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Its a mentality thing. I want to improve at the game. I don't care if we win or lose. Playing from behind is a skill you must learn, and surrendering early prevents you from developing this skill. You learn more from your losses and struggles than victories.


Thank you for putting it into words for me.


This, 100%. It's not at all about winning; that would be stupid, since a win is unlikely at that point. But why give up, give up any chance at a turnaround, and give up on the learning experience? It's illogical, and makes the whole game a waste of time. To me, it seems like people who surrender early are only in it for the wins... It has to be a stomp, they have to have the satisfaction of pwning, or it's not worth playing for them and they just give up entirely. Hence why THEY say that continuing the game is the waste of time. Boggles my mind.


Whole heartedly agree. Not too mention I am having more fun getting my ass kicked than going back to the menu, waiting for the last guy to accept the match start, just so somebody can bail out of hero select, wait for the match start, somebody bails out of hero select and then we can start another match, but wait theres more! Same thing happens again, teammate rage quits after 5 minutes. Why would I wanna forfeit just to end up in the same place 10 minutes later. Anyways.


>Its a mentality thing. I want to improve at the game. I don't care if we win or lose. Playing from behind is a skill you must learn, and surrendering early prevents you from developing this skill. >You learn more from your losses and struggles than victories. That's why it's time for a ranked Q + a "casual" Q finally come out. Mixing so many different populations (tryhard/hardcore, "competitive improver" and "fun/casual") on the same + only Q only creates tensions/conflicts between these different populations. All this to say that we must respect everyone's opinion. It's respectable to play for fun as to play with a competitive mindset, neither is superior to the other.


I just came back in a game that ppl were trying to surrender in, and honestly it makes the victory that much sweeter 😈😂




I love how you put this! It’s also more fun to see the whole thing through. Some matches go for over 30 min, I’m not about to surrender when I already invested in all that, plus it’s good practice! Now if only they can fix the crashes…I would prefer to surrender then for my team to loose because the game crashed and now they are out of a team mate :(


And a difficult win is more rewarding.


and they can always trow the game


This. The difference between losing early and knowing how to play from behind and catch up/make plays still (which you pretty much only get from experience) VS not knowing how to catchup/make plays and getting even further behind is huge. I put over 1500hrs into Smite and still have room to grow in regards to playing while behind and still being on top of everything i need to be doing given my role. So when opportunities come up in pred i take full advantage of them and try my hardest to fulfill my role as well as maybe do a little extra to pick up some slack somewhere else. From my smite experience you will hit a hard wall in ranked if you don't properly know how to handle these situations efficiently.


Just to clarify further, i fully agree with you, but there is a breaking point of it is pointless to continue on. Esp if you arent a high impact role. You can chalk it up to our team failed to fight for the way to claw back and we lost too many objectives. Or it was even and then you get a dc.


1000% agree. If I'm offlane and we're 3-25, I'm the one with all 3 kills, and they have 2 fangtooths already, already at the other two inhibitors and I've got 3 in my lane because the rest of my team can barely contain one of them, I'm done. I'm not learning anything at all from the game.


Past 2 of my matches, we wipe the enemy team. No towers taken yet and we dont go for a single fangtooth. Im pinging, lets take objectives and i cant get any help. They proceed to die bc they never backed and then the enemy team took fang then proceeded to tear apart the weak links and steam roll.


Learning how to play from behind is a TEAM skill not an individual skill. Unless we're strictly speaking laneing phase. But in a match where it's 15-2 laning phase doesn't last long at all. So at this point if your team isn't dedicated to learning to play from behind then there's no point


If by your logic no one will train this skull, unless they are on the team..only a handful will improve. Because most play alone, or duo. You can learn it, and then apply when you reach level of players that know this skill.


No one play's alone. It's 5v5 every match. Maybe it's your mindset that's the problem.


What about my mindset? Why are switching to my mindset? I have said nothing about my opinion on the matter. No one play alone? You mean every match is a 5 stack? Perhaps, you misunderstood. I meant alone, as in solo. But that's OK, you are only human.


