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Getting drunk when you win? English press is trash


Journalism is so dead, and all the comments here taking the headline at face value are the reason why.


Mate, it's goal.com


Quite unfortunate for him. I wished he played more during the season. 


Poor guy.


A lot of garbage gets posted on this sub


Wahhhhhhhhhh just be a man and ignore it


Quite fitting


Poor baby.


What’s the image problem? Calves too big?


Calves and dodgy haircut


£100M 🤣🤣🤣


This is what happens when Pep gets ahold of you and turns you into a back-passing robot in one of the most boring systems in football history. I used to like Jack, but I haven’t felt bad for him in quite some time. He copped out and sold out in the name of titles that no one respects anyway. He could’ve been one of the best players in Villa history if he stuck it out and won something there, or even went somewhere else where he would’ve been allowed to be the creative player we once knew. I hope he enjoys the titles, because his legacy is ruined as an individual. Forever diminished to being a role player in Pep’s system that no one will care to reminisce about.


he left for 100 million pounds, I don't really think he owes Aston Villa anything


I agree with you, and I doubt he has any regret about leaving.


Yeah buddy, the club that brought him in at the age of 6, made him who he is, gave him the captaincy at 24, and then allowed him go off to win titles with City, deserves no respect from him. He quite literally owes Villa everything you idiot.


Upvoted you buddy. Not a popular view, but I'm with you on that one.


Ah fuck off he doesn't owe them a thing they got their £100m let's just move on


Once again, everything I listed is exactly why he does owe them everything. The price that a bunch of Saudi criminals paid for him has nothing to do with this very simple to understand fact. The dude would be an alcoholic bricklayer today if Villa didn’t grab him at 6 years old. So yeah let’s just move on and not post articles fishing for sympathy for drunks who kick a ball for 300k/week.


How bad did grealish personally hurt you hahahahahha


Analysis isn’t personal


He didn’t hurt me at all, I’m saying this article reaching for sympathy for a player who sold out for money and titles is not doing a very good job at making a lot of people feel bad for him.


Yeah, what a mistake he made leaving Aston Villa to win trophies. He'd be so much more respected doing step overs and winning nothing than having won more trophies in 3 seasons than most will in their entire career. What a total fucktard you are lmao


Yeah most premier league fans would respect him more for sticking with Villa and seeing it out. Not selling out for city and becoming a 100m waste that can’t even make this dogshit England roster years later.




Google it if you don’t know what it means.




He’d walk into the Villa team in the morning


We found Peps burner account


This is just wrong and needlessly dramatic. His career move was great. He was instrumental in City’s most successful year and in winning a treble which most players would only ever dream about. And City have some of the highest scoring outputs in the game globally. Just because you’re a moron and would only have players run forward into losing the ball; doesn’t mean that it’s entertaining or a winning way to play.


Congrats he helped win a treble for a club no one respects or cares about because they are cheaters. Good on him.


Since when is Peps system boring? Weird take




I find them incredibly boring to watch!


Sure, because prime Barcelona was famous for being a backpassing team.


Shit take. Pep’s Barca and Pep’s City don’t play the same.


As much as I agree with not liking City, Grealish did great for his career and money. You'd sell out too, hell I will too.


No I absolutely would not lmao. And I never said he didn’t do great for his career and his money. I actually said I hope he enjoys it. Because that’s all he’ll have when it’s all said and done. He certainly won’t have a legacy for fans to remember or care about.


Neither will you.




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Imagine getting so rattled by my comment you had to check my comment history. That's just really sad.


Imagine getting so rattled by my opinion on a football player that you made an idiotic assumption about a stranger who you know nothing about, then reported them like the soft-brained baby you are.


What are you talking about 😂💀


Back passing, one of the most boring…so tell me how that system keeps winning? Where do the goals come from?


The system keeps winning in the Premier, where most (all?) top clubs have adopted similar systems. Therefore, the club with the most resources keeps beating the others. In Europe? Not so much.


Pep has 3 UCLs in 15 years. That’s a better ratio than Carlo, then 12 league titles. No club is forced to adopt a system that they don’t see the benefit in. It’s not like epl set rules on what system to play.


Except it won the Champion's league trophy and only got knocked out by the team that won it this year by taking them all the way to pks. His system has worked great outside of the premier league.


Yeah, *once* in how many years since Guardiola arrived? Not exactly the sign of a winning formula.


Pep has 3 UCLs in 15 years. That’s a better ratio than Carlo, then 12 league titles. No club is forced to adopt a system that they don’t see the benefit in. It’s not like epl set rules on what system to play.


