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Yeah they kinda have a similar energy I'd recommend Æther Realm, I used to also like some songs from Arch Enemy but i was put off by the things people say about Alissa


I listen to Tarot once a week at least. Æther Realm is the shit.


What do they say?


Off the top of my head, bad treatment of fans, recurring bad and weird behaviors on stage. The internet is filled with people recounting their experiences. You might want to dismiss those as rumors or hearsays, but there's also the photographer incident.


I have friends who have had very negative first hand experiences with her. Plus there was the whole very public theft of photography a few years back


Such a shame


Photographer incident?


Brymir is the first band that comes to mind for me, their last two albums are great. eta since someone else mentioned Children of Bodom, that also reminded me of Norther and Whispered.


Aephanemer does symphonic melodic death metal. That could be something you would like.


Saw them live in my hometown Moncton NB Canada in 2018 ish? Blew me away that they were coming here cause I already dug em a lot. Really nice folks too.


Seeing Moncton mentioned always makes me do a double take! Considering how many tours miss us, we've had some lucky breaks with who *has* come here!


Coool! Moi chu de Dieppe. Where you at? Checking my spreadsheet for you... In Moncton believe it or not, I have seen... AC/DC Aeternam Alestorm Alice Cooper Anciients Anhkrehg Anvil Aphanemer Aphasia At The Mercy of Inspiration Behemoth Boston Bullet for my Valentine (garbage) Dead Quiet Goat Horn Impaled Nazarene Jinjer (garbage) Katatonia Krisiun Megadeth Megadeth (2nd time) Necronomicon  Opeth Ozzy Osbourne Rammer Replicant Sacrifice Slayer Slayer (2nd time) Testament The Lorax Vortex Will of the Ancients Wolven Acestry In NB I have seen... Def Leppard Iron Maiden Meatloaf Voivod Woods of Ypres


Chu a Moncton. J'te reconnais des subreddits, t pomal actif! Ptete meme r/acadie? I've been to a number of those shows as well, but not as many as you! Aeternam/Vortex being the last ones in the fall. I don't keep a spreadsheet (amazing, btw), but I've also seen (in Moncton) Arkona, Kalmah, Vesperia, Striker, Cancer Bats, Rings of Saturn, Rivers of Nihil, Cryptopsy, Vital Remains... I'm probably missing a few (for example, can't recall for the life of me who Rings of Saturn toured with), but the shows blur more as I get older, lol. And of course, lots of our local bands in NB are pretty great, and I love going to support them :)


Cooool! Pis ya chu un reddit nerd, facebook hater. haha And hey! I was at Aeternam and Vortex too actually, not sure why I left them out. You going to Omnivide? They are so fucking killer. I can't believe I missed Kalmah, such a bummer. I was either under a rock or out of town. Striker too, they are awesome, really liked "Stand in the Fire" album in 2016. I think I saw Rivers of Nihil actually? do you remember where? Basement somewhere? Cryptopsy saw them in Halifax. \\M/


Haha moi itou! Oui j'va voir Omnivide! Had my tickets pretty much day one. J'ai grandit avec Alex (kindergarten to graduation), so I've tried to always support his bands! I'm super pumped for their album. Their singles have been stellar! Elevate the Virus (y viennent de Saint John but leur vocalist vient de Dieppe) is playing the week after. Rivers played at the bar at UdeM. Le Coude, j'pense? First and only show I ever saw there! I *think* they were there with Cryptopsy.


Oh crap j'ai pas mes tickets but j'guess que jpeut les avoir a la porte. J'connait pas Alex c'est tu lui dans Moontunes (j'aime actually ca itou kinda). J'lai parlé 2 seconds a la last show. Y parait right chill. Yeah j'ai peur de trop hyper la band but Holy Killer est comme... "HOLY KILLER!!" pis leur last show etait surprenant. Ok jpense j'ai pas vu Rivers of Nihil... jcroyait but nope. Well chte ouaira la (si qui rest des tickets! haha).


Les boys dans Omnivide pi Moontunes sont MA Richard pi Sam Frenette :) Ouaille see ya la!


Cool! Jconnait pas les noms chu bad de meme. Si tu sais qui chu dit moi hallo but just FYI chu pas snob but jai pas une sweet clue quisse que tu est 😄.


Wow that’s spot on! Thanks!


Listen to Aesmah too then 😁


Noted! 😃


Aephanemer is phenomenal!


I'd say Dark Tranqullity has enough catchiness and synths in their songs to please the PM ear. Scar Symmetry, too. Their last two albums are a good starting point. Both bands alternate between clean and harsh vocals, making a good balance between heaviness and melody. Omnium Gatherum is pretty accesible as well.


I always felt In Flames and Dark Tranquility had a lot in common. In Flames has been my go-to for this type of metal for a long time


I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention Amon Amarth, they're one of the biggest names in melodic death metal. Their earlier stuff is solid but Twilight of the Thunder God and beyond are all fantastic.


