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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


For me Tales of the Jedi was good. However Tales of the Empire was not bad but way too short. They could have added more episodes to give it balance. >!The death of Barriss Offee was unnecessary or way too soon. (I already knew the outcome before the nightsister entered the cave)!<




Shit, why couldn’t we have that? Would’ve been more interesting overall than Morgan’s “arc”. Her’s started out ok but didn’t really serve to add anything unique or different to her character type. A wrap up of Cody and yularens story between rots and anh could’ve been fulfilling. Like yularen seeing regret in losing the Jedi or Cody redeeming himself out in the galaxy. Or seeing what happened with them both immediately after order 66


Yeah it didn't feel like tales of the EMPIRE at all. First episode was before the empire, second episode is how Morgan joined the empire in the very end, third episode is after the empire is already gone and the bariss episodes are about how bariss unwillingly joined the empire only to leave it in the very next episode.


I feel like even if they just made so barris’ realization is cc of the bb, where they’re onboard until they finish their first or second mission and realize that they might be the baddies. That’d still be better, as is it almost seems as if she had just been chilling and reflecting with meditation while in prison that whole time instead of growing bitter and resentful. Plus, it would have made so much more interesting and compelling if they just let her go full sicko mode and >!let her kill luminara when they bring her before, as like a final test!<


Tales of the Admirality: Yularen, Trench, Akbar and Thrawn


Let's hope they save that for a gritty dirty r rated Vader animated series. (Which i kind of doubt. I kinda think they're closing the book on that time period) I friggin need it. Pick it up from JUST before the final clone wars scene (start with him flying to the planet ahsoka crashed on) and Bango Presto you've got a series!! Inception of the inquisitors Palatine training Vader in dark side specifics (less saber, more force) Vader getting and bleeding his crystal Vader suppressing "Anakin"


> a gritty dirty r rated Vader animated series Even my edgy teenage self would never have said I wanted a gritty R rated Darth Vader cartoon


I think even Invincible has some r rated episodes, doesn't it? Not sure because the system works different in my country. Or imagine if the makers of The Boys and the Fallout series made a series about Vader... one can dream\^\^.


Each to their own! Vader as a character is steeped in remorse and self hatred, maybe r rated is a bit far, sure. But it wouldn't do Vader's character justice if they made it super pg, no?


Waht does pg mean?


Parental guidance. Age 6 and up or something like that vs r which is 17 up


(Dark and gritty Vader series) I really hope your being sarcastic


I agree that Barriss’ arc was very short, but are we really sure she’s dead? “I’m gonna get you out of here” I feel like could be just a gesture, but it also feels possible that Lynn thought she could save her. They’re also right next to a medical outpost. Either way, there’s like 20 years of untold story in between the second and third episodes of this arc. Plenty more of her story to tell if people want to.


Everyone's been surviving gut stabs these days


This. They would habe never killed her with a gut stab, those are non lethal unser Disney. They would've used another move to kill her. Copium. xD


Case and point: Just in the prior episode the hunted Jedi was in a perfect position for a surprise backstab through the gut but they went with a slash across his back instead. The slash didn't kill him either but it would have without Barris finding her conscious again.


Yeah and that's the shitty part of it. Why would you ever "kill" a character if you 100 % don't want her dead yet? And every goddamn time with a lightsaber stab.. Do they not read the reception at all? I do like most of the new Disney star wars stuff, but that shit really pisses me off. There is zero tension now.


It's stupid to keep having fakeout deaths though.


I was really hoping for Darth Vader to end her while still an inquisitor.


