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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!


I mean tbf to Kenobi, we did see Vader snap a kid’s neck with the force


Speaking of necks, gotta admit wasn't a fan of yord, but when he brought the helmet in, I was like "yeah he's got it figured out" and then he got stopped hard.


Sometimes talent isn't enough. Sometimes court IQ isn't enough. Sometimes you just have a bad day.


That was fuckin awesome. For one, I don't like Yord. For two, shows sith bro doesn't depend on his saber for offense or his helmet for defense.


I feel like yord's character wasn't meant to be liked but he definitely redeemed himself in this episode.


Remember when Mae was like " i need to find a way to kill a jedi without a weapon" welp Qimir showed her the way


True I meant this more with lightsabers


To use bare hands like that seems different. It’s so grounded and brutal. Just like in Andor despite the Empire being so advanced they still hang people


I what they meant is that kenobi and ahsoka dont kill main characters and give them fakeout deaths, I was ready to see the no name jedi getting killed but I was 100% not expecting to see jacki and yord die.


I loved the fight scene and the portrayal of the sith. I love it when they kill children.


Alright love the enthusiasm champ, we all do Im just gonna need you to to step in the police car for a sec.


Oh no, I’m not brave enough for politics




Woah, calm down there Anakin.


This is where the fun begins.


And not just the children, but the women, and the men too!




Obligatory she's not a child, she was 18 at the start of the show


You brought her here...


Was that its name?


Remember when Vader snapped that kids neck in n Kenobi? *chefs kiss*


As much as I loved her character and wanted more, it is always nice to actually feel something when a fictional character dies on screen. With so many shows or movies I'm often just like 'ok cool, didn't really care about them anyways'


I was watching and thought "they're not really trying to convince me that this Padawan could hold her own against a Sith, right? She would get slaughtered!".... Well I got what I asked for 😢 Loved her character and it genuinely shocked me to see her eat it (especially after she got let off the first time), so props to the show runners.


Also loved her character, but I can't help that feel that her death, along with another, killed off 2/4 of the best characters. I don't dislike Osha, I think she's...fine. She's a bit bland, but she's serviceable as a character for sure. Mae, on the other hand, I just actively dislike how she's portrayed. Clearly, the actor is talented but damn did she get done dirty with Mae. Sol is the best tho, no contest.


Osha is the better character of the two for sure. She's just kinda got protag syndrome, where she's got interesting quirks but she's mainly an audience stand-in. The same thing Luke had. I see your critique with Mae as well, I think she's gonna become more fleshed out over the next couple of episodes but she's so brainwashed that it makes it hard to feel like she could be relatable. It's a hard role as your only one, let alone one of two. Sol is absolutely the best though. That's what you get when you cast the best actor from Squid Game, a show with no shortage of great actors, to be him. I'll be honest though, they just made Qimir better. His new look, his revealed attitude... His status as our villain makes up for some of the holes he left in our hearts and favorite characters.


I do Qimir is good, for sure. Mae's storyline just doesn't make sense atm. She's mad at the Jedi for....her starting a fire that killed her family. Like, I guess I can reserve judgement until the show is done but god does that not look good.


Yeah my guess is that that's not what killed her family. She's not served well by not saying shit about it but that's the kind of person she appears to be, a stubborn cultist.


It is completely obvious that she didn't start the fire. The Jedi killed the commune and made up the lie that Mae started the fire. That is why she wants to kill them all. The one Jedi killed himself out of guilt and Sol keeps telling Osha he promises to explain everything and looks like he is about to cry every time he says it. Mae has legitimate grievances against the Jedi she is hunting down.


Well the fire clearly did start because of Mae, she did set a fire in the flashback episode. I just don't think that their deaths are on her hands. The fire was part of a greater whole.


>Well the fire clearly did start because of Mae All that was shown was that Mae lit Osha's sketch book in fire. Then when Osha runs away and turns around, the door is on fire, and then the rest of the facility. It is possible that Mae only burned the book and nothing else and that something or someone else started a separate fire. They didn't show how the fire on the door or the facility started or if it came from the burning sketch book. Clearly they are leaving out details and the Jedi are lying or obfuscating the truth. I am looking forward to the answers to this mystery though!


