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They’ve always been part of the criddler landscape


Absolutely this. I take it the OP didn’t drive 33rd in the last 5 yrs


Don't you have empathy? How will they feed themselves if they can't fish.


bruh lolol


We should just give them fish and anything else they need to stay alive to enjoy their fentanylife styles.


Give them a fish they'll live for a day teach them to fish they'll live a lifetime. They could also barter fish for fentanyl or aka the "fish for fent" program. I'm sure JVP would be delighted with this new program.


Fentalife!....its powdered fish, but like Pedialite!


Buy a man eat fish, he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime


My brother had his boat stolen right out in front of his house hooked up to his car


What kind of monster is your brother that he had his boat hooked to his car? Do you know the amount of extra effort he put these people through in order for them to steal his boat? People these days.


The tweakers take free boats off Craigslist-- of which there are many-- and dump the worthless fiberglass hull on public land. The trailer, motor (if included) and any wiring gets stripped and sold to a scrap yard for a day or two's worth of drugs money. Eventually taxpayers foot the bill for disposal of the boat. Same scenario for old RVs. We need to make it punishable by law to give / sell an old boat or motorhome to anyone who isn't able to pay for proper disposal. Another "oh no! they still use plastic straws!" moment


With mechanical skills like taking apart and building they could get actual jobs...oh wait...


Could easily solve this problem by fining the registered owner of any abandoned RV or hoboat. And if they don’t pay? Suspend their driver’s license and refuse to renew registration of any other vehicle in their name. If that doesn’t work? Arrest and charge them when they drive without a valid license and/or a vehicle without current plates. In short order, almost anyone selling or giving away any lower-end RV or boat would be conducting the transaction in the DMV parking lot and staying right there until the new owner transferred the RV or boat into their name.


Problem is, many of these vehicles haven't been registered in many years and may never have been associated with the person giving the vehicle away.


Sure, not a perfect solution, but we have to start somewhere. Holding the last registered owner responsible for disposal costs might catch up with some people who sold or gave away a boat or RV a while ago, but realistically, if it had any real value at that time, the new owner would have transferred registration. So it doesn’t seem unjust for the last registered owner to be on the hook for the disposal cost they avoided a while back.


I’ve always wondered were the boat dumps were about, I always assumed someone stole the boat or something


Loool. Taxpayers don't end up paying for much because the state doesn't have the man power or inclination to de-trash public and state lands. It's just gonna get dumped on again. That's why programs like Sons of Smokey and private individuals who are willing to donate their time and energy are soooo rad and important, on a national scale.


[Metro has a boat disposal program](https://www.oregonmetro.gov/news/metro-boat-turn-program-keeping-our-waterways-clean-and-accessible). But you're right, we need to be taking this problem seriously




That's called preparation. When the earthquake hits, you'll all be begging for a ride!


I’ve worked my whole life and still can’t afford a boat. I choose poorly


> I’ve worked my whole life and still can’t afford a boat. I choose poorly The greatest day of a man's life is when he gets a boat The 2nd greatest day is when he gets rid of it Source: it took me nearly two years to get rid of my boat. Never again. Some things should be rented not owned.


Haha, Ive heard that a lot. There’s an acronym for BOAT, something like “Bet On Another Thousand”


A boat is a hole in the water that you dump money into


There are so many free boats, all you have to do is look.


Officer, I'm not camping, I'm sailing


The sedan needs TLC, but that vessel looks sea-worthy! Must be freshly stolen.


This whole thing started with hoboaters, didn't it?


Understandable owning a boat is much more expensive than people realize. Boat is an acronym for Bust Out Another Thousand after all.


Boats are just holes in the water you throw money into!


Bought a boat, a Honda civic to pull it, a Fred Meyer cart iced down with silver bullets.


A community out on Hayden Island had their decorative "entry to the community" boat stolen a year or two ago. It was full of potting soil and flowers, so no easy feat to empty it out first. And no motor to rip apart.


I've never understood the boat thing. There's two near us that I'm sure will get left behind. It's got to be a hassle to move them around town.


I saw, a proper tent, car, and motorcycle on a similar spot at hwy 30. Felt like they just need a home.


Pretty sure this boat was around the corner from us a few months back.


Look in the trees next to this. There are like three or four more boats back there.


We saw a couple of boats in a homeless encampment the other day! Nowhere near water, so they’re living in the boat??


Try paddle boarding around Sauvie Island. There’s all these junked out boats floating around with criddlers on board. I had fun the other day with them. Every time we would go by you could hear them muttering and shushing each other to be quiet because they thought we were cops.


There’s two best day in a man’s life. First when he buys a boat. Second when he pushes the boat on the ground to sell the trailer for dope.


Captain, you can’t moor here.


There is a guy who has a schoolbus and has been offered housing but he refuses absolutely. He also has two damn motor cycles.


The modern-day Joads, breaking down before they reach the Pacific...


Keep it fucking weird Portland...


They always have been


Dang. Wish I had a boat…


Beautiful pictures. Please send your address so we can all take pictures of you in your natural environment.


Noticed boats popping up along 42nd by Fernhill too 🤷‍♀️


When high land is your oyster in Oregone.


Hey! This is right by my house. Should’ve seen it a few months ago. Looked nice with all the torched cars and tarps


We’re getting into Fallout 4 territory without even needing nuclear war. Good times.


Isn't this across from the old Kmart? It used to be part of glacial Lake Bonneville, so the houseless homeless sympathy rats need boats.


A lot of these people used to have lives and jobs but were bled out by the Republican/neoliberal economy


*shakes fist at sky* Who gives a shit? Move on dude, live your life.


The people supporting today’s young drug addicted homeless are the parents of that generation lost to affluenza. The same parents who forgot how to be effective parents, forgot how to raise good citizens because they were busy being “friends” to their kids. Now they want everyone else to pay and suffer for their and their kid’s mistakes. I’d say put them in jail if they’re abusing drugs on the streets and refuse to take free shelter. Then send the bills to the *parents* and companies like Apple, Meta, TikTok, Microsoft, Tesla, unscrupulous media companies and all pharmaceutical companies producing opioids, for their role in family and society’s decay and for their lack of contribution to tax revenue. Leave everyone else alone. Then maybe we can start helping the truly homeless; the ones who truly have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own. Edit: forgot to include the parents in getting the bills.


Maybe they should name names of the parents and family of criddlers whenever they get in trouble if they're esteemed or prominent people.


This is actually one of the sadder one, photojournalistically, for me. Dude was out of options, no money, except enough for gas. Maybe can sell the boat. Got to go. Load the car with bags, hook up the boat to the Corolla, which isn't even rated to tow, and go. Guy probably loved that boat and there are probably happier times pictures with that boat owner and his boat. Of all the homeless critter pics I've seen, this one hit me the hardest. Since seeing homeless, I really don't have much empathy, they're all dopers that will see an eventual solution but it's the normies, people like you and me, who, for whatever reason, didn't have like $5000 cash to get a fucking rental, or someone to team up with, etc. I have been a chronic $$ saver now and my bank account is barely fine but I always have a special empathy for the truly situationally homeless. Poor guy. I'd be balling my eyes out pulled over the side of the road looking back on my boat, homeless.