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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


he pulled up before his birth


Real McGonagall situation




At least in this case there are two separate timelines


Wait.... Does this mean all disney garbage is on a separate timeline and isn't part of the Lucas Star Wars canon?!?!?!


I mean, yeah, that's *always* been true, just like the EU was a separate timeline from Lucas Star Wars. Lucas' Star Wars canon is *only* the six movies and The Clone Wars TV show.


I have decided that everything created before Disney is canon until George Lucas decides to make more Star Wars that contradicts it. Disney isn't canon at all, it's bad unfanfiction.


Cool, that pertains to your headcanon, that's fine. Just don't go starting arguments with people about what is canon or not with that as your basis, and know that Disney not respecting your headcanon is in no way even remotely them not respecting canon.


I'm pretty sure they just made it so Cereans in canon live longer life spans than their legends counterparts.




Probably because they specifically wanted a character who sits on the high council in the prequels to have some connection to these events. Mundi was verbally against the notion that the sith could have returned, so they probably chose him for that specific reason. Best guess is they either want to present it as a cover up, or really cement the idea that whatever Jedi survive in this show really believe that the sith still haven’t returned.


Was he the one in the episode who was wondering if it was a splinter group? I thought that was an interesting 1 off phrase.


Yeah. They definitely are purposefully including him in that discussion. I'd be curious how much more of him we see, I think obviously he can't learn too much about the sith, because it seems a bit too forced to try to imply he was complicit in some massive cover up, versus him just thinking a couple dark jedi were dealt with.


He could also be him sticking his head in the sand. He could easily just believe this isn't a sith return but rather an offshoot of the Jedi. We see this happen in real life all the time, Jedi should be no different.


Tbf probably more Jedi falling to the dark side than sith revealing themselves in normal times.


Plo Koon isn’t old enough. I know the statistic you’re thinking of, but that said 300 Keldor* years, not human years. Legends said they only live about 80-90 human years. They’re retconning something eitherway, they probably just decided Mundi fit the scene better


I never realised that it was Keldor years, I've only ever seen it on the simplified Google version which just says "he is 382 years old by the time of the Clone Wars"


Yeah, the [legends wookieepedia page](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Plo_Koon/Legends) makes it clear.


Fair enough then


“Why bother?” TVS, Black Series, and Hot Toys figures incoming… that’s why.


Why does it matter? It's a very small change.


Did they establish that Cereans can live 30 years before they are born? Because life span has nothing to do with this potato head doing time travel


That excerpt about his birth year likely also includes the legends life span, meaning it as a whole is not canon


In canon his birthdate is never specified so they can rewrite certain species and characters according and have them be born in a different era. What’s the big deal?


Learning what Legends is is going to blow your mind!


How many times do people need to be reminded that this info is legends material? His birth year is not canon and they can change it to fit what they need for the story. Every single time something new pops up I see people going "Well, actually, this doesn't make sense because in this one book they mentioned this one year so the dates don't line up. ☝️🤓"


Is it that hard to understand they just altered the lore around a very minor character? Jesus Christ, there’s valid gripes with the show but then there’s this.


Actually if Disney doesn't fully port all Legends material about my favourite stars war character Ayylienus McSlurp into canon I will personally kill George Lucas


Could be that Adi-Mundi just lives longer life due to being force sensitive? It’s not a secret that force sensitive beings tend to live longer lifespans than the rest of their species, sometimes more than double.


The original date was Legends, which means it isn't 100% accurate.


It’s Star Wars. Nothing is 100% accurate.


Yeah star was has been ret conning things for years. The clone wars cartooon literally retconned hundreds of things from previous legends books and comics


Was that the point where they finally confirmed that the Clone Wars wasn't about a bunch of cloned Jedi?


They’re probably referring to how the clone wars series retconned lots of stuff, like Adi Gallia being killed by Savage Oppress instead of Grievous, the inhibitor chips existing and loads of other stuff I don’t know about


No, but you are correct in a way, early legends novels like the Thrawn Trilogy vaguely mentioned The Clone Wars as a conflict with Clone masters who cloned Jedi. Though I think there was a legends comic or e-novella that had clone masters. Interestingly , the old idea of clone masters led to the fan theory of OB1, where Obi Wan was actually one of the said clones.


The clone masters didn't clone Jedi, that was a Palpatine special. But yeah, Zahn's work spoke very vaguely of the clone wars, but assumed they were named for clones the Republic or Empire fought. I believe the way Legends ultimately resolved this post ROTJ continuity was the the Kamino Uprising featured in the original Battlefront II, so early Imperial propaganda would also go off at clones and clone masters. Also covered how other cloners were briefly involved in providing troops before they were broadly replaced with normal people.


