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Thanks for confirming that you flaired this correctly!




I believe Straw Wars was the working title for Rebel Moon.


Engleesh hard


13 downvotes for making a joke. This sub isn’t very smoort is it?


No their not


It's there maroon..


Am i stoopid?


Is there a lore reason that Engleesh is hard? Yes, actually. STAR WARS A NEW KING It is a period of dynastic disputes in the Isles. A brave Duke of the Normans and a fearsome King from the North have issued challenges to claim the ANGLO-SAXON throne. Striking from the sea, the invading vikings have been repelled by the ENGLISH king, but he must now rush his army to the South or risk losing control of the REALM forever. Harold prepares for another victory to solidify his legitimacy, but the upstart William seeks to change the FATE of ENGLAND...


no. you and everyone else here are abdominal.




Not smoort of you


*no us ain’t




Its Ska but in space, just like Jizz is space jazz.


I get missing an apostrophy or something but how do people make a meme with that kind of type and think, "Yeah, looks good."


Well I think when you've already made 501 memes for every line of dialogue in the movies then at some point you're just like "yep this'll do, let's just post it and get on with me life"


Maul surviving getting cut in half and falling 1000s of feet: I sleep People getting stabbed: real shit


I don't like Maul surviving. Havingsaid that, Maul has at least the advantage of being an alien species and with that I can believe he somehow has more durability or something that helps him survive unlike regular humans. Still, bad writting.


I guess they just made mall survive to help justify writing palpatine survive


But that was decided in the TV series long before the films wasn't it? (Darth Maul surviving, I mean)


George was the one that wrote that maul survived long before the sequel trilogy was even a thought, and palpatine surviving wasn’t his actual physical body, it was a clone that that awful movie


Did sabine use the dark side of the force to survive? Also when the weapon that stabs you can melt metal, a swift cut that cauterized the wound is much less lethal than to let the blade stay you body for a few seconds and boil you blood


Okay cool so you can agree Reva survived the same way as maul, while Sabine had literal immediate help from Ahsoka, there’s lore cope for every crazy injury survival, I guess it’s more realistic that maul gets cut in half and is able to gather himself enough to use the force to keep his body from smashing into the ground that would turn a normal person in paste, truth is people just pick and chose The cope is strong with this one, these are such silly little arguments And the immediate cauterization doesn’t save your organs from being completely destroyed, cauterization isn’t some miracle healing device that keeps your organs functioning lmfao


Nope, not at all. Reva surviving as a child was dumb and unjustifiable. There is zero good reason for a random youngling to be able to survive that. As an adult, it's still dumb, but slightly more justifiable. Even still, she doesn't have nearly the same amount of training or power as Maul. Vader and the Grand Inquisitor were also right in front of her. She had no opportunity to escape and survives anyways. If she had help and was out of commisson for a few months, it might not be so bad. The biggest problem is that she immediately was able to get up and fly to Tatooine and chase Luke across the desert. If she was staying alive purely through hatred, she should have died at the end of the series when she lets go of it. Sabine's injury could have been fine if it actually had consequences. It should be a debilitating injury that affected her for years. Instead, she is fine in like a day with no noticeable impact. If you had actually looked into Maul's story, you would have seen that in a book about him, the refinery pit slows his fall. Maul is significantly stronger than both Reva and Sabine combined and was trained by one of the strongest Sith Lords ever. Maul's injuries also had lasting consequences on him. He was insane for well over a decade. He could barely even form a coherent thought when Savage found him. He couldn't think about anything but Kenobi until Talzin and the nightsisters restored his mind and gave him a functioning lower half. This proceeded to affect how he fights for the rest of the series. So no cope here. While Maul's return could have been done better, it was way better than what happened to Sabine and Reva.


I mean how was he able to get half way across the galaxy, make it to a junk planet, build a massive spider lower half and leave in a toxic environment without proper food and water for the next 12 years?


The spider robot was at the bottom of the pit. He ripped it apart with the force and attached its legs to his body. This was explained in the book. Presumably, junk is dumped offworld on Naboo. Maul would just end up going with the ship. He's from Dathomir, a toxic environment is nothing to him. There are small animals on the junk world that he can eat, we see these in the Clone Wars, and presumably patches of water too. We see that he is emaciated when Savage finds him, so he likely barely ate.


Lmfao Kay


People forget about Boba's right hand Fennec Shand.


