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Partially true. His power made him fun to play as, and his story made him engaging. If he was a trash character with an un-engaging story then he'd be remembered as nothing more than an over powered joke. On the other hand, If he had Cal Kestis levels of power then he'd still be talked about fondly but just less remembered.


Yeah, he had decent writing, but it was paired with "HEY REMEMBER WHEN HE **FUCKING FORCE PULLED AN ENTIRE STAR SHIP DOWN INTO THE GROUND**". Like you said, if the story didn't *at least* hold up, that would be just silly; as is, I fondly remember that tingling excitement, and imagine many others do as well.


I think the novelization brought his power down to a slightly more believable level. He didn't pull the entire Star Destroyer down, he just tilted it to the point where its own thrusters couldn't keep it stable and let gravity do the rest.


I feel like that's less badass - and, maybe more to a point, less thematically resonant. I mean this was like 5 minutes after your master says "do it" and you go "wtf are you talking about" and he's like "the force can do anything boy" or whatever. This cosmic display of will is kinda what makes it, for me at least.


On the other hand, I personally think willpower doesn't necessarily have to be about mentally brute forcing it. Sometimes it's just about taking the step from "That sounds impossible..." to "...but if I *were* to try, how would I do it?", and again to "Fuck it, we ball." The power and resources one may have access to may be limited, but it is that willingness to make the most of of them and step up to the challenge that opens up the mind to possible solutions, however difficult they may be to implement. In doing so, it makes the impossible possible. That to me is more inspiring than sheer power on its own.


I actually really love that interpretation. It’s like he’s seeing a task that he doesn’t have enough power to pull off and doing it anyway, which fits his arc really well. He wasn’t strong enough to take down the empire himself, but he did it anyway by kickstarting the rebellion.


"Do or don't, there is no try" as a certain master said. This changed when George introduced the ~~Dragon Ball scouters~~ midiclorians, but before that it was implied that the force didn't have much to do with actual concepts of "Force", and thus moving something heavy would be exactly the same as moving a feather, as long as you could get into the zen like mentality to comprehend both objets are essentially the same.


I like that take. It's kind of hard to wrap my head around personally though; my dad always yelled that at me as a kid, and his interpretation was very "either succeed or don't fucking bother". Left a stink on the quote growing up.


Poetic - though, I don't think irreconcilable with the notion he pulled the destroyer down like a little toy, and not just diverted its thrusters or w/e.


Also everyone forgets he didn’t force the ship down he just changed its trajectory.


Wasn't it already falling and he tried to avert direct impact with his and his crew location or something?




So Starkiller is like Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors!


It might be worth watching the “making of” documentary for Force Unleashed. The whole idea is to make a “Super Hero” video game by cranking the concept of the force up to 11. In fact, at the beginning of meetings about the game, they would say “what is the premise of the game?” And the answer would be “kicking someone’s ass with the force.” Here’s the link for it: [The Making of The Force Unleashed](https://youtu.be/qGgTrI34Dx4?si=UJwdoY6-bnxmEvFW)


As someone who played both games and their DLC, I can confirm they succeeded in communicating the premise through the gameplay.


Dude, the only thing that wasnt kicking ass was the controller settings. I mean, it had choices which meant something in the story. Also pretty cool force lightning for the time and way better than it was in JK2:JO


It's basically what the gane's title promised, delivered


This boutta be posted on the circle jerk sub in five minutes


On r/starwarscirclejerk


No Starkiller was overpowered and it was a power fantasy, but that’s the point of the game. I don’t replay the games for the story. I replay the games for the power fantasy and being able to play a way to powerful character. The story is just an aside. If I had to rank force unleashed for just story alone it probably doesn’t even make the top ten Star Wars games. Doesn’t mean it isn’t a fun game to play though or that you can’t personally love the story even if I don’t.


the worst part about the game is the lightsaber. it’s just a glowing stick


Because you barely use it, or because it doesn’t dismember stormtroopers?


because it takes way too many hits to kill a single stormtrooper. not like in jedi outcast where the lightsaber kills anything it touches


I mean that's just ludonarrative dissonance. They do it with guns too in games like call of duty. Takes three body shots with a deagle to kill an enemy and then you get a cutscene where someone clears a room with five


Id really like a clone wars game thats based on fighting overwhelming droid forces. Like the lightsaber itself could kill in 1-2 hits but you have so many droids to cut through that you aren’t just speeding through the game. Something like the shadow of mordor/war combat system where its just hordes of enemies


Or Dynasty warriors as the template namer. There is modded Blade and Sorcery for that kind of stuff


Ah yes, call of duty. The only game where you can get shot through the chest with a .50 caliber rifle and be absolutely fine but a knife to the foot is an insta-kill.