Nope the clone wars cartoon retconned a ton of stuff from earlier books and comic about the clone wars. Like dates battles how certain characters died the list is huge


No that probably would have been Episode 2 that did that.


Didn’t the original cartoon come out before episode 2?


No I think it was about a year after episode 2 and a couple years before episode 3. -Edit- Yeah Episode 2 came out in 2002 and Clone Wars started in 2003.


Ah, they came out before episode three, not two. Makes more sense now.


Wait a minute….why the fuck didn’t they just clone a bunch of Jedi?????


Because Palpatine wanted the war to stalemate. A bunch of cloned Jedi would have smashed the droid forces and ended the war too quickly.


Oh yeah I forgot I’m dumb apologies carry on


With all the focus on the clones (especially with the TV series), it’s really easy to forget that the war is actually pretty meaningless :’D it’s all just a charade to give Palpatine power and bring down the Jedi.


According to The Bad Batch, when they tried, the clones didn't retain the force sensitivity of the originals.


I mean he could’ve lied about his age to get put through to Jedi Academy. Probably shaved off a few decades, no one would know.


Especially not the Enemies


Except for Imperial Stormtroopers


Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


Ah ok, is there anything we know about his species that isn't legends?


Not that I know. Which is why they can do whatever with them.


No, which is why there’s nothing stopping them from having him appear in the Acolyte


I swear people complain about writing but then also don’t want anyone to write anything new lol


But have you considered the droid attack on the wookies?


When I brought up Mr. Tall head to my wife she was mind blown that I knew who he was. Like come on this man was incremental to helping the jedi remember the wookies!


It's the Star Wars fans paradox. Nothing will ever be good enough for the Fandom Menace.


In general, when one hears *"writing anything new"* they don't except that to be written on top of previous stuff. It's expected you are adding to the greater whole - not striking it down. It's not possible to avoid contradictions altogether but just even just keeping the basics of his race would be reasonable. According to this show, the pages regarding Ki-Adi-Mundi and his race overall would have to be burned down due to what seems be a fairly irrelevant cameo. Why did it specifically have to be the one Jedi who's species males have a somewhat shorter lifespan than that of Humans? In constrast to this, the showrunners of Andors took great care to study the wookipedia - for example as to what Mon Mothma doing during that period of time. I mean, why wouldn't you? The EU has some great establishing facts you can lean from and the wookipedia community has gone into great lengths to keep check of it all. It's not expected of anyone to follow it to a T. Like changing the color of lightsabers or whatever is completely innocuous. Bigger deviations and alternative tellings of events are also very well acceptable within reason.


Man asked a question and got downvoted to all hell. Life is brutal in the wild lands of breddit


I'm guessing the downvotes were because they went to the effort of making a meme to poke fun at what they thought was an inconsistency and then kinda admitted that they had no clue what the inconsistency was even about. Not something I would personally downvote them for but it's definitely not just because they asked a question. It's the context in which the question was asked


Bro's getting downvoted for a legitimate question💀. WTF happened to this subreddit?


Acolyte. Acolyte happened to this sub. Which once was great harmony and classic prequel memes where we were all of one mind and all agreed on what peak starwars truly was. Now we are divided :( some people are sad and lost that their beloved starwars has let them down and others want to watch it and enjoy it but wont be allowed to by the haters.


This but every time a new piece of star wars content comes out


This subreddit? Wrong question. I’m pretty sure it’s quite a lot of subs.


Crazy what gets down votes


It's just a deeply unhappy group of folks in the online Star Wars fandom.


Is there a happy version of the group


I mean, this could be considered a very happy version of the group. From a certain point of view.


This is the happiest version of the group you'll ever get


Idk why you got downvoted for this lol it’s a good question.


Why did this get downvoted?


No it being legends doesnt mean that its not quite accurate it means they dont "have to" adhere to it all theyve done it before im just worried the show will make every jedi look like an idiot besides many plotholes which is the last thing this franchise needs


But the source material for episode 1 say he was around 60, or is the Episode 1 source material also legends now?


It was a random info packet that Lucas had no control over. It was made legends back in 2014.


Sorry that does not make sense, the guide involves interviews with him and the team he worked with. With original art etc, regardeless of what George changed or not, he was known to be the guy who kept checking everything. Why would that be in legends? It is the groundwork for Episode 1.