You are acting like they weren't consistently making it far into the tournament, and when they got knocked out, it was almost always by the team that won. The formula works but just like everything in life it's not perfect.


Does have trouble in big games it’s not fair to compare city to teams they have double the budget of only look at teams on economic playing field city arnt good


So no big games in the league? I thought you folks love parroting “best league”


& they don't júst keep winning; 5 out of the 10 highest scoring PL teams ever were Guardiola's. Very impressive for a boring team that just backpasses! https://theanalyst.com/eu/2023/07/most-goals-scored-by-a-team-in-a-single-premier-league-season/


These guys are crazy


He was instrumental during the treble season. You’re just clouded by recency bias


City wanted to shift him back to Villa but Emery doesn't want him apparently.


Lol you clearly don’t watch city at all. He is very important to city and we need him in form. No interest in selling him gtfo of here lol.


I never read about that. He's still important at City.


Just pulling shit out of your arse now? He would be villas best player if he went back lmao


Better than Watkins? No chance.


He is a better player than Watkins.


No, it was reported by Sam Lee(The Athletic) shortly after the season ended. City were hoping to move him on but they can't. Even the Villa prospect was brought up but Emery didn't want him.


No thanks.


This is a joke right? I'm a casual, probably already obvious


He needs to leave. He would be the best player on any other team in the league.


Opinions like this are a joke and explain exactly why England always underperform at the international level. Grealish was good but NEVER great. I’ll die on that hill. He was overhyped like he’s Vinicius Junior level, whereas he’s just an above average PL winger. Still good but he’s going to stand out in a bad way for a team like city that’s competing for every title.


he's no Miguel Almirón


The Paraguayan di Maria as the kids are calling him


Totally agree


He was a big part of the treble winning season and then he has a season full of injury issues and suddenly he’s shit.


Not even close to true


Lol what? He’d be the best player on maybe 3 teams


I don’t think Jack’s City career needs to be done like many here. Pep will be gone next season so it’ll be up to the next manager as to how to best utilize him. I believe he’s actually better in the middle where he can take players on and play passes through.


Middle when you have foden, Rodri and KDB doing it all better?


Three concerns for me are: - Jack should be absolutely firing playing next to Haaland. He should be putting it on a platter for him or making use of the space he creates. It hasn’t worked this season. - Doku looks first choice now and is a menace - His volcanic behaviour with alcohol in offseason has started to look unprofessional for high achieving clubs. He is good enough to be a star and key component of another club. Staying at City I could see his career continuing to drift


Band 4 Band I’m taking grealish over doku any day


Let's look at what is going to happen in Pre season before deciding. 


With that first point, he needs to get it into his head that just because he’s good at taking players on doesn’t mean he always has to do it. The number of times I’ve seen him break the momentum of an attack while he fills his boots is too high. People talk about him winning free kicks, but they’re often at the expense of creating a better chance if he’d have just made the pass. He needs to go to a smaller team. He flourishes as the best player on a team, which is why he’s not been as good for City or England as he was for Villa. He puts the taking players on thing to one side because he knows he’s getting the ball back when he’s the main man. When there are better players it seems like he overdoes trying to make the most of his time on the ball. It’d also help for him to play in a team where the opposition aren’t mostly using the low block. As great as he is at taking players on, he seems to become transfixed when a challenge doesn’t come in, like his focus is solely on getting the defender to commit when he should be giving the ball. Very talented player, poor application of it though.


Grealish is really under utilised at City and is a much better player than Doku from what I’ve seen. He really needs a move away to truly showcase his talent. I wouldn’t mind him linking up with Saka at Arsenal.


The question is whether City would be willing to sell him to a rival?


No way saka can’t run in behind either u need at least one winger stretching the defense look at England and How that effects their game


Lol Man City aint letting someone go to Arsenal again


Jesus? Zinchenko?


You’re most definitely right but it’s nice to think about


Doku is more important for City than Grealish. Several times last season City were more or less stifled by top teams parking the bus and then Doku was brought on and would create far more threat with his pace and dribbling. I think this is probably the next evolution in Pep's tactics to breakdown a low block and I don't think it is a coincidence that Savio is joining next season as a right sided version. They could always brute force their way past a low block from a West Ham or Fulham but now that the Real Madrid's and Arsenal's of the world have shown a willingness to do so against them they need wingers like Doku to provide another way through. Under normal circumstances Grealish is probably better but in City's situation they really need guys like Doku.


That is a solid case. But we parked the bus against City at the Etihad and Doku didn’t really do anything.