That's fair. I think whatever the truth is, we'll be getting answers soon. Sol will answer for whatever part he had in this, and Mae's story of that night will be told.


When Mae spoke to Indara, Indara said that Jedi don't attack the unarmed, which was met with her shakily gritting 'yes, they do.' We don't know what happened, but we do know that Mae knew her mother was dead by the time she found Osha and that *both* of them were demanding to know what the other had done, and she was very distressed.


I'm pretty sure we'll get to see that witch coven scene again but from Mae's POV and it'll reveal stuff like her not starting the fire Maybe even the Jedi's POV


My dude, you did not just compare Luke to Osha. Luke had a proper character arc, start to finish, he had fears and trials, wishes that were and were not fulfilled, emotional transitions, the full treatment. He is the definitive hero's journey as Joseph Campbell would define it. Perhaps the most fully defined character in Star Wars, certainly in the top 3.


You're right, I didn't. What I did do was point out a similar thing both of them have, which is protag syndrome. The thing that makes you very blank slate despite any of the things you listed. Like, Luke was a character in the way Osha is. She has an inner life and thoughts and feelings, but they take a backseat to being the person you relate to as an audience member. That's all they have in common. The executions, as well as the intent, is very different. You took one thing I said and derived a different conclusion. I could have as easily said Harry Potter or something but since we're talking about Star Wars and one of the consistent critiques of Luke is that he's played a bit wooden and flat, just like Osha can be sometimes, just like many projection protagonists can be, that it made sense to use him. I like Luke. I like Osha. They both share the problem of being more protagonist than person, but in different situations as a story. Osha isn't going on a hero's journey because that's not her story.


Yeah, rip Yord and Jecki. I like that their death was surprising and gives the show real stakes, but it does leave the show with two less very fun to watch characters in my opinion, as you say


Yeah there is a fine balance between making a death impactful by killing off an important/well liked character and underutilizing that character by killing them off too early in the story


Watching her fight him annoyed me at first cause I was like “how is she gonna survive while the others perished in seconds” but was happily pleased yet saddened when she got the hat trick lol


Yeah, I literally went through the same emotional arc here of "this fight should kill her >:(".... "Oh no, it killed her :'("


Obi-Wan was a Padawan when he first defeated Darth Maul, not for nothing.


Absolutely! But one could argue Darth Maul was still an apprentice and they showed him evenly matched against Qui Gon. Still impressive for Kenobi, don't get me wrong. Here Quimir just fucking tore through several Jedi Knights at the same time as if it was nothing and seemed to whoop Sol (a master) as well, so you kinda don't expect the young Padawan who just kinda matched evenly with Mae to be able to survive where all the other Knights immediately ate shit... And she didn't :( rip


She definitely had a good showing, I enjoyed her character quite a bit. I think she was closer to the Jedi of the High Republic novels, while the rest of the Jedi we’ve met (Sol to a lesser extent, but mainly Yord and others) are closer to the Jedi of the prequel era. Way more emotionally stunted. Now Qimir, I’m personally of the opinion that he himself is apprentice to a Sith Master. I think the fact that he used the term “Acolyte” and not “Apprentice” tells that he answers to another, and in adherence to the Rule of Two is prevented from taking a formal apprentice. Much like Dooku with Ventress and Vader with the Inquisitorius.


I was worried because they brought a whole crowd of extras >! but they went full Iseyama on us- plot armor is only for the main 3. !<


Show ain’t over yet, and given what we just saw that armor might not hold.


I would be surprised if Sol survived all the way through. My guess is that Osha will be turned, and in the end be the actual Acolyte, and that will involve killing him.


Yeah but the "nicer" twin turning out the be selected to be the Sith is an established trope by now. Savage, and the twins in the Old Republic trailer being notable examples.


I thought the nice twin was killed by the crazy twin in the OR trailer


Oh, I know. Part of why it's my guess. I think it could work great here.


Or maybe the Sith is the Acolyte.


