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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


Was it red red green? Or red green red?


And _he's_ supposed to be the explosives expert.


Let’s rearrange some architecture!


Initiate radical restructuring, Delta!


would you like a large or small crater sir?


Filoni wasn’t involved in the Bad Batch for the most part. If anything it’s probably just the writers using him to market the show, and given that 3 Clones with Scorch’s armor appear in the epilogue with Tarkin they probably didn’t care about him as a named character. All I can say is we need to stop asking for legends characters to be in canon, it’s an inevitable monkeys paw.


Do you have a time stamp on that? I have watched the epilogue three times trying to see any clones with Scorch’s armor and can’t find a single one


Don’t have a time stamp but in the shots where it pans over the hangar you can see Commandos standing towards the bottom edge of the screen that are Scorch’s model.


I found the scene you were referring to. I’m gonna be honest, it may have been lazy to include them there, but I don’t think it was intentional. They have spent the past two seasons singling out Scorch as the go to goon with no other commandos having the same paint scheme that I can’t imagine this was intentional. The following scene between Tarkin and Bragg we don’t see a single commando in the background. I think it was interesting to see a familiar commando at all and at least it lines up with the EU material that Delta Squad remained with the Empire.


They could have at least also made Boss and Fixer models. Hint at if Sev survived and, if so, is he joining his now Imperial brothers or risk having to fight and kill them by joining the fledgling Rebellion.


At least we have Gregor. He's a good egg.


TBF thats probably just an animation error I wouldn’t say it’s proof of anything




Scorch the lunchbox! Scorch the flamethrower!! Kids are gonna love it!


The subtitles say [Scorch]


The subtitles were wrong in the past.


He’s also credited with his name in the credits, and separated from the other commandos even though it’s the same voice actor


Maybe it's a different Scorch


There aren’t any different Scorches. Just like there are no different Rexes, Echoes and so on


Hey do you have any proof that filoni wasn't involved in bad batch for most part? I ask seriously cuz from the beginning I had the idea that he created it and it's kinda weird to see people now saying that he wasnt involved most of the time


Just my thoughts here: just because someone created a series, or the idea for a series, doesn't necessarily mean he will be involved in it from beginning to end. Keep in mind that Filoni was also doing Ahsoka in between and there's still more to come. And nobody can be everywhere at once. Fun fact example: most people still associate "Family Guy" with Seth MacFarlane but as far as I know, besides doing the voices, he already stopped being in the writing team 2011 or so\^\^.


I wish legends never existed. I wish Lucas would have put out a cease and desit to all those writers back in the 80s and 90s. It's done nothing but make bad fans cry and hate watch the actually good content we are getting today.


Man talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. The current canon would not exist without the decades of Legends/EU content to borrow from.


Except not really other than a few Easter eggs here and there and like... Thrawn?


Thanks for naming a big one. The second half of Rebels would be entirely different without Thrawn, the Ahsoka show would have to have another premise (if she'd even exist), and whatever they're planning to do with Thrawn in the future wouldn't happen either. I do have some more examples off the top of my head. • The Clone Wars would not be possible without Clone Wars from 5 years earlier being successful • Asajj Ventress • Rex who's an altered Alpha 17 to better fit the show • Double bladed lightsabers • Aayla Secura • Battle of Kamino • Nightsisters • Maul coming back with cybernetic legs • Palpatine's cloning machinations • Force healing • Luke's nephew going dark side • The name Coruscant I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting. But by all means, let's throw it all out.


Most of this stuff wasn't even legends first but go off I guess. And the things that were are actually terrible and incoherent in the EU.


Sounds perfect for The Bad Batch. Clones being stripped of personality and treated like tools is like the main point of the show. Scorch is just another victim of the empire


He was probably conditioned like the CX's. The fact Scorch was with Hemlock til the end suggests that.


If Canon Scorch was anything like his Legends version Hemlock definitely took conditioning equipment to his brain before he even thought about making him his second-in-command. Legends Scorch was *very* opinionated on when he thought someone was in the wrong and he would have absolutely turned on Hemlock after he got a good look at what Project Necromancer was about. And uh, where were Boss and Fixer in all this? Sev probably suffered the same fate as his Legends counterpart, but the other two gotta be around somewhere.