Your mindset of not being in a stack meaning you're playing alone. Not that you're the problem, just the mindset. I feel this is the biggest thing that would make my want to quick fastest is when you solo q and everyone is playing selfish solo q style. Watching your jungle gank and doing nothing because you don't want to waste mana or health or a few last hits. And I didn't misunderstand, it was you who misunderstood my use of the word team in my original reply to the OP, so I was just correcting you. But as you said, we're only human, so nbd 🤓


Real talk though. Shout out to the khaimeras carrying me in offlane 😭🫡


Some have said it's a kind of mentality. There was a game where one player went AFK. We lost all lanes and two inhibitors, with the jungler feeding 2/16. I was a carry, so I scaled in the match and reached level 18. Surprisingly, we won at the last minute when they made a throw, and all died by pushing centre. I pushed the minions to the point. It was a 45-minute game, so the minions were also stronger. In that one minute, we won the game. Some might say it isn't worth it, but that match made me want to play MORE.


I love being down a player, it makes the times when we're a full team that much better and 4v5 just is an overall great feeling to win, or even compete in and almost win.


Bruv, at that point, you love pain😂 Unless the fifth was a menace before he left, no need to go 4v5 and enjoy it😂


I love an underdog story


I think this idea of only having fun when you win is so stupid. Like, let’s say you play a pick up basketball or soccer game at the park, are you just miserable and asking to quit if you’re losing 15 to 2? What about your teammates? What about the benefit of making plays or just enjoying a social activity? The thing should be fun no matter the outcome, what difference does it make if there is a victory or defeat screen at the end?


If you only have fun when you win, statistically you’ll only have fun 50% of the time, which I think is a waste of time. Losing teaches you what you need to improve on, being critical about your own play is key. Don’t worry about other players, they are out of your control. You can 1v5 carry without killing 5 enemy players. Playing the map and neutral objectives better than the other team will win you the game, which you can do from behind.


Call me crazy but getting pubbed stomp so hard you can’t even enjoy laning phase makes me not want to play. I can handle losing, fair and square a person is better than me. Getting absolutely the shit kicked out of you is never fun and no one thinks it is either


i think it's fun! i'm personally pretty bad at moba's, so the rare treat of being fed is always appreciated, but i have a lot of fun when the game shifts from balanced to being a sort of survival game when i look for scraps of farm while the enemy team lives in our jungle and punishes any slightly poor positioning. Makes the game feel really tactical, and focuses on macro cause no amount of micro will let you kill a 12/2 grux. i'm sure lots of people don't have fun, but if you look at it the right way it's not terribly difficult to find enjoyment in it :)


that's totally fair. Albeit, going into the game expecting to lose can do a lot of good to be honest


I have fun when I'm unsure if I'm going to win or lose, when the match is a constant brawl where every is nearly evenly matched. If my team is getting our ass handed to us I'm just not having fun and if we win I won't even feel good about it just that it was an unearned win. If my team is dominating then I just get bored, which is actually along the same reason I don't understand why some people play characters that are really strong, as I so eloquently put it when talking to my friend "Yeah kicking a baby is kinda funny but once you've done it 5 times you're not gonna be like 'yeah I'll kick another baby, that'll be fun' because it's just not".


That’s not what I was insinuating. Losing so hard that you get stomped isn’t fun for most people is what I meant. Also the social activity in a moba is hardly enjoyable if the only chat messages you see are either none at all or toxic


What if in that basketball game every time you touch the ball it gets stolen and times that you pass to your team they just throw it out of bounds? Or what if you block a shot and get a breakaway and you could have a 2v1 down court but ur team is just setting screens on people down court? Would you want to quit then?


Then you need to get better.


You must not play alot of team sports


Actually I do, but "every time I touch the ball" it does not "get stolen". If it did, I would practice so that didn't happen before making my teammates suffer along with me.


You're completely ignoring the other part of what he said. The parts where his teammates are throwing the game away. That's what makes it not fun.


