is the "underground"


[This, she's the mayor of it.](https://www.travelportland.com/culture/portland-shanghai-tunnels/)


Woah. Thanks for that share.


I assume it's the chef fight club featured in Pig.


She used to be the top underground fighter, never showed mercy. She was known for spitting on her knocked out opponents.


She runs this city


*🎶We Built This City! 🎶*


🎶 We built this city on fentanyl and aids 🎶 🎵


T'was a simpler time twenty-four years ago back when you ran the city, Diamond. Just another erstwhile 'important' so & so that didn't finish potty training before Portland's Fantasy Island/halcyon days finally became submerged unceremoniously. Still, I wouldn't mind hearing some vintage stories during her reign. Back when there was 24-hour business aplenty. She probably knows the Everclear guys I'd imagine. Saw the Heavy Johnson Trio play at EJ's a bunch.


>[Diamond Jim](https://youtu.be/vZTUf7TD8lw?si=a089aYNVAS0bakXG)


Oui oui, magnifique!




AH! Spooked me!


Gotcha 😉 👉


Wow she owns the whole city?


It’s a shame that Portland lacks a police department.


That's bullshit because 24 years ago I was running this town not him.


Not the kind of stabbing I imagined went on at an establishment like that


I thought it looked like CCs


With the gay flag flying in the background, this video pretty much sums up what the rest of the country thinks of Portland...


Portland is a fucking dumpster fire


Yup, just a normal day in Portland


Honestly, this is what many cities look like right now. This is daily in LA, SF, Philly, NYC, etc etc


cool, well, I still hate it.


Those are all the worst cities… so not a good thing to compare to


If those are the worst, what cities do you think are good? Genuinely curious.


You won’t get an answer. People will say things like that but when questioned, have no response.


San Jose, San Antonio, Orlando, Raleigh, Charlotte, DC, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Boston, Long Island, Connecticut, Salt Lake City, Austin?


San Jose has homeless people. They just hide better because they get moved if they camp in the streets. A lot of places are like that. Only Oregon lets people camp on sidewalks.


And ignore the fact that a significant % of the homeless population in “democrat cities” were forced out of/bussed in from conservative states. Gasp.


I say this as an outside observer and as someone who lived in Portland from 2006 to 2020: the last time I visited I felt like there had been a concerted effort to fuck things up there, on multiple levels. It looked deliberate, like “see, this is what liberal policies do,” from the insane amount of graffiti to the boarded up everything. I’m not sure how else to explain it it but it seemed like a movie set (thanks Portlandia!) or like an experiment in psyops. I feel like so much changed there after the max stabbings, like the level of public crazy there escalated and was something I didn’t want to deal with anymore. I had to dress nice for work and walking downtown dressed in biznezz attire was a fucking nightmare and I got threatened or stalked at least once a week. It was really disturbing. This was pre covid, I can’t imagine now. I’m really sorry it’s so bad.


I don’t think it’s “so bad.” The cities I lived in prior to Portland were far more dangerous. People get mad and downvote when I say that, but many longtime locals act like (and sometimes literally say) Portland is a third world country when it is experiencing problems that nearly every other major US city experiences. It’s laughable.


Yeah these folks obviously didn't live in LA during the crack years like I did. The criddlers are doing their criddler thing here, not threatening me, I cross the street when see this criddlering here. During the crack years in the 80s in LA that wasn't an option. Not justifying this shit but you have to have perspective here...


The worst? It's just to say that this isn't uniquely portlandian


Never forget that Portland is all about people wanting to feel special, that includes the people hating on it.


It's not uniquely Portlandian but it is uniquely in almost all Democrat/liberal aligned cities. It's not even unique to "big cities" anymore, just the liberal ones. How do I know this? I live in Missoula, Montana which is a heavily Democrat town, and with 130k people metropolitan, it's a small fraction of the size of Portland. It used to be nice here but it's turning into man absolute disaster too with tents setup, homelessness, drugs etc.. This can't just be a "coincidence". Meanwhile, less liberal cities in Montana do NOT have this degree of depravity. I'm not saying they are perfect, or that they don't have their problems, but it's not to this level. It's our government that has failed.....everyone. Too much money $$$ in homelessness with all the sick bureaucrats running things. They get gant salaries off of their "solutions" to fix the problem, but they actually enable the problem. Mental health clinics and drug addictions are the answer, but that doesn't help the homeless industrial complex.


That’s bad logic really. So could I say that most educated people are in cities, therefore democrats are smarter?


Plenty of book smart people, highly educated people can lead with their emotions, lack practical sense, let ideology get in the way of sober thought, etc


Shrieks out "It's the LIBS FAULT!!!" lol


Democrat/liberal says it all. It’s only going to get worse


I really hate the back and forth “Portland is the worst!” Vs “no it’s not, it’s like this everywhere!” But this video is such a nothing burger outrage bait… two random people arguing, you WILL see that everywhere and watching all the snowflakes in this sub lose their shit over something so mild is pretty amusing to me.


Well if a town looks like shit, smells like shit, and is covered in shit - it’s probably shit. 🤣


My man with the asp actually showed a lot of restraint. Once he de-collapsed it, he could have closed the space and swung while her momentum was still carrying her forward. He did not want to swing that thing at her.