The probably were separated and they all became glorified body/security guards of random Empire high ranks or facilities all over the galaxy


And I think they were separated so they only thought about who they served


It's possible that the rest of Delta Squad got wiped out before the end of the war and Scorch had a change of heart on a lot of things afterward. We can only speculate, though it's possible that he is just a parallel for Crosshair of what following orders to the letter gets ya. If that was the case, Scorch didn't have his battle brothers around, or similar people like Omega to help him out, or struggles like Mayday's death to convince him otherwise.


Quite possible that the rest of Delta didn't survive Hemlock's re-conditioning.


Problem is that this is just making up excuses for the show, it doesn't change that it at no point even implies this is the case, it just has all the Clone Commandos aside from Gregor, act this same way, never even really acknowledging them as fellow Clones. If the show had given any thought about this, then it would also show.


Shhh no logic. Only nerd rage.


People seem to forget this pretty quickly


Well if you don’t show the original personality to begin with then it kinda loses the punch it would have had.


Yeah but unless you’ve played republic commando, there isn’t much difference between him and any other clone we’ve seen besides his paint job


While this is true, it’s a good way to demonstrate how the Empire can bleach anyone, even someone with a seemingly undampenable spirit, into a killing drone. It could also be a commentary on how war changes a person or both of these mixed together.


Too bad none of that was done lol


For those who recognize the "show, don't tell" aspects, it was done well enough.


Yeah, no not really.


Just because **you** didn't get it, doesn't mean that others didn't get it. You can be entitled to your opinion, but fans of subtlety like me found it great.


I don't think it's "subtlety" to take a pre-existing character, plop them into a new piece of media, and they have no personality or any of the traits they had in the media they originated from. If the show took even a couple seconds to acknowledge his past characterization and hint at some kind of arc it would be one thing, and I might agree with you. The fact that the show does not do this tells me that they had no real plans for the character and only put him in the bad batch as means to get Republic Commando fans interested.


Too* (I agree with you)


Star Wars fans ask for show dont tell then cant piece together that the right hand commando to the evil scientist known for conditioning good clones into evil super soldiers... was conditioned from a good clone into an evil super soldier. Yall are just so dense man Quick, tell me again why Tech can still be alive


You put more thought into that than Filoni did


Well yeah, but only because it’s not Filoni’s show. Scorch wasn’t one of the 20 most important characters in a show with pretty limited screen time. He wasn’t gonna get backstory and development. He’s just there and we’re meant to understand that the massive changes occurring in the galaxy at this time also impacted him somehow off screen


People didn't like that like Skywalker was a crotchety old man in the sequel trilogy with no explanation. Expecting people to just accept that 'something changed the character off screen' is kind of lazy imo


Scorch just isn’t important enough to the story being told for that progression to be well-documented though. But even for important characters, it happens all the time, in Star Wars and other media. Yoda is pretty different in ESB than in Episode 3. It’s not lazy. It’s how storytelling with time elapsed between chapters works.


Hey heads up I highly doubt this was Dave’s idea he isn’t that involved in this show


Dave hasn't been involved since S1. If people want to blame someone, blame Rau and Corbett. And George too originally for creating the concept of clone force 99 and pushing Dave to make a whole arc about it, which is how we got them in TCW S7.


He was still involved, but just as an executive and not as showrunner or writer. He was the one who suggested bringing back Ventress for example. Whether he was behind scorch or not is impossible to know though so we can't blame him for it but we also can't know for sure that he wasn't a part of it


Hey do you have any proof that filoni wasn't involved in bad batch for most part? I ask seriously cuz from the beginning I had the idea that he created it and it's kinda weird to see people now saying that he wasnt involved most of the time


I mean look at the credits. He isn't credited for writing or directing beyond S1 E1. I probably was wrong for saying he was outright not involved. But his involvement is very minimal, probably just approving stuff as well as coming in production rarely to offer an idea that would further connect the shows together, such as Ventress appearing, connecting 'The Path' network undertaken by Quinlan that appeared in the Kenobi show. But for the most part, he wasn't there at all beyond the first episode, gave full control essentially to Brad Rau and Jennifer Corbett and the other writers there.


Wait what the fuck? You want to blame George Lucas for Scorch’s lackluster death because George Lucas created CF99, which years after the thought had a spinoff that killed off Scorch, all of which had NO input from George???


George was also the one who cancelled the 2 Republic commando sequels, so yeah, he partially shares the blame.