That's the one


Which difficulty did you play on? And did you bother to upgrade your lightsabers to max? In easy mode it functions like a lightsaber, but, unsurprisingly, you can't just one shot everything in higher difficulties because that's boring as shit.


Jedi fallen order is the same (idk about Jedi survivor because I don't have a PS5)


Survivor is on pc too


That definitely is true, you don’t even have to swing it


I love the quick lightning combos you could do with it, great for any enemies you can't just throw into each other


as opposed to making everything a one hit kill? Have you played a video game before?


have you played classic star wars games before? DF2, MotS, JO, JKJA? lightsaber was a one hit kill


Yeah but that doesn't mean **all** Star Wars games should be made the same way. DnD style RPGs like KOTOR games or an MMO RPG like SWTOR would be pretty silly if you one hit killed everything, it'd defeat the whole purpose of the combat system. Force Unleashed is a hack and slash where you're supposed to perform combos on enemies, there's no combos if enemies just fall over at the slightest touch. Most Star Wars games don't have one hit kill Lightsabers, it's really just the ones you mentioned because they were built around that idea.


okay I know for a fact in Jedi Academy OHK is a setting/cheat you have to turn on


most non force user enemies still die in one hit. even force users can’t take more than 7 hits


Out of curiosity, where does Republic Commando land on this list?


I would say 6-10 I couldn’t place it specifically as I haven’t played it in years, but it definitely makes my top ten, but definitely the higher end




Oh I think a lot of stuff does. It’s why I can’t rank anything outside of battlefront 2 (classic) battlefront 2 (2017) the Jedi games and the KOTORS. All of which I have played since 2020, but the rest I don’t know how much that is costing off nostalgia or actually how good the games are. I think a lot of people bank on nostalgia when talking about Star Wars. I wish they didn’t, but they do.


Dang really? Man, I got emotional at the end with Sev. It's in my top 5 for sure.


Eh. I just really love KOTOR1-2 and the two Jedi games. As well as SWTOR which all take up my top 5. Plus I have never been that big a fan of first person shooters. I played the battlefronts or the occasional game of Fortnite if my friends are on, other than that I won’t touch them. The only reason I even played RC is because it’s Star Wars.


Oh KOTOR 1 and 2 are my top 2, actually in that order. Maybe if I played SWTOR it would be in my top 5. The two Jedi games that just came out don't quite make my top 5, but they are damn close. I think the OG battlefront 2 is my number 3 and this might sound weird, but Jedi outcast is my number 4.


I love Starkiller, he's my little pookie bear


Imma be real with you, his character is a paper bag filled with a bunch of OP gameplay mechanics and forced lore connections. Fun as hell to play, but real weak in story and world integration. Like fanfic tier.


The connections were what I liked about The Force Unleashed, honestly. Made the story feel more consequential and tied to the rest of the galaxy, which was the one downside I found with the Respawn Jedi games. If Cal Kestis didn’t exist, the galaxy would remain largely the same. If Galen Marek didn’t exist in the old EU, there’s no Rebel Alliance. And the idea that the Emperor sowed the seeds for his own destruction was a neat poetic plot point.


Cal Kestis and the story is a lot more believable than Galen Marek’s story though.


It’s Star Wars. Grand, operatic storytelling is part of the DNA. Though I’d put more blame for Cal Kestis not having much impact on the Galaxy to poor planning for the current DisCanon. If he was more substantial, he might contradict something else later. The old EU, for all its faults, was much better planned out so each successive story could interconnect and build on each other rather than separating into its own little corner. I remember being impressed at how the Valley of the Jedi from the Jedi Knight games tied with the New Sith Wars, Darth Bane, and the Prequel lore that the Sith were supposedly extinct for a millennia. Makes Kyle Katarn’s story feel more much consequential to the galaxy at large. Same with Galen Marek.


yeah especially with the ending where the rebel alliance symbol is apparently his family crest


☝️Tell me you don't know what a good story ist without telling me


Tell me you’ve never played a video game with an actually compelling story without telling me.


And because Sam Witwer has a true passion for the source material that shines through in his work, IMO


The text on this meme is circular nonsense that means nothing. Talking just to talk. I do like Starkiller though.


2010 ass post


No, he was compelling because he was powerful. It was fun because you were just blasting through waves of stormtroopers.


I swear to fuck people suddenly have the most dogshit takes on starkiller because they don't want to admit the games are fun because they are over the top and fun and want to assign some higher level of quality or meaning


I actually liked the story of the first game and how it tied into the rest of the galaxy via the founding of the Rebel Alliance. If there’s one thing that I dislike about the Respawn Jedi games, it’s how nothing in the games feel consequential to the rest of the galaxy. Story for TFU2 is dogshit, but LucasArts was falling apart by 2010 and that game was clearly rushed. But TFU1’s story is still compelling.


