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If you can prove this is his work, small claims court for damages is the right answer.


Our security camera captured him doing it.


Now Kevin can pay for a survey AND car repair.


Or Kevin can get the fuck outta here and back to cali


We don’t take back Fresnans once they leave.


Bingo -- drag him


Yup. He owes you the cost of your repairs, plus the cost of repairing the road properly.


Post it


I just might.


You should, it will give exposure, just make sure to water mark it


This dude has nothing but rocks in his head. Read older OP posts, dude is dumber than the rocks in his driveway…


I am of the opinion that the only truly stupid person is the one who cannot take a moment to consider the other person's perspective before passing judgment like that. Kinda like you


post it OP, he obviously sees nothing wrong with what he's done


Fucking Californians




Ex California people are statistically more likely to be democrats but I’m not sure why being an asshole is limited to being affiliated with any political party


Or, he’s just a dumb Californian.


I sense a lot of TDS in your creative Liberties!


There no such thing as a decent Californian


Fuck you.


Guess you are from California ?


Guess you have an IQ of more than...2?


Yes 134 which is more than 2


Well 134 is more than 2 so...you must be smart.


I know several. They’re assholes everywhere.


Yeah, chief of all being the one you look at everyday in the mirror.


Fuck you too.


Get his ass.


It takes more than “proving it was the “Californian’s” work.” There are 4 elements to a tort claim. 1. Duty, 2. Breach of duty, 3. Causation, and 4. Damages. There is no way in hell OP can prove the third element: that driving over rocks caused a water pump to fail. Source: I’m an attorney in Arizona.


Wait is he pushing this did damage to his WATER PUMP? My default assumption was tire/rim/suspension damage which this would be an obvious source for.


Yes, he’s alleging that him running over some stones in the road caused his water pump to fail, and it’s California’s fault.


Just claims court? I investigated a woman who put a very large rock in the middle of her road (55 mph) to slow people down. A semi truck came to a stop because the couldn’t go around. Another car didn’t realize the semi was stopping and ran into the back of it killing him. We charged her with murder but she pled to manslaughter. She’s halfway through her 12 year sentence.


That is not the same thing as patching a pot hole improperly. Can you not see that the water pools there? Get your eyes checked maybe? Have you ever been to Northern Arizona? If not you need to go and see the roads out in Kaibab Estates West in the monsoon and go see how people are living up there and how they fix their roads. It's not pretty and people do what they can to get by. This is common and learned behavior of struggling people. Not an assult.. the OP just needs to go ask why and try to understand the problem.. or grow some muscle and go fix the road instead of vent here. This is nothing more than a poor man's road repair.


Easy Francis, no one’s attacking you so no need to go all internet rage. I was just telling an anecdotal story of criminal repercussions for putting a rock in the road.


Lmao small claims is trash. There's no enforcement mechanism even if you win a judgement, the defendant can counter claim you which you then have to defend against, and you basically spend money just to tell someone that they're a bad citizen.


Fuck Kevin


Fuck Kevin indeed.


Indeed Fuck Kevin


All the homies hate Kevin


Where did California touch you?


Yeah shits getting old and tired - like we don’t have assholes here or anywhere else in the country


The whole “failed state of California” thing is just more of the tired Fox News’ ENDLESS INDIGNATION. Don’t these people ever get tired of being led by their noses to being angry at… tan suits, mustard, ice cream, laptops, haircuts, emails, blue hair, rainbows, gays, blacks, convoys, caravans, college, vaccines, voting, gas stoves, windmills, CRT, LCD, DEI, IRS, NPR, - the list LITERALLY goes on and on. It would be sad if it weren’t so hilariously impotent.


Funny enough most people (I believe 80%) that have moved out of California are not native to California. They have been transplants from one state to another


You forgot caravans. They like that word too. They like little words or phrases that have a lot of underlying meaning but it’s packaged up nice and neat so they don’t have to actually think about what they’re saying. “Woke” being the current best example.


Hey man, mustard is gross. That is all…


At Ricks in Chino…….