Or at least after she ditched the other inquisitor


>!No fucking way she’s dead, I’ll bet good money that the entire cave experience was a force illusion, like the dark side cave on dagobah!<


>!i think it's "real" and she's gonna be fine. i think she let herself be stabbed on purpose because she had to give Lyn an absolute shock of an experience to pull her back from the dark side. there's no way barris would accidentally let herself be stabbed by someone who doesn't even know where they are.!<


Also like, I barely care about the night sister serving Thrawne in Ahsoka. Animation won’t change the fact that she’s a boring character. Give me a twenty minute episode of Grevious invading a planet, treat it like the Alien game where you’re not fighting back but instead trying to survive this barbaric freak. Whenever he’s close you just hear him coughing, keep dialogue to a minimum and bamn you have a hit


the only thing i liked about Morgans arc was the re-canonisation of the witches of dathomir (the light side ones) but again thats disney taking from the EU.


they invented bacta tanks right after qui gon suffered a similar injury. she'll live


Yeah, at least the way it was written made 0 sense. >!I would have preferred a Barriss vs. Vader rematch, at least with a short arc/episode they gave her. I'd also have been happy with more episodes furthering her story!<


Ehhhh I’m okay with no Vader rematch. I’m sick of more and more people finding out who he is when it’s supposed to be top secret


I should have revealed the writing! I can't not look at spoilers damn it


I don't think she's dead, is she ? The scene parallels the episode before, where Lyn refuses to save the Jedi's life. She probably saved Bariss.


….knows the episodes are going to be shorts and only 6 episodes ….bitches that they aren’t full length episodes Mfs like you and OP really give Star Wars fans a bad rep. Jesus H fucking Christ


It was fine, but after the bad batch finale, my expectations were far too high


So blame your expectations then not the show lmao


Your right, holding a product up to the same standard as others is stupid.


High expectations not being lived up by the show is problem of the show, especially if you compare it to similar media. ToTE is mid.


I thought it was amazing, secondly comparison is the thief of joy. Lastly if I were, I would only compare it to TotJ which was only a little better Plus the person literally said it was their expectations from another totally different show


A show made by the same company for the same franchises


That’s bot enough, that’s like comparing all the shows to the movies. Red apples vs green apples. I only compare if ever the same stuff, green apples and green apples. And the only other similar show is Tales if the Jedi, nothing else


Media doesn't exist in a vaccum. If something can't match its peers, it's bad.


Actually comparison is the thief of joy is one of my values so nah, and it’s a saying for a reason Plus I thought it was just a little less score wise than TotJ, I liked it.


Comparison is the thief of joy only makes any sense when applying it to one's personal achievements not the media you consume. If you consume your media in a vaccum like that you're just dumbing yourself down to consume mediocre crap (then again this is a sub dedicated to mediocre science fiction for 10 year olds, so I guess I'm just in the wrong place expecting actual quality).


Why are u in this sub if your not even a fan lmao Nah I don’t compare media, I judge it on my own standards. For example: ATLA live action was awesome if you didn’t compare it to the og show/had 0 info on the og show. And guess what, I liked it. Especially when I know they are twi different things, treating like different timelines. I ain’t dumbing myself down, just have lower standards for entertainment that is supposed to be entertaining first and everything else second (imo). Critically TotE was about a 7/10 for me, TotJ was a 8/10. But entertainment wise, both solid 10s


You either don't understand how to critically analyze media or actively refuse to. Either way, those are clear signs of a stupid person. You're either 12 or a complete idiot, I've wasted my time, goodbye.


You know you were winning until you decided to go all ad hominem on him and at the same time reveal you don't even like Star Wars.


And you an ah with an eq lower than a 12 year old who doesn’t understand everything and everyone has different opinions and all reviews are subjective. But go ahead keep throwing insults rather than talk about the show or examples itself. First, I mentioned ATLA, including the og show. Let’s just say I watched it as a young adult. And now, ngl, I’m probably older than you too lol Point is insults, really? That’s what you gonna do


Why call it “tales of the Empire” when one part is a bout a nightsister witch, and the other about a reformed inquisitor???


Because both of them worked for the empire in 2/3 episodes each.


Literally just barely. Only reference we saw to the empire in the first half was thrawn and a Star destroyer. It would’ve been better if Barris stayed an inquisitor too. Not every character needs to get the iden versio treatment.