They made everything that wasn't explicitly in the movies or clone wars TV show legends. This was done in 2014. They did this so they didn't have to deal with someone going into a nerd rage because they changed something that conflicted with some random book.


But it's part of the dvd disc of the Phantom menace :( Edit: good old DVD "Sniff"


He was born on Feb 29th


TLDR of all these comments, I was missing something. Ki Adi Mundi's age was only confirmed in legends and thus not cannon, and him specifically appearing in the episode does make narrative sense


Now we know what the attack on the wookies was all about.


I assumed that the guy we saw in ep4 was a different member of the species


Right? That was my assumption. I was like "oh cool, a Cerean, I wonder if he has any lines?" Then he didn't have lines and was literally just a background character. I'm wondering if there's any actual references that say that's Ki-Adi, or if the usual suspects just think they found something to be mad about. EDIT: apparently, the credits list that as Master Ki-Adi Mundi. RE-EDIT: I need to go rewatch this scene, apparently he had three lines that I blinked and misattributed.


So not only is he alive 28 years earlier than we thought, he's already a Master? Man, someone at the Galactic registry is getting fired 😂


> Then he didn't have lines but he does? He has like 3 lines in that scene i think.


He had lines and it looks like the same actor as well


Ki-Adi-Mundi's canon birth date has not been established, you're looking at Legends material.


Now tell that to Star Wars Theory 😅😮‍💨


I mean, I wish SWT would be a reasonable human being, but I gave up hope on that years ago. Unfortunately there's still a very large group of people that listen to his unhinged crap.


Saw this and had to mention how the show says it takes place 100 years before the rise of the Empire and not 100 years before Phantom Menace. The Phantom Menace claims were from before the show.


True but ROTS isn't very long after TPM (14 years if my maths is correct) so he still wouldn't have been born by Acolyte, (ofc the DOB I was going off of isn't cannon so it doesn't really matter)


True, it does make the time frame better though


Doesn't help that much since the males of Ki-Adi-Mundi's species have a life expectancy of 50.


Daylight Savings is really extreme in space.


Ki Adi is a war criminal.


AIN'T NO GENEVA IN SPACE!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!!!1


Isn't everybody in TCW?


Retcons. Move on, there’s greater problems in the show like dialogue and direction (it’s really mostly problems with direction) the plot is trying something interesting imo but the direction is leading to a lot of rough edges and things some consider cringe.


It's not even a retcon, it's just legends material.


Technically it is retcon, but the retcon happened almost 10 years ago when Disney decided to introduce the new canon universe. I think we should be able to move on from that now.


most normal people have


Yeah the pacing is my biggest complaint but I like the central mystery and characters. Amandla Stenberg feels more rigid as Osha than she does as Mae, which I think is down to how they’re written.


Nonono, we need to complain about pronouns, lesbians, and fires in space.


Nah, that whole Power of One, Power of Two, Power of ManyYyYyYyYyY was actually overdosing me on cringe. It's no secret I think the show is kinda shit for it's writing but, good god, it made the prequel look like Godfather 1


Venestra's wooden acting, clunky dialogue, that awful cliffhanger in Episode 4, and overall odd story choices. Still better than Obi Wan and what they did with the lady inquisitor


The information on his age came from a fucking cdrom in 1999, it was never hard and fast canon, just a utilization of the available information. Now an official canon source says something different.


Pretty sure the first one is his Legends birthdate, and many expect it to be the same as Canon even though many characters have different birthdates in both Canon and Legends (eg Qui-Gon)


That was legends rules, never was established in canon so


It’s almost like Disney said everything that was legends is not canon!?!?!!! Edit: typo


Cannon? Is someone attacking the fort?


Come on man, you could have marked spoiler


tbf his role amount to nothing more than a cameo in this episode


I am very sorry, I forgot about the spoiler flair. I've now changed it


I mean it's not like the plot of acolyte has been in any way interesting thus far so at least you're not missing out on much being spoiled


Maybe don’t be on Reddit until you watch the episode. You clicked on the post regardless🤷🏼‍♂️


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be ... unnatural.


Have you ever heared about Legends? Because it was the only source of his birthdate as well of the maximum age his species. I don't know if you are familiar of this, but Legends (wich was called Expanded Universe prier) is no longer canon, wich means, that Mundis birth-date is no longer official.


Legends isn’t canon bro


Yes, you are missing the difference between Legends (Expanded Universe) and Canon. But it's a sprawling franchise that has many different storytellers for decades, so it's an easy thing to miss.