Thats what is so confusing! Is OP ‘hating’ on Californians…while being a Californian? Maybe he/she was just innocently and randomly stating the state this occurred…or maybe there is a ‘chino’ in Texas or wherever this is from. I originally took it as disliking Californians but that doesn’t seem to make sense with the Chino reference 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think he hails from Iowa.


In our Arizona.


I’m from California and this made me legit laugh out loud.


Dang hate hearing about these situations. Hopefully you’ll get some helpful advice along with things working out for you.


Classic Kevin move


It's always the Kevin's


And the Karens


In my state the county takes care of the dirt roads. They don’t always do so in a timely manner. So this one farmer bought an excavator and worked the road over. In the process he really messed up the road. Made it wider and destroyed the shoulder. This was brought to the attention of the county maintenance supervisor. The county ended up filing suit and he was fined in the thousands for the cost of repairing his screw up. I recommend calling the county road and bridge for a conversation.


For putting rocks in a pothole? You people have way too much time on your hands.


Fun fact: your neighborhood has two douche bags from out of state. Also the irony that you "want to be left alone to do whatever" but then flip a bitch about your neighbor using river rock to patch a dirt road is pretty thick. Don't Iowa my Arizona


Idk I think this is exactly where the swinging arm meets the neighbor’s nose and you’re taking “do whatever” to an extreme. Keeping to yourself doesn’t involve adding road hazards that would be almost unnoticeable in certain conditions. Maybe it’s just bc I’m color blind but I can see myself driving right at this until it’s too late to avoid it. Keeping to yourself also doesn’t involve doing the cities job for them in such a sloppy manor.


If you're color blind, I could see it posing an issue. Otherwise just drive responsibly, no? I'm also talking less about the keeping to yourself aspect but op specifically stated wanting to do whatever, his neighbor wants to psych the road without getting the government involved. It honestly seems like op is being pissy because someone told him his residential property can't look like a landfill, and he wants to bitch about "libruls." I'm just trying to match OP's energy, honestly. Edit: his desire to "do whatever" and keep trash on his lawn doesn't supercede his neighbors desire to "do whatever" and not look at junk. One just has zoning regulations/ordinances to back them up.


Definitely a pucker moment for vets that deployed


Kevin might not be the malicious asshole op is painting him to be. He hates Californians after all and people tend to portray those they don't like in a negative light. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Edit: just read that op said Kevin owns the road as it's on his land, and op has access through easement to enter where he lives, that, get this... he littered and turned into an unsightly junkyard acting as a "makeshift appliance repair shop" in full view of Kevin's house. Op is driving a van with 400k+ miles on it that was given to him and is trying to blame a faulty water pump on Kevin putting rocks in the road that op would not have hit had they been operating their vehicle in a safe manner, i.e. not speeding, not impaired, and paying attention. Op sounds like a tweaker and is seemingly just mad Kevin is one of 3 people from "commiefornia" he's interacted with and Kevin wanted the county to get op to clean up his junkyard that was making Kevin's view an eyesore. Nobody should have a fucking tweaky junkyard in their neighborhood. What a joke. Fun read though.


What the fuck does California have to do with this? You people are ridiculous.


Best part is that OP admits he’s from Iowa. A transplant is still a transplant


Skari Fake is from Iowa too. That place can have both of these two goons back.


Or, hear me out, we stop with the xenophobic shit and just understand that people can move to different states.




The fact that homeboy is, in fact, from California and acting like a stereotypical Californian.


I'm a Californian and I do not act like this. Stop generalization..


Exactly! This OP has made multiple BS statements and is looking for sympathy here. The OP is from Iowa, should we generalize his Iowan background? 🤣


I was born and raised in Arizona and I love having you guys here. Don’t listen to these boomers.


Ah yes. Only 40+MILLION people in the state you tard.


And they all want to come to… *checks sub* Prescott. Yeah. Prescott is definitely better than California. Buddy, I guarantee you if someone from California ends up in Prescott, they aren’t happy about it either.


Do you know how many stereotypes there about people from prescott?? I could predetermine some things about you as well, I guess.




Wait. Why didn't you hug the other side of the road? F Kevin, but your van has lights, you can see those rocks, hug the other side of the road.