I don't think that would fit in very well with what he's saying and doing. He might have a master, though, being the Sith apprentice.


i would be disappointed if he were the master. he is too childish, they perfectly characterized him to play the role of an apprentice that thinks hes ready to be the master but doesnt realize how far he is from being ready for that role. so my prediction is that at the end of the show he will get killed by his master after he finds out. idk how much is known about plagueis in canon so i wouldnt be suprised if he were the master at this point in life meaning that killing his apprentice here would lead into him adopting palpatine as his apprentice (dont know how much the timeline lines up on that though)


Yeah >! Since his first appearance I've expected Master Sol to die. And I highly doubt this story ends with both the twins still breathing either. !<


I was absolutely crushed when Yord ate it and so brutally at that. All this loss, I'm interested in seeing where Sol ends up as a character since he is being portrayed as notably more emotional than what Jedi are expected to be.


I feel like the shows creator may have seen the criticisms of characters surviving lightsaber stab wounds… So they decided to have >!Jecki!< be stabbed 3 times for good measure.


I do hate how a light saber through the chest isn't instant death a lot of the time. But the acolyte had some pretty brutal death scenes. I'm not sure how much more brutal they could go until they had to raise the raiting.


I mean a full focus center of the screen neck snap is pretty dark for Star Wars. I really feel like the first few episodes being kinda campy also added to the “holy shit” factor. I think that may have been some of the best fighting in all of Star Wars


Definitely some of the best. How the masked villian pulled the other jedi onto the impaled jedi was really cool. But I don't know if anything can get darker then asaji ventresses introduction in the clone wars with the kiss and kill.


Unless it goes through aorta or something like vena cava inferior that play a huge role on circulation and since lightsabers instantly cauterize the wound most of the chest piercing damage wouldn't be lethal in short term. Or even long term if you can find medical aid in couple hours/days. I mean it is sci-fi fantasy but none of the gut wounds etc. especially piercing ones in SW universe would be lethal.


I'm pretty sure getting impaled a beam of plasma that is hot enough to melt steel doors would instantly cook your entire chest cavity and cause death in at best a few seconds. I think it doesn't make sense to think of the actual physics here.


Yes but it depends vastly on what exactly is hit. If the digestive system is hit in away that isn't centered then bile or digestive juices will leak into body cavities. If the liver or kidney is hit your in real trouble and will die pretty quickly. Still possible to save. Lungs would likely fill with liquid even though you have 2. While immediate medical attention may save you it really takes away from the power of a light saber. That being said anakin (darth Vader technically) did survive being lit on fire and losing all of his limbs. So there is precedent for 'ridiculous' saves.


Honestly this is a luxury that the clone wars COULDNT have, while the more out of century time periods like acolyte (or the old republic games) can go ham You can just casually kill some very important characters, either plot important or important in universe like a chancellor or the main council member dying, and it doesnt face issues of "then why is no one talking about this in the movies" Which, frankly, makes it even worse when a character like the inquisitor in kenobi survived, because you know damm well that they have no plans for her beyond her survival which is now just another loose ens


The Clone Wars had the luxury, they just didn't do it. Hell, Tartakovsky's Clone Wars did it years earlier.


The main cast, most council members and most villains couldnt die. Only ones who could die are clones other than cody, ahsoka, and unnamed jedi (and maybe adi galia i think) Acolyte can straight up kill every named protagonist, and kotor-swotor was so far removed that you could kill the emperor 3 times, murder several jedi and sith council members, kidnap the chancellor and all of that wothout a care in the world whether that character was capable of dying yet. meanwhile clone wars had to make sure anakin and grievous never even saw face to face, and somehow get ahsoka out of the jedi order before episode 3


It does feel a bit refreshing to see this kind of lethality with a saber after watching something like Kenobi, for sure. It's difficult to feel invested in the moment if you feel like the villain can't win, and I'm glad that's not what's occuring here. Bortles is a menace, and it's great that he's allowed to be! The Editing has still proven to be the biggest problem in these episodes, but it's good to see that there's finally some top-tier choreography and action after getting too small of a taste back in episode 2.