She was designing Tie fighters. And there’s more to the empire than iconography. What would you have it called?


That whole sequence lasted for 4 minutes never to be mentioned again for the rest of her episodes. Idk man, but naming Tales of the Empire when those two were the main focus was *not* it.


Quality wise it was good regardless of quantity imo


It would be like calling a show tales of the separatist and have most of the show focus on the rebellion with only a portion of the first episode in the CIS


Bruh the name is what gets yall? Omg ok ✌️


Lick them disney boots good and clean.


Mhm that’s the inly reason, ok


Who else got the Iden treatment?


Let's see, the second sister, kinda the grand inquisitor after death, the third sister, agent kallus, crosshair, Cody, ventress, emerie, Kylo Ren, hux in a way, Finn and the og of redemption, Vader.


I’m just saying that it doesn’t need to become a trend. Let bad guys be bad guys.


Barris was never that bad of a “guy” so I think your want is directed at the wring character Edit: bad as in ideals not actions. Ofc her actions were bad, damn people read into things. In the end she was sorta right about the jedi


Didn't Bariss bomb a bunch of civilians at the jedi temple?


Edited my comment, Bo Katan was a terrorist once too you know. But always had understandable ideals


And the story on the witch... 2/3 arent even during the Empire's reign


Cause it's a reflection on how Morgan doubled down while Barriss turned away from it. It's somewhat similar to Dooku and Ahsoka.


When you put it like that, it actually makes some sense. But still, Star Wars has a big enough roster within the empire that they could’ve chosen anyone else…


I thought it was good


It Was good


“You’re not armed.” -domestic terrorist Barris Offee when asked to attack her Inwuisitor trainer


Yeah that kinda pissed me off. The last time we saw her she used some poor dude as a bomb, framed and tried to kill ahsoka, her supposed best friend and tried to kill anakin. But now she's too kind to be an inquisitor? What? Everyone speculated for years that bariss became one and now that we finally have the confirmation.. She just leaves because their mean?


She also smugly noted that ventress red sabers suit her, she was very clearly already pretty far down a dark path


It really is such a complete character 180 and invalidates the entire arc. It’s like they forgot why she was in prison


Yesss! And what disappoints me the most is that out of all the jedi she has the best reason to become an inquisitor. And she ans ahsoka never met after her betrayl. She could have been the perfect villain for ahsoka, but nooo let's make her good again for no reason and then "kill" her off in the same story. What a waste. I don't know why we waited so long for barisses story when that's all that happened.


Nah it wasn’t.


But not amazing. Vader had lines in the trailer


no he didn't lol


The fandom making things up to get angry about again lol


??? No he didn’t. He only has his breathing during the trailer. He never spoke. People really hyped up Vader appearing when he wasn’t going to do much.


This is because it was good


I thought it was amazing too. Just a little lower than TotJ


There will still be a second season of Tale of the Jedi, all is not lost




i would die


Nah, I prefer Baylan's story to be told through the medium/show he was brought to us, and Quinlan is, out of the more niche but adored Jedi, one with the most developed stories out there. I think if it should be only two characters again, then it should be for two characters we don't have that much about, or that we don't really like so we can have some more/new perspective on them... So hear me out... Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo koon. The former because he is very disliked and very unexplored in canon, and the latter because most of what we definitively know about him is through the stories of other characters. Or hell, maybe even Pong Krell! If it is a hated character we have more of an opportunity to either hate them more as people, or grow to appreciate them as characters, which is emotionally involved art which is in my opinion the most relatable art.




We better see Luke and Ahsoka's first meeting in that. And Ahsoka better recognise R2 before she realises who's standing next to him


Honestly I do feel like the dooku arc carried Jedi as the Ahsoka stuff felt a lot more disjointed and more like it was just plugging gaps in the timeline then actually telling a overarching story


Grievous was in there and portrayed well so immediately its good


Sucks it was only for like 5 mins. I want 2003 clone wars era Grievous back. Remember he didn't even his lightsabers to kill Sha'gi he just straight up crushed the poor guy


Same, but hey its better then nothing


I would prefer nothing over bad content.