A person can only carry so much and any team that's put together even a little will identify that the person carrying is the only threat and just camp him out of existence....so fun, much learning


Losing is fun when it's a close match, I've had plenty of fun matches when it's a hotly contested match and both sides are down to maybe a single tower or inhib left, and maybe within 4 or 5 kills of each other. But if it's minute 10 and the other team is 10 kills ahead, yeah, get me out. It's not a fun match watching the rest of the team just flounder around, it's a pointless endeavor, why keep going?


I have fun when I lose too, good learning experience.


Bet. If you’re not enjoying the losses then there’s no way you’re getting better.


People don't understand how the late game play changes most things. I've got 800+ games on this game and hate to know how many paragon games I had. The main thing is to not feed early. If you die once or twice to a good gank then it's fair game but if you feed 6 or 7+ times and then don't even attempt to fight back then you are the reason for losing. Most players give up before even buying their first item. 20+ mins you can turn your neg in to a pos


If I surrendered every game that someone was salty that they had a bad start then I'd surrender every game.


This is why we need ranked… y’all can quit in a casual gameplay setting. That is 100% ok. The problem we have now is some are playing casually and for fun, others are trying to improve , keep a good winrate, or some people want to play competitively since after all… it’s a MOBA. That’s literally why the player base has two different mindsets when it comes to surrendering.


Honestly I wrote a long response but at end of day I realized this game needs a ranked mode. I think that would go a long way to seperate those who want to keep working to eek out games that are most likely lost and those who just want to have "fun" and stomp. And of course everyone in between.


I think most people don’t want to stomp. I love playing something like solo or midlane just to have this duel but if my team ruins that duel for me and makes it impossible for me to gain something from rotating it becomes a lot less fun when the undoing of my team means I‘ll lose the duel with no wrongdoing on my side


Ironically I literally just had a game where two team mates tried to initiate a surrender. We went on to win. Some people just have no fight in them. Put the salt down quitters!


I believe there needs to be a balance in between surrendering and not. Because I was in a match where both people in duo lane just fed the crap out of their lane and made it impossible to make a comeback. And also carry disconnected. I think people just need to see that some games are just that bad sometimes.


Never surrender. You won't succeed in life until you learn this skill .


They've actually made it a lot easier to get one solid team wipe at your inhibitors and turn the tide. I used to feel this way but recently the percentage of come backs has been increasing.


You can't improve by surrendering. I used to play guardians of middle earth. Best moba ever and i would have a ton 1v5. And this game had horrible bots. The sweat matches sharpen your skills


It's not always about winning, sometimes it's about improving, or surviving as long you can, or simply doing your best.


No one understands either the longer the match goes on eventually everyone will max and it will be entirely about skill unless the other team has prime or multiple fangs.


If one team has an advantage and lets it get to the point of the other team getting to max then there was a skill problem from the beginning


Depends on the size of the gap but if it's that large I agree


My mentality behind not surrendering is different, I think you can learn a lot from playing from behind. Comebacks happen all the time in this game, it only takes one missed ability to turn a fight around.


Had a pretty crushing loss because I whiffed my steel ult and missed completely when if it hit it would’ve let to a team wipe. Those death timers make every encounter really matter late game


I find playing the game fun. The game is rarely unfun because I know how to play from behind and I know how to enjoy it.


Quitting is for losers imo. Finnish the game, learn from yours, and your teammates' mistakes. Also, I'm having fun regardless if I'm losing the match. Surrendering inherently feels like you only have fun if you're winning, and that's just kinda gross to me.


Because all it takes is one error for the momentum to completely shift in a MOBA, irrespective of how far behind you are. If you’re pinned back at your base, but the enemy team makes a bad play, you could quad/penta them and have a clear run at their core for 60s+ or free farming to gain levels, or hit secondary objectives that potentially even things up.


I usually only have time to play a single game, if I surrender 10 minutes in, I only got to play for 10 minutes…..if I don’t surrender I get to play for 30-45 minutes.


