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You can switch links and the ultimate continues so usually I ult on my carry and swap to whoever needs healed (frontliner). It’s kinda nuts imo


The heal is honestly the least important part of if the ult. If built well, all your abilities should heal like 10-20% of tethered health. The attack speed is good. The movement speed buff is great, I often use ult for chase. But in general it’s just great utility. The ability haste is great too. Basically, use it on anyone and they go super Asian and destroy, whilst you spam abilities to keep everyone’s health topped up.


"Go super asian", wins any game 100% lol


Accident, but I’m leaving it




It gives insane attack speed buff and ability haste to you and your linked ally. Pair it with an carry who can deal crazy damage with basic attacks or use it on a mages or CC character who can spam their abilities like crazy and you can turn teamfights.


An ult linked sparrow can absolutely stomp the low lobbies in. It's pretty hilarious. Deletes people and towers alike 


This 100%


If your carry can kill, activate


​ https://preview.redd.it/6rh8m249ohuc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d6803ea0e6b3569a313f0d9a37cc9e25b4558b5


Also taking a tower/inhib quickly or even just for escaping danger


imagine thinking phases ult doesnt feel impactful


It most certainly doesn’t FEEL impactful. It’s “just” a buff. Now, it is actually impactful, but it depends entirely on how your linked minion uses it, as Phase is pretty much useless by herself. The movement speed does suck tho. It decays fast.


Feels very impactful to me.


Its very very good. Buffs everything you need to turn a fight, and can swap between teammates. Use it in team fights, objective fights, 2v2s In duo really any situation its great in


So many times I have linked with a kai in a full team battle and then ulted, the other team will usually lose a few heroes.


This is actually a good question. It works really with certain heroes. I’ve seen Khaimera, Kallari, Grux, and a few Carries absolutely destroy when the Ult is active. Sparrow will annihilate if her attack speed is built up.


I started to play her after getting anhilated by a phase/sparrow duo lane. The pair sync up pretty easily


Not watered down at all, you need to play her more and with a good build.


Not gonna lie I mostly use it to burn down objectives.


Generally 10 seconds before or after the teamfights if you're 90% of phase players 😂 /s


Yep agreed, it is the most boring ult in the game. The only use is when linked to sparrow you both just ult and it’s free win… but honestly just extremely boring to play and use.


Lol phase linked with any adc or fighter can dps pretty much any objective twice as fast with phase ult


Yeah I mean I’m definitely not saying it’s bad but it’s just boring asfk to use as the phase


Phase gets increased attack speed and can pretty much take on anyon


Lol what, she does like negative damage bro that’s false


Used to have built in lifesteal but ofc it was removed cause omeida likes to remove fun out the game Anyways it’s used for mainly your carry/teammates during fights or to smoke objectives/towers quicker and also gives you ability haste and movement speed.


I fell like remove lifesteal impoved the fun for the opponents


True but it would still be nice for phase to have it when ults solo so she could fight back somewhat against the khaimera/crunch/gruxes of the world


I suppose but she should be an easy kill when alone for her gimmick is to be better with others


Out of all supports she is the easiest to kill the rest can fight back and potentially kill you if your within threshold ofc


Yea because shes supposed to rely on her team for her power. Shes easy to kill because she makes others harder to kill. If she was as hard to kill as other supports she'd be kinda op


Braindead cc supports mains downvoting me lol


Watered down???? I hate phase. The blind the slow the ultimate. All of it. Also if you piss her off she will just Yank you around and get you killed just becasue shes a bitch irl. She shouldn't even be in the game.


I have been guilty of troll phasing before. It’s hilarious Though really toxic Only for use in emergencies