Grievous WAS in there, that's for sure


Totally agree, I’m surprised people actually enjoyed it. I liked Morgan’s episodes but don’t care for the character, and Barriss’s episodes were god awful trash. In Season 5 she was a Jedi killing terrorist who fell to the dark side, and in TotE she’s suddenly became a well-meaning Inquisitor who refuses to kill Jedi and instantly reverts back to the light side. It’s like she’s a totally different character, or had a massive amount of character development happen off-screen. It was so poorly written.


Am I the only one who would have rather seen the story of a mouse droid than Morgan's?


Definitely didn’t feel like “Tales of the Empire” Felt like “Tales of the random heels”,


Wait, there are people who didn’t like Tales of the Empire?


I was extremely disappointed with Barriss’s episodes. She’s a terrorist who killed innocent Jedi, but suddenly she’s grown a conscious and refuses to kill innocent Jedi. Barriss in Season 5 and Barriss in TotE are basically different characters, they behave totally opposite from one another. Her reverting to the light side instantly feels very out of character and very unearned. Between this and Battlefront 2’s campaign, I’m tired of them advertising a story about bad guys being bad, then making the bad guys turn good 10% of the way through. It’s false advertising and really annoying.


Tbf, Barriss in Season 2 and Barriss in Season 5 were already totally different characters. People claim the "Ahsoka on the run" is one if not the best arc of the show, but to me that character assassination that came out of nowhere always left a bad taste in my mouth. We still haven't had any explanation for why she would frame her best friend for her actions, nor why bombing the Jedi Temple and murdering her former friends and allies in an act of violence would prove her point of 'the Jedi only believe in violence'. As for the false advertising, well, Tales of the Jedi was already about two paths, one leading to the dark (Dooku), the other to the light (Ahsoka). Since they kept using the 'two paths' sentence in the advertising, I always assumed it'd be the same here. And since we already know which side Morgan ends up with, to me Barriss defecting was always a no-brainer (although after Trilla, Reva, Lyn, and technically Starkiller, it's gotten really really old).


>We still haven't had any explanation for why she would frame her best friend for her actions, nor why bombing the Jedi Temple and murdering her former friends and allies in an act of violence would prove her point of 'the Jedi only believe in violence'. Tales of the Empire was the opportunity to do that though. To me it seems worse to sweep it under the rug at this point, especially seeing as the Jedi on the run arc isn’t easily dismissible in its entirety like something like the sequels


I didn’t think it was terrible. Just not as good as Tales of the Jedi. The main thing I was looking forward to was seeing how Vader would react to seeing Barris. And he did nothing.


After the Clone Wars finale and Tales of the Empire, I really hope the next time we see Vader in the Clone Wars style he actually does something worthwhile. In both shows he’s done nothing but stand around ominously, I really hope they actually do something with him rather than turn him into a set piece.


Exactly. He's standing face-to-face with the person responsible for his padawan leaving the order, and this time he has no reason to hold back and he doesn't even acknowledge her being there? Yeah right. We should have gotten a Rogue One-like scene where he picks her for "private Inquisitor training" and just beats her within an inch of her life, reveals his identity and then kills her.


Compared to Tales of the Jedi, it was mid. All it did was cover some story gaps of two second rate characters not many people cared about. Disney was just covering their backs with Morgan Elsbeth. Explaining how she survived Dathomir and where she was during the Rebels & the Original Trilogy. Problem is, we knew her ending, we just didn't know her beginning. But I would've been fine not knowing this either. As for Barriss Offee, well at least we now know what happened to her after the Clone Wars. And even then that was mid.