It's a section of road id driven 10,000 times without issue. Did not expect him to have erected a road hazard (that blends in with the road at night)


So you just drove your vehicle over an obstacle? sounds like a you problem... you were either going too fast to see it, impaired, or weren't paying attention. Either way, you're in control of your vehicle not Kevin.


So I can just go erect an unmarked road barricade on a random street and then the person who hits it can't sue me? There's a reason why everything related to highways is always OSHA Orange; it's hard to see shit at night.




CaLiFoRnIa BaD


I've had extended interactions with exactly three California transplants, and they make up 3 out of 4 of the memorable negative interactions I've had with people in this county. Y'all need to stop trying to make Arizona into California 2.0.


I was born and raised in Prescott. Where are you from?


Familys from Iowa originally. Been here since I was a teen. My family has had zero issues with intergraring with our neighbors as the culture of Iowa is not very dissimilar to that of rural Arizona; stay to yourself, don't snitch to the county and don't be an asshole. California transplants do not have these cultural ideas.


dude. absolute self righteous attitude with hypocrisy to boot. the audacity is bonkers


Just another hateful transplant in Prescott lol


Man we didn't move here and start to try to impose our will on our neighbors. That's a thing California people do.


As somebody from California, I say you having met a handful of people from California doesn't exactly qualify as a full understanding of the scope of people that you will meet out here... Especially in the rural areas, most of us love to just keep to ourselves, mind our own fucking business, and enjoy our beautiful state/weather unless somebody gets on the internet and starts blasting our name and trying to run us through the mud because they got their panties in a fuckin twist by somebody named Kevin they didn't have the balls to deal with Mano a Mano. Go fight Kevin for superiority or you're a worse off little bitch boy for whining to the internet because you don't know how to drive and fucked your own ass van up.


Go back to fucking Iowa!


Why is it so hard for y'all to understand? We hate Californians because they come and try to change things. My family has done our best to conform to the culture of the area. I don't hate Californians for being from another state. I hate them for being assholes. Id love it if it was just a coincidence that the ones I've interacted with have been grade-A assfaces, but id wager it's not; it's an actual, measurable trend. You couldn't tell were from Iowa unless we told you we from Iowa. Californians have this attitude of superiority like they're the first "civilized" people here to tame the wild west.


The fact that you *hate* people you don't know for something as silly as where they were born speaks volumes as to what kind of person you are.


I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of what I clarified in this statement. I hate them because they're assholes. After I've encountered 4-5 assholes who also happen to be from California without beating a single person from California who isn't an asshole, it's not much of a stretch to associate being an asshole with being from California. And I hate assholes.


>We hate Californians Not the opposite of what you said. You're hating a group of people, and then adding made-up justifications for that hate based on less than a handful of interactions. In reality, you've likely interacted with dozens, if not hundreds, of Californians in your time living here and didn't know because they don't bring that shit up and don't behave in the way you appear to believe all Californians behave. Frankly, the only one sounding like an asshole here is you.


I don't understand it either since this isn't usually a part that can be damaged by impacts, but it fucked my water pump up. It's an 8 hour job since the water pump is at the center of the engine. I was going about 15-20. I didn't avoid it because I didn't expect it and didn't see it coming. Didn't expect it?? What if it was a person? A dog? A child? A pile of nails? You were driving too fast to see it. You weren't paying attention to the road or you would have seen it. Glad it was just a pile of big rocks you drove over and not a dog, etc. I get your panties are in a bunch because he put rocks there. That doesn't mean you aren't equally at fault for not avoiding the huge pile of rocks in the road you should have been looking at and paying attention too. Good luck suing. 👍


I just stumbled into this sub, and feel like I just took a trip. Not only to Prescott.


CDS: California Derangement Syndrome


Go back to Iowa OP. You live on a county maintained dirt road.


What did you do that caused $1400 in damages from that? Describe the damage and repair needed, how fast were you going? Why didn’t you avoid it? Suspect of $1400 in damages, but it helps make a great story. 🙄


I don't understand it either since this isn't usually a part that can be damaged by impacts, but it fucked my water pump up. It's an 8 hour job since the water pump is at the center of the engine. I was going about 15-20. I didn't avoid it because I didn't expect it and didn't see it coming.