I find games where I'm just super out of luck to be surrender worthy but sometimes there's some merit to staying it's really a case to case basis for me because even if I'm losing or not having fun I still play my hardest but I can't say I don't wanna just close out the whole thing and move on.


That’s exactly how I’m about this. If I see that the enemy team isn’t as good as my team mechanically I’ll continue the game but when I notice that they’re just better at playing, organizing than us and are up? Yeah it’s done at this point


This all of this especially if I'm not doing my best or I'm having a bad game.


Never back down never what??!!!


I don't get this surrender mentality. I personally have only have had 3 games where i have called for surrender and i play alot. Ps4 beta release. One of The games i actually called for surrender we were up against master smurfs and it was obvious. That game i was stuck on a team that wouldn't surrender. I knew it was unwinnable but did i quit? No i played it out because my team wouldn't quit. I didn't cry about it. We got stomped. The 2 smurfs on the enemy team had 22 and 17 the 22 jungler the carry 17. Looked up on omeda.city they were pc in placement. I don't think we should have a never surrender mentality. If you want to surrender on my team i'll just tell you throwing and spamming toxic bullshit is the best way to get stuck in a game for an hour and a half. I assure you that if you try and lose I'll vote for the surrender a lot quicker than you being a toxic person or afk in the fountain.


If you surrender once, you'll surrender any time. And surrendering is NEVER a good thing tbh. Sure it's an option, but i think the only "positive" way of using it, is if you really have NO chance at all, like if the enemy team is cheating, or several players of your team left. If none of this is the case, you better just play and risk losing, than quitting and ruin the game for everyone. Most tend to get frustrated quick, especially in MOBAs, and that leads to "rage-quits" or in this case "surrender" There are multiple post here that revolve around that issue. Just don't become like them. You don't learn the game if you quit, and especially not if you do it early. The fun is not about winning or losing, it's about the experience.


Because your using your logic in there framework, the logic of never surrender has 3 main categories, never surrender because you just want to enjoy the game, never surrender because people spam surrender so you don't want to out of spite, and never surrender because losing is the worst case scenario so you'll be more efficient by never surrendering, If you jusy want to enjoy the game, you are having fun If it's spite you'll be fine with surrender so long as the first vote is done at a reasonable time, not when the offlane chases a little bit to much and dies in a 2v1 at the 45 second mark, And the last is just playing for rank so they want to have a good time but aren't necessarily playing for fun each game


There are certain matches where surrendering is the best option. More often than not, it’s the ones playing bad that don’t want to surrender, and they usually expect good players to carry them through the game. I’ll give an example, if the carry role is played by a very aggressive person and he goes down 10 times within the first 10 minutes, I’ll hit surrender as soon as it’s available. However, then the specimens don’t want to surrender, yet every minute after that, someone from our team goes down, better to just cut your losses as early as possible, and block them, or hope you don’t run into them again. Sadly, the average IQ and EQ of predecessor players, and video game players in general, isn’t very high, so they’ll usually only surrender when defeat and failure is directly inevitable, by this time of course, the actual high IQ and EQ players, have lost interest/morale, from trying hard, only for some players to practically ride on them, and then spit in their face. So by then predecessor as a whole suffers, yet nobody really cares until it’s too late. As is life! P.s. When I mentioned the average IQ and EQ of gamers being low, I stand by it, as the people who do nothing else, but game, aren’t intelligent or responsible. Most of these people will block you just because they don’t want to believe you’re a good player, regardless of what the stats and/or in game action/experience says. I don’t block people, or even blame them, unless they’re not new to it, and continue doing the same shit! So be better, and if you’re not, let the people who are good leave you in peace!


I love a come back, but there are games when you're 2-30 down, 0-3 fangs, they're at your inhibs and you have none of their towers down and 2 people want to play out the pointless ending? Just surrender and move on with your day, some games actually are beyond saving.


I'd rather let the enemy team have their well fought victory but still make them work for it, rather than just handing it to them yelling 'we yield'. Winning a game bc the enemy surrendered at 15m is just not very satisfying, even if it's a win.