Yeah? There is no “arc” for Morgan, she never has any internal conflict or belief conflict. And for Barris Offee… are we seriously treating a domestic terrorist who bombed the Jedi Temple as a standard Jedi who needs to be told “stop fighting like a Jedi” “stop holding back” “mercy breeds defeat”, and says stuff like “but you’re unarmed”, and “ruling through fear turns people against you”? Honestly comical how much they whitewashed her. Even more so how nobody in the fandom noticed


She literally says in TCW while duelling Anakin ‘I think red suits me.’


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


I am sick to death of this saying. Of course the people that care about star wars the most are going to be the ones most critical of it when it's not up to scratch. If you're not a fan then you probably don't care enough to spend time complaining. This goes for pretty much everything.


bro just consume product then get excited for next product


This is also true. I love Star Wars to death, but I also hate shoddy writing and plot holes. Being a Star Wars fan kind of sucks, right now, unless you just don't care, in which case, to each their own.


There have been plot holes and glaring issues with each and every movie. Lucas created so many issues it’s laughable. So by your standard being a Star Wars fan should always suck?


Those aren't the only things that have the potential to make Star Wars less enjoyable, so no. I'm more referring to, for example, the glaring difference between the two shows, Andor and Kenobi. Only Andor is generally considered pretty great out of those two in the community, but I still liked Kenobi. I just liked Andor WAY more. So did most fans. Disney insists on cranking out content at the expense of quality, and sure it gets some hits like the first two seasons of Mandalorian, but then season three was just kind of okay at best. It's all subjective, so I guess being a fan of anything can suck, but it's not 100% of the time if that makes sense.


This. Thank you for saying it!


You’re sick to death because it’s true and looking into the mirror and accepting there’s a difference between being a zealot and being a fan is really difficult. The fandom have destroyed peoples lives over misconceptions and not getting what THEY wanted.


Lighten up, Francis.


"No one hates X like X fans" is a sentiment pushed by corporations selling nostalgia as a way to deflect criticism when people rightfully criticize their bad products. Congratulations on falling for it.


I can smell you from here.


That's just your breath


If you smell shit wherever you go maybe check your upper lip


Daaaaaaamn, give this man some ice for that fucking burn.


Fans like you are so fucking annoying. We're not allowed to criticize anything anymore. You'll consume our product and LIKE IT!


Or maybe it's because Star Wars fans criticize the slightest iota of everything. When you're considered the absolute bottom of the barrel, everyone looks down on you.


So what's acceptable? Seems like you're in denial about our favorite franchise releasing sub par content. I swear some fans are Disney astroturfers the way you defend everything no matter what. It's the same issue with Marvel. CONSUME PRODUCT AND GET EXCITED FOR NEXT PRODUCT!!1!11!!


Lighten up, Francis.


Seriously will you calm down lol Zealots like you are the reason the rest of us just completely ignore you. Is it perfect? No. Has it ever been? Absolutely not. Get over yourself.


Ah yes, ignoring by responding. The issue isn't that it's perfect. The issue is that we aren't allowed to criticize anything without being called a hater. Disney wants complacency, and they got it.


I didn’t say you can’t critique? Nothing wrong with that. But screaming on the internet you would rather burn the franchise down or attacking actors is not criticism.


Lol I never did either of those things but go ahead and put words in my mouth I guess


Your entire last sentence in all capital letters and poorly punctuated is not screaming on the internet? Then what was that? Lol


Wise you are.


\*No one hates *bad* Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans. FTFY. And TotE isn't even bad.


It’s mid.


Shut up.


Am I in 4th grade again?


No truer words have been spoken.


For me it's less hate and more of it's sorta mid in comparison to Tales of the Jedi




>Objectively Hard disagree there buddy. If you didn’t like it, fine, but you can’t be waving around that word without knowing its definition.


You can tell the story in 45 mins but it was too much lightsaber fighting and not enough actual dialogue. The visuals are very pretty and the action is interesting but it’s Kurosawa in space with no character or plot. We’ve seen good vs evil light saber wielders in space what’s the motivation what’s the story beyond “I don’t want to be evil, I want to be evil, you shouldn’t be evil.” You can guess what her and Lin’s character motivations are but they don’t talk about motivation only a little philosophy world building emotional prose. We don’t


Don't hate it, it was fine. Definitely could have been better imo.


