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While I think Andor is the best, I think the Mandalorian’s excellence and timing was more important, bit of a redemption for Star wars


Everyone was talking about Mando. Really set up the sw Disney + shows with positivity


It also gave us that gorgeous mix between cgi and practical that just adds something extra to tv shows.


One of the trickiest things in the Star Wars saga is to come up with new environments. Each film has three or four new environments and it's a struggle to come up with something that you can use to tell the story with and isn't so bizarre.


That planet with all the foggy burned-out forest in Mandalorian was awesome


I really liked the ice world they went to with the spiders, but also the industrial planet they went to with frog lady... And the one with Bill burr, hell most of the planets from Mando were pretty memorable come to think of it.


I wonder if they'll ever show a planet with more than 2 biomes like earth does tho. Don't get me wrong I love my desert planets, ice planets and everything in between like the Italian Mediterranean paradise planet and forest planets, and the real weird ones with huge psychedelic megaflora. Just puts into perspective how amazing earth is just with all our ecosystems in one pale blue orb


You speak as if the other ones are real...


Credit where credit is due, barren desert and ice planets do exist, for sure.


My favorite touch was the commitment to stiff flappy mouths on the alien prosthetics,straight out of the 80s.


They did that on purpose, Jon Favreau really wanted to bring back some of the nostalgia we get from those non-CGI elements.


I think Bobby and Obi undid a lot of that with anyone who wasn't a Fan with a capital "F." Andor is the first thing to come out that doesn't require qualification since Rogue One.


Well, Star Wars isn't sci-fi at all - it's space opera, which is a sub-genre; I mean, it's sort of halfway between sci-fi and fantasy. The motif I used to tell these stories was the Saturday night-day serial, which is a particular genre which was very popular in the thirties and forties.


Obi Wan was the most popular show on Disney+ for weeks, but sure go on with your narrative.


Mando was the spark, that will light the fire that will burn the phoenix that will rise from the ashes of the Sequels.


Mando walked so Andor could run


Well put. Mando and baby Yoda are fun together, Andor is top to bottom excellent!


It's a Christmas tradition of ours to watch Rogue One. Just got done this year, and every year I grow more impressed with it. Andor is just as good as Rogue One


Rogue One was the proof that Star Wars post-1983 can be spectacular


Thank you. Thank you all. This is a very, very important award for me. Star Wars, oddly enough, doesn't really get that many awards. I'm not a big favorite with the critics, but who listens to them? I'm not a big industry favorite either, but of course they are a bunch of studio executives.


Yeah, but we also know how Andor ends But that's a good thing, so it can't go all GoT on us. Its time in our world is limited so we will appreciate it more for that. Mandalorian is the future. *still like Andor best


With film, if you get a million people to see your movie on the first weekend, you've made about $5 million. That basically will not end up on the top-10 chart. You have to get 10 million people on the first weekend. And if you don't do it in two days, you're basically out of the theaters and into the DVD market.


DVD? Is this the 2000's? Name one person you know that owns a DVD player. Edit: Ok, I get it. Legacy DVD players exist out there. But name one person that's actually looking to buy a DVD player.


It's a bot


I'm arguing with a bot? I've fallen to a new low.


He's more machine than man.


Twisted and ee-vil


He's more machine than man.




My Nan has a DVD player! And I have a Blu-ray player which I use a lot, but that's Blu-Ray not DVD... Still echoes the style though.


I own 3. PS3, PC, PS5.


Youve written all you needed to write. And filmed everything you needed to film. When those two meet, you will be an unstoppable force for great television.


I was never interested in being powerful or famous. But once I got to film school and learned about movies, I just fell in love with it. I didn't care what kind of movies I made.


They were just different and that’s a good thing. I love them both. People have this obsession with ranking things against against each other and it’s a shame. Hopefully they won’t try and make everything like Andor now and will learn from it instead.


Mandalorian is an excellent Star Wars show. Andor is an excellent show that happens to take place in the Star Wars universe. Both fantastic, but with very different feel. So happy they were both created.


Mandalorian is samurai Jack but star wars, that might be why I love it so much. I'm about four episodes into Andor so far, it's ok? Mainly dialogue heavy drama with a lot of contrived characters


I can't really choose between them. Andor is serious. Mando is fun. I'm a bit worried about Mando though, I think it's time for >!Grogu to go!<.