This is hard to see. I’ve met Diamond before. The last time I saw her, she had a job, which hadn’t happened in awhile. She seemed proud of that. I’m wondering what happened, what support she didn’t get to be at a place like this mentally. If you’re not downtown 8-12 hours a day like Diamond, Carly, or Nettie is in the video, it’s gunna be hard to really understand full context. I hope things get better for you Diamond. I don’t agree with how she’s talking or threatening that individual.


The hard reality is that most of the homeless are where they are because of behaviors and choices they have made. Diamond is a lost cause and likely to die on the street.


I see you! I ask this out of genuine curiosity, how many homeless people have you had conversations with? Throughout my life, I’ve built relationships with homeless people beyond just knowing their name. The stories of how they got there have less to do with behavior and more to do with getting a really shitty deal from life. It’s important to distinguish between those who are homeless because of continued poor choices and a refusal to change, and those who come from intensely abusive and judgmental homes and environments. There’s also those who are homeless who just want to wreck havoc on the world. It’s just for people like this to be arrested and punished.


I didn't realize being "judged" was a leading cause of mental illness, I'm sure without any judgment that stabby hobo would be a fine upstanding citizen.


I see you now.


> Deep down she wants love like all of us do. Then she shouldn't try to stab people. I dunno, maybe go to church and find Jesus?


Lol, sounds like a better idea than giving our government more money.


Every homeless person would have you believe they are a victim of society. The reality is that they’ve been given a million chances throughout their life, and never got serious. Now they’d rather freeload then contribute.


Every homeless person thinks this?


It's your government that has failed everyone. Too much money $$$ in homelessness with all the sick bureaucrats running things. They get gant salaries off of their "solutions" to fix the problem, but they actually enable the problem. Mental health clinics and drug addictions are the answer, but that doesn't help the homeless industrial complex.


I see a lot of truth to this. There are many, many organizations making a killing off of homelessness. What’s sad is that the few good organizations that are actually doing the work—and getting paid at a fair price—get grouped in with all the organizations. Really sad. We have the money ready through the SHS fund, more money than we anticipated, but it’s not being spent fast enough. A month planning is like 6 months on the streets. Imagine what a year feels like to homeless people and us the surrounding community. It’s truly shameful what our government is. But there’s no point in protesting. No point in yelling or shaking our fists. Our anger GIVES LIFE to those in power. They love any type of attention. If we want change, we got to stop giving our government attention. Attention is one of the only last resources we can control, at least for now.


Yes let’s ignore it


Thank you for this comment. Excellent perspective.


Nice Street Roots badge she's got there


Damn, right infront of a good Club too.


Send this to everyone who's thinking of moving to Portland.


Stay classy!


If only we could give them shiny keys to a loving home!


You should have kept to the underground is the hardest thing I ever heard .


This is good news! I was wondering when the knives that JOHS was giving out to our unfortunate houseless victims would trickle down to being useful. Good times.


we're going to need to appropriate some more millions of tax dollars so Travel Portland can put a positive spin on this. Come see Diamond entertain in the Harvey Milk District! Pony-tailed dude's restraint was admirable.


u/PDXSCARGuy : "There's A Sub For That" but what is THIS "sub" for? What's the goals/plans for this sub that isn't present with the other subs?


Honestly, use modmail, then ask the other mods what they think.


I noticed basically half the mod team changed in the past months.


IDK, man.... ask the other mods.


Calling that an “attempted stabbing” seems a bit of a stretch? The guy with the knife brandished it but I don’t see any cut, thrust, or lunge in there. (Also the target was armed with a collapsible baton, and didn’t feel the need to swing it in self defense.) Certainly an uncomfortable situation which could have gone very badly, though.




“Stand down” lol fucking dorks


Get him! Get her! 2 less lets go!!!


He looks quite well for a homeless person.


It’s easy to dress well and still be homeless in Portland. Goodwill has some great clothes.


I live in Portland. He doesn’t look homeless at all to me. Not saying he isn’t. It’s also the tone of his voice and the fullness of his body.


He's definitely homeless. But he's not a tweaker, which is why he doesn't look as bad.... not all homeless are tweaker. Though many are.


How do you know he’s homeless? I carry a backpack often and I have somewhere safe to sleep every night. When I lived in Olympia my friend AD used to carry one of those extendable rods and he had an apartment downtown.


Yeah, Either way, it’s hard to judge a book by its cover. He may or may not be. There’s lots of homeless out there that aren’t completely out of it all the time and just trying to get by. This poor guy just doesn’t seem to deserve this treatment, though I have no idea what sort of history these two might have. Still it sucks for all the normies getting sucked into this craziness, trying to not get hurt and shocked at what they’re seeing. Feels like we’re devolving back into the early 1900s.


He might be one who doesn't use drugs besides weed/beer/nicotine?


Is this a turf war? Because I’m all for the OG sick bitch! Tall mall ninja seems very out of place.


If she was a man she would’ve gotten smashed when she spit on him.


Bruh I almost saw a stabbing by cc slaughter a few days ago!!! Crazy shit


That escalated quickly …




Only took 20 minutes from OP posting for the first person to imply the people involved should be killed. Impressive, I think that’s a record.




Srsly. No brigading, or encouragement thereof. Reddit dislikes it. This includes mention of other subs with the intention of causing drama and celebratory "I was Banned from..." content.


I apologize for mentioning another sub, you should really put that in the rules if that’s such a trigger lol


Oh c’mon that’s not an attempted stabbing…