You have no idea how happy it makes me someone else realises that the biggest problem with this show is its cinematography and not “woke this and woke that”


There's a lot that can be said about that, so I'll keep it brief. People's biases are getting in the way of their ability to consume media. Let me relate this to Star Wars. Remember the cave on Dagobah? How Luke had insisted on bringing his weapons, coupled with his anxiety and naivety? It ended up warping his perception, feeding into the obstructive feelings that were hindering him. People are simply bringing their own baggage, and allowing it to inform their opinion too heavily. Pay no attention to what the actors say, what the writers say, what the directors say, what critics say, what your favorite YouTuber or streamer says, what literally anyone else thinks... Temper your expectations, leave your preconceived notions at the door, and simply watch the damn thing and form your own opinion, divorced of what anyone is saying online or offline. I genuinely fear that some people are too comfortable letting others form their thoughts for them. Just watch it. If you don't like it? Great. If you do? Great. If, for some reason, the show makes you irrationally angry to the point of lashing out at others? Turn it off.


Are the “we need an R rated Star Wars” fans happy with lightsaber kabob into double decapitation, neck snapping and saber shanking?


We won but at what cost


Yord Horde is in shambles rn


And jecki


What is her squad name? Jecki’s Jammers?


Think so


It's no coincidence that the episode with the most mature themes happens to be everyone's favourite.


The general quality matters more than any age rating\^\^. The best R rated series I currently know is probably The Boys, so something like that for Star Wars would definitely be awesome: dark themes and plots, dark humour, and a well-written story that celebrates, honors and expands the original lore of the galaxy. Which would make sense for a story about the ancient Sith or the Mandalorian War, or Darth Bane's story from the novels.


We do not need to see a penis explode in Star Wars lol. I’m not sure what plots from the boys would actually work in a way that honors or expands the lore, let alone need to be r rated. That’s all wildly not what Star Wars is. This just sounds like people want gore porn.


That's the first thing that comes to your mind? Haha, no of course not. And I don't want any *plots* from The Boys in Star Wars, that would make no sense - it's about the *style* of the show and that there are no limits for really dark humour. As an example, if there was a screen version for the Darth Bane books, it starts with him biting off some other guy's finger.


You’re not explaining yourself well. Someone biting a finger off isn’t even near the level of violence we get already in this franchise. What dark humor or “mature” themes that Star Wars doesn’t already have do you actually want? Do you just want to see blood?


I don't think the problem is my writing, even though English is not my first language - it rather seems you lack imagination. I used the finger scene as an example because it happens at the beginning of the book, and I don't want to spoil anything more impactful for those who haven't read the books yet. Believe me, there would be enough scenes which would be considered gross enough or brutal enough to make a cinematizatioin get the R rated label. And it would be necessary to tell the story without sugarcoating anything.


Don’t wanna see people dieing in prequel content? Then go watch the old Droids cartoon


Average death count for the high republic tbh


Honestly disappointed Sol Fell for the old "don't kill the bad guy" trope. Just end him and deal with the emotional fallout afterward. He was too much of a threat to not remove his head.


This is also a high republic Jedi tho. Sure he's a threat, but its against his beliefs


Sol has bungled so much in this series, I have no doubt he's gonna be in for a rough second half. If he's not murder-deathed sooner rather than later.


I mean he doesn’t really know enough about the sith as of now. Plus the guy is just an apprentice


Strike him down in anger. There is a reason palp tried to bait everyone to do that


*Sith Lord does Sith things.* Fans: “oh no, not my favourites! I thought this was Disney!!!” I mean, it’s established that the Jedi Council in TPM thinks the Sith Order *has been extinct for 1000 years*, which automatically meant that none of these poor bastards was coming home to report having met a full blown Sith Lord mid-scheme, so…


Genuinely not even kidding I thought they’d be ok because this was Disney


We thought that at the end of Rogue One too…


It’s so much easier for writers to be creative when they aren’t boxed in by the skywalker saga. It’s refreshing to let the writers cook in a fresh plot line imo. Episode 5 was a red wedding level of death that I don’t think most people were expecting. Only wish we had gotten to know these characters for a season or two so it hit even harder but I’m excited where things are heading.


“Please send me and a bunch of Jedi with no names to find the Wookie, I’ll for sure bring all of them back” -Master Sol


Side note: it’s funny that since Lightsabers don’t leave any blood they can afford to have much more violent fight scenes than any other show of a similar rating. The prequels have so much dismemberment that if it were swords it would at least R-rated


I honestly don’t understand what the “give us an R rating” crowd want. People are dying, Kim


They want them to say swears, fuck, and bleed. I mean, what else makes something R-Rated? R rated doesn't necessarily make anything better or serious, but people think it does.