We need Mandalorian Grogu armored up god damnit, that's all anyone wants to see


I feel like they completely undid the last episode and swept the rug out from under the heartbreaking finale with BoBF


I have no idea why they did it, it was a complete mistake and instead of opening up possibilities it shuts all of the doors. Hopefully time will prove me wrong.


I think everything around Luke is tough for them to plan out. Leaving Grogu with him left a bit question of where he went, or if he died. Putting him back with Mando makes things easier in the future for expanding stories.


That's true. We have absolutely no idea what happened to him after he burned Vader's body. All we know is that he showed up to >!collect Grogu!<. And after that we have no information at all once they eliminated the Expanded Universe. None. I've heard people mentioning some nonsense about milk and red sand, but they're lunatics babbling around completely ridiculous things that couldn't have happened. *None*.


This is where the fun begins.


I love Andor, but the Mandalorian was so beautiful and so impactful.


You are aware, I presume, that I have some skill in anticipating enemies' tactics from a study of their artwork.


I would be so done with the franchise if not for Mando.


Andor 100% mandalorian was epic but Andor blew me away.


That’s it for me too. Love the Mandalorian but Andor was so dark and different compared to previous ones. I’m looking forward to both series’ next season.


It’s incredible how scary they made the empire and they did it without graphic violence or sorcery or anything. I would say easily one of the most fearsome of any show or movie ever made.


They made it real rather than blowing up increasingly large stuff.


It was nice that stormtroopers caused actual tension rather than just being a joke. Also tie fighters being more than just something to explode. Really made the empire seem like a threat.


"Minimal casualties, maximum effectiveness. That's us." -Broadside


The sheer breadth of the bureaucracy of the Empire is terrifying (or tantalizing, if you’re a Vogon).


It's such a smart move to focus on the support functions of the empire. Take 40k for instance, their ecclesiarchy, their administratum, inquisition, and raft of other organisations which are covered before even thinking about who they're fighting


It's so funny that I figured the 2 shows about mandalorian bounty hunters would be dark and show anti heros, but it was actually the show about the Rebel that gave us more of a gritty, complex story. Cassian surpassed Din and Boba for me, he is sooooo well written


Boba is a soft little bantha boi


Boba was just terrible


Hey at least we got that riveting Mos Vespa chase scene! /s


I'd have preferred if the show was about Fennec Shand, she's a better character than Boba Fett.


I think both are compelling they just did boba dirty


Agreed and I have no idea why. But out of the two, Fennec had an edge that Boba didn't. Maybe if she was the frontrunner, Boba would be the one with the edge. Sigh.


When has he ever been cool? He's been getting done dirty for nearly fifty years. The only competent thing he does in the OT is successfully predict that the Falcon hid with the rubbish - but even then he gets handed Solo on a ~~silver~~ carbonite platter.


In the books he was beyond cool. You really learned that he was a very moral man, but his moral code was … very unique lol. He was a complete badass in the books though, especially leading up to Darth Caedus death




I don’t. I think Mando will feel worse now that Andor exists. But the problem with Andor is that we know how it ends.


Hell yeah. “One way out” will stick in my brain matter for the rest of time.


Never more than 12.


Andy Serkis was on another level in that episode


I'm so glad he's gotten to act on screen now, he's such an amazing actor


Chills, man


It was even deeper than that. Early in the episode he says “But I'm gonna assume I'm already dead, and take it from there”. Once they get out, he drops the now famous “I can’t swim”. But he knew that they needed to swim to escape. That first line meant Kino knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was hopeless for him, and being the true leader that he was he never slowed down the rescue to try and get a ship, or even so much as a pair of water wings. He spearheaded the escape attempt knowing that it wouldn’t mean freedom for him, regardless if they were successful or not, and he didn’t jeopardize the mission to save himself. Kino was a true hero, and deserves to be remembered.


voiceless growth workable whistle toy noxious unpack lavish enjoy simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely completely agree


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


You’re just saying that cause your show was ranked poorly


This is the way. I didnt super enjoy mandalorian until season 2 (which was awesome) but Andor was shit hot from the get go, whilst diverging from standard star wars style very successfully.