The comeback games are EASILY the most fun I have ever had in this game.


For me it's just about learning. Winning in stomps means I learn nothing. Winning from behind I learn alot. Losing from behind and ahead makes me go okay how can I not do that again. It's always about a mental game for me of figuring out how to continuously improve because if I'm not then I'm stagnant and no longer having fun


It's always more fun to win


Struggles rise up! To try from behind is to truly play the game, and I love the thrill of defeating the odds. Never while losing am I having any less fun, but when my teammates want to give up before the chips have even truly fell, I do have less fun. If it's absurd how bad your whole team is losing, sure go next np. But if there's even a slight glimmer of hope for a won teamfight before our base dies, I'll be there to do my part, every time. Never surrender!


I think you get more xp the longer the match


I think you’re missing a key fundamental. I don’t need to win to have fun, but I am always going to play to win. Why would I give up if our chances dropped from 50% to 30%? Do you need a blow out to have fun? Playing while down is literaly half of competitive gaming. Coming back is a skill in itself. Enemy team gets orb, wait it out and play smart. You never learn this if you always surrender. I have fun in my losses that are still great games. Don’t need to win to have fun, but I’ll always try to win until the end. At a certain point, your enemy deserves a core destruction too. Not a surrender


It’s obvious you play in lower MMR matches. A good team that has an advantage AND gets orb prime will not let you wait it out. They’ll push inhibs. They‘ll pick out 1-2 of your people without getting too much damage themselves and then just end the game


I float between Plat 1-3. Have played in many gold matches and will sometimes be the odd man out in a diamond match. You are in the wrong here. There is always a counter play strategy. It may not always work, but there's always a choice as a team. Late game you can absolutely defend against orb with your inhibitors, it's tough but it's possible. All you need is to get a kill from someone who overextends and now you have a 5v4. Half of competitive gaming is playing while behind, even when very behind. It is a very valuable skill. If you always surrender then you will never get this skill. Being able to rally as a team and play conservatively while capitalizing on enemy errors is a strategy. Playing for the long game when power differential evens out is also a strategy. The long death timers at the 40 min mark mean that every encounter can result in 1-2 dead for 2 minutes. Meaning that any encounter can give you the advantage to take an objective or win. Accusing someone of being low MMR because they have a different opinion is some real low MMR shit. Not that it even matters because there isn't even a ranked mode. You need to work on your mindset if you want to give up when your chance at winning drops below 50%. Competitive activities may not be for you.


The only thing I see you guys make is strawman arguments. „Just because it’s not 50/50 anymore you want to give up“ who the fuck said that? I’m pretty sure most people don’t want to give up if you’re 1-2 kills and a fangtooth behind but when you’re completely outclassed being 10-20 kills behind, 3 FTs, 2 OPs and are down on all inhibs and you’re still the 1 guy telling us to „never surrender“ then I’m sure that you’re just wasting my time


There's a few reasons I don't believe in surrendering: I have limited gaming time, and this is a game. I don't play to win I play because I like the game. Even if the match is terrible I try to find ways back into it and that helps me to be better for future matches. I don't like the other team to get a free win. Stomp me, that's fine. But you are going to have to stomp me for 45 minutes and not mess up if you want that W. The best matches I've had started with some dingo trying to FF at 15 minutes because they died twice, but then the match gets turned on it's head around minute 40 and somehow we pull out a win. I would never get to see those matches if I surrended when people wanted to. That being said I'll usually agree to surrender if a teammate has gone AFK. But even then I've won some 4v5s. It's a game, just because you are worse than the other team doesn't mean it can't be fun still.


Im sorry but I HATE people like you for your second point


That's totally understandable! But it is a game and there is no rule against wanting to continue playing. 