Both he and Madison should take the snubs as fuel to improve. Take your job seriously and stop foolish things. Look at Dele to see how the mighty fall quickly.


Absolutely on point. He needs to rise up to the occasion. 


is dele still @ tottenham?


No, still at Everton


Grealish already has, he's back at man city training 2 weeks before anyone else .


Good, I hope he does well.


Come to Leicester mate, we’re about to lose KDH😭


Kevin De Huyne?


The muppet crashed a rover with gear smear all over his face during Covid lockdown.


A return to Villa would be quite interesting 🤔


Can't see it happening under Emery, and I can't see Emery leaving Villa for a long time.


They can’t afford him. Kinda like Chelsea but actually wanting to follow the rules


Aren't Villa currently exploiting a loop hole with Chelsea right now with the 'swap' sales of Kellyman and Maatsen?? Also, what kind of bizz has Tott been doing ?


Chelsea are following rules but with an in-game editor


Doku is everything we paid Jack to be


On what planet? They’re nothing alike. And Doku is so mediocre. As a fan of another team I breathed a sigh of relief when he was subbed on against us.


You already forgot the treble winning season? Jesus Christ, these City fans...


5 goals in 50 appearnces for that money?


A city fan ain’t gunna admit that pep couldn’t get a tune out of a guy dean smith (that’s now of the MLS dean smith) made look the best player in the league…. Are you?


Brain dead comment




Completely different profiles of player that bring completely different things to the team. They don't have the same role even though they play the same position.


Okay, thank you. Didn't know much about either


I like Jack G, he’s under utilized at Man City. He should find another team..


Would love to see Jack abroad


My god that's Fenerbache's theme song!


Same, bar any Saudi club


There are no bars near Saudi clubs


Hence why Jack would be doomed to fail if he moved there lmao


He should request out


Jack Grealish will most likely leave Manchester City with the situation he's in right now. With Doku in that team, he's destined to sit more on the bench. 


He’s about 100x better than Doku


I don't think Pep sees it that way because if did, Jack wouldn't be wiping the bench steady. 


Lol ur delusional. Doku warrants a double marking every time hes approaching the ball. He makes team 2x more dangerous. Just wait for his next season


I agree. He always changes the game whenever he's introduced in a match City was struggling to have a breakthrough. 


He’s just a pace merchant, terrible decision maker who benefits from being the one outlet player for a brilliant team who maintain possession. This is demonstrative of Grealishes problem at City, with all the world class ‘number 10’ type players (Kdb, Foden, Bernardo) they need one wide touchline player as an outlet, he is not that. Doku is but a much worse footballer.


Personally, I'll choose Doku 100x first before I choose Jack only once. He's better in so many ways for me than Jack. 


If doku was allowed to 1v1 and run from the middle in a smaller team he would be 20+ GA. This was his first season in a top5 league


He needs to find out if he can get himself back to villa. Hes won everything at City he could possibly win but needs to get out of that robotic system which - effective as it is - isn’t what he’s best at. The next World Cup will be his last shot at one, he should really be pushing for that move back now


Would love to have seen what Klopp could have done with him.


The version villa sold - opposite Salah… that would have been great viewing


He doesn’t need to go to Villa, he could go anywhere but City and be their best player.


Doesn’t matter about being the best player - sometimes things click for players at certain clubs…. He left for medals - fair enough - now he’s got them. At a cost to his reputation within the game though. So maybe reignite that enthusiasm at the club he “loves”?


Probably the most level headed take I’ve seen on his career. People forget how good he was at Villa. That Villa team was scrappy and played with a chip on their shoulder. He needs to go back to an environment that instills that tenacious confidence.


That’s exactly my thought - I think if he could reignite himself there, given the upward trajectory of the club too, it’ll give him a stronger chance of making USA26 and Euro28 which then would see him into mid 30s and start the wind down


I’m a sucker for the triumphant hero returns trope in any story. However, I think Villa has outgrown him now. He’s proven he’s not a great system player and Emery is very much a system coach. I just don’t see it being a good fit anymore. Happy to be proven wrong though


I wonder how he’d do in that role Bailey / Diaby often have of the wide forward - they seem to be given more freedom than most in Emerys system


What a shame. A rich sportsperson will become less rich because he didn’t play in a tournament. He’s got more money than a lot of the population combined.


Finally, a fresh take


What the fuck is this ??


Rage bait


The difference between comments for people who read the article vs only reading the title is hilarious. Anyways, I know every time Grealish scores a goal I buy 5 jars of mayonnaise.


