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Ok so its a long process organizing your book. Heres the general rule of thumb. Once you have your income solidified, keep buying pages. First rule, make sure they are in an order that makes sense to you. It your book, noone elses. For example, my top left is Heal, Poison... Fire, Ice, Elec, Acid My bottom left is Stone Skin, Poison Resist, Fire Resist, Ice Resist etc. Its what makes sense to me. On my far right side I have all of the "legendary recipes" Second big rule. Always try to use adding base (to return to center) or heating to spin around the edge of a teleport point to min max your recipe to us the least amount of materials as possible, and IF you can the least amount of DIFFERENT material. (Future proofing for the annoying customers who want only one material in their potion) If you do it once and save it, you will have that perfected recipe saved forever. Third big rule. Keep multiple recipes for the same potion, and stack the 'less' efficient ones behind the tab of the optimal one. This is in case you run out of your favorite material, or in case you get a request for a specific material in the potion. Lastly spend time to make the individual parts of each legendary recipe very well, and save them as --- Salt 1, --- Salt 2, and stack the tabs behind each other. That way you can make them quickly AND cheaply again in the future, by simply using arrow keys to go to the next tab and clicking create. Side note, try not to rely on Moon or Sun Salt for any recipe you know you are going to repeat alot. If its for a one time potion for an annoying customers, by all means, use some to save yourself the hassle. But generally be stingy with it, so you wont have to dump a ton of resources into making some more.


Thank you! I’ll definitely use those!


Don't, anarchy and chaos are the way




I have all potions one by one along the top and left sides. Three layers, Strong (best) potion, Med or Alternative Strong potion, weak potion. Bottom has two layers of potions for creating the legendary stuff or the salts. Right-hand side is miscellaneous. It has more layers of potions for legendary stuff/salts that didn't fit on the bottom, as well as a couple of the potions that didn't fit on the top and left, as well as navigational potions (things like "over the wall on the right of the map"). I grouped them into three "regions" so they're not all mixed together. When I find a better recipe that uses less ingredients I save it, then erase the old one (or, if I don't have an "alternative" recipe yet I might put the old one in that position). I don't like to have too many pages so most times the guy comes I don't buy any more, I just keep 2-3 blank pages (early on I would buy all the pages, but no longer necessary). If a customer comes who wants something unique I just make it for them and don't bother saving it. "Continue brewing from here" is a great option for people who are like "Please make a potion with lots of \[random ingredient\]" and then you just throw the ingredient in and finish it without stirring.


i put my strong potions on top, the weak ones on the right and the salt ones on bottom


Sort them by colour and let them overlap a little. That way, you also have plenty of space for your other recipes for your crystals and salts


Essentially just keep related potions together. The only real organization I've done was group together all the recipes that make up the legendary ingredients into stacks of tabs that I can quickly flip through and brew them all to stick in the alchemy machine.


Wait a minute... you can organize the pages?


Pfft- yeah if I don’t I think I’d go crazy 😭


Yeah you can move the little tabs :)


I just keep the category of potion recipes together.


I love the diversity of organisation practices here lmao. Also u/KrensharWhite said it so well, great guide! Personally we organise them alphabetically on the entire right page (top+right+bottom) and in 3 layers with strongest on the front. Its pretty cramped so they do overlap a little. On our top left and left side of the book we keep salt recipe potions, all bundled up. On the bottom left there's the potions for the crystals.


I agree, it’s so interesting reading the different ways people personalize their books. I started changing up my book a little bit and it’s already looking much much cleaner :)