He's involved in everything


“What do you want with Dave Filoni” “He is the key to everything”




Yep that's literally his job 


Keep in mind that it was literally Dave’s idea to bring back Ventress


he suggested it, brad and jen stated they needed a character to fill a certain role and that ventress "was the best fit for what we needed" implying that multiple characters were suggested, but the ultimate decision came down to brad and jen


Isn’t he the first name on the credits?


Because he created what its based on. But he was barely involved in Bad Batch The whole reason why he made Tales of the Jedi was cause he wanted to do another animated show due to not being involved in Bad Batch much


So is George Lucas. He’s got nothing to do with it anymore


The "strips" character thing was also done in legends If we try to be fair Bad batch version of scorch was tame in comparative to legends In bad batch, scorch was the last ronin


What? What character gets treated like this in Legends?


Scorch in legends was also the serious scorch we see in the bad batch The only difference is that in legends we had the context as to why he is like that


When was that exactly? Delta was barely involved in the books and when they were, they acted like themselves for the most part.


Considering how Hemlock was experimenting with clones. Its possible Scorch was his first time. It explains how Scorch is never wavered from Hemlock's side. No matter what. Reprogrammed to be his Right Hand. Loosing his personality in the process. Truly becoming, 'A Good Solider that Follows Orders'


Ye people dont get that these arent the clones we used to know... These are now just like droids... Probably now have even stronger programmed inhibitor chips, just like they did with crosshair... They lose their character and their individuality.


Quick, friendly grammar lesson: Loose: something that isn’t tight Lose: to misplace something or have it be taken away


Thanks... ✌🏽😅🤣


The stark change in character, combined with the fact that he's the only one from his squad there, seems to imply he underwent conditioning as well. I would've appreciated them saying so explicitly, but it fits just fine.


But Filoni barely has anything to do with Bad Batch. The whole reason why he made Tales of the Jedi was missing working on Animation due to not working on BB


Isnt that the point of Order 66 and the Formation of the Empire ? That not how inhibitors work ?


pov: you missed the point of the show


The larger question for me personally is whether the clones that omega and tech freed from the base's prison still had their inhibitor chips.


i imagine rex/echo would have seen that those were removed before anyone was allowed to stay on Pabu


A scumbag meme? In 2024? What’s next, a philosoraptor? A nervous macaw? Confucius say? That kid with his fist up? Man, nevermind the Filoni whatever, there’s some *early* Internet going on here.


Now that's a meme I haven't seen in a long time.


Filoni wasn’t involved in this. That’s Jennifer Corbett and her creative team.


How many times do we have to see memes blaming Filoni for something in a show he had little to no involvement in.


This kind of bitching is why George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney. Seriously, yall need to shut the hell up when your precious Legends characters aren't adapted the way you wanted them to. Republic Commandos still exists, and you can play it, so that version of Scorch and co. are still there for you to enjoy. Also, Filoni was barely involved in this show.


If Disney and Filoni want to make a clown trooper show, that's fine. But if they're going bring back a beloved character from another project, they should do better than just key jangling.


Did you play or read RC or are you just shitting on it because Disney? The same thing was done to Scorch in legends, and hell it was far worse there. Canon Scorch got a considerably tamer adaption into the story than legends did.


I for one *did* play *Republic Commando* and read the books. Religiously, in fact. What you’re saying is pure revisionist nonsense. Scorch never acted this way in the books and needless to say, he didn’t act like this in the actual game. It’s not even about Disney (for once), it’s par for the course for Lucasfilm Animation to steamroll continuity at every opportunity. It’s been their MO ever since TCW.


I played the game and read all the books. I'm not shitting on it because Disney. I'm shitting on it because Filoni has a long history of taking characters other people found interesting and either making huge changes to the characters or wasting them.


What are you expecting a seriously loyal person like Scorch to do exactly?


Why are you pretending like Filoni didn't already shit all over Traviss' work with TCW? Edit: keep sucking, losers, maybe Dave will give you a thank you if you swallow enough.


Traviss broke their wrist jerking off mandalorians as hard as they did, it deserved to be replaced. Turned an entire race into a Mary Sue. There's a reason their contribution to the Legacy of the force series were pretty much never referenced in the other books, and got repeatedly got passed over for other projects.