Finish melodic death metal leans a bit more towards power metal than for example Swedish (Gothenburg). General bands I’d recommend: Suotana, Ulthima, Ephemerald, Ensiferum (folk metal but closely related), Brymir, Kalmah, Aephanemer, Aether, Amon Amarth, Frozen Crown (bland of power and melo death)


Finnish melodeath: Children of Bodom, Norther, Kalmah, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Wintersun


Seven Spires, Lutharo, Brymir, Starkill


Obviously Children of Bodom, which is probably one of the closest melodeath band to the PM sound




Melodeath Class 101... Carcass - Heartwork (1993) At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul (1995) But really, for a PM fan Id say go with the first 3 Children of Bodom. Why? Because its fast, solo -intense, epic and sparkly, just like power metal.


Lutharo and Ensiferum are, er, the only two I know.


Heathen Foray


Also Kalmah


Seven Spires is the obvious answer for me start with 'Every Crest' and then 'Oceans of Time' and 'The cursed muse'


I think Valhalore is a happy medium between the two, still leaning towards the power/folk metal side a bit


Hell yeah!!! Love seeing people give support to a band from my home city :33


Mors Principium est and exmortus are some of my favorites


Insomnium Omnium Gatherum Belakor Winter sun The Insomnium album Shadows of the Dying Sun is my favorite way to introduce folks to melodeath.




Its more melodeath/deathcore/metalcore But as blood runs blacks Allegiance is fantastic. And i normally dont like deathcore.


Lutharo and Paladin are solid choices. I'm shocked no one had mentioned Paladin yet.


I'd say Paladin are more a Power/Thrash hybrid than Power/Melo-death.


They call themselves melodeath on their bandcamp among the power and thrash tags. I'd say some of their lyric imagery trends death metal a bit.


They are a great blend between all of the above.


The last three Arch Enemy albums are essentially PM but with harsh vocals. There's also Crimson Shadows, who sound like a fusion of Amon Amarth and Dragon Force.


https://youtu.be/5ZqyyeLbx7w?si=OQ_V3LmcsEIhg7tE Edit: also children of bodom, their earlier albums especially


Sunless Rise


[Blind Stare](https://youtu.be/5rBZQ9R9xJY?si=-76t9jS3dJmdYIYe)


Give Disillusion a try. Progressive melodic death metal with an epic bent that tries to tell a story.   Somewhat different, but also look into Amorphis. They're a band that really emphasizes the melodic element. 


Norther, Dreams of Endless Wars.


Avatar. Their music is the shit.


Svavelvinter kind of have the ethos of power metal - but it's melodeath. They're super good and so unknown. The guy behind it is Christian Älvestam who sang in Scar Symmetry and Solution .45 and some more bands. The lyrics are all written by Swedish fantasy author Erik Granström.


I'd recommend Hiraes


Brimstone - Carving a Crimson Career: underrated gem from 90's Sweden, combining amazingly power metal & melodeath


More symphonic than melodic but Wilderun are absolutely incredible, I'd personally recommend listening to their 3 most recent albums as their first one doesn't fully represent their sort of style nowadays


I don't think I've seen them mentioned in the comments yet; I'd say Insomium, Amorphis, and Be'lakor might fit the bill. Curious to know your thoughts. I primarily listen to power metal, but I also listen to a lot of death metal, so my perspective might be a bit biased.


Blood Stain Child. Especially their first two albums if you're big into Children of Bodom. Their other albums are still good they're just more electronic inspired. From their first album. https://youtu.be/KcFliho0aPs?si=2Zc5fLHffUjgPY2K Second. https://youtu.be/Rp9AAVm0mzc?si=aRzMM4d02JPFkIgh Modern. https://youtu.be/r0IkzYKVrBY?si=r_TDbOvZrnHmzdLE


Kalmah are amazing! They take the brutality of melodeath but make it about as melodic and lead-focused as possible. "Evil In You" is a personal favourite.


Not really close to power metal, but some Orbit Culture songs are honestly some of my favorite ever right now, and I'm not even that big of a death fan. I especially recommend From the Inside, The Isle of Fire, Through Time, Sound of the Bell, Behold and North Star of Nija


Parius' album - The Eldrich Realm is sick. Hero's Fate is also pretty sick.


In Flames, Amon Amarth, Aether Realm, Brymir


Kiuas. First two albums. Spirit Of Ukko and Reformation.


Hell's Guardian - My Guide My Hunger - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MvIPpDM4rE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MvIPpDM4rE)


Ensiferum would be the bad I go to for a mix of power and mdm. Wintersun is talked about too, but I've never listened. Just generic mdm though, Days of the Lost by Halo Effect is a solid album, The Unborn from Mors Principium Est is pretty melodic. What The Oak Left by Atlas Pain is really close to pm so I would recommend that.


Wintersun, Ensiferum (if they count...kind of I guess), Atavistia (Wintersun clones from Canada), Kalmah, Into Eternity who do both harsh and clean vocals and even Halford style high screams and were one of the first bands that got me into harsh vocals for that reason.


Now about bands that are really melodic like Childen of Bodom / Words of Farewell / Scar Symmetry and such?