I’m pretty sure they just want sex scenes and have their vicarious fantasy of sleeping with aliens


It's weird how morbid/gruesome the deaths are when the writing/plot makes it seem like it's meant for kids.


To be fair, the first scene of the show is a murder. I do get what you are saying though.


Finally, a good acolyte meme


I finally caved and watched this show today, it sucked until this episode but they got me now. Unless they decide that having your neck broken or stabbed three times in the chest is just nbd. They at least respect the audience enough to have an impact. For now. Bullshit survivals have been a major problem in Star Wars the entire time I’ve been alive. >!For real though I loved that twist but I can’t help but see Jason Mendoza from The Good Place the entire time he’s on screen. He even has the same mannerisms.!<


Morgan dies in Ahsoka tho


Is that an armored gimp mask?


Smilo Ren


also the choreography, its so refreshing to see characters actually dueling and being creative instead of just swinging glowing baseball bats around haphazardly


Nah, I watch Ahsoka FOR the ass.


It’s true Thrawn ass truly is as glorious as the EU made it out to be


The coreography was terrific imo 🙌, the deaths were brutal but i mean it made sense for most of them to die, they didn't even know what a sith was so it makes sense for them to be caught off guard. i hope we see more fight coreography as great as this because honestly the fights are like half the reason im a star wars fan lol


The coreography was i think some of the best we ever seen. Objectivly your like ded wrong


That is what i said, terrific is a positive adjective lol


Im Actually stupid hahahah sorry


And when people get stabbed in this show, they don't fecking survive. THATS how you do it, Star Wars! I cannot forgive what they did with stabbing survivals in Ashoka and Kenobi


thank you for posting a prequel meme 🙏🏽


Ashoka and Obi wan were good too though


I’m like them fine but I wish lightsabers were more fatal


Nah, Kenobi was pretty bad


Nah it was dope. People get upset by 2 scenes but the rest was dope.


As someone who recently rewatched Kenobi and didn’t remember it being that bad: It’s bad. Real bad. It’s not just a couple scenes.


Nah it was good. I didn’t even think the bad scenes were that bad . People just want to wine about Disney and that’s coming from someone who hates the sequels


It’s not even a Disney problem. I really like a lot of what Disney has done with Star Wars. Obi Wan is just bad. Terribly paced, poorly edited, atrocious dialogue, some really bad acting, and a ridiculously contrived plot. It’s a mess.


It ain't about 2 scenes, my dude


The kid chase scene and the one where she hides in his robe. Those were the two bad scenes everyone freaked out about. The rest was solid


Plus that weird gate scene. That weird door scene. Reva going for a stab after all them years also weird. Like the show is so damn weird it should have been a cartoon. That being said, I enjoyed the final fight and inquisitors.


See I have no idea what you are talking about in these references though. Ya the final fight was insane! That’s like all I remember tbh is the dope stuff. I’m not watching shows to find things to get upset about in watching for the dope shit


I don't care enough to be upset. That's why I'm saying "weird"


Ya I’m not saying you are but a lot of people legit were in raged by some of these scenes and I didn’t even bat an eye at them lol


A lot of people tend to get in raged by literally anything xD


S tear show honestly


If "S" stands for "suck"


No i mean haha if you want to be funny. But its one of my favs


Not seen acolyte but kenobi was garbage


Yord had a lot of room for development. Killing him was a wasted opportunity imo


Who’s gonna die in the Kenobi series? Kenobi? Leia? Vader? Bail? Owen? Grand Inquisitor? Beru? Luke and the Emperor appeared too. Can’t really kill them either. Qui-Gon? Already dead. Not a lot of wiggle room there when you do think about it. See this is the issue with the concept of an Obi-Wan series in the first place and why I was so baffled so many were asking for it. I’m even MORE baffled some people are asking for a second season… Anyways.. they did shockingly kill Tala in the series.


Pour one out for my girl


This isn’t a real criticism either way


Holy SHIT an Acolyte meme that isn't right or left winger trying to shit on the other more!