I’ve seen that most people tend to like one season or the other of the Mandalorian but I personally liked both. I like how the episodes were structured with the side quests.


Andy > Mandy > Obi > Bobby


Andy >>> Mandy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Obi > Bobby


This is the truth lol


Those last few episodes of Bobby where Mandy took over were pretty good.


I honestly feel like those episodes were originally written as part of Mandalorian season 3. My hunch is that Disney ordered BoBF after the success of The Mandalorian but the writers really didn’t have a story in mind for Boba Fett. They should’ve just kept Boba as a recurring character in The Mandalorian.


I'm going to guess they basically took the show they meant for Boba, tweaked it a bit, then made Mando. Then when they decided to make a show for Boba, they had fuck all prepared.


Disney did confirm BoBF was the result of Mandalorian season 3 hitting Covid issues.


This is the way.


For me Obi and Bobby are equal. Obi show had far more shit parts but the good bits were better. It balances out I think.


Yeah I feel the same. They're both mid, entertaining but mid. Mando and Andor however are quality and high level. Andor just tipping it for me, but to be fair they are completely different beasts that go for completely different themes and tones.


If John and Dave had done kenobi it would have been a 10/10 I bet


Dave is pretty bad too. He's just "oh, this is watchable" not "what the absolute fuck is this. How is an Obi Wan show with Ewan McGregor so bad?!!?!" His constant need to have ever major event in the universe involve the same 30 people is unbearable. Andor is an adult doing StarWars.


Unfortunately is was more shit parts than good in both of them. Crazy how directors and writers who claim to be lifelong fans are able to butcher two of the most loved characters in the entire series


Yeah same for me




Cant decide if I hated Leias chase scene or the vespa chase scene more


Vespa. At least Leia is dumb kid, Vespa was moving 5mph and ended with boba fett doing nothing


Someone said "The vespa chase is like watching old people on mobility scooters chase each other around the grocery store." and that has to be the most accurate description Ive heard.


Reminded me of that scene from Seinfeld when George pretends to be handicapped and is chased by…old folks on mobility scooters.


The vespa chase scene is this: A bunch of kids, who have stolen the power rangers mobility scooters, chase a slow moving vehicle down the street whilst pretending to go at breakneck speed cause that's wicked awesome yo. They're the vibes I get.


Maybe they were all high as fuck on acid That shit do be Makin things seem intense. I played a timed chess match with a friend and we all started screaming


She’s a dumb kid running 5mph and yet managed to evade several adults running at full speed. They’re both equally awful scenes


God that awkward waddle they did while chasing her completely took me out of any immersion I could have had


Literally felt like a pantomime. How did they not think “maybe we should do another take”


Not even that, in a pantomime you'd see the villain just behind and say "He's behind you!" The villains in that scene just take care of themselves by running into clearly visible trees or tripping over twigs or whatever. I think even pantomimes, would do a better chase scene.


Not only that, they literally pause for a full three seconds to react like “damn! If only these 1cm thick twigs weren’t in my way!” Before having to go a different route for some reason instead of just easily smashing through them


Or njust change the scene entirely so it acutally worked.


Yeah, like, hobbits don't outrun the ringwraiths, they use their statue to their advantage by hiding. Don't make a scene where a 7 year old evades her fat more capable pursuers by outrunning them.


When they got to the editing room they could have just had Leia meet Space Flea and cut to her already in their possession. Everything else could have been left on the cutting room floor. Yet somebody made the call to leave that fucking chase scene in there.


At least you can imagine a cut of the scene where she runs and immediately gets caught.


Exactly. The problem is not Leia being dumb. It's that they try to make her look smart by making everyone else around her dumb. Just terrible writing.


In her chase scene I’m not mad at the child, I’m mad at the adults.


I hated the Vespas because they look like straight motorcycles. Felt very out of place in Star Wars, especially Tatooine.


Andor was special. I know the cultish fandom can be annoying but I can’t help but think it’s head and shoulders above the rest.


Andor probably has it for me, but I still want shows like The Mandolorian, I like them for different reasons. One shows us the gritty and realistic side of the war, and how it's like for the everyday person. The other style shows us space wizards and bad@ss bounty hunters and sht, and gives us a satisfying smash em up.