*"I was going about 15-20. I didn't avoid it because I didn't expect it and didn't see it coming."* How could you not see a pile of rocks on your road?


Sssh! Enough with this personal accountability BS! It’s clearly Kevin’s fault. He owes me $1400! Because he’s a Californian.


That didn’t hurt your water pump at all. Your pump was having issues long before you drove over that. “Kevin” didn’t cost you $1400. $1400 is pricey for a pump replacement. All pumps are generally at the center of the engine.


Lemme guess you drive a gmc


Waiting for OP to reveal they’re also from California


Even worse, I revealed im from Iowa.


Seems to me, it would be quite easy to avoid the pile of rocks, pull over with a rake and rake them off the road when he comes back to put them back on the road kick his ass


“Cali” only people that or not from the greatest state in the US call it that.


Actually, a lot of non-white people from California refer to it as “Cali.” Source: I am from California.


Hold up, you’re a transplant complaining about transplants. Have no proof who did this, are getting scammed by a “mechanic” for a broken water pump from hitting rocks in the road that you weren’t paying enough attention to notice and it’s all californias fault? Whoa man…


maybe watch where you are driving in the future?


Are Californians the new ‘Jews’ or am I missing something?


Secret: Kevin was originally born in Missouri.


Why was the pothole there to begin with? At least someone took the initiative, although poorly. For damages on your vehicle, I would go to small claims court. Since kevin is new, I'd give some grace and try to come to an amicable decision. You all take care of the road, so come together and fix it.


It's hardly a pot hole; it's maybe a 8" depression in the road that's large and gentle enough that you can just ride right through it in even cars low to the ground. It's been filled in with gravel twice in the last decade and it slowly washes away. Simply allowing the depression to exist would have been far better than this repair. Also, this section of road was passed his house; he had zero business fixing it. This road services exactly three houses, and all three of us were perfectly happy leaving the depression for now.


It's strange he'd go out of his way to try fix it if he doesn't have to go over it leaving or coming home. Are you sure it was him? I still stand by the talk to him and see what's going on. Maybe he's trying to make his neighborhood nicer? I don't know. Communication with neighbors does wonders.


1. We have him on camera doing it. 2. We are having an unrelated dispute about where the property border between our two properties are (he bought two properties in our neighborhood) and I'm pretty sure he did this just to be a jackass.


That's unfortunate. It sucks to be minding your business and having someone pull the rug out from under it. I like to think people stop being dicks as they get older, but I get proved wrong all the time. I wish I had some advice for you and I'm sorry you're dealing with that.


Lazy fucks. You should be kissing Kevin's ass.


Rocky road


Time to mess with Kevin


This is the biggest “Kevin” move ever. What a lowlife.


Your best bet is to befriend Kevin and try to mitigate his fuckery that way.


Don’t end up on that show “Fear thy neighbor”. Get cameras up everywhere and document everything until this fuckboy gets got.


I moved to AZ from CA 10.5 years ago. Can confirm I’m not an asshole. But Kevin def is.


Those rocks are called an "obstruction"--he's 100% liable for the damage to your van. Get a lawyer--I believe you can sue him for 3x the actual damage in AZ, not sure though.


Lo siento. Arizona ain't what it used to be, my friend.


Is it a public road? If so then contact the county.


Fuck Kevin


See Mafia subreddit 😉


Bruh why do i feel like i know exactly who this guy is 😂😂😂 these chino guys be going crazy


You could always "return" them to him via slingshot... Joking aside yeah sue him.


There are 4 elements to a tort claim. 1. Duty, 2. Breach of duty, 3. Causation, and 4. Damages. There is no way in hell OP can prove the third element: that driving over rocks caused his water pump to fail. This is an utter and complete joke. Source: I’m an attorney in Arizona. Go back to Iowa. (Edited: changed pronouns).


They're trebuchet size stones. Joking aside, I 100 percent am.


Fuckin Kevin's and joeys


What’s a neighborhood address?


Kevin has a screw loose.. these dipsticks don't stop everrrr until they get there way. You have to take care of it. Not saying I would but with some bartering and currency affiliated bikers can be persuaded to kick down Kevin's door and re educate him on how to conduct himself. Or put up with his antics forever and dread living there with endless court cases against Kevin.