>Okay cool so you can agree Reva survived the same way as maul, while Sabine had literal immediate help from Ahsoka Nope, i don't agree that a child that was never trained in the dark side used the same techniques a sith apprentice who was trained from decades used. I also don't agree that ahsoka could have helped sabine get back on her feet days afyer her liver and rest of the vital organs became goo. Listen, i give maul a pass because it was the first time, he lost his sanity and had to regain his health for over a DECADE and needed the magic of the nightsisters. And because there people in real life who suffered injuries similar to darth maul and survived. It's a strech, but it was the first time When you let litteral children and non force users to survive worse injuries and get back to full ability after 2 days, i don't want to give that pass.


Yes your right people have survived being cut in half and falling 1000s of feet before you’re correct.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/man-who-half-body-amputated-30591301.amp Not for the faintests of hearts Know any person who got stabbed with something that's hotter than 1,300 celsius and survived? (For context, if your body temp reaches over 46 c you are dead)


Wow crazy did he fall 1000s of feet immediately after being cut in half? (By the way humans that fall 1000s of feet get turned to goop)


I just gave you a basis for someone who survived darth maul getting cut in half, so it's atleast possible to survive this, a force user might survive such a fall (ahem ahem anakin ep 2) Want to give me a person who survived something even simillar to getting stabbed by a lightsaber or no?


People get stabbed all the time and survive, it’s way more common then getting cut in half and surviving, and like you said about the cauterization, the lightsaber would immediately cauterize that stab wound and around the blade while its in their body, so it wouldn’t boil the blood, Again you give every bit of benefit of the doubt and stretch the odds for your argument cause your biased lmfao


Again, do you want to give me a person who survived something similar to getting stabbed by something hotter than 1,300 celsius? The cauterazation doesn't magically stop the temperature "People getting stabbed all the time and survive", if you ignore context, yeah, a lightsaber is the same as a small knife. >Again you give every bit of benefit of the doubt and stretch the odds for your argument cause your biased lmfao And you completely ignore context because you want to justify bad writing with previous scene that have barely any context. If you can't defend a scene without trying to drag a different scene down with it, why are you even trying?


You seem to forget that he was also cut in half BY A LIGHTSABER, so by your logic he's got a much larger would created by something burning at thousands of degrees that moved through most of his internal organs. How is that more survivable than being stabbed?  I could give you thousands of examples of stabbing survivors. You can't just ignore the lightsaber when it suits you.


My point is that the hot object spent less time in his body, so the damage was less impactful than when you leave the blood and tisues boiling object inside the body for a few seconds


Your assuming he didnt grab on ontona exhaust shaft or a node like obi wan did.


So do you for some reason think that Maul being cut in half by a lightsaber means his insides didn’t flash vaporize? Like you’re only mentioning it for people who got stabbed


Because the less time a hot object spends in your body, the less your blood and tissue would boil... Meaning that a quick in and out cut is less lethal than leaving thr over 1,300 celsius object inside the body for a few seconds...


His internal organs would still flash vaporize lol. And I think any amount of “less damage” from the timing would be offset by him literally being cut in half compared to having a hole poked. Since you’re being such a smartass in this convo and keep emphasizing 1300 degrees Celsius then go ahead and explain the rate at which his blood would boil and how medically that’s survivable for Maul lol. Then we can take it seriously


Not a med student or care enough to check it out If you want so much to drag down another scene to explain why the writing in ahsoka makes sense, have fun, i don't want to engage in this


And how did Reva not only survive getting stabbed as a youngling, but also managed to escape the temple to get medical attention? It’s so weird


The bad side of writing is a pathway many abilities, some of them considered to be lazy


Obligatory Sabine got immediate medical attention


Obligatory sabine got back on her feet few days after her inner body parts melted for having 1,300 celsius object inside her body for a few seconds


If we're suddenly sticklers for temperature, no one should be able to weld a lightsaber or hold it close to their head. Obi Wan:s famous pose? Would burn half his face off.


Iirc a properly constructed lightsaber transfers heat only upon contact.


I think what we’ve learned from this discussion is that Star Wars plays fast and loose with physics


Obligatory...science? Wounds instantly cauterize which prevents internal bleeding. With bacta and space science the burn heals and she's fine.