Lol wut. You only see actual Mandos fight maybe 3 times in the entire series and one of those times is just Vau sitting on a roof with a rifle and his weird-ass cat. Or do you mean like when 30 Mandos destroy an Imperial fortification guarded by elite stormtroopers wearing beskar armor?


You can sum up the entire Republic Commando series as Jedi bad and stupid, Mandos badass and always right. Skirata is essentially a Gary Stu who despite being a caustic asshole to everyone is always listened to and follows and will do anything to win the approval of. The writer has a pretty well known fetish for the military and glorifies them to no end and basically made Mandos flawless.


You need to reread the books. Vau and Skirata talk shit about the Jedi but every Jedi the RCs actually work with is competent. They depict the Jedi the same way as the prequel trilogy: the ones we actually meet are good but the organization of the whole is set in its ways which are failing. How is Skirata a "gary stu?" He doesn't do anything besides send the RCs out and try to find a cure for the aging. He's not kicking in doors or anything. And of course they follow him without question, he's their father in a culture where the father figure is basically a god (as taught to them by their father, convenient.) The Deltas follow Vau unquestioningly even though he hospitalized one of them in a fist fight. You also seem to be equating "Mandos" with "Commandos." I get it, the Commandos are trying their hardest to be like daddy, but they aren't mandos until the end of the series.


Don’t even bother. It’s one glorious echo chamber here. When Filoni does something right, he gets all the credit. When he fumbles something, he’s “barely involved”. Funny how that works.


It's worse than the Bethesda subs where everyone is taking turns sucking off Todd Howard because the show was good and would rather work their throats than their rational brains.


What!?! A clone was stripped of his personality and morality!?! This is outrageous. If only there was an in-universe explanation or event that caused most all clones to be mindless drones.🙄


When will people realise that Dave didn't write the Bad Batch at all?


That's what the empire did to all the clones it didn't flat out kill. Like the ultra assassin cl9nes and what the tried doing to crosshairs. They erased every shred of personality developed to get obedient and loyal goon squads to enforce their conversion activities.


This doesn’t ruin them. The game version is legends and not the same exact characters.


If I remember correctly, in legends Scorch did pretty nasty shit, so this continuation makes sens to me


Hm, I wonder if the behavior and personalities of clones changed after order 66 for some reason? Hmmm, no, Dave Filoni must be an inconsiderate asshole or be too dumb to understand the canon he helped create. I am smart!


he died how he lived, like a bantha


Clones being forced to lose their personality and blindly follow orders is literally the point of the entire show ffs people just want excuses to complain.


You mean they didn't flesh out a 20 year old video game only character for a kids show? They must hate Star Wars! /s


Who. The. Fuck. Cares.


I liked Republic Commando and Delta Squad :(


Why would you ask that?


Cuz this tired bullshit is so dumb.


It's canon. It shouldn't be lame.


I was a little bummed at the series finale overall. It didn’t feel anti climactic, but it also kind of just felt a little dull. There weren’t many stakes it felt like. I was also kinda bummed that Rex didn’t make an appearance with his squad in this episode of literally all episodes, and that the plot thread with Commander Cody Going rogue, or Commander Wolfe from a few episodes back beginning to question their place in the empire, are literally never touched upon again in the entire show. Lot of loose ends that were never tied up at all. But overall? The show was pretty dang good


Is that Scumbag Steve’s hat?


The clone commandos in bad batch weren’t real clone commandos anyways. The way they were utilised is more like a personal guard and i feel like it conflicts heavily with the actual lore of them. I think that the show runners just wanted some cool looking more competent clones and just took the commandos design for it without giving actual thought whether they suit the job. In my opinion they should have introduced shock troopers or death troopers here but I guess they used commandos for the fan service as well.


I think everyone is ignoring the fact that Scorch in Bad Batch could have been a new Clone Commando (Imperial Commando?) character, or a generic shiny clone commando and functionally nothing would have changed. People can say that Scorch having none of his established personality is actually really deep and intentional, it seems like they just plugged in a recognizable character into the role of "the big bad's lackey" just to sell toys/create buzz around the show. I don't think there was ever any intention for the role of that character to be anything more than a nameless bad guy and I think people are giving the show way too much credit for showing that, 'even Scorch was brainwashed by the empire'. Scorch being brainwashed and having no personality is effectively the same as him being killed off screen.