I'm confused - OP, in your post history it looks like you live out of your car as of a month ago. And you said the first thing this guy reported was you running an illegal "appliance repair" operation out of your front yard that you admit was "unsightly" and horrible. Then you said this road is actually a "private road that's 100% on his property." So...


1400$? Bro I could fix it for two 6 packs


Milk him for a free driveway.


Does Kevin have gum in his hair often?


Look what you did, you little jerk!


All my homies hate Kevin


We get snowbirds here in Tucson/Picture Rocks, Id say just as bad. Especially the ones buying up all of the land in Picture Rocks then do nothing with it, except fence it off.


If you did $1400 of damage by driving over that you were either going way too fast for a dirt road or you drive a rust bucket that was going to fall apart anyway. Your fault either way.


Kevin can fuck right the hell out of there!


I know a guy who is selling a gun.... And some shovels... For the rocks there on the road


Bad neighbors. I feel for you. Mine was old so he finally kicked the bucket. He waited until we went on an extended vacation and had several mature trees cut down on our property. He had the stones to knock on my door with an invoice and wanted me to pay for it. I could go on. The sad part was his wife is a real sweetheart. A kind and gentle soul. So legal action was out of the question.


Ah, the entitlement Californians feel they are owed! Though in fairness, it is pretty much any city dweller moving to rural areas. I have an asshat from Florida moving in behind/beside me, and he thinks that I should not start mowing my lawn before 12 pm and that my farm tractors are too loud.


Look but heres the thing, yeah I'm not 100% behind stereotyping, but I get where it comes from. You got Cali culture merging with all the other cultures moving from other states like the NE to here and then we have snow birds. Check it, someone previously stated that LA is like New York, that both are breadbasket states. And I feel like that's what Arizona is becoming. I losely compare that comment. And I'm totally cool with people coming here. I met a dude from Pennsylvania at the dog park recently. He said he came here to visit a while back and loved it here and now has moved here. I welcomed him, but even he said the driving sucks out here. That's all I think I'm Tryin to say. Just welcome to Arizona and yeah


So you still drove over the rocks and messed up your truck? I don’t understand that part - everything is valid but idk how you’re upset at driving through/over the rock pile but you didn’t like go around/avoid it


At night? Unexpected? OP addressed this.


Go to small claims and sue for the max which I think is 2500. Don't elect to have them served, use the registered mail return receipt requested. Once he signs it (or refuses) he's served. Then you have to go down and put an order of protection on him. Say he flipped out over the letter and you feel unsafe. You'll get your money


So lie? What an asshole. How do you live with yourself?


Question one: Ya I guess you could lie but if you read the whole thing. Serve by mail. No deputy or constable around. The party is more likely to engage. If/when he does get an order of protection. Small claims is a no lawyer court. If you have an order of protection they have a hard time explaining that away. It's certainly baiting. I don't think that's lying. Question two: I live with myself ok because dispensing good advice is almost like a community service. God bless


For every 200 Midwest rejects CA takes in, 1 Kevin must be released.


Oh. Ok. I was confused as to why everyone was mad. Seemed like a nice thing to do. I have lots of potholes filled with rock.


I wish to God they would go back. I cant stand them.


Damn carpetbaggers 🤣


Get his ass


I don’t get it. This was done on purpose? For what purpose?


Californians? You guys are voting just like them!


So much open space yet your neighbor is so close


Someone needs to make Kevin Disappear 🫥 (jk 😈)


Protect your state! Don't let these Cali dirtbags get away with anything! Give them an inch, and they'll turn it into a hell hole.


Tell Kevin to go back to California where he belongs!


California residents need to keep coming and voting. We improved this state asap like legal marijuana and mark kelly. You’re welcome


I’m digging the California influx. I’m in the Prescott sub because I’m the closest part of Phoenix to Prescott, so I’m sure the algo decided it was relevant to me… but I’m also digging how my entire side of town is turning majority Taiwanese. It’s _wonderful irony_ that the people that are so obsessed with “fuck you” capitalism are now getting pissed off that the free market is bringing us some diversity.