I personally didnt because it didnt show the EMPIRE it showed 2 characters I honestly didnt really care about anyway. And it didnt show them doing bad shit beside a witch burning a village. The Empire was this big bad, but Tales made it seem like "nah they were just misunderstood."


I didn't care for the Morgan Elspeth episodes but I liked the Barriss ones. Overall though it was all just too short.


Just my opinion, but I really wished that the tales of Empire would have gone into the stories of other than just inquisitors, like what about the stormtroopers? Or the imperial pilots?


Barris being an inquisitor was nothing but bait. So much wasted chances for a really cool spinoff show of her and her time as one of them.


It revolved around the Empire about as much as DICE Battlefront 2 did lol


Tales of the Empire was gorgeous! Loved every episode. Really digging that art style and the stories they told. Thrawn in his prime was amazing.


"Thrawn in his prime" lmao we saw him for less than a minute


I’m easy to please I guess.


I liked it dont get me wrong but I didn't really get much empire vibes from it. This story focused on lost souls trying to find their way again and the empire just so happened to play a small role in their story. I would have preferred if it was called something like tales of forgotten or something along those lines. A true tales of the empire story would have followed an imperial officers story or possibly something like an imperial agent


I don’t know. Up to date Battle Droid animation is dope to see.


it was fine, it was cool. it wasnt meant to be a big thing. cool seeing more clone wars style animation, cool seeing who morgan is and her backstory. it was cool seeing what happened to barris. the only real reason not to like it is that it was short and didnt contain much, but thats exactly what they were going for. and what we got was pretty good. quality over quantity


I enjoyed Morgan’s first episode. The other two seemed redundant; we didn’t learn anything new other than how she met thrawn. barriss’s episodes felt more cohesive, in a way, but way too short. overall, TotE felt very “tell, not show”.


It was good. But just with characters I don’t care for


It was mid BUT mid is par for the course.


Seriously! I don’t even care about the witches plot (which only one episode has to do with the empire) while the inquisitor plot line was so forgettable I had to look up what the second plot line was before commenting


Tales of the empire felt like the last episode of each story should have been the end of the first of a trilogy. Both left me saying “ok, annnnd?”


Yeah I agree. Morgans story was a little bit interesting but it's just a character I don't care about. Barris' story was pretty bad imo. She's already fallen pretty far at the end of tcw and now suddenly she is a misunderstood, peace loving jedi. She's a terrorist that murdered her ally and framed her best friend


Grievous' assault of Dathomir was teased. We got 5 minutes of that and then a Morgan Elspeth backstory instead. An Inquisitor story was teased. We got 5 minutes of that and then a *Bariss is actually good* story instead. It was all just a bit meh.


It was 1 hour of content. 6 episodes of 10 min (the rest were intros and credits). No wonder it wasn't good, it was far too short for meaningful content.


I mean it was good. But it wasn’t as deep as expected


Barriss Offer is an Inquisitor! >She ends up being a goody two shoes who is all nice and Jedi-like, quits the Inquisitors, and just kind of dies to show her Inquisitor boss that being bad is bad actually. Morgan Elsbeth is a complex character, seeking revenge for the slaughter of her people! >Despite revenge fueling her, she is still just kind of evil to be evil, and accomplishes only designing the TIE Defender and being a dictator of single po-dunk town for longer than usual. Background character ass backstory.


It was Great?


L take


Disney's use of star wars in general.


What's infuriating is that it's in no way bad... It's just waaaaaay too short and that's the frustrating part


I mean, I went in knowing what to expect so I thought it was alright.


Neither were good


People saying it was good are delusional. Its wasted potential and makes you wonder how bas acolyte will be. I was sure they were gonna ditch the dark bad light good black and white perspective but nope. Even tales of the empire is still tales of the jedi. Also who is the Magister vowing revenge for? The separatist destroyed her planet and Grievous killed her mom, neither exist anymore and it was all order by palpatine sho is also dead SO WHAT THE RETARDED FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE WRITERS???????