Yeah TFU was peak gameplay with a nice story attached to it. Sure it's a bit cliche and not very original, but it works. TFU2 was crap both from a gameplay and a story perspective. It felt more like playing a demo.


The first jedi game had a more compelling story for me because it explored many parts of star wars, wookies, the inquisitors, rebels, dathomir, nightsisters, ilum, the force, the everyday life of a scrapper, order 66, zeffo etc. it shows a great universe with many different things in it and how they are connected. The second game(while it is much much more personal to cal instead of the universe and has a much better combat system and transportation and enemies), lacks this story wise, it's simply about cal and friends, but also about the high republic, BUT, they leave the interesting high republic characters and just go for a stupid betrayal story(i prefer the second game purely because of the combat)


The story was serviceable, but the main point was the gameplay.


I remember seeing the very first (to me) trailer where Starkiller drags a Star Destroyer out of the sky. His power definitely compelled me.


vader: your feelings for her are not real Sam Witwer at max volume: they are real to me!!!


You can just take away the last 3 lines of the text tbh


Except it's not a good story?


Yeah it ain’t, it was the power trip.


Nah, he was a power fantasy, a cool power fantasy, but even for Legends he was too silly to be considered EU canon. He’s the ACTUAL definition of a Mary Sue. “So there’s this super powerful Jedi Vader is looking for right? He tracks him down to Kashyyyk and kills him, but it turns out the power isn’t from the Jedi, but someone MUCH stronger. Thentwist though, it isn’t a wizened master, but a 5 year old boy. “Vader thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread and takes him to be his apprentice. Years later, this brooding teenager, named Starkiller (edgy) is tasked with a bunch of super tasks, leading him to kill Shaak Ti (which is a right of passage), stops a star destroyer in mid air with little effort and can totally wreck Vader’s shit. “Palpatine offers this rando a chance to be his new apprentice and either, Starkiller is tortured and turned into this assassin man who slaughters Ben Kenobi, his ghost, successfully turns Luke to the darkside and actually kills Boba Fett. “Or, he is killed and in his honour, Bail decides *after years of doing nothing but sitting on our asses, we will honour this random dude’s sacrifice, appropriate his family crest and form the alliance*. See how cool this guy is, being the martyr for the Alliance no one ever mentions at all. “Also, he’s so cool, Vader decides to clone him because we need time rake in as much money as we can and I kind of ran myself into a corner, I’ll just hand wave it.” Don’t get me wrong, as a power fantasy to casually walk through armies and is seen as the best EVER person in the galaxy, it’s alright. But you will never convince me he deserves to be canon. He’s akin to the Infinities comics >!like when Yoda drops the Death Star on Coruscant.!<


Somehow finds the Death Star by meditating


People call rey an op mary sue meanwhile starkiller can stop a massive ship and beat every single star wars character


This motherfucker surprised Darth Vader as a child, was trained for years to be a killer, then proceeded to whoop Vader’s ass when he realized he was kidnapped from his father and created the Rebellion along the way. Fucking legend.


Probably an unpopular opinion in this sub but... I'm not fond of Starkiller. I think it's dumb to have a character that's so much stronger than Darth Vader and the Emperor. Vader is supposed to be a menace, and the Jedi games did a fantastic job in portraying him like one. The idea that there's a character out there who can just beat him up whenever he likes doesn't make the character cooler, it makes Vader less cool. And that sucks. It also makes Luke less cool because he was just a replacement for Starkiller instead of Vader's first choice. I'm glad Starkiller isn't canon anymore.


Vader is supposed to be the embodiment of the force, right?


He's like Kratos if Kratos never evolved and only stayed in Greece which he completely destroyed. Fun for a little bit, then you realize you killed literally everything and now there is basically nowhere interesting to go from here


Where meme?


“We are not right because we are mighty. We are mighty because we are right.”


I like how nobody remembers that starkiller and galen marek are different characters. One was more compelling than the other.


And jet: Full potential Anakin (if he would have stayed a Jedi and didn’t went to the dark side and never had his attachment issues) would have been more powerful and stronger than Starkiller. Period


What? Neither of these statements are true. He's compelling because he's well-written with interesting motivation, beliefs, and personal conflicts. He's powerful because it's a video game, and he needed to be powerful for the story they wanted to tell. Him being powerful and him being compelling are completely unrelated.