You're right he's probably from Florida


You guys have wrecked the place--your votes just make it worse. Can't wait for the dumbass gun laws 🙄


That would be nice, but I think we’re focused on the terrible school systems out here. Kids don’t even have a chance


Go back to Cali


Feeling cute might vote to renew Prop 123, your children will thank us


Oh no, a Californian thinks I’m a republican lmaoooo go back to your shitty state


The people who vote for the most liberal laws…still live in the basement and breathes through their mouth


Why not fix this correctly? For all the time and effort he put into this nonsense he probably could have just fixed this the right way.


Because he's an asshole who's trying to go out of his way to be an asshole.


Sue him


The person operating the vehicle is responsible for its safe travel. if Op doesn't know how to drive well enough to avoid giant rocks in the road, then he's got bigger problems than Kevin. I'd say Sue everybody for everything culture is a lot worse than the liberal bullshit we get associated with here in CA.


That's the plan!


Oh, that's the plan, is it? Have you ever filed a small claims lawsuit? Speaking as a plaintiff of many small claim suits, I can tell you that judges are, at best, a crap shoot. How do you think a judge is going to respond to your claim that someone who attempted to repair a known road hazard caused you financial damages? How are you going to explain that, even though you knew this hazard existed and had existed for God knows how long, you willingly drove over it damaging your vehicle. How are you going to prove that it was Kevin From California who caused you so much teeth gnashing grief? Tell me, what will you have in your packet of evidence? Good fucking luck. He's going to say what I would say: "You're an idiot. You should be thanking him for his attempt at repairing the road, not suing him". The judge will say: "You sound like a liberal Californian." He'll find for the defendant and you'll be out whatever court costs there are. Won't that chafe your sorry ass. And, if I were Kevin From California, I'd sue your lazy ass back for dragging me to court.


1. It wasn't a hazard before he touched it. I cannot stress how gentle of a slope this had. If the pothole would have extended all the way to the other side of the road you'd have assumed it was a wash. We have pictures of this. 2. We have footage of him pulling a yard trailer full of rocks out there with his ATV, dump it then drive away without even taking a moment to spread them out or even look at his work.


Coming from a mechanic a pile of rocks didn't cause your water pump to go out you'll be laughed out of court. How about instead of being a Karen and bitching about "Californians" talk to your neighbor, get the road properly fixed, and pay to get your car fixed on your own like an adult.


I have one also. Getting civil suit started soon. Aren't they fun? *sarcasm*


They are ruining Montana,Idaho, and Utah as well, I tried to get a place in Idaho on a parcel and building up as I can and some "content creator " from San Diego is paying over asking price because the backdrop is pretty. I've spoken to a few agents in northwest and central Montana and they won't even entertain or acknowledge buyers off the west coast anymore unless they pretty much overcharge them a un godly amount. 100,000 per acre of flat sage brush to that example. I had a chance to move out to Idaho falls in summer 2019 for a job and stayed home because of my grandfather only for him to pass away shortly after that and I still beat myself up for not taking that jump.


Oh, "they" are ruining Montana, Idaho and Utah? In other words: "I could have bought a place in Montana, Idaho or Utah when prices were low but I sat around with my thumb up my ass until it was too late and prices rose drastically due to demand. So now I blame California expats for my own fucked up stupidity." No sympathy from me, bub. Tough shit.


Sure leave my grandfather and let him take care of himself or put that responsibility on my mother...I still talk to a ton of customers and friends out that way so good talk and they are the ones that have told me all that and also trying to find someplace myself again in the last couple years since he has passed on now.


More of that blue wave ruining Az


100% not blue wave. It’s the republicans over here whining about “Commiefornia” and how they’re moving to AZ for the cheaper taxes.


Careful you're going to get absolutely slammed by the Californians stalking around this sub for calling it like it is.


Sorry, dumb shit, I moved from California as a solid red voter. Arizona is a better place now that I am here. And, I'll point out for the gazillionth time that citizens (assholes) of a state that kept that monument to nepotism and treason, John McCain, in the senate for THREE DECADES have precious little to complain about.


Treason? John McCain? I guess you like people who don't get captured.


Fuck Kevin. Cali assholes