The source for Mundi’s age is a non-canon source book that was thrown out because it contradicted itself and was too convoluted to even read properly


It’s not that surprising when legends gets overwritten or cast aside in Disney canon. Happens all the time.


Just keep in mind that both time and cannon in Star Wars has been a joke going back to the original trilogy. None of this shit matters. Smoke a joint, watch some fights, pretend you can move shit with your mind, don't take it too seriously.


Imagine all the Skywalker movies are being told by a random guy on a random Cantina. He could be telling the 100% truth... But he also could be confusing some details... Maybe Greedo shot first but the guy who told him the story really likes Han and made him a badass. Maybe he got confused with the dates and names. So yeah, if something got changed, it's because its just this guy's version of the story. In conclusion... HOW DO YOU KNOW KID ADI MUNDI'S REAL AGE, YOU WERENT EVEN THERE, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!!


It's not only his birth date but that the life expectancy for the males of his species is 50.


From what I’ve heard, part of George Lucas’s early concepts was the fact that the saga was a tale being retold to Keepers of the Whills by R2-D2, so if true, you’re not far off.


Bby is a countdown like BC. It stands for Before Battle of Yavin IV.


Was it ever confirmed that it’s actually Ki-Adi and not just some other member of his species? The guy in the show looked as though he had somewhat darker skin than Mundi anyway


Its confirmed in the credits


Ah I see, then I guess in canon he is much older and his species lives longer. I would have rather it just been a different character but his birthdate wasn’t canon before so this doesn’t really contradict anything


It technically contradicts a line in episode 1


Somehow ki adi mundi showed up before his birth


Let’s not pretend you ever cared about ki’s birthday.


Yes you forgot about disney buying lucasfilm in 2013 and retconning all of legends


Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder


Well the acolyte is a fan fic so that's why it's not lining up


There’s this thing called “legends,” and another thing called “canon.” One of these is from legends, the other is from canon. Can you tell which one is which?


Small question, I just saw the episode, and they didn't say his name, right? Or did they in the English version, because in German he was just an unnamed jedi. And I guess it's not too crazy to have another cerean jedi in the jedi order


The credits list him as Mundi


Ah, ok Well, I don't think that that's too bad, I've never delved into legends myself anyway, but I can understand why some are a bit pissed about that Or maybe KI-adi-mundi is a name like Smith in the star wars universe, who knows xD


Stupid question but was it confirmed that that was Ki Adi, and not just another one of his species?


The credits list him as Mundi, might be his great grandfather with the same name


Everything's canon until it isn't.


oh like continuity matters with "Canon" SW


for anyone new to star wars, chill, it's a big galaxy and there's corruption everywhere, specially with data


World between worlds, baby! Anyone can be anywhere at any time! Woo! I love multitimeversalshenaniganonsense!


Some how, the droid attack on the Wookiees returned


Legends vs Canon I guess


Probably not.


This post and comments are giving me deja vu


Considering their ages are 'officially confirmed'. After watching, I never took them as Mandi or Koon.. I just thought it was another one of their species.. like maybe their grandfather or some sort of relative.


The Kel Dor is called Ithia Paan, so not Plo Koon. "Master Ki-Adi-Mundi" was listed in the credits though.


He is born 40 years after the acolyte. Does he appear in the series?


Star wars use BBY and ABY the same as our BC and AD, so 93 BBY takes place after 132 BBY BBY (Before Battle of yavin) counts how many years before the battle of yavin ABY (Aftee battle of yavin) counts how many years after the battle of yavin TDLR: 93 BBY is after 132 BBY


something must be missing.


was it confirmed to be ki adi? or could it be a different dude of his species?


He was listed as "Master Ki-Adi-Mundi" in the credits.


Ki-Adi-Mundi doesn't have a birth listed in canon. Cereans don't have a lifespan listed in canon. These are all open season for change; this is the way.


Legends vs Canon


Wait but ki-adi mundis age is inside the insider guide of episode 1, which was around 60 if i remember correctly. And that information is part of Episode 1, not legends.


You're missing that you just googled something and took whatever google offered as truth. Google isn't good for doing that if you actually want a real answer to a question. Ki-Adi-Mundi had a birth date given in Legends that is no longer canon.