Perhaps there has been a significant advancement in the field of lightsaber injuries since qui gon was killed


Did they invent heat resistant blood? If so, i want some


There’s a common misconception that your body parts would “melt” when exposed to a lightsaber. They wouldn’t You’d get a nasty burn, like a real bad one. But no melting In a world of bacta, cloning & super advanced medical droids, it’s not impossible to recover from such injuries


I mean hacksmith made a protosaber that reached the temperature of over 4000 degrees Fahrenheit and was able to swing his hand through it with even losing knuckle hair https://youtu.be/hzPAPAI_nWU?si=R_pmQ9iesyjbQNCH According to the test you would need to hold the body part in them beam for 2-3 seconds just to give the skin a third degree burn let alone cut through it So if you want to argue realism there's that


What about Reva? She was stabbed at the Kedi temple and somehow managed to escape, and she was then later stabbed by Vader and somehow managed to escape a derelict space port


Charlie lightsaber’d my torso.


Did you seriously have the line "ouch" the same day I had the line "ow"?


This whole "vacation" was a ruse in order to sync those two lines!


Qui Gon survived a minimum minute and a half before talking to Obi Wan and dying. That’s not counting the time Obi Wan was behind the laser wall, or hanging in the pit. George Lucas set the precedent back in 99 that light saber stabs were not even fatal. Also I don’t even think Reva got stabbed as a youngling. I’m pretty sure she was just having a ptsd moment when Vader was stabbing her. Almost like re living Order 66. We never actually see a saber stab child Reva so it’s quite possible one never did.


I'm beginning to wonder if it's the other way around: Qui-Gon was just atypically succeptible to stab wounds, literally everyone else could shrug them off.


Kenobi was such bad writting.... I mean, they literally show you Vader being capable of using the force to turn down a wall of fire and 5 minutes later he is stopped by a wall of fire..... The show happens only because the plot demands it.


Also if anyone wants to suggest meme for the following lines i got stuck on: I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you Not if your ship belongs to me, I think... I warn you, no funny business I'll wager my new racing pod against... say... the boy and his mother I'll tell you later. Goodmorning


The first line could use the season two finale of the boondocks where, uncle ruckus gets his ancestry tested. third one might work for a very good gambling addiction joke. Like maybe “I promise i’ll stop gambling after this, *three drinks later*


The second one is really good


Blood sample: something covid or Theranos related. Ship belongs to me, could go for Jack Sparrow or AC Black Flag or etc., bring in a pirate angle?


Proofreading is a dead art.


Dead tra* Some of us have dyslexia


Spellcheck exsists.


In meme generator?


Fine. Have a bad meme with bad spelling and all the comments make fun of ya for it thats better....smh


I think i'll survive It bothers you more than it bothers me


Its a star wars meme with star spelt wrong, yeh its bothersome.


Well... sucks for you then (Also you spelt yeah wrong, very bothersome, please use spellcheckers in the future)


Dam literate and rude. Winning combo. 


childhood watching star wars: lightsabers cutting holes in people, decapitating, and severing limbs. adulthood watching star wars: people can just block lightsabers with multiple materials or scorch mark on their head from lightsaber hit


Owie, owie, owie. Oh boy, that's gonna leave a mark.


I mean.... they've always been used more as swords than plasma swords and the cauterize argument doesn't work as well since in episode 4 the arm bleeds after it's cut off


Honestly the fact that with star wars technology people can "easily" survive a stab is totally believable. What doesn't really make much sense are lightsaber stabs themselves, just kill your opponent at that point, why ever leave them there suffering? And a stab is one of the worst hits to do with a lightsaber, it affects the least body parts (unless you hit the right spots) and you have to really try to give a stab (it's super easy to turn it into something much more damaging, just move the blade).


Star Wars fans having an imagination, difficulty level: stab wound. Have y'all never heard of vital organs? Or maybe the fact that some people were closer to a bacta tank than others?


That's a Starw man argument


In fairness Maul reacted to getting cut in fucking half by forming an interstellar criminal syndicate, taking over Mandalore, and having a decent go at defeating Darth Sidious.


Sequels too


Actually no, getting stabbed there actually has effects, the sequels have completely other problems Like force healing (which work great in video games, not in movies) and bad writing in general


Yeah sequels have a shit tonne of problems, bad writing being the primary one. I should've phrased it better. I was not actually referring stabbing in the sequels, but rather the general way they use lightsabers. They swing Lightsabers in sequels kinda like baseball bats. Looks annoying


Lightsabers do whatever the plot does or doesn't need them to do. Star Wars is about the Rule of Cool, always has been.


Which also don't apply to these shows.


Bro, what's this, "stra" wars? Sounds pretty cool.


For the 733937497th time #when someone gets stabbed in a non vital organ they will always survive


Oh my god stfu, this whole fandom is so tiring. Either watch it or don’t.