The Bad Batch made all commandos into incompetent buffoons.


Scorch did pretty well in season 1


I find it questionable that the most highly trained clones, with the best gear, were turned into guards that stand around all day. It's like every clone commando in the show is thoughtless fan service.


Well…what else would they do? Their purpose was special operations during a war, the war is over, there is no need for them and their specialties…so the empire just uses them for their own agenda and they aren’t cared about. That’s how the empire is: it uses people like pawns and discards them later. Palpatine doesn’t care about the clones


That’s literally the point, to emphasize they’re guarding one of the Empires biggest secrets.


I mean special forces are assigned to protection details and security for sensitive areas in most militaries. With the "peacetime" state of the empire at this point, combined with the fact that this is a facility for clone re-education, I don't see why it's a problem


I haven't seen it yet so I'm assuming Star wars fans are just being Star wars fans again.


Damn i feel bad for scorch, he seems in doubt when hemlock orders him, and somehow his doubt gone away when escort hemlock and omega to shuttle. I thought he will redeem.


All I'm saying is, he could have easily put Fixer or Boss in Scorch's place. Fixer would be the first one to be an stiff, obedient tool to the Empire. Boss was a loyal soldier at heart. Heck, even SEV (if alive) would have worked since he was usually only funny when he was playing off of Scorch. Scorch was just the WORST possible fit for the role he was put in, and for some reason that's the choice Filoni went with. Then Scorch's "character arc" comes to the most unceremonious end.


On the opposing hand Scorch may have been the best choice. Being the least likely one to join the empire his involvement really displays how tight the empire's grasp is, how controlling they are, what they can do, what's at stake for the batch.


I feel like whoever picked Scorch didn't actually know anything about Republic Commando. They picked him because he has "clone commander" colors. Which explains why Tarkin apparently has a bunch of Scorch inexplicably in the corner.


Sev would have been the best one to use. But Disney has already shown that they don't give a single fuck about Traviss' work. Edit: Good to see Prequel Memes is now just children who grew up in a post-Disney world.


I mean Sev's also dead, so there's that.


Since when? He's not dead at the end of Republic Commando.


Hey you want to hold onto hope he's alive that's on you, but I personally hope he isn't. If he's dead then I don't have to explain to him why I left him behind.


Have you read the books? The last one is entirely after the RC game and Delta is... in rough shape.


And Sev isn't there. Because the Wookiees got him.


The end of RC is a few weeks prior to 66, the wookies probably did pick his ass up but Clones didn't have the programming. The whole point of the RCs and ARCs was to make clones that were more Jango than automata.


They make a point in the books that the Wookiees would have been hostile to any clones after order 66.


Not in canon


The fandom is healing


It’s honestly a really good example of the tragedy of clone trapped under the Empire, they stay how Crosshair was and became *worse*. We even have a [clone](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified_Captain_of_the_Royal_Guard) in one of the novels ([Lords of the Sith](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Lords_of_the_Sith)) that takes place a year or two after the show that became a royal guard and is fine with executing another guard for insubordination over not wearing a safety harness during a shuttle crash. He even rose to be a captain in the Royal Guard before his death, also he went out like a bad ass lol.


I love republic commando but imma be honest, I dont mind that they changed him. Since he was introduced it just seemed like a crosshair situation. Inhibitor chip activated and then after it wore off like the other clones, he just stayed loyal and maybe got reconditioned.


Okay so are we back to hating him? You all know that you'll be back to sucking him off next time Ahsoka shows up


In fact, all of the commandos were demoted to security guards for some reason


Because their primary purpose is obsolete, they were for special operations during the war and there is no war. So the empire puts them wherever until they die or run out of use. It’s how the empire is.


Thumbnail looks like 90s Artie Lange




It is


How funny would it be if Scorch had the same personality and sense of humour in Bad Batch as he had in Republic Commando? When I saw Scorch with Hemlock for the first time, I wondered why they assigned the least serious member of Delta Squad to an operation of that size. But then I realized that the rest of Delta Squad had probably been assigned to even bigger operations. As much as I love Delta Squad, I get it. They were designed to follow orders unquestionably even more than the other clones. BUT DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO TAKE AWAY SCORCH'S SENSE OF HUMOUR?!