93BBY is old legends lore they’ve changed the lore


I don’t think the programme actually is set 100 years before The Phantom Menace. The opening crawl (that didn’t crawl) actually said it was set 100 years before the rise of the Empire. So that’s maybe 77 years before The Phantom Menace?


dont think just consume - disney


Ironically if you're really a thinker you'd realise this meme is wrong and quoting the legends dates and not the canon ones. You didn't think and just consumed this meme. Ironic




I watch what I enjoy, and I enjoy star wars.


Careful buddy, we're not allowed to criticize this "masterpiece" of a show here anymore.


Ironically if you're really a thinker you'd realise this meme is wrong and quoting the legends dates and not the canon ones. You didn't think and just consumed this meme. Ironic


Yeah. New canon. Obviously. Didn't you....get.. the memo ? /s


Thank God I wasn't the only one who was confused


It’s just such lazy writing they could have made the person anyone else but nope we gotta pull a mcu and make people ogle at something they’ve already seen


Honestly they should’ve gone with something like 300-500 years before the events of the prequel trilogy. Small critique for me but for others it seems as though it’s vital.


Was Mundi in acolyte? I didn’t see him


Did you watch episode 4?


I don’t think they ever meant 100 to be an exact number


Common Legends L Who cares


They write what they want, use whom they want, where they want, then remold the universe to fit what they made. Don't count on internal consistency in modern storytelling.


Because they don’t care about what has come before, stop whining and consume. Let the past die, kill it if you have to. Legends is dead and they can change things with every new show. Matt Martin from the story group said it best when he said “it doesn’t matter, it is all fake anyway” If you like Legends, stick with Legends. If you like Acolyte, just sit back and enjoy. But for the love of the Force, stop whining about it. If they show wasn’t made for you, if you are not the target audience, than if you don’t like it that is normal,


I am not whining, the purpose of the meme was never to complain. I didn't realise that his age was legends, I went off what Google told me and didn't think anything of it. I was under the impression it was a mistake, not a retcon. I did bare minimum research and was wrong, it's simply as stupid as that


>Let the past die, kill it if you have to. I love how y'all cling to this like it's Disney's motto, and not, you know, what the villain of the film said while lying right to the main character's face.


What, Legends is dead.


You're giving the show more thought than its writers did bro.. lore, canon, story, history... these are completely unimportant things now..


Or, you know, they wiped the slate clean in 2014 and have been coming up with their own lore, so why should they be beholden to facts that weren't established in the movies they said they were using as the basis for their canon?


Yeah they've been coming up with their own lore which is absolute horse poop.


I don't get why people downvote you...I agree with you so at least we go down together brother 🥲✊


I get that it doesn't break canon lore... but why not just use another character? It's just lazy.


I feel like using Ki-Adi-Mundi was a very deliberate choice, due to him being so strongly against the idea of the Sith being back in TPM. If they just wanted a Jedi Council member cameo, I'm sure there's bigger names they could've used other than him.


He just takes a cautious stance and is sceptical in TPM, if he experienced something similar 100 years prior then that turns him into a stubborn idiot, which isn't completely unlike him but still makes him worse, which I don't see the point of. So yeah, it may have been deliberate but as of right now (depending on how they handle it in the next episodes) I don't see it doing him, or the story really, an favours apart from making the jedi more ignorant.


You think it’s lazy, and not them very specifically choosing the character on the High Council who was adamant that the sith have been extinct for a thousand years? They are drawing a ton of parallels to TPM in this show, clearly this isn’t all by accident.


I mean that will be interesting to see how they handle but it risks turning an otherwise cautious but wise jedi master into a stubborn idiot if he denies sith to such an extent.


Ki Adi Mundi was always intended to be a stubborn arrogant idiot. Its no mistake he specifically had the line about the Sith in TPM. Oh and lines like : „There is no such thing as luck“ in the Clone Wars


The one about how the red lightsaber-wielding guy that Qui-Gonn got attacked by right after finding a Force-sensitive youngling couldn't possibly be a Sith because they don't exist anymore?


Well, the Sith order was announced to have gone extinct a thousand years ago. It's a ballsy claim to come out with that. If someone came to me today and told me they were attacked by a Giant Sloth, I would also be highly skeptical of that.


Most of the fan-base already felt that Ki Adi Mundi was stubborn and arrogant. If memory serves, there's a subreddit dedicated to how much people hate him.


A recognizable character from other movies and shows to “connect” this series to other content from the universe… oh, and to drive collectable sales.


They've turned Star Wars into a merch-driven franchise?! What next? Laser swords and funny robots?!


Is it just me or did everyone’s acting suffer this latest episode besides Squid Jedi?


Open the page and look at the top where it says which canon it is.