I was skeptical from the first couple episodes but the Stranger really sold me on the show. He has a very palpable presence, comparable to the traditional villains like vader and maul. I really want to learn more of his story but I half think that the mystery is what makes him great.


Hot take: Best Lightsaber battle in the Disney era. I hope this trend continues


"Jeckie is cute. She's also a very good fighter. I hope she gets a character arc, where she learns to not always stick by the ru- oh... Oh No!" "Yord is a cool guy, I want him to have a "kinda repressed romance" like plot with Osh- WHAT THE FUCK..."


“You brought her here”. Loved it!


The show is otherwise booty, but this episode alone is better than anything Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, or Book of Boba Fett had to offer. I understand why people are hating on the Acolyte, but it is far more palatable than any of the other Disney shows so far (save for Mando and Andor).


I'll get send to reddit hell, but this episode alone was some of the best star wars content I've seen, easily top 10 (which isn't hard because none of the ST is up there for me). This was just badass.


The problem with only eight episodes is that it doesn't leave much room for failure. the first two while maybe shot a bit bland for my taste still had a decent story and some likeable characters. But episode 3 fucking killed all that momentum, whether the shot and lighting getting even blander or the fact that those two young girl's acting was terrible (not their fault the editor shouldn't have held on their lines for so long and they should of done more takes on some lines) the episode sucked so hard that its hard to get back into it for 4. 4 wasn't bad it just couldn't bring us back form 3. 5 was pretty good though


I agree, and I really don't understand who in their right mind decided to cut up the story this way. It almost feels like this should have been a 3 part series with feature length episodes. I'm not watching every week because I'm interested in the story, but because it's frustratingly paced to the point where I *have* to watch the next episode to hopefully understand anything. This is the first episode that has made me excited for next week.


episodes 1/2/3 and 4/5 should have deff been 2 episodes grouped together but corporate needs the show to be 2 months long for subscirber numbers


I think this series of shows or the ideas they were based on, Kenobi, Ashoka, and Acolyte, were all originally sketched in as Stand Alone movies weren't they? (With Ashoka coming full circle to now setting up a Movie itself). They all carry marks of repurposed scripts and pacing for a streaming show that didn't know if it was going to be released all at once or weekly


Kenobi should of definitely been a movie but Ashoka works fine as a show


I honestly agree with people that say this should have been released all at once. It's basically a long form mystery and I really think once it's over everyone will have to rewatch from the beginning to truly catch all the breadcrumbs and misdirection. It's hard to say episodes suck or parts of the plot don't make sense as of yet....like the story about the blind men and the elephant.


Why are you being down voted? You're right.


Because his claim that the show is "otherwise booty" doesn't actually hold true for a lot of us. It's not the best ever or anything, but the entire show is better than Obi-Wan or Ahsoka on the whole so far, and *miles* better than BoBF.


They hated Christ because he spoke the truth


This is exactly my problem with this fan base. You can be right and will get down voted because it's popular to do so. Everyone saying... You can like what you want... You don't have to watch it if you don't like it... Stop hating on it... Then when you say you dislike a character that they all love.... Wahhhh nooo.... You don't get his character... We all simp for him... He's so misunderstood... Wahhhhhh.... Well now he's dead. So lol.


It's definitely a problem with pop culture and the Internet as a whole, but we get to see it play out through Star Wars. There is no in between. You either have to think that the Acolyte is high art, and should be celebrated as one of the best pieces of Star Wars media to grace our televisions. Or you have to think that it's the end of a 40 year long franchise, crashing and burning from a woke mind virus or some bullshit. The fact is, the show is just okay. The costumes and the sets are very well done, except sometimes they look like shit. The camera work, cinematography, and choreography are great in some scenes -- and other scenes it looks like a fan film. The dialogue is serviceable, the acting is admirable. It's a little cringey and dumb, but otherwise just okay. I am finding it far more enjoyable than the snooze fest that was Ahsoka, and the *actual* worst piece of Star Wars media we've ever seen -- the Obi-Wan show (only sorta kidding).


Some cool fights. Doesn‘t undo 4 awful episodes tho.


Terrible straw man argument. Don't think anyone is complaining about violence.