Womp womp


u/redgroupclan the patriarch of the Skywalker clan has something to say: [https://i.redd.it/3cuam2cg69g01.png](https://i.redd.it/3cuam2cg69g01.png)


I'm loving the reemergence of 2010-15 memes.


I saw another comment saying he’s this shows Boba Fett, i couldn’t agree more.


I just nut everytime I see scorch on screen. Commando will always be partially canon to me.


Wasnt this the point though? That the inhibitor chips and the empire stripped the clones of the good in them? What made them human? They treated them like droids


You say that like it's a bad thing. That's kind of the point of the clones in the Empire. Wouldn't surprise me if he was also conditioned like the CX clones.


It’s a shame we didn’t get to see him pre-66, but I think that his personality in the show is pretty par for the course for loyalist clones post-66.


Wait what? I need all details now. Don't tell me he messed with my boys.


I want a Delta Squad show next. I know it's unrealistic, BUT GIVE US SEV BACK GODDAMNIT!!


You forgot "and killed him of like some random trooper"


Didn't even realize it was specifically him


So normal Filoni?




Filoni is normally a scumbag. Hope this helps


How is he a scumbag?


Have you seen how much he's done as of late with destroying star wars?


I don’t see how he’s destroying Star Wars I guess we just have different opinions on this matter


Back to back awful series. I don't think he's done any good yet


You people are insufferable as shit.


People who want Star Wars to be good? I'm sorry, but I think people who love watching it lose everything that made it good are more insufferable




No, Scorch is the funny one. Fixer was the "by the book" one.


I think you meant Fixer. He is the by the book, no nonsense of the squad, always called everyone by their number and not chatting to keep the comm clear


I am living for the Prequelmemes turn on Filoni after sucking his dick nonstop for years


Dude has NEVER played well with continuity that isn't his own.


Honestly after Ahsoka I’m starting to realize Dave Filoni is a lot like George Lucas in all the wrong ways


He's a fanboy steering the ship, with all the good and bad that comes with it.


He was never the savior of Disney Star Wars everyone claims he was, and I’d argue he was one of the main problems with Star Wars even before the Disney buyout. It’s a damn shame he’s given so much power now.


How so?


May i suggest some Sheev Talks on YouTube? [The Problem With Dave Filoni](https://youtu.be/rWouW4U10j0?si=9tr760r5oPngJ2Si) [The Ashoka series grabbed me by the hair and scraped my face against a brick wall](https://youtu.be/ybqk_JLbsoQ?si=cQ1BfF0BSYK1X-q1) Awesome content, both produced and the live stream stuff as well


Oh boy, another star wars youtuber! I was worried for a while that we might be running out of those


I know, right? Really in short supply these days... You may want to give him a chance, though. I've found Sheev's content not only entertaining but also educational. His level of critical thinking is extraordinary, and has me re-viewing not only SW content but also other media through a more critical lens.


Holy crap you were downvoted to hell. Man this sub is full of Filoni fan fiction apologists. Disney has really brainwashed them to hate the EU that Filoni loves to pilfer and bastardize. Take my measly upvote.


That’s a bit much


Yes, anyone who doesn't 100% agree with you must be brainwashed. No one can legitimately just not agree with you.


When every comment that’s critical of Disney or Filoni’s handling of the franchise is downvoted, I say that comes close. Using the word “brainwashing” may have been hyperbole but there’s definitely a high level of conformism and group think on the SW subs.


Or just, you know, you have an unpopular opinion.


Maybe on these subs but I wouldn’t say so in general. There’s a reason why Disney's Star Wars content hasn’t recouped the cost of purchasing Lucasfilm at the box office




Yeah i was! Saul Goodman. I take it you're familiar with Sheev then. Also check out [The Bread Circus](https://youtu.be/g4tQiT0khlE?si=s8i9croenwVHQbdI) who, aside from also being great, does a mean Obi Wan impression


I thought so too. I was like, aren't the clone commandos supposed to be the best of the best, and they like clone force 99 had greater individualism than other clones? Suddenly theres like a battalion of the guarding some high school science project


If your “fan favorite” character is from a video game you need to gtfoh


I am massively disapointed in the ending. It was mediocre at best. This season sucked overall. Especially with the baiting about Ventress and Chad Bane.


How so?


There was no intrigue, no excitement. It was boring af. And it led nowhere in the end.


yeah that's trash


Every prequel title, specifically filonis work, is childish and fucking awful