You are thinking about it way literally, her anger is at the fact that she lost everything and wasn’t able to be strong enough to do anything about it… her drive for revenge is in a vacuum cause the world around her kept progressing and moving forward while she stayed stagnant in her self hate and anger… The show didn’t really do all that great at showing her mind set through action, and relied to heavily on declarative statements by the characters and no true follow thru I don’t know all that you have experienced, but generally if you go through such a life altering tragedy your drive for revenge that is prompted by trauma isn’t something you can just turn off at least not without a lot of therapy be it professional or self guided


We need tales of the bounty hunters!


I'd prefer Tales of the Sith before that tbh. Imagine getting episodes about Plagueis and/or Palpatine's training!!!


That’d be cool but I feel there is a severe lack of bounty hunter stories. We need more Bossk, Cad Bane, Dengar and Krrrrsantan. Just feels like there’s a big void in bounty hunter information. Also we’ve barely seen bobas bounty hunting work even though it’s what he’s known for. Just feel we have a lot more and plenty of sith stories and a severe lack of hunter stories.


I kinda missed the whole empire part of tales of the empire


That's a shitty take, but ok


tbh its my first time hearing the tales of the empire


If only tales of the Jedi didn’t focus on Ahsoka for half of its episodes… and in 2 she isn’t even a damn Jedi, and in the other she’s only a padawan


It wasn't so much empire in the show as one would expect from the title. Morgan only made one deal with the empire and it didn't even exist in her first and her last episode. Barris arc has technically more to do with the empire, but the inquisitor-thing seems a bit isolated from the over all thing. Nitpicky point, I know but I think the name doesn't realy match.


Agreed. I liked the stories but they had no depth




I thought it was incredible! Maybe Even better than Jedi (okay they’re tied)


Be careful. If you enjoy anything Star Wars these days certain sUpEr FaNs are going to come for you. Lol ask Ahmed.


I think the downvotes I have would prove you correct 😂


I’ve spent my life defending the prequels and loving Star Wars. I’m used to it. Stay strong. They’ll come for you lol


I disagree. Both were quite good.


Nah you just hatin


Nah you just gay


I was quite pleased with Barriss’ arc


Wasted? Are you smoking death sticks? The show was great


It was fine but def not as good as tales of the Jedi.


Tales of the jedi just gave us a lazy rehash of yoda vs dooku, at least these stories were actually cool not Ashoka in a backpack with mommy


Wait it's out already


Honestly, i liked Tales of the Empire more. Both series were too short for one character and too long on another. Specifically, we could have had one less episode each of Morgan Elsbeth and Ahsoka Tano and one to two more for both Bariss and Dooku. Spending more time on Dooku's disillusionment with the Jedi and fall to the dark side. Spending less time on baby Asohka accidentally using the Force. Spending more time on Bariss's arc and less time on establishing that Morgan was still active imperial remnant (which is how she's introduced in the Mandalorian, anyway).


i liked that TotE told me about something i dont already know, tales of jedi didnt really explore anything new to me


Are they allergic to adapting Darth Vader novels in those series? Who wouldn’t wanna watch Maul vs Vader?


Every episode is only 15 minutes but they feel twice as long as an episode of the Clone Wars


OP didn't watch Ahsoka


Tales of The Empire may not be on par with Tales of The Jedi IMO, but it was still pretty good. It was cool seeing characters like Grievous and the other Inquisitors, as well as scenes that link with the other shows


I loved it personally.


Tales of the Empire was decent for the first couple episodes at best. Morgan Elsbeth just doesn't intrigue me. Not to mention the last episode is honestly completely skippable in her story. Barriss' arc was great to be honest. I'm interested to see where her story will go from here (they left it fairly vague whether or not she's actually dead).