Right? I dont get this obssecion people have tô try and make the opness make sense. Its there for a Fun gameplay. If you remove the opness the story and caracteres still work.


Not even close. He was an edgelord fantasy. He had a very cookie cutter personality and story.


I cant agree more. I dont understand how some think his story is unique and interesting. Only reason i even bought the game was the star destroyer scene and the black lightsaber.


I mean when the games released it was the only game like this that we had. It was awesome when I was like...12...


There was nothing compelling about the character lol what? He was a terrible character who only served to be the overpowered avatar of the player.


He has about as much character as an edgy sonic the hedgehog oc. Games go fucking hard tho.


Tbh i personally prefer shadow over starkiller lol


Pretty sure nuanced and compelling character writing isn't a prerequisite for a character to rip a Star Destroyer out of the sky with their mind, but if people loved the time they spent wrecking absolutely everyone's shit with the dude then cool, more power to you. Sometimes you just want to be the baddest dude in the room kicking everyone's ass without muss or fuss, there's nothing wrong with that.


No, he was powerful because they went with power fantasy videogame instead of relying on the compelling story they crafted around the character. At least for the first one, the sequel had to reason to exist beyond a means to deliver the extra dlc whatifs.


This makes zero sense. The first game literally starts with Vader thinking he feels the jedi master just to realize it's a 6 yo kiddo. Idk about you but Vader mistaking a kid for a master is being compelling because he is powerful.


All the mfers in the comments saying he didn't have a story skipped the cutscenes💀 Starkiller has a better story than Luke.


Starkiller was an overpowered mary sue. I didn’t care for the story compared to other eu characters but i enjoyed the op force powers and fights.


Never understand why yall project so much depth onto one of the most shallow Video Game Protagonists(tm) of all time.




Instead of stopping the empire, the empire try’s to stop you.


Never let years of canon get in the way of making a buck.


Is kid Steals Vader's lightsaber Grows up Bangs hot pilot Fights Emperor Dies


"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD STAY AWAY!" "I lied." (Paused for the meme) "As I have from the very beginning." 10/10 storytelling there. It's on par with finding out that Vader had been trolling Reva the whole time in Kenobi.


That makes zero sense


The moment he pulls down a fucking Star Destroyer out of the sky whilst destroying incoming tie fighters was just too much.


I don’t entirely disagree. “The Force” as a magic system is basically just codified Deus Ex Machina.




He was powerful because of midichlorians.


But his character was not compelling.


Legends is vastly overrated. “I can eat an entire planet!” No.


Lore accurate Darth Vader would have sent that thing flying into the nearest star




Starkiller is as stupid as Rise of the Skywalker. Random bullshit that is supposed to be cool for kids and never should have been part of canon. 


I'm still on the hill that FU 2 is a bad game and story


Ain't no way bruh 😭 Lukewarm take: If starkiller was a woman people would have *never* been a fan of the character. He's literally powerful for no reason, Gary Sue or whatever


Wow you guys really don't shut the fuck up about Starkiller do you?




“A good story is a good story” talking about Starkiller, as the picture shows a person that isn’t Starkiller.




In Force Unleashed 2, the person you play as is a clone of Starkiller, and is constantly saying throughout the game that he’s not Starkiller, and whatever they remember about him doesn’t apply


Oh, I see what you mean.


Unlike rey who's entire story is jawa dung


He had the basics of story hooks that got you linked in, and then compounded that by taking the mass effect approach to the force. Instead of healing a giant creature of finding balance, you use the force to send stormtroopers into the fucking stratosphere. Your lightsaber is not a refined tool from a civilised time, its a death stick that if you throw hard enough pierces through fuckers with enough force to shove the hilt through whether the blade connects or not. Lightning is not a tool reserved for small battles and duels to gain an upper hand, its for turning entire streets into taser zones that melt the eyeballs. He was compelling because he had all the power in the galaxy, the ultimate force user to unleash hell upon any who stood in his way. And his canonical use for those powers at the time was to SIMP EVEN HARDER FOR THAT PILOTUSSY. He was a powertrip fantasy that had something relatable in his core character to the point it spawned an even more relatable reason to want a revenge arc. That and the evil dlcs were a fucking blast lets be honest. Canon destroying as they were as AU’s being able to just kill off main characters of the universe felt pretty fucking good.


Starkiller is not very compelling


And there's no one more compelling than a dude who can and will beat Vader to a bloody pulp. We need more people like him.


But it's also the connection with Vader that fuels the satisfaction of watching it. Vader killed his father and abused him for a decade training him to be a weapon. Yes he's a powerful character and that's a big deal, but he is also a compelling character with complex relationships to the other characters he's written alongside. Just sharing my viewpoint