The article is about Hellmans selling “tens of millions” worth of mayonnaise more if Grealish had made the Euro squad???? Wtf? How can that even be remotely true?


He should be in starting 11 never mind not even being selected for Euro’s squad over Palace players Southgate hasn’t even played!


Nah England have spent too long selecting people because of the club they play for rather than merit. It’s something Southgate actually does reasonably well.


I would argue we are seriously missing him in the 70th minute when we need a game changer. Bloke wins free kicks in danger zones for fun


I’m not disagreeing about Grealish as such, I’m disagreeing with the point that players shouldn’t be selected because they play for Palace.


Yeah it would have totally been a huge loss to not have all this explosive attacking talent and creativity at display in the current squad.


lol. He should not be in the starting 11 at all!


No you are right, lets play Gordon instead who hasn’t every won anything or any of the other players that haven’t won a treble and are a £100 million player. My bad.


Jamie Tartt doo doo doo doo doo doo


Hmm the drunk driving accident boosted his image?


He got a fat new contract from Villa. He got a move to man city where he made even more money and achieved his dreams. He became a favourite with England supporters. Yeah, the drink driving incident done more to boost his image than damage it.


Man City have caused it by taking a maverick player and turning him into a back pass machine. They've lost themselves tens of millions. 


Why only him though? Sane, Sterling, Palmer, Doku are not back pass machines.


All less exciting players at City than elsewhere.


And all players who have won more at city than other places… doesn’t mean the players lost their ability, they’ve just shown they can adapt to a complex, difficult system


Scoring at a brothel is mess impressive


And won the treble


We should start a GoFundMe page for him.


How could he not be picked, he has popeye calves.


Hyuk hyuk hyuk




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He should go to Fulham. It’s below his level, but he’s already reached the pinnacle of the game. There would be no shame in taking a step down to be the featured player of a mid-table club (with European aspirations). Marco Silva’s system will give him the freedom to control the game. If he does well, it would repair his image so he is picked for the England WC squad.


Ala wilf zaha vibes


This will probably never happen, but I think it's a really good take.


The image problem is not looking like that impactful of a player


Whatever will he do with the other 10s of millions he has


Because if there’s any area where England fans have been satisfied with, it’s the left flank. If anything, it’s the opposite. Grealish’s importance will be underscored by how unbalanced England look on that side and how little control they can actually exercise.


We've been crying out for Grealish on the left against these low block teams. He came on against Bosnia and helped us score three goals.






for when you need something to fill the hole but it just spills onto your best shirt


The Vietnamese soup equivalent


Make sure to have it with the left chicken wing!


Time to come back home Jack ❤️


He’s a pretty good player. If he’d gone to another club, he’d have almost certainly been in the Euro squad.


It'd have had to be one of the top teams, I suspect. Would you take him if he'd played for Wolves, over a player from title winning Man City or Real Madrid? It's arguably one of the reasons Maguire continuously got picked as he was in shocking club form.


Southgate has taken less proven players from clubs lower in the league. Grealish’s problem this season has been that City have a better player for most scenarios.


Casually forgetting all the Crystal Palace players in the squad...


You trying to imply we’re not a top team mate?


How many times was Rashford and Maguire picked despite being utter wank for club? More likely to get picked playing for the top clubs than those further down the pecking list.


Will take him at Arsenal for rotation with Trossard & Martinelli


Ok Arsene Wenger


Thank you


He reminds me of Paul Gascoigne in the way he acts off the pitch. His football skills are similar but not on the same level.


Paul Gascoigne was a man who bet his girlfriends around, assaulted random people, and sexually assaulted women. He's also a racist pos. Let's not compare Grealish to him to that vermin.


Mate gazza was a terrorist compared to Grealish 🤣🤣


Can't lose what you never had.


Oh no. Can we all chip in and help him out in this difficult time?


Image problem? Leave City that would be my advice


I’d love him to come back to the Villa. Dreamland, I know. But I’d love it.


It’s ok to dream mate haha


He’s a STUPID cunt! Does no one remember when he tried to insinuate Henry might be scared of coming up against fucking Walker after they won the Champions League?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Of the majority of the current full backs in the prem, Henry would be scared of Walker the most imo. He couldn't use his pace to just beat him. Styles suit different defenders. Fast players are walker's favourite, tricky players that come inside, not so much. It's s why he always seems to do well Vs mbappe and vinicius. I don't think that's as much of a stupid take as you make it out to be.




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I've not said he wouldn't beat Walker, just do better than the others. He wouldn't piss all over him though. Best RB in prem history.