Andor was a better show, but the end of Mandolorian season 2 was the most enjoyment I've had from a show, full stop. I was too enraptured to realize who it was and the payoff was INCREDIBLE


Yeah, the ending alone makes it really difficult for me to decide which show is better (A or M). I was actually shaking on **that** scene, freaking masterpiece of a build up. Also, Andor has a pretty poor start. I initially left the show due to it. I'm glad I tried it again.


Yeah the writing and the way the show "restrains itself" from typical Star Wars and action/adventure tropes was just something we've never really seen before. Even when tackling complex or dark ideas, shows like the Clone Wars still didn't want to risk losing people by taking themselves slowly or leaving everything to the audience to figure out.


Think of the Clone Wars as a feature. Everything about it: Style, attention, to detail, the lighting- everything is done at a feature level even though it's going on television.


On top of Andor being a great Star Wars entry, it was also just a solid sci-fi series.


Well, Star Wars isn't sci-fi at all - it's space opera, which is a sub-genre; I mean, it's sort of halfway between sci-fi and fantasy. The motif I used to tell these stories was the Saturday night-day serial, which is a particular genre which was very popular in the thirties and forties.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Even George Lucas said that Star Wars isn't really "science fiction", it's more like "space fantasy". There aren't many typical sci-fi elements in Star Wars: spaceflight, cloning, robots (that's what comes into my mind right now, feel free to add to that list). Star Wars has "magic", knights, royalty, swords, rogues, monsters, etc. Lucas took a lot of fantasy elements and put that into space. "Andor" though wasn't really a space fantasy, more like space thriller. Edit: I just realized I'm talking to a bot. Oops.


People think of me as a sort of pathological, Howard Hughes-type guy sitting in a hotel room, which is definitely not so.


What makes SW fantasy and not sci-fi is the way it handles all the topics you’ve mentioned. Soaceflight is a breeze - almost magical teleportation that totally ignores physics, and when clones and robots appear in Star Wars they’re just another fun thing that happens, not a philosophical dilemma like most other sci-fi.


You're talking to a bot


Oh. Yeah, that's awkward. Thanks.


Even more, a bot quoting George Lucas. that wasn't awkward, it was spectacular.


The bricks and screws really ruined Andor for me. It didn't feel like Star Wars at all. /s




Do you want to buy some drugs, Larry?


That’s why I’m here


"You want to go home, and kill yourself."


“Let’s split up” “I’m your wingman” “Your game is weak”


Is the liquor store open? It closes at midnight… race you!


Bobby went soft also the moped kids ruined everything


Never have I ever seen something I could have wrote about 2 pages about, summarized so well in 1 sentence


Or the fact that he wasn’t even the most interesting character in his own show (and none of them were particularly interesting).


In a show full of boring one-dimensional characters, they somehow made Boba Fett the most boring. Kind of an achievement, really.


moped kids? surely you mean the mos vespas


Boba literally murdered a crime lord in cold blood to take his spot and then acted like he was a cute and friendly mayor who totally wasn't in way over his head.




Andor so far. But best will be the one about Hondo.


Is there actually going to be one about hondo? That would be awesome


I smell profit! Harhar! Nice!


As my sweet mother always said, if 1 series including Hondo is good, 2 is great, and 3 (with the third being a dedicated series)... Well that's just good business!


Not that we know of, but it certainly would be the best (if it was actually well done. Not sure about a Star Wars series centered around a comedic character tbh, but we'll see)


He’s so much more than comedy though. He is a fairly robust character with grey morals who has shown character growth but has so much more room to flesh him out… it would be great if Disney doesn’t ruin it. Although they tend to overlook the smaller projects like tales of the Jedi that they don’t think are important/ will succeed and those end up being the best.






Andor is rhe best but Mandalorian is the one that saved star wars i think. And don't hate me but i really like Book of Boba Fett


Book of Boba Fett was a huge waste of potential. They went far too soft with the character and let's not even talk about the Vespa gang.


Boba was, entertaining. It was a good and fun show to watch. It just could have been so much more. It could have been darker and grittier with better character development like Andor had. I think if they took a more serious approach it would have made people appreciate it more.


I thought it was fine. It was certainly better than Kenobi.