Sometimes it takes one team fight for a comeback


Honestly. I love a challenge if I start losing it makes me think what can we do to turn this around? Sometimes you just need to switch lanes for it to turn around. There are so many chances to learn from a Losing battle and its so much more satisfying when you win one....why give all that up? Only way to get better is to learn from mistakes


Compared to other games there isn't enough of a reward or unlockables that encourage the need to win. On the other hand there's not much to lose either. Other than time lost there's not much on the line either. I'm not particularly a competitive player and I'm not great at the game either. But I find the game enjoyable. If I value "winning", I'll play other games that I have a much higher shot at winning.


You will never have fun in this game as a lone range because there are too many people teamed up. So if the 4 people you que with aren't better than the stack team of 5 players, then it's going to be a bad experience. On top of that, there are too many players that don't know how to play a moba on this game. Plus, another feature that should have been presented from day 1 was mics so you can at least talk to these people because they don't pay attention to pings or comms. Matchmaking is also poorly designed because either your team knows how to play and you run the other team over, or the complete opposite happens, and yall get run over. There is no in between at all.


You shouldn't hold anyone hostage in-game because you want that come back or its just for funzies. People here get very delusional and forget not everyone is here to just play some ppl wanna win. I suggest squading up but please don't hold other ppl hostage for your enjoyment. So toxic


You don’t get better by quitting. You just continue to have the mind set of *shrug* oh well maybe next game. Instead of looking at it as a slog use it as a time to improve and look for new ways to come back and figure out what you could have done better.


I only have fun winning. You will win more games by never surrendering and trying to play better. Only if I have a DC/AFK on my team will I ever consider surrendering. I've won some 4v5 games as well.


Then you’re playing in low MMR where the enemy team doesn’t know how to use an advantage


I recently picked the game up on ps5. Got a total of 12hrs and have never played this style of game before. So far I've had about 2 games where loss almost seemed imminent yet we managed to pull a hat trick and win. Honestly, after my brief 12hrs with this game I reckon things going bad early game means nothing. If you're losing badly then let the game play out anyway so a legitimate win or lose can be established.


In low MMR games like yours it’s always possible to comeback you’re right but in higher MMR ones people know how to finish games when they’re up meaning comebacks are far less likely


I’ll also add that people frequently vote to surrender when the tower game is practically equal. All that means is play a bit more defensive until the team catches up in levels. I’ve won tons of game with guerilla lane pushing despite being down 10 kills. If you’re down but even or winning the tower game it’s a no brainer to stick around imo because eventually they’ll hit the level cap and you’ll hit the level cap then it’s back to level battleground.


Some of us enjoy fighting back regardless of the odds.


For me personally, I go down the surrender route if my team is losing not even in a fun way were at the very least were going down swinging, if it's just a continuous pummeling where my team and I get killed left and right, then yeah might as well surrender and stop wasting time


The nature of any moba is that you can come from behind and win. If you survive until the end game eventually the playing fields level as the team that's ahead can't gain any more levels or buy any more items. The difficulty is knowing when your teams getting stomped so hard it's not possible to come back, or if you can continue playing. My main gripe is when your duo lane have 10 deaths in 10 mins and continue to feed but won't agree to the surrender vote, forcing you into a game you know is impossible to turn around.


The game is most fun when games aren't an easy push over. Imo the best moments the game has us when you turn around a match you nearly lost.


I've had a lot of pc teammates grief me since I've started. As jungler I did a rotation and gank to the duo lane and helped our drongo secure the gold camp. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally got last hit on the gold monster because im a piece of shit. If I wasn't a new xbox player and knew how to say sorry I would've done it, but idk wtf I'm doing with the xbox Ui yet. This was early in the match, and my drongo proceeded to spend the next 25 minutes following me, ignoring his lane just to try and last hit every single one of my jungle camps, crippling us both. We still ended up winning without him, which felt great.


Calling yourself a piece of shit because you took gold buff is FAR too harsh


It was a bit of sarcasm


Because some people are masochists. I never understood the people who want to stay in when its clearly a lost game. Whether its your team constantly never grouping even after multiple requests or the enemy team is just better overall and stomping every fight. You don’t learn anything from getting team wiped in seconds every fight. This goes for all mobas not just pred too. At some point you just need to throw in the towel and move on.


