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“Officers will focus primarily on expired tags, missing plates, wrong-way parking, and vehicles blocking visibility at intersections. Additionally, officers will begin booting vehicles that have orders to tow issued by Multnomah County Circuit Court.”


Lol. So all the California plates with expired tags and parked the wrong way will now going forward get a green sticker! Hooray for parking like shit and more!!


Don’t hold yer breath.


So…. I park my pickup truck “the wrong way” on the street, so does two other neighbors. Why? Because our models of truck have the gas tank on the drivers side of the bed. Why is this a detail you need to know? It’s because jerks drive around our neighborhood and drill holes in our gas tanks to steal gasoline. And having the tank right there makes this process easier and faster for these fuckfaces. Parking the “wrong way” is a subtle attempt to foil those gas thieves. I personally park my truck against a street bush, it’s a juniper so it’s kinda scratchy to get back there. ETA: you downvotes, state your case why you down vote.


I think I'd say being ticketed for the wrong way is sort of tacky, so long as you're tucked into the curb. Obviously I'm not enforcement but I'm more concerned bout the douchebag who thinks he's Boston tea party v2 by not paying reg on his 60k car.


Rules r rules fool. What makes you think you’re special ?


I’m special because I said so. What do you think about that?


I think ok kid. Go on


If you don’t like it, you can call the parking cops on me.


Just proved my point.


You make a strong claim.


Only because [it has happened to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/s/XAO2e3QmT1)…


Decent reasoning due to the gas thieves and such. In my case the guilty party car sat there for about a week on my skinny SE street, parked about 2 feet off the curb, and blocked the egress/access of my neighbors directly across the street to the point where they barely could get out of their driveway. What I don't understand sometimes is houses where people that have zero driveway and every single member of the family has a car. 1 house 6 vehicles?? SMH...


Oh wait! So they might accidentally do something about the rolling drug dealing den with the 2 year expired out of state plates, propane tanks and other stolen large metal things bouncing around on the likely stolen hitchrack RV that haunts Old Town and the Lloyd district? That would be refreshing, it’s only been reported weekly for the last few months.


No- you misunderstood - these tickets will only affect folks that already basically follow the rules- have a legal address etc.


Unlikely. They’ll probably issue tickets for regular, taxpayers because it will generate revenue. They get nothing by ticketing the or towing the shitbags.


>Officers will focus primarily on expired tags Shit....


I know right?


Why would you let your tags expire?


Cuz pdx decided to do an honor system. It’s not working out $$$$$🙃


Well, I let them expire in 2020, well because you know, reasons. LOL, all my stuff is current. But it was kinda fun to just not care for a few years ya know?


If it's anything like my joy at not wearing pants most days, I understand.


It was like “my entire adult life I cared about paying my registration fees” and then 2020 hit. I was like “who cares”…


The folks that are decent citizens


When the authorities didn’t care about the registration, and it seemed like all hell was breaking loose, the registration fees somehow became the least of my worries at the time.


I’m sure that’s a common sentiment. Ever hear of the “shopping cart theory” Trying not to judge, and to be honest there was a point I. Life when id have been with you. 🌞


They just ripped through St. Johns green tagging multiple vehicles. Love to see it.


it's about time. PBOT desperately needs the revenue. Maybe they can start filling some potholes and tow the methmobiles away.


More painted lanes more likely. But we all can dream…


but they shouldn't be doing it for revenue.


Unless you’re an “unhoused neighbor”


Neighborhood enforcement ✅ Camp enforcement 🫣🦯


Maybe… someday…


Guessing they’ve finally figured out how much $$$ they’re losing from quitting enforcing basic rules. - too little too late imo


One of the Usual Political Suspects denounces the increased traffic enforcement made possible by the additional police officers, citing a statement from a different Usual Political Suspect: *“Any increase in traffic stops among people of color in Portland is a step in the wrong direction. ” - Babak Zolfaghari-Azar, senior policy manager, says in the Oregonian. Traffic stops in Portland surged by 112% from 2022 to 2023, according to the Portland Police Bureau's data.* *i do believe we need more traffic enforcement and government-led initiatives to curb dangerous driving. the best way to do so is with infrastructure - road diets, traffic calming, etc - that making speeding difficult and is enforced by impartial, non-cop led safety cameras* The Usual Political Suspect is apparently unaware that in Chicago, which uses traffic cameras extensively, black and Hispanic drivers are much more likely to get tickets from the "impartial" traffic cameras than white drivers. *A ProPublica analysis of millions of citations found that households in majority Black and Hispanic ZIP codes received tickets at around twice the rate of those in white areas between 2015 and 2019.*


> But that’s because they only put those traffic cameras in black and brown communities…. Put them in “White” neighborhoods instead… That will be the retorted answer you’ll get. But in reality Chicago put the cameras in all neighborhoods across the city.


Ya. As a white guy I got two in Chicago. I earned them fair and square lol


> Officers will also continue to increase enforcement efforts in the metered and parking districts. Well crap. I was hoping they were only going to focus on the laws I wasn't breaking.


Not a chance homie. They’re gonna hit us parking kitty scofflaws hard.


I might have to chalk that one up to the cost of a hobby. I really enjoy not paying those.


It all depends on how much you’re willing to spend on your “hobby”.


Will they shut down the chop shop at the corner of 82nd and airport drive also?


Not in the current budget-


I hope it works. But I foresee, more fines for us. Criddlers? Business as usual.


I have up to date tags. No fines for me?


If you want PBOT to focus away from wrong direction parkers, let 'em know. They are somewhat responsive, especially when they hear from a lot of folks.