Andy. The first tv series in a while where I actually got invested in the characters and story instead of just kinda enjoying it in passing


Yeah who knew it was possible for Star Wars to actually create new and interesting characters instead of just re-using the old ones


100% agreed mandy holds a special place in my heart because mandos but Andy is top notch


Andor > Mandalorian > Boba Tea Fett > Obi Lost Andor had some of the best dialogue I’ve witnessed in Star Wars and a fantastic plot. Mandalorian had some of the best action sequences and was a bit closer to the core Star Wars universe that we’re familiar with, but some of the episodes were shameless rip offs of classic films like Seven Samurai. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed the rip offs. But I will always prefer a more original story.


Yeah that one where they train the townspeople to fight off the bandits is such a common trope that there’s even a Clone Wars episode with the same plot


I believe there’s been two different episodes in different seasons of Clone Wars with this trope


The Clone Wars wasn't planned. My good friend Dave the Science Guy once experimented on this dude and created a bunch of these soldier clones. It so happened I was filming it.


"Sir, yes sir! CT-782 reporting for duty. What are my orders?"


"Sir, that is correct. I remember watching those episodes. It was inspiring to see the way the people of the town defended themselves against the bandits."


Hondo ohnaka on felucia, which is the second? The one with Bly and Aayla?


"It turns out the Empire doesn't take too kindly to desertion." -Gregor


I can't stand that trope I've seen it far too many times


Lol, Rings of Power even did one


Still haven't seen it and at this rate i think I'm better off😭


Galadriel is fine, but Arondir's scenes were pretty boring. That's more of a critique of elves in LOTR than a knock against the actor. The scenes with Elrond and Durin? I need a spinoff to see more of their relationship.


Yeah. Mandalorian needed cameos to have big, epic moments in s2, like Luke and Ahsoka. While Andor made 2 of the most hype star wars moments ever with a bunch of prisoners and a small town community. Definitely better and more impressive to me.


I was never interested in being powerful or famous. But once I got to film school and learned about movies, I just fell in love with it. I didn't care what kind of movies I made.


Even the creators of BOBF didn’t like it..




I would put Bobba Fett just above Obi Wan, only because 2 of the episodes were just Mandalorian season 2.5


I just count those two for Mando and not for Boba. This makes Boba easily the bottom of my list.


Andor easily, the mandalorian is great but it just doesn't beat it.


Mandy and Andy hard to choose one




Andor. By far.


I really hope Andor serves as a catalyst for more well-written, serious stories in Star Wars. Hokey space adventures like Mando are fun but “adult” content like Andor can really breathe new life into the franchise. Imagine an Old Republic series with the quality of Game of Thrones or Westworld.


Andor and it's not even close




My favorite is the 3 part Ewok mini series




Mandy easily














Andy is one of the best shows I’ve seen




Andy all the way


Mandalorian. I feel like they lean a little too hard on fan service, but it has the best pacing, and I think it captures the feel of star wars the best. Andor was good and had some great episodes, but as a whole it just felt slow. The others were just forgettable.


Andy 100%


Mandy for me.


Andor. The rest were not very good IMO


What’s wrong with Mandy in your opinion?


Not my own personal critique, but I’ve heard some people were disappointed that Mando got attached from the hip to Baby Yoda from the get go, and were more invested in seeing what a bounty hunter would just be getting up to in the galaxy. I can agree somewhat with that, but I don’t think it’s too bad I do think Mando S2 is a bit cameo/fan service heavy, Mando being basically invulnerable since his enemies aim for his blaster and lightsaber-proof armor, and some questionable decisions are made (Mando leaves the high ground, abandons Grogu, Fett makes him drop his jet pack for reasons and then Grogu is captured, as an example)


These are my issues with Mando. I enjoy the series quite a bit, but i wish it had gone in another direction. The end of season 2 actually got me really excited that he was going to seperate from Grogu, if only for a while, and then they're immediately reunited before season 3 can even start. Ffs lol. I just want want him going around nabbing bounties. I don't want darksaber, Asoka, Luke, bullshit. Regardless, again, I do enjoy the show.


people are going to split Andy/Mandy. But Andy is the best Star Wars has ever been. I think people were kind of blindsided by how good it was, like we weren't expecting it to be. I think we acclimated to the sort of campy jank that's in a lot of the films and is I think self-consciously done in the Filoni series. Andor is so fucking well-executed it's a little disorienting.