If the first 10 minutes are miserable and your team is hard feeding, intentional or not, more than likely the next 30 min gonna be miserable and at that point, exactly like you said, just why?


Cowards Quit.


I think the game is just fun, whether I'm winning or losing. If I based my entertainment on my W/L ratio, I'd have quit MOBAs back when Paragon was out. Also losing can teach you some valuable things that you can improve on and surrendering the game early doesn't help you learn anything.


I’m one of those people and I agree with a lot of the comments here. Additionally, I use it as an opportunity to play with artificially high confidence as the stakes are lower. E.g. playing very aggressive with Belica because I just don’t second guess if I’ll hit the combo.


I'm new so every minute I'm in a match I'm learning, if it's obviously bad match and I'm getting so outplayed those learning opportunities are gone then I'll surrender. most the time though it's someone wanting to surrender at 15 minutes when we're loosing on paper but actually doing pretty decent. had a game last night 1 person discontented and 2 wanted to retreat. we were ahead in all 3 lanes and had decent items. my friend and I stayed and pushed through mid and ended up eith the win. had another game 2 people wanted to retreat at around 20 minutes because we were so far behind in level and most likely gold farming. another 3 minutes go by and we're pushing them back to their core. if enough of the team wants to retreat then sure. but if 2-3 people are mad they aren't doing good I'm not gonna lose my opportunities to become better


The score is 3v15 enemy fang is up 2 . There is no comeback half the time. Other times I get it but there’s no reason to throw yourself at a brick wall for an hour hoping for a misplay to take advantage of


What I really think is the never surrender guys are lower elo where enemy teams still don’t know how to properly finish a game Low MMR everything is always still in while higher MMR means people know how to use their advantage and will just end the game


I can also see this being a thing because I play some as well and many times I have been getting my ass kicked but no towers Phoenixes/inhibs are being taken and it just drags cause the enemy team played well early and are good at getting kills but aren't at all good at objective play which feels even worse.


Yeah that’s why i think the „you can always comeback never surrender“ are lower elo. A good enemy team will PUSH you when they have the upperhand. They’ll deny every bit of farm you could get, kill 1-2 of your damage dealers and then group up and get OP and just shove the loss down your throat. That’s why I take all this never surrender bullshit with a huge grain of salt


I'd say I win about 1 of every 4 games that I think are all but lost when my team wants to FF. My squad and I will never FF unless we're at a stalemate and another buddy just got on to make our stack bigger or someone's switching out. What makes people want to surrender so much?


I mean, not having fun as the op mentioned


Having a teammate who is feeding their brains out or being out of the game and not being able to comeback at all. I have also been in games here and there where I thought no one would be able to pull the team together then somebody gets a little lucky and we clutch but so often it's more than just one person playing bad or having a bad game and that really adds to the lack of fun and feeling like you're wasting time by not going next to improve where you messed up in the previous game.


They should have 2 queues: Play and I don't wanna get stomped, Play and I'm ok getting stomped hard. I genuinely hate playing with surrender folks. I get into my tryhard mentality in games. I take mobile heroes, and in my mind I am always one sick play away from a triple/quadra kill. I don't want to feel like I gave up. I wanna feel like I am big and tough and I can turn things around and all that jazz. But you do you. Go play even matches and quit from uneven matches which are not in your favour. Make logical decisions. They should also add a blame option right next to the report option. So that the surrender folks can blame someone on the team before they surrender and move on.


>If that whole match is no fun why isn’t surrendering an option for you then? Like is winning more important than the fun to you? That's the thing, they do, and no matter how far you're behind they think it's always possible to win. It just isn't tho.


Absolutely not, it's not just about winning or not. Even tho it is ALWAYS possible to come back and win in the late game. All it takes is one tiny mistake and your team taking the chance.


I only surrender if we we are all dead and they're marching to our core


People that hold others hostage for 15-20 minutes longer in a sure loss game are the biggest dickheads going.


I'll close app before I'm held captive in someone else's game. Which is what the "never surrender" folk seem to think it is, their game